More from the Birfers

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Re: More from the Birfers

Post by fortinbras »

Today, Sunday, August 23, 2009, the Washington Post carried an article on the 50th Anniversary of Hawaii Statehood, written by Lois-Ann Yamanaka, who was born in Kaunakakai, Hawaii, in 1961, the same year as Obama.

She mentions that Hawaii was operating in a different time zone - some YEARS behind the rest of the US. "So when our home became a state in August 1959, it would logically follow that it took a while for our birth certificates to catch up. For a few years, this new state still issued Certificates of Hawaiian Birth." Presumably Yamanaka's parent got such a document for her.

The point being that it seems probable that the earliest official document for Obama's birth would be one of those Certificates of Hawaiian Birth. This may not matter to you or me, but it means that, IF this earliest document were eventually made public, if only to shut the birfers up, it will be one of those anomalous certificates that speaks of the "Territory of Hawaii" or something.

I had made a point of going through the Hawaiian laws on birth certificates, their issue and re-issue and so forth. I'll admit I was using the current (2009) Hawaiian laws, not an edition issued in 1961 when Obama was born, but most of the laws now on the books have dates showing they already existed in 1961. This point was not made clearer by any court decisions on the matter, but it appeared, from the ways the terms are used, that the report of birth written by the doctor or midwife and then mailed to the Dept of Health, is the "birth certificate" -- If this is true, then the "birth certificate" being described would not, because it lacks the health dept's impression seal and other small items, be sufficient evidence of age or citizenship for a passport or for a pension. The document thereafter issued by the Dept of Health, repeating some of the details on the doctor's report, is thereafter referred to by various terms including birth certificate, certificate of birth, etc., and it is that document, issued by the Dept of Health with its impression seal, that is used to get a passport or a pension.
Jeff Clandestine

Re: More from the Birfers

Post by Jeff Clandestine »

I would eliminate the birth requirement entirely. It is no more useful than saying that only red-haired women can be president.
It sounds like pure conspiracy theorist madness to simply say do away with a law that you personally do not see any more need for....
Why not throw out the income tax? Y'know, since the war is over and all... it's no longer useful.

Re: More from the Birfers

Post by Brandybuck »

Jeff Clandestine wrote:Why not throw out the income tax? Y'know, since the war is over and all... it's no longer useful.
Sounds good to me! Conspiraloons aren't the only ones who dislike the income tax.

Re: More from the Birfers

Post by Kimokeo »

Was the President born in Ohio, when Ohio wasn't a State, legally the President of the United States?

No Ex post facto law.

Did the courts rule on the law or did they think, because the mistake was so great in its magnitude, that it was better to not keep the law and the Constitution?
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Re: More from the Birfers

Post by fortinbras »

Yeah, the courts ruled on it. They threw out the case (it argued that Ohio didn't become a state until 1953, so Ohio's ratification of the 16th Amendment didn't court).

Ohio entered the Union in 1803, during Jefferson's Presidency. WIthin a matter of weeks there were Congressmen and Senators from Ohio seated in the US Congress, a Governor inaugurated, etc. But at 1953 approached and Ohio wanted to celebrate its sesqua ... whatever, its 150th anniversary of statehood, it dawned on people that nobody had settled on what EXACT date in 1803 had been the day it became a state. The Congressmen was elected on one date, seated on another, the Governor likewise on yet another, the legislature first met on yet another, etc. So Congress was asked to pick a date for the big anniversary - out of range of about 30 possible days in the Spring of 1803 - and Congress did in 1953 (and, true to form, Congress didn't pass the resolution setting the date until AFTER the anniversary had passed!). Some twits, having stumbled across the 1953 resolution, which explicitly specifies an 1803 date, have somehow jumped to the conclusion that Ohio was not a state until 1953.
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Re: More from the Birfers

Post by fortinbras »

The birfers are now offering a video on which you can catch a glimpse of "the" Kenya birth certificate ..... ... edded#t=17

.... supposedly made in Africa, although you can't prove it, or anything else, from the lousy (deliberately?) video. About the same quality filmmaking as the Bigfoot or the Alien Autopsy films. We spend more time trudging through winding alleyways than in seeing the pretended document. No clue where we are - not the city not even the continent - but in the alley we glimpse a paint spray tag "Larry B19"; Larry is not an African name.

For some unexplained reason, the guy with the document is waiting for us on the unmarked back door of an unmarked building. No explanation why it wasn't the front door or why we had to meander through the narrow alleys rather than enter the building. This guy is standing on the top step with a cluster of black kids who are standing silently at attention. This kids all seem to be the same age (I'd guess around 9 years old) and, although this is just my vagrant thought, they all seem a bit too light-skinned to be born of totally African ancestry. We have no clue what language these kids speak or why they are there but nobody tries to shoo them away EVEN when they are making problems for the video.

The views of the supposed document are so jerky and unfocused that you'd think the same guy was holding both the camera and the clipboard with the document (which may be true, you get a glimpse of the same guy in the pin-stripes at the very beginning of the video). It's almost impossible to read this way. I wanted to see if the spellings were Brit or American but couldn't spot a clue; except, perhaps, the dates which are repeatedly given American style.

However Daddy Obama's birthdate is given only as "1936" - no month or day; Wikipedia similarly has only the year but you'd think that Daddy Obama, who supposedly was there to help the doctor fill out the form, could have provided his own birthdate, either family tradition or what was on his Kenyan passport or something. In short, the document only shows the details of Obama's parentage and birth that anyone can find in Wikipedia or other ordinary sources but not a scrap of the sort of personal/medical details that often go in a doctor's report of a birth.

The document still says that Obama was born in Mombasa, which, in 1961, was still in Zanzibar, but this time it gives the full name of the hospital, which the Taitz document on the red tablecloth got wrong.

This is supposedly the hospital certificate with the baby's footprint. Yet there is no artwork or ornamentation on the certificate and the whole document is only letter-sized. My American experience tells me that hospital certificates usually involve some fancy lettering, at least of the hospital's name, and, if they contain the footprint, usually larger than letter-size. There are only two or three choices of typeface and only two or three sizes of type -- more than a mere typewriter could do but well within the capabilities of an ordinary computer and someone who cannot even hold a camera steady.
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Re: More from the Birfers

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

fortinbras wrote:The birfers are now offering a video on which you can catch a glimpse of "the" Kenya birth certificate .....
Just you all wait -- before long, they'll have an 8mm movie of the birth itself, with scenes of "Kenya" in the background.
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Re: More from the Birfers

Post by Brandybuck »

I think Kenya is taking a page from Nigeria. I expect to see dozens of birth certificates start showing up.

"Greetings! You may be surprised to read from me. I am the widow of the late Kwai Kibirfer, and I have in my possession a document whose secret I must untrust to you..."
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Re: More from the Birfers

Post by Quixote »

Why not throw out the income tax? Y'know, since the war is over and all... it's no longer useful.
I think you've hit on an even bigger conspiracy. If the income tax was imposed to pay for the war, then Taft must have known about the war 5 years before the archduke was assasinated. Incredible!
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat

Re: More from the Birfers

Post by Betty »


My first post. Though I come here sometimes to read.

Some of the birfers seem to have gone total "Sovereign Citizen".

A guy named Charles E. Lincoln, III, seems to have advised Carl Swensson (of the "American Grand Jury" birfer brigade.) Then, he ends up being Orly Taitz "law clerk".

It seems he has a background in the sovereign citizen movement, as well as a foreclosure scheme. He's been disbarred from at least two states.

The Politijab forum has quite a bit of background on him. (The eligibility sections of that forum are member only. But, membership is free and open to all. If you are interested in the Sovereign Citizen portion of the birthers, you might find some info there.)

Now the "American Grand Jury" folks (those being people who have been forming 'citizen's grand juries' that indict the President for Treason, Fraud, and a slew of other nonsense), have this on their website: ... otice.html

To all private for profit and not for profit corporations doing business in these several states of America:

You are hereby put on emergency notice that suit has been filed in the Superior Court in Washington D.C. charging the “UNITED STATES” corporation with numerous violations of law.

Court action has been filed under Case # 2009 CA 005391 B in the Superior Court

of District of Columbia at: 500 Indiana Ave. NW # 5520, Washington D.C., 20001.

All corporations in these several states hold incorporated status directly from each of the 50 states which in turn hold its’ incorporated status directly from

the “UNITED STATES “ corporation being the Defendant in the case above stated.
more at the link.

The case referred to is:

File Date 07/29/2009 Case Status Open Case Status Date 07/29/2009
Case Disposition Undisposed Case Disposition Date

Party Information
Party Name Party Alias(es) Party Type Attorney(s)


Case Schedule
Date Start Time Event Type
11/06/2009 09:30 AM Initial Scheduling Conference-60

Docket Entries
Date Text
08/31/2009 Memorandum to the Complaint & Affidavit of Injuries Filed Attorney: PRO SE (999999) RODNEY DALE (PLAINTIFF);
08/21/2009 Motion to Clarify the Language to be Used Filed Attorney: PRO SE (999999) Receipt: 142844 Date: 08/21/2009
08/12/2009 Praecipe Filed: Notice to the Court RODNEY DALE (PLAINTIFF);
07/30/2009 Issue Date: 07/30/2009 Service: Summons Issued Method: Service Issued Cost Per: $ UNITED STATES 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. WASHINGTON, DC 20530 Tracking No: 5000067391
07/29/2009 Event Scheduled Event: Initial Scheduling Conference-60 Date: 11/06/2009 Time: 9:30 am Judge: HOLEMAN, BRIAN F Location: Courtroom A-49
07/29/2009 Complaint for Fraud Filed Attorney: PRO SE (999999) Receipt: 140780 Date: 07/29/2009[...]
It seems that all of the birther groups seem to be colliding with the Sovereign Citizen Movement more and more.

Truthfully, a lot of this is greek to me. The Politijab Forum has at least a dozen legal minds (either attorneys or paralegals), but I'm not one of them.

As you folks seem to follow this movement, I thought I'd let you know. We don't follow the various schemes that you do. But, we do follow the birthers extensively.

I've used your site for research, thought I might be able to give you some news.

In other news, a big day for the birfers today. Orly Taitz is at the Santa Ana Courthouse as I type this. One of our members is there. :haha:

Re: More from the Birfers

Post by Betty »

I just noticed the comment about the Fake Kenyan Birth Certificate.

Lucas Smith has prior convictions for Forgery and Fraud going back years. Copying from Politijab member. I don't think she'd mind:
Here is the saga of one Daniel Lucas Smith of Iowa, DOB January 4, 1980. (All of what follows is public record, easily ascertainable with searches of free, open access Iowa state databases).

In May, 1998, at the ripe old age of 18, Mr. Smith was convicted of his first felony.

The charge?

Forgery. (Iowa Criminal Statute 715.A(2))

His second felony conviction (assuming he limited his activities to the state of Iowa) appears to have come in February, 2000, when he was convicted of multiple counts of .....

... forgery.

He had also been charged with the crime of "321.216A-B MAKING FALSE LICENSES, ID FORMS OR BLANK FORM" on separate occasions in September, 1999 and January, 2000, but it looks like those charges were dismissed when he plead guilty to the 3 counts of forgery.

A few months later, in May 2000, he was convicted (by guilty plea) of yet another felony -- 714.2(2) theft, 2nd degree. That time he was sentenced to 5 years of prison,, but did not serve out that term right away.

How do I know? I know because of the charge of Escape of Felon 719.4(1) which was dismissed in November 2000.

And why was the escape charge dismissed? Perhaps it had something to do with his guilty plead to 3 more counts of 714.2(4) theft-4th degree in December, 2000. But that time around, they dismissed the forgery count.

Records from the Iowa Department of Corrections suggest that he was given state assistance in his quest to stay out of trouble, until December, 2002.

And sure enough, Mr. Smith managed to stay free of any further felony convictions all the way until August, 2004, when he pleaded guilty to multiple counts of 714.2(3) theft, 3rd degree -- but fortunately, the felony charge of 820.3 - fugitive from justice - was dismissed the following month.

Since that time, Mr. Smith of Iowa has been charged and convicted of a various and sundry misdemeanors, with the most recent conviction date of April, 2008..... but fortunately for him, no more felonies. (Does Iowa have one of those habitual offender statutes? Does the Dominican Republic have an extradition treaty with the US? Many questions come to mind).

He also has purchased many copies of birth certificates and other documents on ebay. ... =25&page=1

Also, other members believe the location in the video is not Mombasa, but Santo Domingo.

There's more. But, he's a convicted felon.

Re: More from the Birfers

Post by Brandybuck »

So the guy with the fake birf certificate is a convicted forger. Why am I not surprised?
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Re: More from the Birfers

Post by buck09 »

BTW, WorldNutDaily finally admitted that there's nothing to birfer claims. They buried the admission in an article that made the bombshell claim that Obama's parents didn't live together when he was born.
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