Today's first question is from New Up and Coming OWL candidate, Mountain of Fire. In the past we've seen that this genius is out of work, itinerant, has been offered a job but refuses to take it because they insist he fill out a W4, I9 and other forms. He doesn't want health insurance because he thinks Doctors are big scammers in the employ of drug companies and have no interest in keeping us healthy. In short, he's got the full on deluxe conspiracy delusion package. He's also racked up $20,000 in friv penalties so far! Today, he asks advice for going deeper into his own version of professional success, and we pick it up there....
You may have had an intelligent thought there, you may not have recognized it.On the 1040 we see the wages section. It directs us to attach the W-2's if we indeed have wages (wages=income). So all of the form states "NO INCOME" but then we want to send the W-2's as a safety factor thinking they will not process the 1040.
If we send conflciting information a W-2 when indeed we had NO "wages", and stated ZERO, we are creating a controversy and thus a chance at a big fat friv pen.
It seems to my young ctc mind this is a BIG mistake.
How's that working out for ya?Now the 4852 issue. The 4852 corrects errors I contend on the so called "employers" part, so I try to correct THEIR record, just to help them out (sarcastic) and bring me back my property, BUT they have not issued a W-2c and therefore we have another conflict, or controversy.
So the process (irs) sends a letter, they can't process (due to NO W-2's) this is our invite to engage in frivilous situational words and their arts (don't wanna do that), so they never get around to it. We want our property so we inquire, asking why, who, how, what, and where.
See the (irs) is confused if we send the W-2 and wonder if we have lost our minds (rightfully so). Why would we ask to have our wages returned to us IF indeed we claim ZERO, and have none on our own self assessment 1040?
I say they are confused easily enough, stop sending conflicting reports. If you do have wages be sure to send the W-2, if the comapny "employer" as they say incorrectly filed the wrong numbers and yours do not match YES correct that, but do not base your claim on their making a mistake and filing a W-3. Let the irs take that up with those guys, That is NOT your business at all. If they still don't send your property back notice them.
They're not confused, you're just retardedWhat's everyones experience about this? I mean it seems common sense. I think we get frivilous when using documents that create conflict, and are charged the friv pens. What else can they do until we unspin the web we have confused them with?
The irs is simply asking DID YOU have wages and or income, are you federally connected? When we right zero I think they know our answer, and it's our assessment, and it's true and correct to the best of our knowledge. We cannot contradict ourselves and not expect them not to be confused.
The "activity that makes us liable" is getting a paycheck, Sparky. Y'all need to wrap your brain around that.If they want to follow this into another realm we remain neutral, we aren't legal sidewinders (we may be) but we don't claim to be and spout laws, mostly ones which are not even positive. We just ask questions, and keep asking them to send us our property, no demands, no legal disputes, just ask them where the activity is that makes us liable, and agreeable to pay any liablity as long as they can support their claim.
The irs is not the holders of the property, nor is the social security admin. The US treasury unknowingly took hold of our money, and they just need to know, and then once they realize they need to send a draft on their account so we can redeem it. Am I oversimplifying? I suspect as much as I analyze everything, for once I may be on a simple less complex path here. I feel relaxed and I'm not pissed off right now, which makes me unable to see my options and opportunies at times. Hey I just want my property.
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Oversimplifying? nah....