It's Finally Happening

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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It's Finally Happening

Post by Deep Knight »

It's finally happening - and that was on 9/8 (Tuesday, 10 Imax, 4 Zap, 5 Cabana), so it must be even closer than "just moments away." I suggest you forget actually reading this boring text and RUN to your TV, turn it on, and watch the News (Fair and Balanced Fox News, of course) for the announcement!!!

~ It's Finally Happening ~ 9/8/9 ~ Update by Sheldan Nidle

Have you read this Update by Sheldan, it says it ALL Right Here.
They aready to move & lets focus on seeing that & all it's ramifications.
Something Oh So Grand is Happening as it happens through each one of Us,
Clearly in the Glow of HealinGrace

6*12 Night & Day Remember

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
10 Imix, 4 Zip, 5 Caban

Selamat Jarin! We return with more to discuss with you. The events leading up to the announcements by the new transitional regimes are close to happening. Our Earth allies have caught the dark cabal in a series of grievous mistakes, which allows them to spring a trap that has taken literally years to construct. We fully expect this well-deserved triumph to be just moments away. In this light, let us look at what is occurring around your globe as we speak. The new financial system is poised to manifest; indeed, certain aspects of this system have been operating freely without a great deal of interference from the dark. Vast quantities of gold bullion have been moved secretly from place to place in preparation for the setting up of a new, global, gold and silver-based currency system. This new system is one of the topics to be revealed as part of the many startling public announcements. Another issue is to be the series of special trials conducted to punish the many members of the dark cabal who so lightly and savagely disregarded the unalienable, God-given rights of humanity.

The many horrible crimes perpetrated by this dark cabal that are to be addressed are only the better-known aspects of their thuggery. For millennia, this miserable bunch of miscreants has lied, cheated, and mass-murdered their way through history in the guise of your rulers. They have wrought endless wars, forged fictitious hatred, and spread continuous economic calamity designed only to enrich their coffers and increase the amount of suffering that has been their only bequest to humanity. Now this era of grief and woe is closing, and the advent of a new, prosperous day shines down lovingly upon your valiant efforts! Our Earth allies have an agenda in place that is to restore your liberties and provide you with the opportunities to grow and become all that you are capable of being. This new era brings a time for first contact, when we, with your collective approval, can land upon your beautiful shores. These landings are to happen once you have graciously demonstrated to Mother Earth your worthiness to once again be her true guardians, by making inroads into cleaning up her oceans, disinfecting her land, and purifying her air.

As her guardians you become eligible for the final steps which are to return you swiftly to full consciousness. These steps are to take place in the awesomely gorgeous 5-D realm that is Inner Earth. Here, magnificent crystal cities have been prepared for you, where a technology will be used that can undo the outrageous impairment carried out against you in ancient Atlantis. When you emerge from your Light chambers, you are whole again. You have been carefully reintegrated with your many now-dormant strands of DNA/RNA, and in this restored state you are once again ready to experience states of being and realms only dreamed of. Now, Heaven can fully appear to you and the unknown wonders of physicality can become known. You have morphed into a most glorious butterfly! The miracles you are now capable of are truly infinite. You need, at this time, a very special group of mentors to teach you the ropes of this new realm and to help you fully comprehend and apply its complex etiquette. Heaven has extended this most loving task to us. You are arising out of a long amnesia and require a gentle touch.

Many truths are to be revealed to you. Much that your former overloads, the Anunnaki, taught you will be shown for the twisted lies they are. Special training on a great many subjects is to be given. Hands-on seminars will be ready to teach you full-consciousness etiquette and this is likely to be the first thing that you will be involved in after the reintegration process is complete. Being fully conscious puts you into a world filled with sensations and powerful abilities that you have not experienced before. We will train you to attune with and integrate the incoming waves of memories of past and future lives, and to harmonize with and control your now-restored instant-thought-creation abilities. Some of you may even feel a bit nauseous at first, or overwhelmed by what is happening to you. In these rare cases, your mentor's soothing physical energy balancing will put this straight within minutes. Our role is to assist and prepare you to go through your orientation as gently and easily as possible.

The new crystal cities recently built for you by the Agarthans are designed to be easily converted into places that can fully serve your needs and desires. The Agarthans intend to make it possible for a grand reunion between Inner Earth and the surface world to take place. This means that you need to learn about your true planetary history and general planetary protocols. Some of you are under the strange impression that Inner Earth is a dark and dismal place. In fact Inner Earth is a most beautiful and spacious world, filled with many different ecological zones. The Inner Earth sun is the glowing central core or heart of Mother Earth. Surrounded by these vivifying energies, the Agarthans have created a wonderful galactic society that can serve as one of the prototypes for the future galactic society of your still-nascent star-nation. The coming time is the beginning of a new era for Earth's humanity.

As the fear and negativity of the dark is replaced by the prosperity and the Love of the Light, Heaven lifts you up into a wondrous age of full consciousness. In this realm you are sovereign, honored, and able to express your true talents and abilities. You live in an environment that permits you to blossom and to freely help your fellows. Gone is the need to worry, or to think less of yourself or of others. You are all equals who have come together to forge a remarkable organic entity: your galactic society. Galactic societies develop out of the expressed needs and desires of a society. It is expected that as you re-member your past, you will propose social models that reflect your distant origins on the many human home-worlds that are scattered throughout the Galactic Federation of Light. From these memories will develop your star-nation's galactic society.

Once this star-nation has taken shape, you can become the happy inhabitants of three newly terra-formed worlds. These worlds are Mars, Venus, and the reconstituted planet that will be called Pax. Venus lost her oceans and her atmosphere when the dark Anchara Alliance attacked about one million years ago. The same ravaging disfigurement was inflicted upon Mars. Shortly, this damage is to be reversed, and over 80 per cent of your current population is to be transferred to these three worlds once they are gloriously ready for their human inhabitants. Then you are to revel in the magic that you are capable of. In the twinkling of an eye, you are to build a network of cities inside these three worlds, and a living star-nation is to be the result of your grand endeavors!

The glorious future of your star-nation is your grand destiny. First contact, as you can see, is only one of many steps that lie ahead of you on the path to full consciousness, and many of these have already been completed. The steps remaining on this path are being prepared by our Earth allies and by us, with Heaven, as ever, as our divine supervisor. The dark ones who have controlled you for over 13 millennia are losing their grip over you, and the time has come for a much-needed transformation of your realm. We await with glee the signal to begin our mass landing, but before that comes the damage restoration of Mother Earth that will transform your lands. It is time to let go of your old ways and to accept the new ways given to you by the Divine!

Today, we continued our discussion of events which are now imminent on your world. These great changes are to transform dark into Light and scarcity into abundance. Put aside your fears and let the Love and the Joy of this prospect penetrate every inch of your Soul! The time for miracles and wonders has at last arrived! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

There you have it, bloodthirsty aliens from the Dog Star forcefully relocating 80% of earth to Mars, Venus and some reconstructed planet (no doubt from the waste products of all those billions of starships that have been hovering over us cloaked for all these years) whether we like it or not!!! These planets will be "terra formed" which is alien code-speech based on "terrible," "awful" and "orm" (the later being the Old English word for a badger's scrotum) which translates to, "death panel camps." BEWARE!!!
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Re: It's Finally Happening

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I keep on trying to write a parody of this stuff, but it's impossible to write anything more loony than the real thing....
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Re: It's Finally Happening

Post by texino »

Says Pottapaug 1938
I keep on trying to write a parody of this stuff, but it's impossible to write anything more loony than the real thing.
Lampooning the maroon (read moronic ideology) was once my stock and trade here on Q, but you are right in your estimation that it is hard to out weird this bunch; however, I'm not giving up till PHB and The D.O.O. go down
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Re: It's Finally Happening

Post by Deep Knight »

Never fear, Glenn Beck is backing Casper now!!!

casper 9-13-09


Another Saturday night at this keyboard. Honestly, I could just scream.

The exciting news hinted at in last nights update was that everything, and I do mean everything, was turned over to Glen Beck at Fox News mid day yesterday.
WE hear his fax machines were burning up with documents arriving from all over the world including China. At one point WE hear a thousand pages arrived within a single hour. Murdoch, WE hear, owner of Fox, made the decision to back Beck. WE hear the effort quickly expanded beyond Beck's own staff to include the entire Fox news operation which worked throughout the day yesterday, all through the night and this morning and from one reporter outside our own circle we hear that more than 100 employees were engaged full time. At some point Beck requested a copy of "The Suitcase" and it was provided to him. An attempt was being made to get copies of the videos of "The Ranch" to him also. On his midday show today Beck said the corruption in D.C. is far greater than even he realized and that it is going to be brought down and the American people should watch his show the next four days. Our story, his story, was to break on his show tonight after delivery of the trigger packs today. Other networks, having learned of what was underway at Fox were supposedly beating on the door wanting a piece of the action and that included the broadcast channels.
As the "Countries" rushed to provide Beck the irrefutable documentation this incredible story necessitates we hear he was overwhelmed with the evidence and documentation and under no circumstances would he back off.

Throughout this exciting unfolding event WE discussed among ourselves whether Beck or Murdoch would be "gotten to" but news remained consistent all day until a couple of hours ago that Beck would not back off and that in fact Murdoch was helping Beck with the story.

Meanwhile a different security carrier had been hired to do the deliveries the Military Generals, JAG and OBAMA had continued to sabotage. They were to deliver today and although early morning news said that the head of their security had been bribed overnight the problem had been dealt with and deliveries, at least of the trigger packs, would still occur today.

Now comes word that what was thought to be bribery and in some cases may well have been bribery has graduated to death threats for all involved including Murdoch and his family, Beck and other Fox and other network news personnel. Also, the carrier personnel have received death threats from Homeland Security, then they refused to handle the packages. Word now is that Murdoch and Beck have both backed off due to threats and "financial considerations". "Stand up America" says Beck, but when it comes his turn to stand up he runs like a rabbit. Another distinct possibility is that the suitcase contains documentation of the previous bribery of the media in the U.S., especially cable news, as WE were reporting several years ago. Remember?

As a personal opinion, it would not surprise this reporter to learn, in the fullness of time, that Murdoch may well be Illuminati himself and allowed Beck to proceed as far as he did for the purpose learning just how much truth the world possessed and reporting same to those who control him. What better way than this? The threats causing Fox to spike Beck or Beck spiking Beck demonstrates the importance of this matter and the shear quantity of the evidence and proof provided. It is not hard to imagine Murdock receiving calls from both BUSHES who he supported, and the CLINTONS and OBAMA.

WE may never know the extent to which Beck was played for a fool internally or if it was the fear factor which caused this outcome. Recall the reporting of other Messengers, specifically Story, describing the use of death threats around the world recently. And don't ever forget, there are plenty of dead bodies scattered around to drive home their point.

For a year or more WE have reported that there is no distinction between OBAMA, the BUSHES and CLINTON. They all work for the same outfit that being the Evil Satanic Illuminati doing everything possible to retain CONTROL of the world, cover up massive financial crimes and in the case of the U.S. political establishment, to preserve themselves in power and to prevent the disclosures at all cost. Even when the new Global Metals Backed Banking System suddenly appears on television WE believe OBAMA will claim it as his own and proceed with the Socialization of America leading to a Fascist Police State as quickly as possible.

What would you do if you were Beck? Until you walk a mile in another mans moccasins?

In our opinion this is one of the most important days in American history. There can no longer be any doubt that the largest media conglomerates are controlled one way or another. As hundreds of thousands of regular folks turn out around the country to protest what is happening in Washington the Criminal Enterprise controlling our Capital City are issuing death threats to any who dare challenge their crimes. And they are all in it together. All roads lead to Congress and the Oval Office and from there to the Pentagon. They have constructed a world of their own, a world they own outright in which the opinions, hopes, dreams and wishes of the American people have no place. They are themselves owned outright by the Money Trust meaning the Banks, Wall Street and the Bond Holders. Washington is only one tentacle of the Octopus obsessed with CONTROL of the world.

WE don't know what will happen next. More when possible,

casper 9-12-09

Obviously everything above was written Saturday. It was held back when a whiff of hope came that perhaps decisions made would be reversed. That didn't happen.

Continuing now with additional news.

As WE have reported many times the CORPORATE GOV'T works for the Money Trust (Illuminati) and has been using slight of hand to move bad debt off the Banks Books through the Treasury and the Fed and onto the backs of generations of taxpayers. This is one reason the FED is fighting exposure of what it has done with taxpayer bailout funds and is fighting the proposed audit of its books.

This weekend the BIS, Central Bank to the Central Bankers, says the Dirivatives should be moved to the books of the Clearing Houses with the Central Banks providing the capital (out of thin air) to backstop the clearing houses in the event of more "systemic risk", another slight of hand financial scam to make the banks appear solvent.

Meanwhile China, apparently bored with the paper shuffling, subterfuge and bogus accounting B.S. of the Investment Banks which magically became Commercial Banks with a wave of the puppet hand of Congress, has said "No Mas", take your various frauds and shove them. Do you blame them? No new money for Geithner/Obama and the corrupt Wall Street Houses get stiffed.

Meanwhile reports say Netanyahu flies secretly to Moscow in a private plane and engages in a shouting match with Putin. Got to have a WAR ready and on stand by don't you see?

Also, outfits like Goldman which have manipulated the metals markets for years on behalf of the Fiat Bankers are massively short metals. The inevitable outcome of the silent war between Fiat and Asset backed banking leaves all those mentioned above and the metal shorts up the creek with no paddle and facing collapse.

The one month delay Intel contained in the Poof update tonight originates in Europe. The decisions are made East of there. WE can and WE will check it out.

casper 9-13-09

Casper's "metal shorts" are akin to the tin-foil underwear I was writing about last week. Indeed you would be "up the creek without a paddle" if they were "facing collapse."
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Re: It's Finally Happening

Post by texino »

Casper said "Fiat Bankers....... OK fine for him! But I am not going to put my money in no bank that is run from some little compact car! No, I would prefer banking with the Cadillac Bank. Is good bank to have after a war. I think
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Re: It's Finally Happening

Post by fortinbras »

Is the Galactic Federation more or less powerful than the Illuminati?

I can't afford to pay two sets of dues.

Re: It's Finally Happening

Post by Brandybuck »

I thought all of this wasn't due to happen until 2112?
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Re: It's Finally Happening

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:Casper said "Fiat Bankers....... OK fine for him! But I am not going to put my money in no bank that is run from some little compact car! No, I would prefer banking with the Cadillac Bank. Is good bank to have after a war. I think
Yes, but we're talking about banks in Italy. I suggest you try the Ferrari, Lamborghini or Maserati Banks.
fortinbras wrote:Is the Galactic Federation more or less powerful than the Illuminati?
Let's see, the Galactic Federation has been trying to get NESARA announced for years and the Illuminati has been blocking them. My money would be on the illuminati, but since they're both fictional, it's sort of a "is zero greater than zero" comparison.

P.S. Fortinbras - I have it on good authority from some guys named Rosencrantz and Guildenstern that the throne of Denmark is open and that if you hotfoot it over there it's yours for the taking.
"Follow the Money"

Re: It's Finally Happening

Post by muertos »

Several thoughts spring to mind.

1. "Selamat Jarin"...having a Ph.D. in Sirian myself, I believe Mr. Nidle has misspelled this. In Sirian all vowels following an L are pronounced with a distinct open tone, except when it's dark on Tuesdays, so the proper spelling should be "Selämat Jarin."

2. Glenn Beck is NOT working with the Lightbringers or the Lightworkers or the Lightbrite Whiteknights or whatever. Casper said so today: ""STOP" says Murdoch to BECK, and "hand everything over to me" proving once and for all times FOX is no different than CNN, owned and controlled by the Illuminati."

3. Wasn't Nidle one of the crackpots who predicted the end of the world on December 13, 1996 due to the "Photon Belt"? If so, 2012 puts him 16 years behind the curve.

4. If the crystal city built for me by the Agarthans is designed to be easily converted into a place that can serve my needs and desires, I certainly hope the fridge comes stocked with IPA and there's a topless woman ready to rub baby oil on my glistening pectorals as soon as I get inside. And it had better be wired with 110v current or my shaver won't work.
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Re: It's Finally Happening

Post by Deep Knight »

muertos wrote:Several thoughts spring to mind.
As do several answers, though I can't swear to their being "true." Still, they've gotta be 100% more accurate than Sheldan.
muertos wrote:1. "Selamat Jarin"...having a Ph.D. in Sirian myself, I believe Mr. Nidle has misspelled this. In Sirian all vowels following an L are pronounced with a distinct open tone, except when it's dark on Tuesdays, so the proper spelling should be "Selämat Jarin."

I've never heard Sirian spoken or moaned that I know of, but extensive detective work has shown that Sheldan uses badly spelled Indonesian or Malay greetings. For example, "Selamat jalan" is "Have a safe journey" in Malay and Indonesian. Of course, he incorrectly translates this as "Be of Joy."
muertos wrote:2. Glenn Beck is NOT working with the Lightbringers or the Lightworkers or the Lightbrite Whiteknights or whatever. Casper said so today: ""STOP" says Murdoch to BECK, and "hand everything over to me" proving once and for all times FOX is no different than CNN, owned and controlled by the Illuminati."
I believe Glenn Beck is an Agarthan and speaks for them. You wouldn't want hoards of ill-mannered tourists from the surface clogging up your pristine hollow earth crystal cities, would you? As for being controlled by the Illuminati, Rupert Murdoch could eat T-Rex for lunch, so it's doubtful he's afraid of some run-of-the-mill secret conspiracy that controls everything. If the Illuminati are so fearsome, why is Casper still alive?
muertos wrote:3. Wasn't Nidle one of the crackpots who predicted the end of the world on December 13, 1996 due to the "Photon Belt"? If so, 2012 puts him 16 years behind the curve.
Virginia Essene and Sheldan Nidle's 1994 book You are Becoming a Galactic Human talks about the photon belt, as "a huge torroid [sic] shaped object composed of photon light particles, was first discovered by your scientists in 1961 near the vicinity of the Pleiades by satellite instrumentation." The book is supposed to be channeled from Washta, a Sirian counselor and galactic presence. As for December 13, 1996, the date I have from Sheldon is May 5, 1997, but he changes his mind a lot and you know how those galactic presence types get dates wrong all the time, especially when predicting things.
muertos wrote:4. If the crystal city built for me by the Agarthans is designed to be easily converted into a place that can serve my needs and desires, I certainly hope the fridge comes stocked with IPA and there's a topless woman ready to rub baby oil on my glistening pectorals as soon as I get inside. And it had better be wired with 110v current or my shaver won't work.
Good luck on moving in (see the answer to #2 above). As for IPA, the answer is "yes" but it's not Indian Pale Ale but Iso-Propyl Alcohol. Known to earth humans as "rubbing alcohol" if you ignore the warnings and drink it sooner or later you'll channel a Sirian too. As for the topless woman and baby oil, Agarthans are our distant cousins, sure, but their evolutionary path was a bit different. You might not want to see a female's top unclothed until you'd had a few shots of IPA with a baby oil chaser. Bottomless is fine however, they're so hairy below the belt you don't see anything! Which is why you shouldn't pack your shaver in the first place. In the second, remember that the advanced Agarthan infrastructure uses 110,000,000 Volts transmitted without wires, which is both a bit rich for most of your household appliances and hard to plug into. However, if you escape the angry mobs and move into a hollow earth home, you'll probably be able to buy an adapter set.
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