Liberty Dollar Update

Tax Man

Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Tax Man »


Take five: Al Wagner operates a literal handful of businesses on Marco Island, ranging from a karate school to an accounting practice.

And you can follow him on Twitter:
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by grixit »

Hmm. One of the businesses is called "Casual Accountants". Is that because they don't wear suits, or because their procedures are less than strict?

Also note that the card for the karate school shows him to be a shape shifting lizard.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Trippy »

So, let me see if I have this straight. Von Nuthouse wants his marks to sign up for a MasterCard supposedly backed by gold stored in Switzerland ... however, the site is REALLY based out of Florida and registered in the name of his former accountant, Al Wagner. The very guy who willingly handed a relative stranger Von Nuthouse's complete financial records, and has some shady accounting theories to boot. Not a shred of verifiable evidence anywhere that there's gold to back up transactions, a real storage facility, or even an address where you can write and get more information.

Uh-huh. Sounds like a real secure, legitimate operation to me.

My bet is, whoever's running this will wait until there's enough orders and simply shut the whole thing down. "OOPS -- hurricane hit, and your records were washed away!" or some such nonsense.

And VonNutty claims he's already had people sign up for this, and asking questions about it? {sigh} Boggles the mind -- it really does.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by cynicalflyer »

As I noted above, Wagner is not licensed as an accountant in FL.

He's no longer licensed in PA, either. He let it lapse in 2004. ... _id=136639&

License Information
Type: Certified Public Accountant
Secondary Type:
Number: CA034085L
Profession: Accountancy
Status: Expired
Issue Date: 5/1/1995
Expires: 4/30/2004
Last Renewed: 4/4/2002
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Nikki »

1 - put the keyboayd protector on

2 - Google "free marijuana church"
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

September 2009 Vol. 11 No. 09
Motion Filed for TEA Party Dollars Orders
Table of Contents:
1. Economic Collapse to Trigger Social Pandemonium
2. Private Currencies: What if the US Dollar Went Away?
3. Liberty Dollar to return...
4. Making Up Crime...
5. Legal Update... Motion filled for TEA Party Dollar Orders
6. North Carolina Connection?
7. 12th Anniversary of the Liberty Dollar
8. 50th Anniversary of the 50th State by the $50 Hawaii Dala
9. 35th Anniversary of Bernard’s for Paper
Welcome Liberty Dollar Supporters!
1. Economic Collapse to Trigger Social Pandemonium
This article by Alan Peter should really catch your attention. It opens with:
As the shocking confidential information contained in this briefing shows, the threat of social meltdown and chaos is so large, a domestic law-enforcement arm of the U.S. military (referred to by The Army Times as the "Consequence Management Response Force") has been created to deal with what U.S. officials believe to be a coming, unprecedented wave of massive social chaos.
Ten Key Points of the article include:
U.S. Preparing a Military Response to Coming Social Chaos
Yes, U.S. Officials Are Quietly Preparing for BIG Trouble Ahead
Dire Unemployment Picture Foreshadows Social Chaos
Systemic Collapse is a Real Possibility: Other Shoes Are Getting Ready to Drop
More Evidence the You-Know-What is Going to Hit the Fan
When the Police Abandon Law-Abiding Neighborhoods to Mobs
Jim Rogers now openly says the U.S. is heading for an inflationary holocaust
The Washington Elite Are Quietly Making Themselves More Self-Reliant
Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chilling Predictions
Two Categories of People: The Prepared vs. the Clueless
Meanwhile the Debt Clock counts down to a monetary/social/political doomsday at:
2. Private Currencies: What if the US Dollar Went Away?
On September 4th, 2009, American Banking News - of all people - posed the question: "What if the US Dollar Went Away?" Do you think they know something? I encourage you to read this thought-provoking article that includes:
If the United States Dollar went away, consumers almost immediately develop some form of alternative currency or accept the currency of some foreign nation. It's possible that the British Pound or the Euro might gain a foothold in the United States, but it's also possible that the people would develop their own currency, and in fact, some already have.
A company, called Liberty Services, established a private currency called the Liberty Dollar, which was a private currency backed by silver in the United States. The operation continued successfully for years until the Federal Government shut it down. In 2006, the Justice department issued a press release stating that they had determined that using Liberty Dollars as circulating money is a crime. In November of 2007, the Federal Bureau of Investigation raided the Liberty Dollar offices and seized most of their company's assets, including the silver that backed the value of the Liberty Dollar.
Please click HERE for the complete article:
3. Liberty Dollar to return... to the $50 Silver Base?
Well as I wrote last month... the end of the Summer Slows / Summer Lows are now behind us. Have you noticed the current precious metal prices? Silver is in the $16 to $17 range. And while gold is bouncing around $1000, look at the 30 day moving averages (30DMA) for Gold is $986.54 and Silver is $16.00!
This link has recently changed: ... _daily.pdf
What does that all mean? Well with spot silver over $16 for the past 30 days and the current 30DMA at $16.00... it is only a matter of time before the Liberty Dollar model, now happily copied by so many evolving currencies, will return to the $50 Silver Base. In fact, since the Liberty Dollar is just returning to its previous base, there is only a 30 day waiting period before it actually Moves Up. YEA!!
A quick look back to metal rates for 2009 is very reassuring too. In a recent issue of the USA TODAY, it noted that there has been significant price appreciation: Gold at $997.90 increased 12.9% in 2009. And silver at $16.49 increased 46.3%!!!! Can you see why I am such a big fan of silver? Do you want to protect your money or do you want to make a lot of money? Whichever it is... please consider silver!
4. Making Up Crime - An important article
One of the advantages of the government war against the Liberty Dollar and the federal persecution of the Liberty Dollar Four is that many notable people took a stand in defense of the Liberty Dollar. Even Lew Rockwell, my nemesis at the von Mises Institute, responded with a nice article and named the co-defendants as the Liberty Dollar Four. Now, I am very pleased that Peter Ferrara has taken a stand for Liberty Dollar and published "Making Up Crime" that was recently published at Peter is the General Counsel for the American Civil Rights Union and the Director of Entitlement and Budget Policy at the Institute for Policy Innovation.
Peter's article points out that: The indictment states, without citation to authority, "it is a violation of law for private coin systems to compete with the official coinage of the United States." No it is not. If the Congress wants to prohibit private circulation and trade in gold and silver coins, it can. But it hasn't. To the contrary, it has expressly provided by law that the American people enjoy the freedom to own and trade in gold and silver.
And concludes with: When Fed Ex got started, the Feds charged it with violating the legal monopoly of the post office. When Fed Ex won that battle, it was a landmark victory for all Americans. The case against Liberty Dollar offers another potential landmark victory for American liberty.
Right on Peter! Please click HERE for this important article.
5. Legal Update... Motion Filed for TEA Party Dollar Orders
My attorney, Deke Falls, has filed a Motion with Judge Richard L. Voorhees, our Trial Judge, for clarification of the Oral Order issued by Magistrate Judge David S. Cayer on July 6, 2009, that said: Defendants shall not circulate or aid in the circulation of any coins or currency in relation to the Liberty Dollar Operation. We are currently awaiting Judge Voorhees's ruling on our Motion. We hope to be able to fill the TEA Party Dollar orders based on the First Amendment Right of free political expression, as TEA is an acronym for Taxed Enough Already. We will post an Alert as soon as Judge Voorhees rules on our Motion. Thanks for your support, order and patience. Click HERE to read the Motion.
6. North Carolina Connection?
Good News / Bad News: The good news is that Kevin can get out. The bad news is that he cannot get out until he has a place to live. So if you live around Asheville or Charlotte, please email me ASAP. With 1.8 MILLION docs received from Discovery, this trial is going to take some time. It is terrible that Kevin would linger for months before the trial even begins. I hope to hear from somebody who can help Kevin, please. I can attest that Kevin will provide for himself, pay rent and is a very positive minded person.
Meanwhile, I am also looking for a quiet place that is less expensive than a hotel in the Charlotte area. As this ground breaking federal trial shapes up.. it is obvious that I will need to spend several days on several occasions in the Charlotte area to prepare for the trial. Then there will be the trial. Of course all this is expensive. If you have place where I can stay that includes a quiet work place, please contact me via email: Thank you for your kind support.
7. Liberty Dollar 12th Anniversary!
WOW!!! In face of all the pressure of the ongoing battle over our right to use gold and silver between consulting adults... as if there should be any question... We gotta take a moment and say thanks for the 12th Anniversary of the Liberty Dollar!!! WOW! It's been quite a trip over the past twelve years. Lots of bumps, curves and successes. Just consider that for the first time in human history, the people themselves have created their own free market monetary system to protect themselves from depreciating government money and do so as their right to political expression! This is ground breaking and one reason Peter Ferrara refers to our case as ground breaking.
In light of all your losses from the raid, seizure and the forced closure to issue any additional Liberty Dollars, our organization has hung together. Thank you! And I expect we will continue to hang together and win together! I certainly hope a good number of you plan to be on hand at the trial and especially when we are acquitted! A good show of support in the courtroom is important and the party afterwards will raise the ceiling!
Happy birthday Liberty Dollar!! And more importantly, thank you for all your support. We wouldn't have a currency if you had not taken a stand and been involved with the Liberty Dollar currency model. Charge!
8. 50th Anniversary of the 50th State by the $50 Hawaii Dala
I am pleased to inform you that we have the legal blessing to issue the $50 Hawaii Dala as a commemorative for the 50th Anniversary of the 50th State of Hawaii. This blessing comes with the disclaimer: Please note that the 2009 Hawaii Dala is not intended to be used as United States currency and any representation as such is strictly prohibited by law. And the stern understanding that: The Hawaii Dala is not intended to compete with the god awful US dollar.
Every 2009 Hawaii Dala also features a hand stamped Hallmark on the reverse that attests that the Hawaii Dala is "NOT GOV $$$," as if anybody could confuse a silver $50 Hawaiian design with the clad $1 Eisenhower Dollar! Regardless, this will be one of the most unusual Hawaiian issues in my 35 years.
Unfortunately, the distributor for the HD has a problem with his merchant account that accepts credit/debit cards so the shopping cart is not operational. As soon as that problem is resolved I will post to the Hawaii Dala list that you can place an order. If you are interested in this unique issue, please sign up at
9. Bernard's 35th Anniversary
Can you believe this?! One of these days I am going to be old. It doesn't seem like it's been 35 years since I had my catharsis that changed my life! I can still remember the day I wrote my first (and only) economic research paper, "To Know Value" on September 11, 1974. May how times have changed. And so has our money. And that is why after 25 years as the Mintmaster at the Royal Hawaiian Mint that I "retired" to devote my time and money to providing a solution to our great country's terrible money. Twelve years ago it all seemed so simple to issue a value based currency that people could use to protect themselves from the depreciating government money. We felt the cloak of the First Amendment and the voluntary nature of the currency would protect us. And we still feel that way. But obviously, with our success, somebody didn't like the Liberty Dollar as it grew to almost $50 MILLION in circulation. Meanwhile, if you are interested in a complete history of the Mint, its 700+ numismatic issues and our true rags to riches story from living without electricity on $30 a month to living on Diamond Head and driving a Rolls in the annual King Kamehameha parade with our sons throwing paper coins to the screaming crowd, please stay tuned as our book, Waifs in Gold Boots - The First 35 Years of the Royal Hawaiian Mint, is scheduled to be published in 2012.
Closing Remarks:
There is not much more to say. It has been a terrific 12 years with the Liberty Dollar. And although I don't like the prospects of going to prison for 20 or 30 years, I could not live with myself, if I had not tried to solve our country's monetary problems. As you may know, here is a lot of bullshit out there... and a lot of good people, like Lew Rockwell, etc., who mean well and talk a good story... but what have they actually accomplished? Damn little IMHO. My view is that if you are looking for a solution to protect your money AND return our great country to the values it was founded on... you must take action in the monetary system. We the People of America have a civic duty to do what we can... and that is why I launched the Liberty Dollar twelve years ago on October 1, 1998.
Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.
Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one Liberty Dollar at a time!
Bernard von NotHaus
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

The mention of "Tea Party Dollars" is that Von NotHaus has ambitions to stamp copper coins - apparently the size of the old old British penny (= approx half-dollar size) - and sell them for $1 (FRN) apiece to commemorate the teabaggers. He makes no promises that anyone will ever regard them as worth anything like a dollar (copper weight has market value of about 19¢). Since the court has forbidden him from stamping any Liberty Dollars, his lawyer, with an abundance of caution, is asking that Von NotHaus have the court's permission to churn out these Teaparty "dollars" as souvenirs not as money.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by grixit »

When Fed Ex got started, the Feds charged it with violating the legal monopoly of the post office. When Fed Ex won that battle, it was a landmark victory for all Americans.
Um, that can't be true. There were courier and parcel services long before FedEx. And, as i understand it, the USPS's main privilege is the use of people's mail boxes. That's why in some places people have an extra recepticle for their newspaper subscription. And of course FedEx/UPS/DHL, et al don't use mailboxes, they come to your door. I also remember in the mid 60's my parents would sometimes find advertising flyers in plastic bags hung on the front doorknob. One of them actually contained a plea to write Congress to allow the flyers to be left in the mailbox instead.

So was there actually a case? And if so what was it about?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by . »

I launched the Liberty Dollar twelve years ago on October 1, 1998.
If you smoke enough dope, 11 years seems like 12.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by The Observer »

grixit wrote:So was there actually a case? And if so what was it about?
Yes, it was one of those butt-ugly, embarassing losses for the NWO and when the dust settled, the Council of Five ordered the whole mess to be shoved under a rug immediately by Conspiracy Central. We spent the next 18 months (with unpaid overtime!) making sure that no evidence of this case could be found.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by wserra »

grixit wrote:So was there actually a case? And if so what was it about?
Consider the source: Peter Ferrara. Remember him? The "scholar" at Cato Institute, Heritage Foundation and others of that ilk who took money from Jack Abramoff to write pieces supporting Abramoff clients without telling anybody? And sees nothing wrong with that, since he really believes what he wrote?
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

Von NotHaus, having previously announced he was no longer a part of LD/NORFED, has somehow crept back in as its supreme leader, and has also announced that (1) LD assets are now being stashed in Switzerland (he says), which undoubtedly means that none of his customers will be able to verify them even if they fly to Switzerland, and (2) that he's now actively into promoting ganja for non-medical uses, and he's doing it in Hawaii, which is not quite so protective of pot smokers as California is.

Next he's going to start smoking Cuban cigars while sitting in a tub of gasoline.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

When it was last offering its silver and gold LDs, Von NotHause mentioned that the LDs are now being manufactured in China, of all places. Somehow seems a tad unpatriotic to send that business to China when there are smelters and private mints in the US and friendlier countries.

Anyway, it turns out that China is now a major source of counterfeit coins, particularly of pretended silver and gold coins prized by collectors: ... lions/768/

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by bmielke »

Not sure what you're thinking, but I'm thinking, it sure is nice he gets his fake coins from a reputable counterfeiter. Only the best for Liberty (fake) Dollars.

Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Brandybuck »

I was in a conversation the other day with another radical libertarian. He didn't understand why I was opposed to Liberty Dollar, since I "should" have been on the same page as him. Personally I'm all in favor of private money, minting your own coins out of whatever metal you want, without the Fed's interference.

However... I also expect the businesses I deal with to be reputable. Liberty Dollar is not reputable. They don't pass the smell test. I also believe that selling stereo equipment should be legal, but that doesn't mean I advocate buying from the back of unmarked vans in a parking lot.

Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by bmielke »

Brandybuck wrote:I was in a conversation the other day with another radical libertarian. He didn't understand why I was opposed to Liberty Dollar, since I "should" have been on the same page as him. Personally I'm all in favor of private money, minting your own coins out of whatever metal you want, without the Fed's interference.
I agree with you, but I just don;t think it would work anymore. If you make your coins out of precious metal then people will shave some of so they can make more money, or will make lead cored coins or find a way to cheat the system. Not to mention you wouldn;t have a system in place to really cheat so they would cheat you. If you use steel or aluminum, they have no real value, you would need to have twenty pound coins to make any sort of transaction. So without someone making the money worth something i.e. the governement or a major bank, I just don't think it's possible.

Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Brandybuck »

bmielke wrote:So without someone making the money worth something i.e. the governement or a major bank, I just don't think it's possible.
I'm not a 100% gold reserves warehouse guy. I like Rothbard, but this is one area he got wrong. We simply do not have enough gold in the world to back the current money supply, and forcing a gold standard would cause a deflation many magnitudes worse than the inflation it was meant to correct.

But you don't need 100% reserves for a private monetary system. Larry White, Steve Horwitz and others make a good argument for free banking. Let the banks issue their own money however they want. This has worked in the past, and where banks had more freedom to compete, it worked better. For example, Canada and Scotland had better systems than the US, because the US had a byzantine hodgepodge of state and federal banking regulation. For example, branch banking was not allowed. Free banking is not a perfect system, but NO system is perfect. There are no guarantees against bank runs, but they can be mitigated with private deposit insurance. The details aren't what's important, allowing a free market in money to operate is where the focus should be. Keep some regulations requiring openness and accountability, then let the market mechanism operate.

How we get there from here is another story, which starts with repealing the legal tender laws.

Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by bmielke »

CaptainKickback wrote:I think now, you can be in TX and go into your bank there and deposit a check to your account if it is in another state. Although I am not 100% sure of this.
With Bank of America you can. However you need to have your pre-printed deposit slip, or you need to fill out a more complicated deposit slip that has things like what state the account was opened in, home address, telephone number, and I think the zip code of the bank you opened your account with. (Not sure about the last one) It was a real pain to change my account when I moved to Tennessee, for the first three months I had to use the out of state deposit slip, finally a manager got someone on the phone and transferred the account.

Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Brandybuck »

CaptainKickback wrote:Also,I have never, ever liked comparing how US banks used to operate to European ones.
Why not? We're doing that right now with our healthcare system! :evil:

Seriously, the reason I make the comparison, is because US banking history was so fscked up. People point to problems with US banking history as an excuse for a central bank, when such problems were the result of government intervention, rather than the lack of it. Remarking on other nations that did not have those particular problems is thus instructive.

A good podcast on this subject came up in my queue yesterday: ... anking.mp3
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

Brandybuck, with all due respect, where, when, at what place has it ever worked with a bank issuing it’s own money. There are some spectacular examples of it not working, as witness the number of collectible currency items that are currently available, that weren’t worth their face value when issued.

Canada, Scotland, and England have exactly the same banking system we have, and for the most part they operate and operated exactly the same. There are some differences, but they are not significant. The one thing they all have in common is that they all did and do operate under a central controlling bank and have since modern times. The Bank of England was created in 1694 to act as the government’s bank, and it has continued to do so down to modern times, as have it’s counterparts in Scotland, Ireland, and Canada, and most lately in the US. If you think the FED is scary, you ought to check in to the powers that BOE has at it’s disposal.

Aside from acting for their governments in the issuing of currency, they also provide the more critical function of central clearing so that funds can be moved quickly and easily around the country/economy, something that didn’t happen in the US until the FED was created.

There will never be a guarantee against bank runs, any more than bankruptcies, and deposit insurance certainly is no protection either, the only real protection against that is good supervision of the banking industry to make sure they play by the rules and maintain the proper reserves. Something of late that his been all too lax.

Question, if you repeal the legal tender laws, just what are you going to use for currency?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.