Brown Trial, Part IV

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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by Demosthenes »

07/27/2009 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge George Z. Singal: TELEPHONE CONFERENCE as to Edward Brown, Elaine Brown held on 7/27/2009. ORAL Order: With respect to Defendants Motions # 176 and # 177, The government shall file, ex parte and in camera, within 2 weeks of today an affidavit with the information requested on the record at the conference regarding the confidential informant in the case. By agreement of the defendants, there shall be no replies filed on the motions #176 and # 177. SO ORDERED by Judge George Z. Singal (Govt Atty: Arnold Huftalen, Terry Ollila) (Defts Atty: Bjorn Lange, Mike Iacopino) (Maine Court Reporter: Lori Dunbar)(Total Hearing Time: 40 mins) (cmp) Modified on 8/3/2009 to add: Court Reporter. (dae). (Entered: 07/27/2009)

08/10/2009 188 RESPONSE (Ex Parte and In Camera) by USA as to Edward Brown, Elaine Brown re oral order from Telephone Conference. (dae) (Entered: 08/10/2009)

08/11/2009 189 SEALED ORDER re 188 USA's Response as to Edward Brown, Elaine Brown. So Ordered by Judge George Z. Singal. (dae) (Entered: 08/11/2009)
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by wserra »

Last few docket entries, following Demo's:
08/13/2009 190 SEALED MOTION at Level I by USA as to Edward Brown, Elaine Brown. Served on 8/13/09. (dae) (Entered: 08/13/2009)

08/14/2009 ENDORSED ORDER granting 190 Sealed Motion at Level I as to Edward Brown (1), Elaine Brown (2). Text of Order: Granted. So Ordered by Judge George Z. Singal. (dae) (Entered: 08/14/2009)

08/14/2009 191 TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings as to Edward Brown, Elaine Brown for Jury Trial, Testimony of William Robertson held on July 2, 2009. Court Reporter: Susan Bateman, Telephone # 603-225-1453.
Maybe related to that "Forseti Group" nonsense, and probably nothing of great import.
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by Dezcad »

Latest docket entries:
08/17/2009 192 SEALED Declaration of Michael J. Iacopino re: 177 Motion for New Trial (dae) (Entered: 08/17/2009)
08/17/2009 193 SEALED MOTION to Seal Declaration of Michael J. Iacopino re Motion for New Trial by Edward Brown. Served on 8/14/09. (dae) (Entered: 08/17/2009)
notorial dissent
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by notorial dissent »

I’m sorry, my brain may have gone off line, but who is “Michael J. Iacopino” and more to the point why is he filing “declarations” and I should care why?
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by Imalawman »

notorial dissent wrote:I’m sorry, my brain may have gone off line, but who is “Michael J. Iacopino” and more to the point why is he filing “declarations” and I should care why?
haha, I was thinking the same thing. The name is familiar, but I'm too lazy to look it up.
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by Dezcad »

Michael J. Iacopino was Ed's stand-by counsel and the attorney who was called by "David Quinn" of the "Forseti Group". He thereafter filed the Motion for New Trial.

I'm sure that is what those docket entries relate to.
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by . »

Michael J. Iacopino was Ed's stand-by counsel
IIRC, Iacopino started out as stand-by but Ed ultimately agreed that he should represent Ed at trial, and he did.
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by notorial dissent »

That was the only thing I could think of as well. So he wants a new trial, upon what hoped for miracle I would will he be basing all his hopes now?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by Paladin »

Elaine Brown: "Prepare for full blown slavery!"
Sat, 08/22/2009 - 14:15 — katkanning
Referring to the article in the July 29 edition [of the Fort Fairfield Journal] about my husband and myself, as of this writing we have not yet been sentenced; however, there is little doubt that on September 3, the sentencing date, the stated term of incarceration will be as printed.

There was criticism in the article by Larry Becraft, and not necessarily unjustified. Ed and I probably could have handled the situation differently, as far as the case and trial are concerned back in 2006-7. I'm sure we made mistakes in how we went about it, and others more informed could have done better. But that is in the past', we did the best we could, and did what we felt was righteous. Although we made errors in procedure and Allah's we were and are correct in our position. We made mistakes because we had no counsel/council, and we were denied by the court to acquire council; we did not and do not know of any proper counsel. The court appointed counsel for the “strawmen'' have told us time and again that they cannot present our case the way we want them to. We want all evidence and witnesses allowed following lawful court procedures/due process.

Yes, Larry, there are a lot of gurus out there selling misinformation. Did we fall to one, as you say Mike Avery is? Perhaps, but Mike's motions were all well done, as were the ones we did ourselves. Of course, this letter is being written by a novice in procedure, so others' opinions are probably more on point. Also Ed wishes to remind Larry Becraft that when he called him about five years ago to ask for some guidance, Mr. Becraft replied over the phone that if I would send him $50.000 he would look into it. So who really is a “patriot for profit?” He had ample time to help and he only spoke of $$$$. No one expects free counsel, we all need to earn a living. We were prepared to lay out the $ but he was not offering any definitive counsel. So I walked away from him. Something did not seem right in our conversation.

At any rate, that was then and this is now. We do not regret the stand we took at our home. The stand was taken because the government literally sent an army at us and fired guns. The court denied our evidence and witnesses. Our goal has always been to bring to light to the American people the misapplication of the federal income tax as it relates to the earnings of us all. We did accomplish our goal, although to what extent only history will tell. Judging by the amount of mail we receive, it appears to be substantial. We have never challenged the constitutionality of the income tax, only the misapplication of it. In law, all laws must be clear, concise, and able to be understood by the average man. Too many of our laws today are not so; they are too easily open to interpretation by individuals, leading to confusion and non-uniformity.

Tommy Cryer was acquitted of his tax charges (he is a 33rd degree Freemanson) Sherry Jackson and we were convicted. All basically the same issue, different interpretations by judges and juries. Federal is federal, and should be uniform throughout the country. Sherry Jackson, along with Joe Bannister, both were IRS employees, who searched in the code for the law that requires us to pay this tax. Neither were able to find such law. If these two people, who worked for the IRS could not find it, after searching for two years or so, how can those without such resources and determination tell us there is. We all assume that we have to pay an income tax. Ed and I did (we were in the top 5% of taxpayers in the country), and had always paid until 1996, when after four years of
asking the IRS to show us the law, with no response, wrote them that as they have not showed us the law, we would cease contributing to them until such time as they did show us, at which time we would pay. We even stated this at our trial, told the jury, show us and we will pay right now. (we always had the $ on hand). Thus, we, along with hundreds of others, sit in prison for violating a law that does not exist.

Had we gone along with legal procedure and attended the sentencing hearing, and then presented ourselves to the marshals to be incarcerated, this would have been just another tax case that faded into the annals, collecting dust, never to be noticed by the public. We could not do that. We will never break any lawful law. To volunteer to be punished for violating a law that does not exist does nothing but perpetuate the fraud. Edmund Burke said, "All that is needed for evil to abound is for good men to do nothing." We could not do nothing; so I defied Judge McAuliffe's order, I went home to be with my husband, and we stood our ground.

Hundreds came to us. We had the pleasure of meeting hundreds of wonderful people, people we would never have known had we not done this. We have been blessed. There has been much negative press about us in the main-stream media. David's article about the CFR in this issue of the FFJ tells about the control of the media by those who definitely do not have the best interests of our country in their hearts. One reporter who came to our home in 2007, told us his job was not to report the truth; his job was to sell newspapers. Sensationalism sells.

This has not turned out as we had hoped, obviously. We claimed we would leave our home only free or dead. Live Free or Die, the New Hampshire motto. We had no intentions of living to be imprisoned.

These further charges only make our mission more important to the American people. Anyone who has not been a victim of our "judicial" system cannot possibly know the extent to which to government will go to prosecute/persecute people in order to impress upon us all their power to destroy, thus intimidating and frightening the people into submission.

Note: The government is now advertising for National Guardsmen to serve at internment camps that they are now building all around the country to suppress any citizens from speaking the truth as Ed and I did. The police state has now come to America; we are out of time. Prepare for full blown slavery!

Be aware, everyone, of all the political prisoners in this country. I read of Richard Taub's plight; my heart breaks for him. Be aware of the torture done to political prisoners in this country, as was done to my husband at Wyatt Detention Center in Central Falls, Rhode Island, where he was subjected to the infusion of toxic gas into his cell for several hours a day, three days, surviving only because he was able to roll a piece of paper into a funnel, place it under the door, and thus breathe air, and at Elkton, Ohio where the BOP tortured Ed for over two months with near freezing temperatures, naked and in total isolation, without even toiletries for over two weeks Do not be one of those good men who do nothing or when it comes to your turn there will be no one to help you.

It is said of Judge Singal that he is of the belief that one should submit to authorities and sort it out later. I wonder, should Moses have submitted to pharaoh? Should Joseph and Mary have submitted to Herod? Should our founding fathers have submitted to King George? Our country was founded on civil disobedience; indeed, civil disobedience goes back thousands of years. Article 10 of the New Hampshire Constitution, titled "Right to Revolution'' states, "The doctrine of nonresistance to arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive to the good and happiness of mankind.'' Where injustice and oppression exist we must act, else we submit to slavery.

I also wish to make note to Judge Singal that I understand His parents were placed into a Nazi death camp during World War Two and suffered greatly. He is doing the same thing to us and others that the Nazi did to them, and the Nazi masters are the same ones that Mr. Singal, Mr. McAuliffe, Mr. Muirhead, the entire U.S. Attorney's Office, and BAR association are working with today, which are the Zionists, Freemason Jesuits. All roads lead to Rome (the Vatican) and England. England owns America through Jesuit Freemasonry, the Vatican controls England.

In a few weeks we will be sentenced to what will be a life sentence for us. We are all in God's hands, and if it is His will that we do so, we are accepting of it. It would mean that His plan for us is to be carried out in prison. If His plan is otherwise, we will be released at some point, no matter what Judge Singal says. Yahweh is the highest judge. What happens to us, in the long run, is not the important thing. What happens to this country is important, and it can only be saved by a return to God and godliness. May He bless us all.

Elaine-Alice:Brown (c)
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by grixit »

Although we made errors in procedure and Allah's
Well if you make errors in God's procedure, you've got to expect some painful consequences.

Otoh, i think E&E are beyond pain now, something like the way trauma victims get.
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by . »

We did accomplish our goal
Only if it was to spend the rest of your lives in federal prison.

Elaine's not stupid, she managed to get through dental school and conduct a successful practice. Had she remained rational, she would have told Ed: family ignoramus, genus moron, species loser to take a hike and would still be practicing, minding her own business, paying her taxes routinely and generally enjoying a good life.

Instead, she bought the BS hook, line and sinker. And continues to buy it, even though he's no longer able to hector her. Which probably means that she's just as much of a nut-ball as Ed is. What a waste.
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by ASITStands »

Paladin wrote:... Also Ed wishes to remind Larry Becraft that when he called him about five years ago to ask for some guidance, Mr. Becraft replied over the phone that if I would send him $50.000 he would look into it. So who really is a “patriot for profit?” He had ample time to help and he only spoke of $$$$. No one expects free counsel, we all need to earn a living. We were prepared to lay out the $ but he was not offering any definitive counsel. So I walked away from him. Something did not seem right in our conversation.
Elaine-Alice:Brown (c)
Not to pick on Larry Becraft ...

If the events were as depicted here, it does indeed show who is the "Patriot for Profit" in the tax honesty movement. I've long felt that the involvement of various lawyers in the movement (Becraft, Dickstein, Lane, Cryer) had more mercenary than altruistic elements.
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by wserra »

Paladin wrote:Elaine Brown: "Prepare for full blown slavery!"
I also wish to make note to Judge Singal that I understand His parents were placed into a Nazi death camp during World War Two and suffered greatly. He is doing the same thing to us and others that the Nazi did to them
Wouldn't you love to see an encounter between one of these cretins and a concentration camp survivor? When Elaine tells the elderly survivor that she knows what s/he went through? Though those folks are in their eighties and older, I would suggest that Elaine start running.

What an asshole.
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by Paul »

he is a 33rd degree Freemanson
Is that "Manson" as in bull goose looney serial killer, or "Mason" as in making big ones into little ones?
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by fortinbras »

Paladin wrote:Elaine Brown: "Prepare for full blown slavery!" . . . .
I also wish to make note to Judge Singal that I understand His parents were placed into a Nazi death camp during World War Two and suffered greatly. He is doing the same thing to us and others that the Nazi did to them, and the Nazi masters are the same ones that Mr. Singal, Mr. McAuliffe, Mr. Muirhead, the entire U.S. Attorney's Office, and BAR association are working with today, which are the Zionists, Freemason Jesuits. All roads lead to Rome (the Vatican) and England. England owns America through Jesuit Freemasonry, the Vatican controls England.
. . .
Elaine-Alice:Brown (c)

Gee, does that mean that my grandfather's entire family vanished because they wouldn't pay taxes, refused to appear in court, and then threatened to blow up the policemen who were sent to bring them in??

This also explains why my legal career was so lackluster: My lawschool was neither Zionist, Jesuit nor Masonic.
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by LPC »

Elaine Brown wrote:Ed and I probably could have handled the situation differently, as far as the case and trial are concerned back in 2006-7.
Ya think?

Spending the rest of your life in prison is a good outcome only compared to getting a U.S. Marshal sniper bullet in the skull, and your failure to achieve that outcome was the fault of the Marshals, and not yours, because you sure tried hard enough.
Elaine Brown wrote:Although we made errors in procedure
Evading taxes, violating the terms of your release, and accumulating weapons and bombs to use against US officials are not "errors in procedure."
Elaine Brown wrote:We made mistakes because we had no counsel/council, and we were denied by the court to acquire council; we did not and do not know of any proper counsel.
Nonsense, the court tried to appoint counsel (not "council") for you and you refused to accept it.
Elaine Brown wrote:The court appointed counsel for the “strawmen'' have told us time and again that they cannot present our case the way we want them to.
Because they weren't willing to help you commit suicide by court.
Elaine Brown wrote:We want all evidence and witnesses allowed following lawful court procedures/due process.
And yet you refused the advice of the legal counsel who tried to explain the lawful court procedures and due process to you.
Elaine Brown wrote:Our goal has always been to bring to light to the American people the misapplication of the federal income tax as it relates to the earnings of us all. We did accomplish our goal, although to what extent only history will tell.
Let me put it this way: Your only hope for any place in history is Demo's book, which I expect will describe you as a dangerous nutjob.
Elaine Brown wrote:This has not turned out as we had hoped, obviously. We claimed we would leave our home only free or dead. Live Free or Die, the New Hampshire motto. We had no intentions of living to be imprisoned.
As I said above, you surely worked hard for that sniper's bullet. I'm glad you were disappointed.

If you wanted sure death, you should have taken the path of the suicide bomber, like your spiritual brethren in the mideast.
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by Lambkin »

Is this woman out of her mind? She is clearly wrong about all the facts, paranoid and delusional, but at what point is it fair to say she is also incompetent? Her kind of brain damage really boggles the mind. It's unfortunate that there are so many people who share her damage, but I'm thankful she doesn't have nearly as many co-believers as she imagines.
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Lambkin wrote:Is this woman out of her mind? She is clearly wrong about all the facts, paranoid and delusional, but at what point is it fair to say she is also incompetent? Her kind of brain damage really boggles the mind. It's unfortunate that there are so many people who share her damage, but I'm thankful she doesn't have nearly as many co-believers as she imagines.
These pathetic people remind me of the so-called Symbionese Liberation Army which kidnapped Patty Hearst back in the 1970s. It was led by a BSing ex-con named Donald DeFreeze, who renamed himself Field Marshal Cinque Mtume (even though he should have been Corporal Cinque Mtume, or maybe Sergeant, since he led a squad-sized group. And let's not forget his other pals, who gave themselves "war names" which absolutely HISSED Revolutionary Rage and Fervor). If you listened to them, though, they would have had you believe that they were just one part of a Massive Revolutionary Army that was just waiting for a chance to overthrow the rotten imperialist governments of the world and bring in Revolutionary Paradise for all (and Revolutionary Graves for their enemies).
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by Nikki »

Elaine-Alice: Fruitcake wrote:I also wish to make note to Judge Singal that I understand His parents were placed into a Nazi death camp during World War Two and suffered greatly. He is doing the same thing to us and others that the Nazi did to them, and the Nazi masters are the same ones that Mr. Singal, Mr. McAuliffe, Mr. Muirhead, the entire U.S. Attorney's Office, and BAR association are working with today, which are the Zionists, Freemason Jesuits. All roads lead to Rome (the Vatican) and England. England owns America through Jesuit Freemasonry, the Vatican controls England.
Elaine clearly lacks the mental ability to consider the fact that she is able to write this letter makes a significant difference between reality and her claims concerning it.
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Re: Brown Trial, Part IV

Post by Gregg »

All roads lead to Rome (the Vatican) and England. England owns America through Jesuit Freemasonry, the Vatican controls England.
Hmm, Catholics (and thus Jesuits) are prohibited by the church from being freemasons, and I'm not entirely sure that England is not as a country still under some kind of curse from the Pope dating back to the reformation. One of the startling things I noticed when I was in England is that there are very few Catholics in the country, I think it's less than 5,000,000 or so, and a good part of them are in Wales and Liverpool (those that fled Ireland in the early 20th century) which is amazing if you think about it.

Basically, what Elaine is saying is that 3 groups that have at least 500 years of barely tolerating each other are in fact in cahoots to rule the USA. Yeah, that's it!
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