Fourwinds Under Attack!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Fourwinds Under Attack!

Post by Deep Knight »

September 22, 2009

Like the month of June was “breaking out all over” in the Broadway Musical “Oklahoma”, Truth is “breaking out all over” in our world at this very moment. Fourwinds is constantly under attack by the Darkside in an on-going effort to suppress the Truth.

In the last twenty-four hours the intensity of the cyber-space attacks by the U.S. Government against our website has greatly increased, which correlates with the Truth being revealed in the Casper Updates during that same period of time. The evil U.S. Empire, its Emperor and its minions are being brought to their knees in ignominious defeat and removed from power, but they do not go easily.

Send Love and Light to all involved in this process, as Goodness is being restored to our nation and to our world, and again request both protection and help from the Lighted Realms for our honorable and courageous people, who are carrying this Mission to completion.


Translation - We've got computer problems and blame it on the government because we don't like them. A donation would be nice.
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Re: Fourwinds Under Attack!

Post by Unidyne »

Perhaps they should loosen their tin foil hats every once in a while, no?
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Re: Fourwinds Under Attack!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

September 22, 2009

Like the month of June was “breaking out all over” in the Broadway Musical “Oklahoma”, Truth is “breaking out all over” in our world at this very moment. Fourwinds is constantly under attack by the Darkside in an on-going effort to suppress the Truth.

In the last twenty-four hours the intensity of the cyber-space attacks by the U.S. Government against our website has greatly increased, which correlates with the Truth being revealed in the Casper Updates during that same period of time. The evil U.S. Empire, its Emperor and its minions are being brought to their knees in ignominious defeat and removed from power, but they do not go easily.

Send Love and Light to all involved in this process, as Goodness is being restored to our nation and to our world, and again request both protection and help from the Lighted Realms for our honorable and courageous people, who are carrying this Mission to completion.


Translation - We've got computer problems and blame it on the government because we don't like them. A donation would be nice.
This reminds me of a graffito which I saw, years ago, in Boston's South End. It demanded, "STOP THE INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL PERSECUTION OF BOB AVAKIAN!" Probably less than one in ten thousand -- to be generous -- said anything but "who?"

For those who give a rat's posterior, "Chairman Bob" heads, from exile (in France, where he is fleeing prosecution for something or other), the Revolutionary Communist Party. The site has an excellent link to the RCP's site, as well as the sites of many other parties, both mainstream and fringe; but don't check out the RCP site, be you lefty or righty, unless your keyboard armor is in place....
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Fourwinds Under Attack!

Post by Number Six »

Reminds me of Lyndon Larouche and his political movement and his former members who seek to counter him. ... n.HomePage

He also spent time in jail on tax charges. :roll:
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Re: Fourwinds Under Attack!

Post by Deep Knight »

And what is this "Truth being revealed in the Casper Updates" the government is attacking fourwinds10 about? Is it bringing the "Emperor and its minions" "to their knees in ignominious defeat and removed from power"?

9-22-09 #1

Early morning news says the Supreme Court did issue the rulings as described in last nights update and this morning are getting cold feet regarding the announcements.

The World Court says "you will make the announcements or you too will be charged"? The S.C. says that's the pot (W.C.) calling the kettle (S.C.) black. The W.C. says "its true we accepted bribes but we have never embezzled funds from the people".

Meanwhile OBAMA says to the S.C. the black people of America will not stand for him being removed from office.
The S.C. responds "this has nothing to do with race but TREASON, embezzlement and corruption.

The Supreme Court is saying the World Court will back down.
The Countries in Europe are saying to the World Court "YOU WILL ENFORCE YOUR RULINGS".

This is where things stand this morning, more when possible.

Casper 9-22-09


casper 9-23-09 #1

Please read again Tuesday mornings update.

Since that time "cover stories" have been flying in every direction requiring extra caution as they were again "orchestrated" disinformation.

The status this morning to the best of our knowledge is that OBAMA appears to be winning the behind the scenes battles. The Supreme Court now says they will not arrest anyone in D.C., the World Court says their hands are tied, the IMF Countries continue to shout loudly and carry no stick at all. The Queen is described as a big windbag.

WE hear EXPERTS are doing all possible and are intensifying their efforts to break into our accounts with the intent to steal all funds and move them to OBAMA'S control at Treasury.

The packs were still in D.C. last night.

More when possible,

casper 9-23-09 #1

So the New World Order blocked this site from posting their own "orchestrated disinformation"?
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Re: Fourwinds Under Attack!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:And what is this "Truth being revealed in the Casper Updates" the government is attacking fourwinds10 about? Is it bringing the "Emperor and its minions" "to their knees in ignominious defeat and removed from power"?

9-22-09 #1

Early morning news says the Supreme Court did issue the rulings as described in last nights update and this morning are getting cold feet regarding the announcements.

The World Court says "you will make the announcements or you too will be charged"? The S.C. says that's the pot (W.C.) calling the kettle (S.C.) black. The W.C. says "its true we accepted bribes but we have never embezzled funds from the people".

Meanwhile OBAMA says to the S.C. the black people of America will not stand for him being removed from office.
The S.C. responds "this has nothing to do with race but TREASON, embezzlement and corruption.

The Supreme Court is saying the World Court will back down.
The Countries in Europe are saying to the World Court "YOU WILL ENFORCE YOUR RULINGS".

This is where things stand this morning, more when possible.

Casper 9-22-09


casper 9-23-09 #1

Please read again Tuesday mornings update.

Since that time "cover stories" have been flying in every direction requiring extra caution as they were again "orchestrated" disinformation.

The status this morning to the best of our knowledge is that OBAMA appears to be winning the behind the scenes battles. The Supreme Court now says they will not arrest anyone in D.C., the World Court says their hands are tied, the IMF Countries continue to shout loudly and carry no stick at all. The Queen is described as a big windbag.

WE hear EXPERTS are doing all possible and are intensifying their efforts to break into our accounts with the intent to steal all funds and move them to OBAMA'S control at Treasury.

The packs were still in D.C. last night.

More when possible,

casper 9-23-09 #1

So the New World Order blocked this site from posting their own "orchestrated disinformation"?
And since when did the World Court have the authority to issue orders like this? The treaty enabling them must have slipped my attention.... :roll:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Fourwinds Under Attack!

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: And since when did the World Court have the authority to issue orders like this? The treaty enabling them must have slipped my attention.... :roll:
The answer is simple, secret laws mean secret treaties!

Does anyone know if there's such a thing as "secret common law?"
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Re: Fourwinds Under Attack!

Post by Deep Knight »


Sept. 23. 2009

The 11th hour and 59th minute...

I was told almost 20 years ago, when I was introduced to the first program I had ever heard of....
Introduced by a man that is now deceased........

That "All Hell will Break Loose and it will be Chaos at the very end".

That it would seem like we were never going to receive what we anticipated and hungered for.
That we would begin to believe that we were never to receive.
That it would seem like all was hopeless...and lost.

THEN, at the very last SECOND....
What appeared to be hopeless....was suddenly changed.
What appeared to be lost....was in our reach.
What appeared was never going to happen....APPEARS.

As we watch the GLOBAL ECONOMIC CHAOS....
The meltdown of the Dollar.....
The loss of jobs and income...
The loss of homes to foreclosure....
The bankrupting of the people.....of every country around the globe.....
The "elected officials" trying to maintain their positions and their power......their precious Federal Resv.

We watch......

There are People....Many people...Fighting the Fight to GET THESE DELIVERIES DONE.
They want to STOP the Corruption.
They are doing what ever it takes to do that.
They are working for relief.....for every breathing being on the planet.
This is not a little humanitarian program to give a bunch of people a bunch of money.

As the Trustee reports...A MASSIVE PROJECT TAKES TIME.

As POOF reports....WE are close to completion.....without commitment to exact timing.

As Casper's not without strife...two steps forward ( packs are moving) step back ( packs are recalled)....the daily grind of happenings behind those Red Velvet Drapes....UGLY at it's best.

ALL The reporters are telling you what THEY KNOW in their world of Info and Intel...

At times the "Tales" seem to be more like Sci-Fi, there is TRUTH to EVERY TALE.

The larger the "tale" the more truth will be found..


We are at the 11the hour and 59th minute...and counting down the seconds--the chaos and madness has arrived....
Take a breath........



Isn't it strange that it's been the 11th hour and 59th minutes for years. Why does anyone think that this clock exists, much less that it's suddenly gonna start moving? Yeah, I know, trying to make sense of this is a fool's errand...
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Re: Fourwinds Under Attack!

Post by texino »

When will Law take effect and stop these these liars? They have been shouting fire in the theater of the absurd, long enough and it's time to curtail their irresponsible ramble before someone takes the message as gospel of a new religion and kills for the cause.

T. Texino
Americus, GA
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Re: Fourwinds Under Attack!

Post by Deep Knight »

No wonder they're under attack, their families think they're nuts!!!

Patrick H. Bellringer

----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 1:44 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

Dear Patrick,

I enjoy your site very much and am learning so much. Is there any way possible that I could connect with like minded indivuals who have been studying the Phoenix Journals and who are knowledgeable in this area. I live alone and sometimes become fearful (I know I not suppose to fear) but I am a sensitive soul and so tend to become overwhelmed. I believe this is due in part to lack of fellowship and communication. But I just cannot relate to the general population anymore as they would either think I\'m nuts or turn and rend me. I am genuinely trying to understand and learn all I can...and...most of what I read on your site and the Journals does truly resonate with me. I just appreciate you and Anne so much for your enlightening site and if you could direct me to someone in the north Texas area I could share with I would be most grateful. I don\'t know how the personal info could be exchanged....please let me know.

Warm Regards,


Patrick, please feel free to post this as I know there may be others with the same question. Just please use my initials "sm". Thanks


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Sept. 23, 2009

Dear SM:

Thank you for your letter. Lightworkers tend to be alone, as their low frequency friends fall by the wayside, while traveling the Red Road of Truth. As you say;, "I just cannot relate to the general population anymore". Gradually, your values, morals and ethics change, as you gain wisdom, and people cannot stand your energies.

My wife's family thinks she is "nuts", and my family knows I'm "nuts", for this very reason. This is all part of our journey to the Light. Some make it. Most do not! All serious Lightworkers and Truthseekers experience rejection and isolation by the general public.

Hatonn says we have less distractions and accomplish our mission more effectively, when we work, study and meditate alone, but we are still human and need at least one connection to a friend of similar enlightenment. The big question is "How do we find that one or two persons of "like mind"?

For those reading this letter, if you live in the north Texas area or know someone who does, and have an interest to make contact with SM, please indicate that to me, and I shall provide the contact information to SM.

We have many friends of the Higher Dimensions, but it is nice to have an earthly friend with whom to make this 3D journey.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

#1 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: MA
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 8:18 PM

Dear Patrick,
Once again, when I open the Fourwinds Site, I find a posting which is talking to me. I feel myself in the same position that SM is in. But I am far away, here in an Asian country whose rulers are puppets of the US.
I am one who has been waging my own battles against the dark since my youth. I do not take things sitting down and have continuously efforted to play an active role as an activist for social change. Then and now.
What I have found out is that the “humans” will use you if you are a lightworker who subscribes to fairness and ethical standards. As the stakes get higher (n the material plane of money, fame, prestige), even friends and co-workers will betray you; they get tempted.
I am glad that I have learned how to invoke God Aton’s protection through the messages in this site. Indeed I have always been protected, even when I had not yet re-discovered God Aton. That is why I am alive today.
It is not my interest now to be physically in touch with other enlightened persons. I can work alone in the midst of the crowd.
But lately, after playing a lead role in hosting an international conference for peace,I have a strong feeling that I want to change my course of work which has exposed me to exploitation by others, even well-meaning ones.
Once again I simply ask for your good intentions and God Aton’s guidance and blessings. Here is a tired Lightworker who wants more time for herself, her family and her spiritual life, far from the madding crowd.
Your work and Fourwinds shall always prosper because you bring truth, like rain to parched hears, minds and souls.
In love and light,
"Follow the Money"