Interesting happening at LostHorizons

Khedive Ismail Quatoosia
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Interesting happening at LostHorizons

Post by Dezcad »

As of this date and time, none of the images of any "victory" checks at LH appear.

For example, see

or any of the other "victory" pages up to

This could just be a temporary software/database error or it could be a sign of the times.
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Re: Interesting happening at LostHorizons

Post by Quixote »

They're up now.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
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Re: Interesting happening at LostHorizons

Post by Famspear »

A losthorizon airhead called "peace" writes:
Yah, the whole frivolous thing is pretty funny. I've recently received a "final notice of intent to levy", so I guess I have to request a collection due process hearing again. I already had one rejected, but at least it will give me time?

They "assessed", $15,000 for 2004, $10,000 for 2005, and $5,000 for 2007, and after interest, "Total Amount Due" is almost $31,000. AHAHAHA!!! Yay.

Good times, good times.....

I might go the Legal Bear route and actually pay for help, as I've read of people having success with those packages. ... 2ce4#20243

Oh, ha ha, yeah, those frivolous penalties are barrels of laughs.

EDIT: Puzzle: Why would he have more than $10,000 in frivolous penalties for a single year (eg, 2004)?
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: Interesting happening at LostHorizons

Post by Nikki »

If you work REALLY hard at it, you can submit enough different, albeit frivolous, filings to amass several $5K penalties -- especially if you are filing joint returns.
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Re: Interesting happening at LostHorizons

Post by Famspear »

At losthorizons, user "CTCWarrior63" writes:
Hi !

I need your advice. I have still not received my refund for 2008. In June they sent me the friv 3176 letter. I sent my reply to them and tey [sic]received 7-17-09. I have not heard from them yet. I checked where's my refund on the irs website and I hve [sic] reference code 1101.

On the account transcript I have a 599 tax return filed and 810 redund [sic] freeze.
This is where is [sic] stops.

Should I call the IRS? If so, should I call the regular line for the IRS or the Ogden number to see what is going on? I still have not received a reply back from them about my Friv reply letter.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. This is a hard battle. Feel like I am defeated sometines [sic]. ... cdaf#20249

User "woodone" responds:
Don't get frustrated,take it easy.I know how you feel and we all have felt the anxiety of dealing with this.In my case I sent a response to the 3176.But what I have found out they just simply disregard the letter.They did me anyway as is shown in my exam papers.I sent nothing else to them.8 months after I filed I got a CP15,it's just an automated letter that comes out of the ANMF system.I responded,but to no avail.Then comes the CP504 [IRS notice of intent to levy].Now all of this looks real scary but it is just a load of B.S. and full of fraud.Go through the every which way but loose section [of Peter Hendrickson's materials at the losthorizons web site] and you will see the fraud of the notice.Just do not let it get to you and worry you.It is all B.S.Just keep reading the [losthorizons] website over and over.Take it easy,you have already won.Did I send you some FOIA's?If I did,I have some further info to share with you.It's simply a battle of attrition,whoever blinks first.
(bolding added; erratic spacing in original).

Sad. Some of these people are deep, deep into the delusion.
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Re: Interesting happening at LostHorizons

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

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Re: Interesting happening at LostHorizons

Post by . »

Delusional Crackhead wrote:It is all B.S.
By virtue of being the usual type of semi-literate boob found on LH and not defining his antecedent, he leaves open the remote possibility that he meant CtC and actually got one thing right.
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Re: Interesting happening at LostHorizons

Post by Quixote »

Famspear wrote:A losthorizon airhead called "peace" writes:
Yah, the whole frivolous thing is pretty funny. I've recently received a "final notice of intent to levy", so I guess I have to request a collection due process hearing again. I already had one rejected, but at least it will give me time?

They "assessed", $15,000 for 2004, $10,000 for 2005, and $5,000 for 2007, and after interest, "Total Amount Due" is almost $31,000. AHAHAHA!!! Yay.

Good times, good times.....

I might go the Legal Bear route and actually pay for help, as I've read of people having success with those packages. ... 2ce4#20243

Oh, ha ha, yeah, those frivolous penalties are barrels of laughs.

EDIT: Puzzle: Why would he have more than $10,000 in frivolous penalties for a single year (eg, 2004)?
$5,000 for his CTC return and $5,000 each for separate frivolous CDPH requests under 6320 and 6320? In theory, if he works really hard, he could get another three $5,000 penalties, one for a frivolous Form 9465 (request for installment agreement), one for a frivolous Form 656 (OIC) and one for a frivolous 911 (application for a taxpayer assistance order). I have not been able to conceive of a set of circumstances under which a frivolous Form 911 would get into the hands of a frivolous submission coordinator, so the last of the three is probably impossible to achieve.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
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Re: Interesting happening at LostHorizons

Post by Quixote »

Famspear wrote:A losthorizon airhead called "peace" writes:
Yah, the whole frivolous thing is pretty funny. I've recently received a "final notice of intent to levy", so I guess I have to request a collection due process hearing again. I already had one rejected, but at least it will give me time?

They "assessed", $15,000 for 2004, $10,000 for 2005, and $5,000 for 2007, and after interest, "Total Amount Due" is almost $31,000. AHAHAHA!!! Yay.

Good times, good times.....

I might go the Legal Bear route and actually pay for help, as I've read of people having success with those packages. ... 2ce4#20243

Oh, ha ha, yeah, those frivolous penalties are barrels of laughs.
I wonder if bonemilk sees the humor. I am amazed that anyone is still asking those morons for advice on how to handle the mess the morons' previous advice landed them in.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
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Re: Interesting happening at LostHorizons

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Sometimes there are folks hereabout who forget what goes on in the financial disaster trenches that perfectly ordinary people slip and fall into.

At some point the threats become meaningless. Allegedly-signed letters and notices from faceless bureaucrats and even voices over the phone can be pushed into the background of everyday life.

You have to realize there are tens of thousands of undelivered "notices" sitting and/or "returned to sender" every day by the postal service that don't matter a whit to the purported recipient.

People can and will give up and say "screw it" and their numbers are growing.

That's economically devastating.

The problem for those that govern is not recognizing the level of anger of the governed.
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Re: Interesting happening at LostHorizons

Post by Famspear »

At losthorizons, in a discussion about limited liability companies (LLCs), a user called "prometheus" is bringing a little fire -- in the form of a critique of Peter Hendrickson's recent action in deleting much of the postings in the losthorizons forum:
All of the info on LLCs was discussed in depth in this forum before it was deleted by Pete during the recent inquisition. It was honest, intelligent info on a subject of great importance, and It's a dam [sic] shame that we can't access it anymore.

Was the forum helped by amputating us at the knees to cure an unsightly case of athlete's foot?
It seems that Pete prefers us as paraplegics. We are easier to manage that way.

If the sole purpose of removing the forum info was to prevent access and misunderstanding by the uninitiated, then the info could be placed on another website without any connection to LHS and with all disclaimers necessary. Otherwise, imo, a deep disrespect is being shown to all of those people, their posts, their fine work and the honest sharing that went into those posts over the last few years, not to mention the people who might want to access that important data in the future.
(bolding added) ... d3fd#20267
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Re: Interesting happening at LostHorizons

Post by wserra »

What an ingrate.

Pete goes to great effort to protect people from inaccurate information and this is the thanks he gets? If Pete didn't police his forum, people might be exposed to information from (shudder) lawyers, CPAs, EAs and (megashudder) Quatloos. After that, they could never again think correctly. Why, if Pete wasn't so diligent about deleting and banning, his readers might receive the most damning thing of all.

The truth.
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Re: Interesting happening at LostHorizons

Post by The Observer »

wserra wrote:What an ingrate.

Pete goes to great effort to protect people from inaccurate information and this is the thanks he gets? If Pete didn't police his forum, people might be exposed to information from (shudder) lawyers, CPAs, EAs and (megashudder) Quatloos. After that, they could never again think correctly. Why, if Pete wasn't so diligent about deleting and banning, his readers might receive the most damning thing of all.

The truth.
"How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child!"
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"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff