Latest bit of email nonsense

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notorial dissent
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Latest bit of email nonsense

Post by notorial dissent »

WARNING: This e-mail is a suspected phishing scam.

"Robert Pasteiner, QC"<>
The above "From:" address may be forged.
Save Address Reminder
Subject: Re: Unauthorized use of your name can earn you $$$$$$?
Date: Friday, October 9, 2009 7:01:09 PM [View Source]

Yes, it is real, true and legal that the unauthorized use of your name can earn
you Five Hundred United states Dollars. There exist the process of fortifying
your name from indiscriminate unauthorized use of your name by Credit Companies,
tax agencies, banks, courts and the government who then pose a threat to your

At the end of the day, not only will you free yourself of the financial burden
of Social Security from which you will NEVER get full return benefit, you will
have a solid foundation to take absolute control of your
financial/economic/legal life. With this foundation so set up, no court, tax
agency, Credit Company, government, bank can touch or threaten you. You,
therefore, will live your life on your own terms with the very great chance of
earning at least Five Hundred United states Dollars! This is no joke; it is for
real. Even outstanding debts can and will be obliterated, not consolidated and
your credit sanitized!

It will be in your utmost best interest to contact me to start your march
towards a worry-free life ahead. Try, test before you believe.

I await your reply at

Yours faithfully,
Robert Pasteiner, QC.
T: +44 703 194 4664
This little jewel showed up in my email this morning.
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Re: Latest bit of email nonsense

Post by wserra »

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Re: Latest bit of email nonsense

Post by Demosthenes »

NAME: Robert Pasteiner.Esq.

Dear friend,

I am a legal representative of a well known political personality in Great Britain who has some financial interest that need to be legitimized using a foreign national not resident in Great Britain as a front.

My client has briefed and mandated me to make this contact and open up communication with you for a possible business relationship. While in government, my client used his respected official position to accumulate some funds through the awards of contracts that were inflated,the said funds in question is 9.2m. These contracts have since been executed and the contractors have been duly paid, but the balanced
over-invoiced amount remains unclaimed in a transitory account with the ministry of finance, awaiting approval for payment.

My clients brief to me therefore is to source for a bold and trustworthy foreign based business person, who can act as a front in laying claims to this yet unclaimed amount. More details and procedures of how the
funds will be released to you as the beneficiary will be discussed after a positive response from you, and be assured that the transaction contemplated with you will be mutually beneficial with a zero level risk.

Be informed you are to benefit or be compensated with 12 of the total amount involved,although still negotiable please respond A.S.A.P for details if interested.


Robert Pasteiner Esq
Pasteiner gets around. I wonder how he stumbled into the copyrighted name crap.

Re: Latest bit of email nonsense

Post by Blup »

wow he's doing a nigerian scam too? Next thing you know you'll see him on the street running a 3-card-monte table. :roll:
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Re: Latest bit of email nonsense

Post by ASITStands »

Blup wrote:wow he's doing a nigerian scam too? Next thing you know you'll see him on the street running a 3-card-monte table. :roll:
Might be more honest than what he's doing now.
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Re: Latest bit of email nonsense

Post by rogfulton »

Out of curiosity, I Googled him and found an entry on about him. Apparently he will answer the phone if you want to call him. In this blog, the email regards left over grant money for the study of vector borne illnesses in Scotland and Ireland. Read it and laugh ... tific.html

It also mentions he has represented himself as a barrister for one of the victims of the London bombing on 7/7/05 with this link ... 798.14.htm
Note the reply to email address in this scam is in Poland.
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Re: Latest bit of email nonsense

Post by fortinbras »

Another website got one of his messages and displayed the (usually hidden and mostly gibberish) header, which shows he was using an internet service provider in Holland: ... -1244.html

Oddly enough, in the above messages, he demoted himself from QC to Esq (yes, that's a definite downgrade). However, running his name through Google, I found out that the same Robert Pasteiner (there couldn't be two) has pretended to be a bigshot scientist at a non-existent College of Pharmacology, and even an official of a probate court. He also pretends to be an honest broker (some kind of Nigerian financial firm) piggybacking on a Nigerian scam:

See this (and use the Find feature to locate a number of his indentities):

This guy really gets around. If he devoted this much energy to honest work .....