Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

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Re: Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

Post by wserra »

UGA Lawdog wrote:Well, if schadenfreude is joy derived from the misfortune of others, they must have the inverse version of it. 8)
I thrill to the touch of your lips, dear,
But much more to the touch of your whips, dear.
You can raise welts
Like nobody else.
As we dance to the masochism tango.

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Re: Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

Post by fortinbras »

I've spent enough time going through the US Code to argue with these people. I am not going to go through Kraft-Ebbing as well.

Re: Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

Post by Blup »

Problem with arguing with them is, it's such a waste of time. It takes then 30 seconds to come up with some BS legal theory, and it takes you 4 hours to debunk it. And then they don't even believe that. I just tend to stay away from folks who buy into irrational crap. I don't want to follow them down into whatever bad place they're going.
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Re: Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

Post by wserra »

UGA Lawdog wrote:Isn't masochism joy derived from actual physical pain, as opposed to just misfortune?
From Stedman's Medical Dictionary:
masochism mas·och·ism (mās'ə-kĭz'əm)

The act or an instance of deriving sexual gratification from being physically or emotionally abused.

A psychological disorder in which sexual gratification is derived from being physically or emotionally abused.

The act or an instance of deriving pleasure from being offended, dominated, or mistreated.

The tendency to seek such mistreatment.
From JRB:
These people must really get some kind of bizarre pleasure out of being laughed at.
From Professor Tom:
Let our love be a flame, not an ember,
Say it's me that you want to dismember.
Fracture my spine,
And say that you're mine.
As we dance to the masochism tango.
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Re: Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Blup wrote:Problem with arguing with them is, it's such a waste of time. It takes then 30 seconds to come up with some BS legal theory, and it takes you 4 hours to debunk it. And then they don't even believe that. I just tend to stay away from folks who buy into irrational crap. I don't want to follow them down into whatever bad place they're going.
Arguing with these people is like hitting one of those childrens' inflatable punching bags (the ones with sand in the rounded bottom). You knock down one of their arguments, and they bounce right back up with another, looking just as silly as they did before....
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Re: Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

Post by webhick »

wserra wrote:
UGA Lawdog wrote:Isn't masochism joy derived from actual physical pain, as opposed to just misfortune?
From Stedman's Medical Dictionary:
masochism mas·och·ism (mās'ə-kĭz'əm)

Oddly enough, Stedman is also the name of Oprah's significant other.
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Re: Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

Post by fortinbras »

Blup wrote:Problem with arguing with them is, it's such a waste of time. It takes then 30 seconds to come up with some BS legal theory, and it takes you 4 hours to debunk it.
Worse yet, after you cite and recite tons of authorities that say they're wrong -- even court cases that explicitly rejected the very same claims -- they ignore it all and go back to repeating the same crap as if you hadn't said anything. Shrinks call this perseveration.
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Re: Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

Post by Prof »

And here it is, the perfect sovereign response to any governmental authority, modified, of course, for the specifics of a traffic stop:

#56 (permalink) Today, 03:01 PM
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Re: Brief in Support of Notice For Dismissal For Lack of Jurisdiction


How about stating your affairs in your own terms?

I exercise my freedom of locomotion on the common right of ways in a private, unregistered and untitled conveyance, which I have and hold as a lawful and rightful possession, to conduct my private affairs in my own right by Devine Law.

I am without the jusidiction you claim and my private possession is also without such jurisdiction. I am without any claim of injury or property damage to another man or woman, therefore I am without the subjugation of delay, arrest or detainment.

I am free to go. Good day.

(Any order by threat will be fulfilled under duress for fear of injury or death since you have weapons and I am unarmed and a peaceful man/woman.

Remember to ask if they will use force if you don't comply prior to fulfilling their order. Your actions are under duress by threat from that point forward, having no recourse or effect over you.)
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Re: Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

Post by Blup »

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Re: Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

Post by Prof »

#75 (permalink) Today, 07:05 AM
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Re: bonded promissory note


Here is a passage I found, I forget the source:

It is important to realize that all public transfers of property must be recorded as transfers of title, not necessarily the actual possession of the property described on the title. A title can be best described as a lien or mortgage on the land or the evidence of who has sworn an oath of fealty to the King (does this sound familiar ... ‘I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands…’). In European history “titles” were granted to men for possession of land by the King who was nothing more or less than a political appointee of the Vatican. In return the “titled nobility” owed a duty to the King in the form of knight service to press the Kings wars or to otherwise financially support the war effort. These wars were for conquest by force. [Therefore, in today’s world, all wars are waged with the support of all the “titled nobility” or those who are made liable to support the war. All wars are carried on in the name of the STRAWMAN who appears on the title to property. In other words the “war” in Iraq is being waged by the titled lords/STRAWPERSONS.]
The original 13th Amendment was put in place to prevent the granting of “titles” by the attorneys…hence the War of 1812 which sought by burning Washington DC and its buildings to destroy the original signature document known as the 13th Amendment. [see photo]
In essence then the moneys collected as “mortgage payments” are only a tax to support the war effort of the US in its attempt at domination of larger and larger amounts of the surface of the planet.
If you want to support that war effort then you can voluntarily pay money to that end.
But if you object to that use of your money/labor, there are remedies available to deal with the titles.
Since we operate in admiralty law jurisdiction there has to be an avoidance, as all tax is voluntary. We need to learn how to properly register in the commercial registry for the exemption from taxation. That provides the avoidance."

[The rest of the passage is on the attachment, it was too long to post...]
Attached Files 1 Pre Mortgage.doc (27.2 KB, 1 views)
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Re: Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

Post by Blup »

ZOMG that's the funniest thing I've ever read. Brilliant though, in its complete and utter nonsense. Somebody did a lot of research and spend untold hours getting all that legal jargon in his head and making the (nonsensical) connections between those words. Just goes to show that if you take something that is rather confusing on its own, ie., the law, and couple that with confident-sounding language which makes lay-folk think you know what you are talking about, you can scam thousands and thousands of people into believing the silliest of things.

My sovereign friend just got back into town this week. He took off about a year ago to try to find someone in Ohio or somewhere regarding the freeman movement because he was filled with zeal after reading some crap and watching some vids on youtube. I can't wait to hear what happened to him!
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Re: Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

Post by Prof »

You must go to the web site contained in the following post for an exercise in true “Sui” thinking outside of the box. Texas has recently passed a criminal statute dealing with “sovereign liens” and so forth. Naturally, the great intellects of the sovereign movement – including BOBT12-- assert that a Texas criminal law can be applied to an agency of the federal government:

Texas Has Just Passed A Law That Will Show You How To File Criminal Charges ......

Texas Has Just Passed A Law That Will Show You How To File Criminal Charges Against The IRS -- And Void Their Liens!
http://www.citizensoftheamericanconstituti...d%20A%20Law. htm
"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual."
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Re: Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

Post by fortinbras »

Let's try this link instead:

http://www.citizensoftheamericanconstit ... %20Law.htm

It turns out that "just passed" means 1997 and the law in question (House Bill 1185) is one to enable the efficient nullification of bogus liens such as those filed by McLaren's Republic of Texas.
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Re: Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

Post by Prof »

fortinbras wrote:Let's try this link instead:

http://www.citizensoftheamericanconstit ... %20Law.htm

It turns out that "just passed" means 1997 and the law in question (House Bill 1185) is one to enable the efficient nullification of bogus liens such as those filed by McLaren's Republic of Texas.
Hey, it's recent to someone who took the Bar Exam in 1975! (That would be me.)
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Re: Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

Post by Prof »

Incisive observations about American law from the denizens at Sui:

The Well


Alfred Adask was heard quoting a court transcript in which the black robed actor was inviting one reluctant to cross the bar from the audience area into the well using the arguments that he could be heard and the court reporter could record what he was saying.

Going back into Websters New International Dictionary (1910) the following definitions were obtained:

well .... 7. naut. A. An inclosure in the middle of a vessel's hold, around the pumps, from the bottom to the lower deck, to preserve the pumps from damage and facilitate their inspection. B. A compartment in the hold of a fishing vesel, tight at the sides, but having holes in the bottom to let in water to keep fish alive. C. vertical passage in the stern into whih an auxiliary screw propeller may be drawun up. D. The cockpit. E. That part of the main deck between the raised forecastle and the poop of a well-decked vesel. F. A vertical passage to the bow of some old-style monitors in which the anchor is stowed.

well-deck naut. A space on the main deck of a vessel inclosed by the bulwarks and by partial decks forward and aft; chiefly used attributively of a vessel hving such a deck space; such as a well-deck steamer.

deck 1. A covering 2. The floorlike platform of a horizontal section, or compartment of a ship. The deck names in modern merchant vessels vary so greatly that no exact statement regarding them can be given that is entirely uniform, though certain general types are observed. Small vessels have but one deck (the main deck), and are called single-deck vessels. Where the single deck steps to a higher level aft the vessel is called a raised-quarter-deck vessel: where here are two steps the vessel is a well-deck vessel. Two-deck vessels have a main and a lower deck. The decks of a three-deck vessel are the upper deck (weather deck) those below being main deck, lower deck, orlop deck and platform deck. The decks of a hurricane-deck vessel are the hurricane deck (weather deck), and below main, lower, orlop and platform deck...



Re: The Well


Is it a correct position, that the only way one should find oneself in a courtroom is if they are carried in? Even to walk in in shackles is still voluntary, and an admittance that you are the fiction?
" I say your civilization because as soon as we started thinking for you it really became our civilization which is of course what this is all about."

"I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This reality, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it."



Re: The Well


If your "person" has an action and chooses the "court" to pursue remedy then he cannot object to the forum he has chosen.

If the "person" does not voluntarily choose the forum he should not walk in under his own motive power. TDC or vi et armis changes the landscape. Shackles on legs and arms speaks volumes about the voluntary nature of the action. Why would you suppose photos are not permitted in court? The record is audio or submitted paperwork. But the record does not include a description of the jewelry you are wearing at the time or whether you are carried into the venue. If these facts are going to appear on the record you have to describe them verbally or submit paperwork describing them.

On another topic was discussed the de facto nature of the court (as an arm of the de facto government). Once this de facto nature is pointed out then there is no more necessity to tell the truth as perjury is not a crime in a de facto court. As the court might not view itself as de facto and might not be aware of this principle of law (the only one in the courtroom that may be ignorant of the law is the judge .. he relies on appeal to correct his errors) you might take comfort in being right as your liberty is curtailed. Calling a de facto court such will probably be viewed as a contempt.

In earlier days the action of standing mute was considered fatal. A prisoner would be taken to the lower part of the dungeon, be laid horizontally on the floor and have hundreds of pounds of armor piled on him.
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Re: Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Prof wrote:Incisive observations about American law from the denizens at Sui:
multiplesuidiots wrote: Is it a correct position, that the only way one should find oneself in a courtroom is if they are carried in? Even to walk in in shackles is still voluntary, and an admittance that you are the fiction?
If the "person" does not voluntarily choose the forum he should not walk in under his own motive power.
In earlier days the action of standing mute was considered fatal. A prisoner would be taken to the lower part of the dungeon, be laid horizontally on the floor and have hundreds of pounds of armor piled on him.
For shackle-free motivation, I recommend:

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Re: Sui and the Secrets of the Law (or Masons or DMP, etc.)

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

It figures that Great Legal Experts like the Sooeys would choose a 99-year-old dictionary for their definitions. Had those geniuses thought to consult a more current dictionary, they might have found the following (which I found on

4 : an open space extending vertically through floors of a structure

I have seen this usage both in the House of Representatives for both US and Massachusetts. You stand in the well of the House, for example, to receive an honor (or censure). The level of the well is below that of any of the seats, and of the rostrum.
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