
Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Post by Deep Knight »

I'm not sure what this picture is, but here it is in its original context.

Bellringer Bellringer is offline
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Re: Bellringer

Post by Deep Knight »

Michael Stone of the Portland Progressive Examiner posted this (it looks like a reporter's blog, but could just be some contributer's) ... cate-fraud
Orly Taitz: Obama birth certificate fraud
August 4, 7:02 PM Portland Progressive Examiner Michael Stone

Orly Taitz is guilty of fraud. The birth certificate provided by Taitz as proof that President Barack Obama was born in Kenya has proven to be a forgery. The fake certificate is actually based on a copy of a birth certificate issued for an Australian man, David Jeffrey Bomford.

Taitz denies any responsibility for the fraud. Taitz is claiming the birth certificate she presented as proof of Obama's Kenyan birth is actually part of a plot to discredit her work and the movement. Yet the fact remains that Taitz and the birthers quickly and uncritically accepted the bogus Kenyan birth certificate as authentic.

This is in sharp contrast to birthers unwillingness to believe anything that debunks their theory. Birthers appear ready to accept anything, no matter how far fetched, as long as it de-humanizes and de-legitimizes President Obama. The quest is not for truth, the quest is for a justification of hate.

All the while, Barack Obama has a birth certificate documenting his birth in Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961. In June 2008, the Obama campaign made public his birth certificate in an attempt to disprove another set of internet rumors. At that time the rumor was that Obama's middle name was really Muhammad, and that Obama was a secret Muslim, ought to destroy the nation.

The birthers are the product of that original fear, a fear magnified by the reality that Barack Obama is no longer a candidate, but President of the United States. A few, vocal Americans are simply unable to accept Barack Obama as President. This inability to accept reality results in delusion and fantasy.

Orly Taitz, Queen of the birthers, Czarina of the wingnuts, sails on, Captain to a ship of fools.
When I saw "delusion and fatasy" I immediately thought of Bellringer and the NESARA scammers. Imagine my surprise when one of the responses was:
Jason says:
From: JB
To: Patrick Bellringer

" I have a background in Constitutional Law research ... Everyone claiming to have proof that he was born in Kenya doesn't realize that it doesn't matter where he was born.
The original Constitution signed by our founding fathers is not the one the present administration is using. Everyone reading your site should know by now that a PRIVATE CORPORATION was formed in 1871 in Washington D.C. for the purpose of carrying out the business functions of the government...
Everyone must understand that in bankruptcy, which our country is in, the laws of Commerce (UCC - Admiralty) prevail and become the SUPREME law of the land.

FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
TO: J. B.

Thank you... You are quite correct in your thinking concerning our "Corporate" president.

Obama ran a fake election to fool the people, allowing the citizen debtors to vote, when in fact he was elected by the Corporation Board of Directors and stockholders...."
August 5, 11:47 AM
I'm thinking that this "Jason" is "J.B." and he's quoting Bellringer as an expert. Quick, put your hands on both sides of you head so it doesn't explode.

For the full text of the Bellringer post see ... 1249493928
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Re: Bellringer

Post by Deep Knight »

Another lucid Bellringer post on the subject. The conspiracy obviously goes far deeper than anyone thought!

By the way, I've seen Orly Taitz on a couple of video clips, and she always corrects people who try and pronounce her names with what phonetically sounds like "Oily Teets." No foolin'.

Also, how does a lawsuit get striken by flu?

Dr. Orly Taitz' Federal Lawsuits Exposed to the "Flu Pandemic"
Don Nicoloff

August 4, 2009

The Obama citizenship-eligibility lawsuits filed by Dr. Orly Taitz, DDS in the U.S. Supreme Court have suddenly become stricken by the bird/swine/human flu "pandemic."

Taitz recently released a facsimile of Obama's alleged Kenyan "Certified Copy of Registration of Life Birth" to WorldNetDaily.

WND's article, "Is this really smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth?," (, August 2, 2009) shows three photographic representations of the birth document. The document, itself, is obviously fraudulent, though Taitz claims to have filed a motion in U.S. District Court to determine its authenticity. The source of the document and how it was obtained by Dr. Taitz was not disclosed, though it was implied that its sender, a Kenyan citizen, "feared for his life."

Taitz, a practicing dentist, attorney, and licensed real estate agent who lives in Southern California's posh, coastline community, Mission Viejo, has filed numerous lawsuits and legal motions on behalf of former U.S. Senate candidate Alan Keyes (and others) demanding proof of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.'s (aka Barry Soetoro, et al) citizenship eligibility to serve as president of the United States. Taitz recently published 'proof' that she had standing to practice law before the U.S. Supreme Court and claims to have "met personally" with Chief Justice John Roberts.

On recent radio shows across the U.S., Taitz disclosed "death threats" and "attempts on her life and that of her husband," Yosef Taitz, alluding to "tampering with critical systems" on the couple's automobiles. Taitz has also given numerous accounts of Internet blog-site attacks and other such types of interference.

Yosef Taitz is the self-described "CEO" of Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc., a private software company located in Mission Viejo, CA, Santa Fe, NM, and Cambridge, England. DCIS, Inc. is intimately involved with Novartis Pharmaceuticals (United States, Switzerland, Germany, France, England), the patent holder of the bird/swine flu vaccination. The "DayCart" software produced by DCIS, Inc. integrates ongoing research and development by Novartis and others using proprietary Oracle 8i technologies.

The following Internet posting reveals Yosef Taitz' relationship with Novartis Pharmaceuticals, manufacturer of the H1N1 (Influenza A) vaccine: ... yUTC&VER=C

DAYLIGHT CIS announces DayCart



Contact: Yosef Taitz
DAYLIGHT Chemical Information Systems
Tel: +1-949.367.9990
Fax: +1-949.367.0990

DayCart(tm) introduced by DAYLIGHT
Mission Viejo, Calif. USA - July 14, 2000 -- DAYLIGHT Chemical Information
Systems, Inc. (USA) today introduces a new addition to the array of DAYLIGHT
software products; DayCart(tm), an application using the unique
extensibility features of Oracle8i(tm) designed to fully integrate the
molecular structures and reactions in an Oracle8i database server
environment. As an integrated module DayCart does not require any call-outs
or other operations outside of the Oracle server, in order to perform its
functions. DayCart delivers the speed, capacity and performance of Daylight
tools throughout the organization. Use of DayCart with the Oracle8i server,
unlocks the access of existing Oracle* applications and tools (such as SQL,
PL/SQL, Java, C, etc.) to the array of chemical information.

"DayCart was developed in close collaboration with Novartis' scientists and
the architects of Oracle8i's extensibility framework. Thus, DayCart
provides a practical and exceptionally efficient solution fully compliant
with Oracle technology. Today DayCart delivers an extensive range of
chemical information capabilities, such as fast direct storage and retrieval
of 2D and 3D, structures, reactions and mixtures. Operations provided
include high performance searching of full structure, sub-structure,
super-structure, similarity and other structural operations. Our
utilization of Unique SMILES and its indexing, delivers unparalleled speed
and flexibility in storing, novelty checking and searching operations,"
stated Yosef Taitz, Chief Executive Officer of DAYLIGHT. "Utilizing the
DayCart technology today, we deliver a corporate compound registration
system handling archival, searching and retrieval of over 9 million
compounds with lightning speed. A wide range of DayCart solutions are being
produced, both by Daylight and by its development partners. We are
providing a migration path for conversion and integration of existing data.

Daylight chemical technology, tightly integrated with the Oracle8i database
opens the door to groundbreaking 'informatics' solutions. This technology
empowers users to bridge and expand the horizons of chemical information
science, merge biological and chemical data, and provide solutions for data
warehousing, compound acquisition, and more."

"The Oracle database is unique in its ability to singularly store, manage
and secure relational data, files and unstructured data," said Jeremy
Burton, senior vice president of iPlatform marketing, Oracle Corp. "By
extending these data management capabilities, as DAYLIGHT Chemical
Information Systems has with DayCart, technology continues to drive
significant business and scientific advances. We are pleased to be a
fundamental part of these advances."

"The Daylight Cartridge combines strong performance with interesting
versatility through Daylight's typical toolkit approach. It enables Pharma
R&D IT functions to adapt their systems flexibly to the new challenges in
the business and scientific environments." Said Dr. Rene Ziegler the Head of
Pharma Research Information Management at Novartis.

DAYLIGHT Chemical Information Systems, incorporated in 1987, is a privately
held company headquartered in Mission Viejo, CA, with a research office in
Santa Fe, NM and in Cambridge England. DAYLIGHT is a technology leader who
provides high-performance chemical information processing tools (such as
SMILES and Daylight ToolKit(tm)) for research chemists around the globe. Its
software and tools are used by thousands of scientists at over 250 companies
worldwide. For more information please e-mail to: and
visit DAYLIGHT's homepage at
Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc )

Summary by on 2000-07-13
Last updated by on 2000-07-13

Over the past year, we were suspicious of the unusual course Dr. Taitz' lawsuit was taking. As events unfolded, it became increasingly apparent that the "Hawaiian-Kenyan birth" myth was employed as a means of dividing the American people through a dialectical argument over two lies. Our research has revealed innumerable facts that dispel the myth of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.'s (aka Barry Soetoro, et al) birthplace, documentation, and family photographs.

On a hunch, it seemed appropriate to investigate Dr. Taitz' husband, Yosef Taitz, in order to see where he might lead us. As a matter of fact, he led us straight to the (WHO/UN-sponsored) H1N1/H5N1 bird/swine/human flu "pandemic."
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Re: Bellringer

Post by Deep Knight »

As this has become a catch-all thread for all things crazy and Bellringer, I have the following from the Wikipedia article on Obama birth certificate conspiracy theories ... y_theories
Comfort of conspiracy

To find out why the birthers' claims have endured, CBS News contacted Dr. Michael Barkun, an expert in conspiracy theories and professor of political science at the Maxwell School at Syracuse University. According to Barkun:

There are people out there who firmly believe that the truth is always hidden, regardless of whether it's about politics or science or any other subject. That whatever is presented as public knowledge is necessarily false. That the truth is always hidden from them, regardless of what the subject is.

Pressed on why that is the case, Barkun pointed to the ability of the Internet and to a lesser extent television to disseminate conspiracy theories far more easily than ever before. He also added that, conspiracy theories are comforting, remarking that:

They give people a feeling that we know the truth, That we have secret knowledge, and that we know how the world really works. In a sense, we're part of a kind of elite of those who know and everybody else is misled or are trapped by illusions.
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Re: Bellringer

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Primary News Coverage (translated from Chinese)
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Re: Bellringer

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

[quote="Deep Knight]
To find out why the birthers' claims have endured, CBS News contacted Dr. Michael Barkun, an expert in conspiracy theories and professor of political science at the Maxwell School at Syracuse University. According to Barkun:

There are people out there who firmly believe that the truth is always hidden, regardless of whether it's about politics or science or any other subject. That whatever is presented as public knowledge is necessarily false. That the truth is always hidden from them, regardless of what the subject is.

Pressed on why that is the case, Barkun pointed to the ability of the Internet and to a lesser extent television to disseminate conspiracy theories far more easily than ever before. He also added that, conspiracy theories are comforting, remarking that:

They give people a feeling that we know the truth, That we have secret knowledge, and that we know how the world really works. In a sense, we're part of a kind of elite of those who know and everybody else is misled or are trapped by illusions.

Hmmm... [/quote]

This reminds me of when I was a kid. From time to time, various contemporaries of mine would form some sort of "club" -- and, all too often, one of the first things that they'd try to agree on was who to exclude from the club. I think that a lot of people in Birfer or TP World enjoy feeling that they are "in the club", and possess secret knowledge available only to club members. They may have dull uninteresting lives, and may feel relatively powerless; but by "joining the club" and becoming one of "The Initiated", they get a feeling of Fighting For A Noble Cause.

It also reminds me of when I was active in my local civic association, when we'd be discussing something like a zoning change, and this piss-ant person would get up and claim that there was some sort of nefarious conspiracy to broom this change through without "the people" being able to find out what was behind it all. Invariably, these were people who felt powerless; but by using the legitimate power given to the members to question things that were going on in our neighborhood, they ended up wasting a lot of our time telling us about nonexitent corruption and conspiracy, the existence of which was an article of faith for them.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools