How to stop Obama

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How to stop Obama

Post by Deep Knight »

Why, you might ask, do we want to stop Obama?
Simple, we need to stop him from stopping deliveries that don’t exist!

Let’s say you’re running a new-age scam which promises the moon and more: $Billions in “prosperity delivery packies,” first contact, ascension to 5D or a higher revision, and of course retribution for all those people who mock your idiocy. How to explain this never happening? The answer is simple, BLAME SOMEONE ELSE.

Some traditionalists like Bellringer blame the Jews. The advantage of this is a wealth of anti-Semitic writings on the web that can be cut ‘n pasted by lazy con artists. Why reinvent the wheel? Other popular groups are bad aliens (typically Reptilians), Illuminati and other secret societies, and government. The last of these leads directly to President Obama, not only is he a figurehead, the internet is chocked full of wacky conspiracy theories directed at him! A significant reduction of labor, especially since these folks are so busy envisioning things and such.

So without further ado (OK, so there’s a little ado, but not too much) here’s a thread to collect the wacky and wonderful slanders and insults heaped on our new president. Put on your tinfoil hat and question the validity of his birth certificate, his being a Marxist sissy-boy anti-white racist, and pile up out-of-context or simply-made-up quotes. Why does it sound like I’m celebrating this? Consider the sources!
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Re: How to stop Obama

Post by Deep Knight »

Patrick H. Bellringer

----- Original Message -----
From: E
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 2:50 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Foulwinds10

7/26 Just read caspers message for 7/25--PLEASE give us some idea of what we can do to stop obama and his crooks. I\'ve been in Buckley since '93 and pd. every mon., knew nothing of four winds or RMnews until early this Mo.I am stunned by what I've read--am a reg. Dem. BUT did not vote for him, I felt he was evil, and she worse!! Please don't print this--I'm 80 but far from dead!!!


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: July 28, 2009

Dear E:

Welcome to Fourwinds! Please forgive me. You have asked me not to print this, but I feel I must. People need to hear from their elders.

Sometimes the Truth is stranger than fiction. Obama is a puppet of the Illuminati and is unlikely to be willing to break loose from their programming. We will accomplish little by marching on Washington with pitch forks and broom handles, as we are fighting evil that is controlling our entire planet.

We are fighting a battle against the "powers of Darkness". Therefore, it is a Spiritual Battle that is won by prayer power, by the Light over-coming the Darkness, by positive energy neutralizing the negative energies. You ask, "What can we do to stop Obama and his crooks?" Send them Love and Light! Order through your God Spirit within their power neutralized!

We have some very courageous people in the midst of this battle, guided by Violinio Germain and Esu Immanuel Sananda and Creator God Aton, doing the physical "stuff" of 3D. Our task is to support them with our "prayer power".

Though it may seem so at times, all is not lost. We are winning against the Darkness. Without the Lightworkers and Divine intervention our planet and her people would have been trashed before year 2000. Global Family has the United States in financial "lock-down" to force the demise of the very evil Federal Reserve Banking System, which "Obama and his crooks" are fighting desperately to save. Won't happen!

They have lost, and by the end of this government fiscal year of September 30, the "Fed" will be history. They cannot stop the implementation of the new Global gold standard banking system at this time, though they have delayed it for years. As you know, money is power in our world, and when you have no money, you have no power to control.

Obama has lost his power, because his money has been cut off for not keeping his agreements with Global Family. The U.S. Government has been without funds since September 17, 2008. Since then they have operated on stolen money from wherever they could steal it. That is no credible way to run a country, and their time is up.

Obama's plans to vaccinate the people with poison, trash our economy, declare martial law and round up all so-called terrorist citizens, those who oppose him;, and either kill them or lock them up in concentration/containment camps shall not be allowed. That is a standing promise from Creator God Aton of Light. At the point of Satan destroying a planet and her people, Divine intervention happens, and the Light wins.

The signs of our time indicate that we have arrived at such a point of destruction, and of victory. This is far bigger than Obama and his henchmen and women. This is Global, and the changes will be Global, be it through our efforts to usher in a new day in our history or that of Mother Earth taking charge by initiating her dramatic self-cleansing through earth changes.

Regardless, my sister, we hold the Light until our mission is complete. Be in peace!

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
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Re: How to stop Obama

Post by Deep Knight »


From: CF
To: Bellringer
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 10:06 PM
Subject: respectful question

For Mr. Casper-

Without any challenge to the post of today (7/27/09) . From your perspective and the constant affirmation of barry's pledge to never allow deliveries, what rationale do you suggest to hope in deliveries since he can, has, and will block deliveries?



----- Original Message -----
From: Casper
To: Bellringer
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 5:17 PM
Subject: Fw: respectful question

That the "world" has the power to make it happen......
a). U.S. domestic money center banks refusing Basel III can't do business Internat'l...(puts them out of business after a while)
b). U.S. debt can be sold into open market crashing the dollar and the stock market....
c). the encouraging words of world contacts saying it will be forced
d). the power of the creditor over the debtor....
e). the overall readiness of all involved worldwide to drop the hammer as early as today.....
f). the hopelessness of the U.S. financial position without the funding.........they are trying to avoid hurting the people any more than necessary........ casper
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Re: How to stop Obama

Post by Deep Knight »

Why doesn't President Obama just release a "long form" of his birth certificate? Besides issues of it's availability (he has released what the State of Hawaii provides but "birthers" say it wasn't good enough because it didn't have the doctor's name - no doubt because of the legal theory that if the doctor present when you're born has a "funny" name you aren't really a citizen), it's not the only document these folks demand seeing.
Bellringer quoting Joseph Farah wrote:Obama's birth certificate is not the only document at issue. WND has reported that among the documentation not yet available for Obama includes:

his kindergarten records
his Punahou school records
his Junior High School records
his High School records
his Occidental College records
his Columbia thesis
his Harvard Law School records
his Harvard Law Review articles
his scholarly articles from the University of Chicago
his marriage records
his passport
his medical records
his driving records
his Selective Service records
his files from his years as an Illinois state senator
his Illinois State Bar Association records
his client list from his law office
any baptism records
and his adoption records
Imagine Bellringer's anti-government outrage if he were required to provide even one of these documents for any reason! Government intrussion at its worst!

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Re: How to stop Obama / a new calendar?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I have the perfect fundraising idea for Casper. He should design one of those page-a-day calendars, and call it something like "365 Reasons Why The Deliveries Will Not Happen Today, And NESARA Will Not Be Announced". If he hasn't come up with 365 excuses already, his fertile but delusional brain can supply the deficit in short order.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: How to stop Obama

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:Why doesn't President Obama just release a "long form" of his birth certificate? Besides issues of it's availability (he has released what the State of Hawaii provides but "birthers" say it wasn't good enough because it didn't have the doctor's name - no doubt because of the legal theory that if the doctor present when you're born has a "funny" name you aren't really a citizen), it's not the only document these folks demand seeing.
Let's face it -- even if twelve bishops were to come forward and swear that they had been present at Obama's Honolulu birth, the birfers would come up with some excuse for disregarding their testimony.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: How to stop Obama

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

Deep Knight wrote:
Bellringer quoting Joseph Farah wrote:Obama's birth certificate is not the only document at issue. WND has reported that among the documentation not yet available for Obama includes:

his kindergarten records
his Punahou school records
his Junior High School records
his High School records
his Occidental College records
his Columbia thesis
his Harvard Law School records
his Harvard Law Review articles
his scholarly articles from the University of Chicago
his marriage records
his passport
his medical records
his driving records
his Selective Service records
his files from his years as an Illinois state senator
his Illinois State Bar Association records
his client list from his law office
any baptism records
and his adoption records
Imagine Bellringer's anti-government outrage if he were required to provide even one of these documents for any reason! Government intrussion at its worst!
I guess Bellringer doesn't agree that what's good for the goose is also good for the gander.

What I find especially humorous about "the list" is that several of the items on the list are easily available by any person, e.g. his Columbia thesis, his marriage license, Harvard Review articles, and his publications (if any) from the University of Chicago.

A question for the attorneys here: would releasing his law firm client list violate attorney/client privilege?

Re: How to stop Obama

Post by Brandybuck »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Let's face it -- even if twelve bishops were to come forward and swear that they had been present at Obama's Honolulu birth, the birfers would come up with some excuse for disregarding their testimony.
The Lord God Almighty could come down to Earth and verify that Obama was born in Hawai'i, and the birfers would only exclaim, "Wow, I didn't know the conspiracy went that high!"
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Re: How to stop Obama

Post by texino »

There is a woman who works for the canal services here in Panama and her name is Constanza Obama-Ruiz. She says she is the sister of the President of E.U. (Span. for US) We all call her Señorita Obama-Ruiz just in case this is true. You must take care how you use the Obama name in Spanish. For instance we have a fighter name is Luis "Bam-Bam" Obama "The Brown Snake" His name say a lot about him, but he don't know who the President de Estados Unidos is. Personally I think Connie Obama-R is full of beans but no one want to make a chance of USA sending their army over here again to shoot up the place and play rock music all hours. I'm staying out of this employment.
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Re: How to stop Obama

Post by Deep Knight »

Here's a more moderate and balanced article posted by Bellringer from "Pr"


----- Original Message -----
From: Pr
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 9:15 PM
Subject: [WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED] Obama the Muslim Communist

Barack Hussein Obama was born of active communist parents and exposed to many other communist since age 13; mentored by a communist writer and activist; spent his college days hanging around radical communist activists; worked as a radical community organizer, learning the radical tactics of the communist, Alinsky; close friend of another communist party member and communist mentor, Cliff Kincaid; he attended many communist rallies and meetings all through college; a radical church for 20 years, where his close friend and mentor preached hating America, Whites and Jews; a close friend to the Nation of Islam, another hate group, who teaches hating Whites, America and Jews; a close friend to a PLO terrorist; a close friend of an American terrorist; a close friend to a Chicago mob boss (as history has proven, one doesn't become a Chicago and/or State of Ill. politician without the mobs endorsement and money, which Obama has; close ties to ACORN, who got Obama dead peoples votes and other illegal votes.
By the way, since Mr. Obama lied his way into the White House, he's given ACORN $5.2 billion of taxpayers money, even though their under criminal investigations around the U.S.; he has down graded the U.S. to our enemies and he bowed (or kissed the King of Saudi Arabia's butt, couldn't tell from the picture I saw in a liberal newspaper); Obama has appointed a close friend and communist party member to a high government position since taking office (illegally); etc.
Not to mention he insulted one of our few true allies, the British, by telling the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to take a bust of Winston Churchill back to the U.K. with him, that had been a gift to the U.S. and was in the White House! Ofcourse, if it had been a bust of Joseph Stalin, Obama would have put it in a place of honour in the White House.
For more scary facts about this illegal President and his close communist friends writings and ramblings, FBI files, and much more, see the websites, 1. The Obama File and 2. Accuracy in the Media. Also, 3. See the book, "The Two Faces of Barack Obama", full of facts and sources.
Also, it appears Mr. Obama, who is a "Want-A-Be" African-America, for political purposes, oops, he's part African and part Arabic and one half White, so he's one half White and "a mix" Kenyan and Arabic, therefore he's not even one half black and appears that he's not even an American.
But, in the past few days, he's used the term "persons of colour", to help with his campaign for communist health care and in his hidden 1000+ page health care package, he seems to want to get a quota of "persons of colour" doctors, even if they can't pass a simple college science course and "persons of color" going ahead of the health care line, you know, much like the illegal Islamic Muslims going ahead of the lines and faster surgery, etc. ahead of British and Canadian taxpaying citizens.
Also, isn't it very strange that in the past couple of weeks a Marxist politician jumped down a U.S. Army General's throat for not calling her Senator, yet when she's questioning the big boss of the Black Chamber of Commerce and he didn't call her Senator, ohhhhhhhhh, he was a person of colour.....(Wait just a bloody minute, Black Chamber of Commerce???????, Where's the "White Chamber of Commerce" and they say Whites are racist!!!! Oh yes, they also have a Black Carcuss, Black/African-American police, firefighters, mayors, lawyers, Miss Black America, Negro College Fund, black colleges, black hate churches (like the one Obama attended for 20 years) and black hate groups like the Nation of Islam, NAACP, etc. But, the Marxist politicians puppet federal judges says it's racist for Whites to have all White police, mayors, firefighters, etc., etc., etc. organizations, etc. There's something bad wrong with this picture!!!!!!! Where is our rights, where's the so called non communist members of Congress and the Senate checking on these law breaking federal judges?? Why aren't these federal judges being impeached! Their being allowed to violate the U.S. Constitution every day, why???? And yes Virginia, federal judges can be impeached!!!!!
Also, in six months this man has done nothing but demand things be done his way, firing a CEO of a private company, wanting to force health care that is a proven joke, wanting bills passed before members of the Senate and Congress can even read them, got the U.S. in debt with pork packages, giving a law breaking organization, ACORN, $5.2 million dollars, doesn't have the trust of the military, banned calling cold blooded killers what they are, "TERRORIST", yet his Marxist puppet Sec. of Homeland Security called our brave troops coming home from war and veterans right wing extremist terrorist!! Ofcourse, besides being a communist, he's also a Muslim,>>>> like Daddy and like Step Daddy Like Son (Muslim-Communist)!!
Also,why is the U.S. Supreme Court, members of the Congress and Senate afraid to demand that Mr. Obama show proof that he was born in the U.S., is it because they know the answer? After all, his grandmother, on video, said she was at his birth and it was in "Kenya", his U.S. college records shows that he applied for college aid as a "foreign student", the federal courts with their puppet judges have refused to hear over 40 lawsuits filed by taxpaying U.S. citizens, just requesting that Obama show proof of citizenship! He's spent close to a million dollars on attorney fees to keep out of court! Why? Even the non liberal media is afraid to touch this subject, why? Has the Dept. of Homeland Security now got a special Gestapo Branch? Worse of all, he has said he didn't have to show proof to anyone!! What has happened to 233 years of the President of the U.S. working for the people and must obey the Constitution of the U.S.???? Has the Constitution of the U.S. been voided.
Many Americans, myself included, cannot recognize a communist President and communist members of the Senate and Congress! Why? We fought in wars against communist, we lost family and friends in these wars, we lost limbs, sight, our health, etc. fighting communist, yet this man and his cult calls us right wing extremist terrorist and won't allow Islamic Muslim killers be called terrorist by government employee's, but called our new generation of brave military personnel right wing extremist terrorist. And some of the very people in government today sold us out to their Communist friends, Communist Vietnam, even though our military won every single campaign of the war, a first in U.S. history!! And this week they honoured another traitor of that period, Walter Cronkite, who along with Dan Rather, gave false news reports to fire up the war protect in the U.S., helping Communist North Vietnam win. Video of the period proves it, the biggest lies being during and after Tet 1968!
Please don't let the traitors in government and media stab the Iraqi and Afghanistan War veterans in the back and the thousands of brave Americans who were killed die in vain.

These traitors protect the Islamic Murdering Terrorist while calling American veterans and those American hero's returning from Iraq and Afghanistan War right wing extremist terrorist!

Has this scum protested when an American has been tortured, beheaded, etc. by a Islamic Muslim terrorist? NO!!!!

Even Obama's Hate Crime Bill is to protect his Islamic Muslim brothers, just call them a terrorist, you go to jail!!
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Re: How to stop Obama

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

If that's a moderate post, I'd hate to see the extreme ones.
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Re: How to stop Obama

Post by jimni »

After Richard Pryor set his face on fire while freebasing, and Michael Jackson's hair caught on fire while filming a Pepsi commercial, they co-founded a charity organization which Obamalama fe fi fofama pays homage to everytime he fires up a ciggy. That organization is the Ignited Negro College Fund. In the words of that great American Dan Quayle, "The mind is a terrible thing."
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Re: How to stop Obama

Post by fortinbras »

I was unawaure that Obama's mama was a commie; and not just a commie but an "active" commie. Any particular evidence of that???

Why is he worrying about stopping Obama? Any minute now the saucer people will arrive, they'll spread around all that NESARA money, and they'll cure all our problems.
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Re: How to stop Obama

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

fortinbras wrote:I was unaware that Obama's mama was a commie; and not just a commie but an "active" commie. Any particular evidence of that???

Why is he worrying about stopping Obama? Any minute now the saucer people will arrive, they'll spread around all that NESARA money, and they'll cure all our problems.
Think "binoculars". If you are on the extreme right wing of the political spectrum, you will need to view the rest of the spectrum with "political binoculars"; and since liberals and Communists will appear close together (as things do when you look through real binoculars), you'll be unable to understand the vast differences between the two. This simile also works for those on the extreme left wing, substituting conservatives and Fascists for liberals and Communists.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: How to stop Obama

Post by Deep Knight »

Just when you think you've scraped the bottom of the stupid barrel, Christopher Story pops up with something even lower. My favorite of the many recent "Birther" posts on Bellringer's site. Ventilated?


As ventilated in this 2nd August 2009 report, the end-July Grandfather of all Settlements payment deadlines was aborted like all its predecessors, against a background of (a) extremely suspicious upward manipulation of the stock market and (b) deplorable ongoing ‘real economy’ developments in the United States, Britain and the Rest of the World, coupled with the blocking of the Stimulus Money, consequent non-payment of funds due to the US States, and obscene bonus payments and profit-gouging by corrupt financial enterprises despite the sombre real economic background.

And now, all of a sudden, at this absolutely critical juncture, there surfaces evidence, from Nairobi, of the Kenyan birth certificate. Could this be a coincidence, we hear you not ask?


Our interim answer is: THIS IS NO COINCIDENCE. So what is going on behind the scenes? The phrase POWER STRUGGLE springs readily to mind here. Consider the murky actors in question:

• CIA criminalist operative, thief and controlled, compromised Secretary of State Mrs Hillary Rodomski Clinton (probably working ‘with’ Attorney Berg) representing (or at loggerheads with, depending) William Jefferson Rockefeller-Clinton, and who seeks by every means available to assure, manipulate or regain control of the stolen, misappropriated, misapplied, diverted funds, including the tax payable on the $4.5 trillion which feuding US factions eyed (as we reported way back), with a view to dividing them up among themselves and not allowing them to be paid into the US Treasury, with the connivance of all the relevant parties.

• Rahm Emanuel, the Mossad chieftain operating from inside the White House, no less, who’s looking after certain (but probably not all) Israeli monetary interests previously (and probably still) controlled by Paulson, with fellow Jew Rubin looking after the Clintons’ ‘interests’ either genuinely or on behalf of a separate IsraelI intelligence faction.

• Orly Taitz, a Russian Jew raised in the USSR who defected to Israel before surfacing in the United States to front this operation over the birth certificate: more evidence of Mossad in play here, but even more to the point, starkly circumstantial evidence of a Russian (Soviet) hand in this activity, almost certainly Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU, Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravleniye, 2nd Directorate), fronted by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

• British intelligence (MI5, MI6) operational input facilitating the carefully timed ‘bombshell’ release of the Obama birth certificate evidence in Kenya, timed to pull the rug from beneath Obama in light of his intransigence and lying over the Settlements payouts [see report below].

Even if the foregoing suggestions are not 100% bullseye, or are incomplete or even nowhere near accurate at this stage, what we can certainly state without fear of contradiction is that the Obama birth certificate issue is indeed a primary instrument that is now, finally, being pro-activated and leveraged to determine the outcome of the lethal international struggle over control of the stolen, diverted, exploited, and otherwise misappropriated Settlement payments by the Bush-Clinton (CIA-DVD) Crime Syndicate associated with the Chicago mafia, with criminal Chinese connections that have been ‘working with’ the Bush-DVD-CIA criminal elements but which are totally opposed by the official and Taiwanese Chinese parties in this unfettered, ruthless maelstrom of evil.
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