"Benson Tea Party"

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"Benson Tea Party"

Post by Demosthenes »

From: Jeffrey A. Dickstein <jdlaw@wi.rr.com>
Subject: Benson Tea Party - Take Back America

Every great once in a while events unfold to create an opportunity for concerted public action of major significance. That time is now, and I need your help to launch THE BENSON TEA PARTY.
The below is a draft of what is to be, shortly, widely distributed to all the people. In the meantime it is for your eyes only to alert you to the Bill Benson litigation, its importance, and to request your help.
By filing its lawsuit to censor and punish Benson for disclosing government fraud about the federal income tax, and going after everyone who heard his political message, the government has declared war against We the People. The government goal of this litigation is to eliminate all public dissent and to insure conviction of the dissenters. If you are unfamiliar with the case, please read the draft of the petition to be sent to the Supreme Court here:http://jeffdickstein.com/supreme.aspx. Our goal is to preserve the First and Fifth Amendments and to end the federal income tax and the economic crisis.
We all know the government is building FEMA camps to house us after we are rounded up, while they are taking over several industries and bankrupting our prosperity. The War is real and we know it is real. The people are figuring out something must be done.
It is time to draft our New Revolutionary army and arm them with pens, which we know, is mightier than the sword. As you read the below draft you will see we are making it extremely easy, and free, to give the people a chance to safely participate in the New Revolution, and a real reason to do so; a 15-30% increase in their paychecks every payday.
What is missing is the website designed to allow thousands of letters, e-mail and faxes to be sent to the TV stations and newspapers, members of Congress, the President and others, with a single click. That is where we need your immediate help.
We have received a proposal from CapWiz.com to provide that website. They have awesome features and capability which is exactly what we need to recruit new people, educate them, allow their voices to be heard, and to contact them in the future. Check out the features here:http://capitoladvantage.com/capwiz. The site also has fund raising capabilities.
The help I need is to either raise the funding for their services ($11,000.00) or the skills of programers to build our own, similar site. The timing of the filing of the brief with the Supreme Court requires we have the site up and operational within the next two weeks. We must apply political pressure if the Supreme Court is going to hear the case. Capwiz has offered a discount if we can take advantage of it by Friday, September 18th.
What I am specifically asking is that you forward this e-mail to those you know that have money to fund the project, or who know how to raise money to fund the project, and that you personally follow-up with them. You might also make a donation yourself.
Ron Paul brought awareness to the New Revolution; we need to elevate it to the next level, and we need to do it now.
I have carefully orchestrated the Benson 16th Amendment litigation over the past four years, and timing has allowed us to couple the case with a federal criminal case now pending in Florida. I have raised the 16th Amendment issue there too. The timing is great to bring the same issue before the Supreme Court in two cases, and to obtain amicus support from both First Amendment groups as well as the defense bar to protect the right of all us to defend ourselves against government charges of "anti-american" conduct, such as forcing the government to obey the Supreme Law of Land.
Please don’t let this monumental opportunity to end the federal income tax go to waste. I need your help. My contact information is below. Donations can be made through PayPal from my website http://jeffdickstein.com/donate.aspx or by mail. Checks and money orders should be made payable to Jeffrey A. Dickstein.
We also have a great opportunity to sell bumper stickers and t-shirts from the new website if anyone wants to make that happen. A sample bumper sticker is below.
Revolutions are won by mobilizing the people. The Benson litigation is the perfect opportunity to do just that. PLEASE HELP.
Thank you,
Jeffrey A. Dickstein
Attorney at Law
500 W. Bradley Rd., C-208
Fox Point, WI 53217
(414) 446-4264
History always repeats itself, and smart people pay attention so dangerous mistakes are not
In the past, the King of England, needing money and tired of hearing the Colonist complain about
taxes and other abuses of their “inalienable rights,” passed exorbitant taxes and a stamp tax on
newspapers. If the King’s man, the tax collector, didn’t like the content of the newspaper
regarding the King’s taxation, no stamp would be issued. This tyranny resulted in the Boston Tea
Party and the great revolution for freedom from government oppression.
Today, the King’s man is Nathan J. Hochman, the Assistant Attorney General of the Justice
Department’s Tax Division. He announced “TAXDEF” for the express purpose of prosecuting
those who take concrete action to deny the fundamental validity of the tax laws.” See
William J. Benson took concrete action to deny the fundamental validity of the tax laws. He
uncovered the cover-up of the false and fraudulent ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment
pertaining to income taxes, spoke about it on his website, and urged people to exercise their
rights to require the government to obey the law. If the Sixteenth Amendment was not properly
ratified, then the federal income tax is unconstitutional.
Here is how “TAXDEF,” and today’s tyranny works: In United States v. Benson, Case No. 1:04-
cv-7403 (N.D.Ill.), the government asked the court to issue an injunction to prevent Benson from
making his research available over the Internet, and to require him to give a list of everyone who
obtained his research to the IRS, so those people could be investigated.
Benson attempted to defend by submitting evidence of the truth of what he was saying. That
evidence consisted of official, certified, government documents he personally obtained by
visiting Washington, D.C., and the capitols of all forty-eight states. That evidence conclusively
proves Benson’s statements were correct. The government engaged in fraud. Unable to contest
this evidence, a federal district court judge became “TAX DEAF,” threw out the evidence and
found Benson guilty. Every single judge in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals thinks this is
Such conduct, of course, is precluded by the First and Fifth Amendments, which our Founding
Fathers decided were necessary to keep the King, and all the King’s men, from:
No. 1 - Acting as invincible tyrants who can censor and punish speech because it
proves wholesale government theft; and
No. 2 - Charging someone with illegal conduct and refusing them the right to
defend against those charges.
Just as with King George in the 1700's, the King believes it can once again censor speech
through tax laws and use his henchmen judges to prevent a defense. Alexander Hamilton once
put a stop to this atrocious conduct in the Peter Zenger seditious libel trial. We need to put a stop
to it today.
The pleadings in the federal district court in Chicago and in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals
may be viewed at http://jeffdickstein.com. We have nothing to hide.
Another way in which “TAXDEF” is designed to work is the now pending criminal case of
United States v. Hirmer, Case No. 3:08-cr-70 (N.D.Fla., Pensacola Div.) wherein ten people have
been charged with several felonies for promoting “anti-government” views on taxation, such as
the Sixteenth Amendment was not ratified in accordance with the requirements of the
Constitution. There too, a “TAX-DEAF” judge refused to address proof of the truth. See
Its time for another tea party, the BENSON TEA PARTY
In the next few days, Benson’s petition will be filed in the Supreme Court of the United States.
(Read it here: http://jeffdickstein.com/supreme.aspx) We need to let the King know we want the
petition to be heard. Simply by GOING HERE (link to website) and entering your name and
address, thousands of letters, e-mails and faxes will be sent to all the major newspapers and TV
stations, Congress, the President, and the Secretary of the Treasury.
The King’s solution to the budget deficit and collapsing economy is to increase the current debt
by trillions of dollars, create inflation and economic depression, and give AIG money to throw a
$440,000 party and pay those people who destroyed the economy huge bonuses. Our [Your??]
solution, “PARA-AID” (People's Alternative Recovery Act - Associated Independence
Determination) is to end the illegal income tax and immediately give each and everyone of you a 15-
30% increase in your paycheck each payday. Now you get out of debt, save your home, create
jobs and expand the economy. If Congress needs money, they can pass a tax law that doesn’t
violate our fundamental rights and freedoms, and one that keeps the most feared government
bureaucracy in the history of the world, the IRS, out of our lives.
Send a shot to be heard around the world - CLICK HERE and let your voice be heard. Our King
has gone too far. If we can’t debate, and we can’t defend, we have lost the precious freedoms for
which our troops are now fighting, and have in many other wars, fought to protect. Support the
troops, support your country, support your family, and preserve the Constitution from destruction
by today’s Benedict Arnolds.
Please pass this to everyone on your mailing list, and please make a donation. (Link to website).
Our Country is one Of the People, By the People, and For the People. Its high time the People
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Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

This buffoon must have learned his American history by reading Classic Comics....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:Checks and money orders should be made payable to Jeffrey A. Dickstein.
How convenient.
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Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I eagerly await the first news of this clown getting sanctioned by his state and federal bars.... :twisted:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by LPC »

wserra wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:Checks and money orders should be made payable to Jeffrey A. Dickstein.
How convenient.
His primary market seems to be the people that you can fool all of the time.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by Nikki »

I realize you were just reposting some moron's gibberish, Demo, but, damn it, even with a volume discount, these keyboards are getting expensive.
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Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

"We must apply political pressure if the Supreme Court is going to hear the case."
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:
"We must apply political pressure if the Supreme Court is going to hear the case."
I guess this clown hasn't heard how effective such petitions were in Petey-Boy's case.... :P
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by Paul »

We all know the government is building FEMA camps to house us after we are rounded up,
At last we've found a suitable punishment for FEMA and everyone else involved in the post-Katrina rescue, cleanup and rebuilding fiascos -- gather up all the tax denier idiots and put them in a camp, and make the FEMA idiots responsible for them. They deserve each other.

Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by Nikki »

The "Final Solution" to the TP Problem?

The devil made me do it. :evil:

Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by Nikki »

The government had best take this case much more seriously: Devvy's on top of it.

Unfortunately, she still has that nasty inability to separate facts from mouth-frothing rhetoric.
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Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Nikki wrote:The government had best take this case much more seriously: Devvy's on top of it.

Unfortunately, she still has that nasty inability to separate facts from mouth-frothing rhetoric.
Devvy's relationship to facts is like a stopped clock's relationship to the correct time: they are both correct only by coincidence.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm hard put to decide which of them is the more delusional. I will say this for them, they don't let facts or reality get in the way of a good fantasy.

I was under the impression that the Benson nonsense had been pretty well laid to rest in the last few court appearances, under the heading of it is a settled matter and that is it.

And since when is selling a fraudulent tax shelter or avoidance scheme protected speech?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

notorial dissent wrote:I'm hard put to decide which of them is the more delusional. I will say this for them, they don't let facts or reality get in the way of a good fantasy.

I was under the impression that the Benson nonsense had been pretty well laid to rest in the last few court appearances, under the heading of it is a settled matter and that is it.

And since when is selling a fraudulent tax shelter or avoidance scheme protected speech?
It's protected speech when you have a delusional concept of what the First Amendment is. If TP/TDers want to get technical, they are being prosecuted not for the mere fact of their speech, but for their fraudulent and criminal activities which flow from that speech.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by wserra »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:It's protected speech when you have a delusional concept of what the First Amendment is. If TP/TDers want to get technical, they are being prosecuted not for the mere fact of their speech, but for their fraudulent and criminal activities which flow from that speech.
Even that is putting lipstick on the pig. These guys are too dumb to tell the difference between speech and profiting from aiding the preparation of fraudulent tax returns. In Dickstein's case, it may be not that he's too dumb, but rather that he's being paid.
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Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by notorial dissent »

My point was that whatsit is complaining that Benson et al are being "persecuted" for daring to make available/sell their research/product on the internet. The fact that their research is malarky, and is being used as a basis for tax avoidance scam, which is a crime seems to have gotten lost in the misinterpretation somewhere.

The point being that he can't claim freedom of speech to justify committing or encouraging / enabling someone else to commit a crime, and so Benson et al are now being persecuted.

What this looks like to me is another, Schulzian con game of getting the suckers to send him money so that he can prosecute a legal action that is never going to get off the ground, and he can go on claiming expenses for a long time since I doubt if the crowd he is appealing to will ever get wise since they still think Benson has found the long hidden super secret magic silver bullet and if he can only get enough donations the ebil tax man will go away forever when the "truth" is revealed at long last.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by fortinbras »

The selling of instructions on tax evasion or fraud is enjoined under 26 USC §§ 6700 & 7408 which forbid and enjoin the selling of “abusive tax shelters”. US v. D. White (8th Cir 1985) 769 F2d 511, 56 AFTR2d 6430, 1985 USTC ¶ 9606; ditto US v. T.P. Bell (3d Cir 2005) 414 F3d 474, 96 AFTR2d 5155; ditto US v. Rivera (CD Cal 7/18/03) 92 AFTR2d 6844; under 26 USC § 6700, the court can enjoin or penalize as promoting an abusive tax shelter not only investment scams but also the providing of instructions, paperwork, or other encouragement of tax delinquency, see essay, K.B. Bezdechek, Construction & application of 26 USC § 6700 imposing civil penalties for promoting abusive tax shelters, 2006 ALR-Fed 23 (2006 & suppl.).
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Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by jkeeb »

You can yell fire in a crowded theatre, however, there should be an actual, you know, fire.
Remember that CtC is about the rule of law.

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Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

CaptainKickback wrote:One of the basic tenets of free speech, long upheld by the courts is that free speech does not allow you to yell "FIRE!!" in a crowded theater.
As my Constitutional Law prof pointed out, the reason for this is if someone yells, "FIRE!" in a crowded theater, anyone who tries to get up and yell something like, "HE'S LYING!" will get ignored or drowned out by a crowd concerned only with boogieing out of the theater as soon as possible. The only problem with this example, like so many others, is that too many people misunderstand it -- like during the McCarthy era, when this example was used to justify attempts to suppress "Communist propaganda". People forgot that the reaction of most Americans of the time would have not been to flee in a panic, but to tell the propagandist that he was full of something-or-other.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: "Benson Tea Party"

Post by Gregg »

I just had one of my moments while reading that.

I say, give 'em what they want, abolish the income tax, and replace it with an excise on mobile homes, chewing tobacco, guns and ammo, survival magazines and Nascar Collectables. Once they have to pay $13,672.98 for a Dale Jr. Big Gulp Dr Pepper, they start wishing for the IRS!
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