More from Benjamin Fulford

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More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by ClemIsBack »

※Benjamin Fulford DVD シリーズ

« 米連銀による混乱が予測されている | Main | 10月17日(土)ベンジャミン・フルフォード講演会~民主党政権の行方、日本の未来について~ »




More when news comes available.
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by Deep Knight »

ClemIsBack wrote:※Benjamin Fulford DVD シリーズ

« 米連銀による混乱が予測されている | Main | 10月17日(土)ベンジャミン・フルフォード講演会~民主党政権の行方、日本の未来について~ »




More when news comes available.
Deep Knight doesn't read Japanese (well, more than about a hundred Kanji but no Hiragana or Katakana at all) but he can translate this easily.
Benjamin Fulford
« At the corner of Umikyoguchi Street and Main 10-17 Wumugushu Blvd. »

How are you? I am fine!
I am here fighting the New World Order. Isn’t that neat? This costs a lot of money and you can all help. Go to your mommy’s purse and find her paper money and credit cards. Look carefully, many of my pen-pal’s mommies hide it really well after they find out they’ve been writing to me.

Take the money and put it into the next letter your send to your pen pal. The pen pal who sends me the most money will get a special gift at the end of the year! Don’t you wish it was you?

In my next letter I will tell you how to use your Mommy’s cell phone to take pictures of them in dressing or in the bathroom and send them to your pen pal. I especially like pictures that make your mommy really mad when you take them, because that means they must be really good!

More when news comes available.
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

You may not be able to read Japanese, but I can.
SHOP where the impact of the truth has been blocked.

Whatever the hell that means...
米連銀による混乱が予測されている | Main | 10月17日(土)ベンジャミン・フルフォード講演会~民主党政権の行方、日本の未来について~
The Democratic Party administration of Japan will be holding a seminar sometime on Saturday, October 17 to clear up confusion about American silver and the whereabouts of Benjamin Fulford.
Okay, this guy's Japanese is way worse than mine. I get the feeling he's using a translator because this doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense, but here it goes:

In this passage he is talking about President Obama being a pathological liar with regards to silver as some form of monetary system and that he's going to bankrupt it by swindling the Japanese.
This says President Obama is not the real president, wasn't really elected and that he's just some guy who reads from a script. The inference here is that he reads whatever is put in front of him (I think that's a teleprompter swipe).
Finally, this paragraph alludes that the Israelis, Arabs and the Australians have begun a "new age" in desert reclamation through the use of "free energy". The Israelis have such a device on Mt. Sinai, the Arabs have one in Mecca and the Aussies...well, he doesn't say where but he's sure they have such a thing.

Basically they're turning the deserts green again.
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by Deep Knight »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:SHOP where the impact of the truth has been blocked.

Whatever the hell that means...
I believe this is the new motto of the NESARA Online Store. See
Doktor Avalanche wrote:
米連銀による混乱が予測されている | Main | 10月17日(土)ベンジャミン・フルフォード講演会~民主党政権の行方、日本の未来について~
The Democratic Party administration of Japan will be holding a seminar sometime on Saturday, October 17 to clear up confusion about American silver and the whereabouts of Benjamin Fulford.
I would rather have them hold a seminar to explain why the center-left Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) is more liberal than the center-right Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).
Doktor Avalanche wrote:
Okay, this guy's Japanese is way worse than mine. I get the feeling he's using a translator because this doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense, but here it goes:

In this passage he is talking about President Obama being a pathological liar with regards to silver as some form of monetary system and that he's going to bankrupt it by swindling the Japanese.
Whereas Mr. Fulford is a pathological liar with regards to everything.
Doktor Avalanche wrote:
This says President Obama is not the real president, wasn't really elected and that he's just some guy who reads from a script. The inference here is that he reads whatever is put in front of him (I think that's a teleprompter swipe).
My theory is that President Obama can't be the president because he was born in Japan and that this "born in Kenya" stuff is just a cover-up so that he won't be voted in as Japanese Prime Minister (the same thing happened with "Hello Kitty" in the 90's).
Doktor Avalanche wrote:
Finally, this paragraph alludes that the Israelis, Arabs and the Australians have begun a "new age" in desert reclamation through the use of "free energy". The Israelis have such a device on Mt. Sinai, the Arabs have one in Mecca and the Aussies...well, he doesn't say where but he's sure they have such a thing.

Basically they're turning the deserts green again.
By again, I assume you're referring to the first time they did this back in the 20's. Took them years to scrub all that paint off the sand.
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Damn ... Google Translation really mangled that translation.
Are filled with the shocking truth ~ SHOP

Admittedly, that's pretty close.
Confusion that is predicted by the Fed | Main | 10 17 (Sat) Lecture - Fate of the Democratic administration of Benjamin Fulford about Japan's future

Ah, but you left out the part about the silver.
Obama was hired to plot the Fed
The Fed "bankruptcy" strategy of the Obama for President "Let's go back to Congress the right to make money" they say. Even if no one can deceive the Congress against the president and the Fed suddenly the Fed is not hired. The Fed is "The Fed attempts to restore the authority of the Fed" is like saying that. Believe that even someone who believed in his lies are not pathological liars.

That's not even close. Again, Google's translation of this paragraph fails to identify the context of why this argument is being made: Obama wants to devalue and bankrupt the silver market because he's a pathological liar who is out to "swindle Japan".

I really, really hate online translation tools.
United States under the US Constitution established a provisional government as soon as possible, they should elect the president and the election of the real truth. Should be an actor reading a script from a real president.

Boy, Google got that wrong. The actual translation reads that Obama isn't a duly elected president under the rules of the US Constitution and that he's just some actor who reads from a script. This is both a swipe at his use of a teleprompter and a regurgitation of the birfer argument.

It's all about context, ladies and gentlemen.
Other countries in the world and in any case we are pioneering the new era has begun. Launched a campaign to green the desert with a free energy technology in the Sinai, Israel. Have decided to start a similar thing from Mecca and the Arab world. Australia is the same. The new paradigm has already begun.

This one is just about correct. I wonder if Fulford got a native speaker at the last minute.
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by Deep Knight »

I was confused by the good doktor's last posting (but then again, what about NESARA isn't confusing?) until I realized the Mr. Fulford posted a translation on his blog. See Be aware that this site is filled with the "shocking truth" which I believe must be a poor translation, "shocking like you get from a frayed power cord" is more accurate.
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by fortinbras »

Fulford is now reporting, on FourWinds, that Queen Elizabeth is set to abdicate, sort of. Actually, that Parliament is secret debating ousting the whole Montbatten family because their name was really Battenburg and they are of Hanoverian descent (this might have made some sense during WW1 but doesn't seem to be much of a motive now). And the likely new monarch will be "the Earl of Wales".

What!? You haven't heard of the Earl of Wales? Well neither did the publishers of Burke's Peerage. There is no such earldom, and Fulford doesn't bother to give him a name either.
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

fortinbras wrote:Fulford is now reporting, on FourWinds, that Queen Elizabeth is set to abdicate, sort of. Actually, that Parliament is secret debating ousting the whole Montbatten family because their name was really Battenburg and they are of Hanoverian descent (this might have made some sense during WW1 but doesn't seem to be much of a motive now). And the likely new monarch will be "the Earl of Wales".

What!? You haven't heard of the Earl of Wales? Well neither did the publishers of Burke's Peerage. There is no such earldom, and Fulford doesn't bother to give him a name either.
If I posted reports that were as fact-free as Fulford's reports, I wouldn't concern myself with whether or not the Earl of Wales existed.
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by Deep Knight »

This was posted at Rumor Mill News:

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Regarding the Earl of Wales

Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Wednesday, 14-Oct-2009 23:37:23

In Response To: Benjamin Fulford: "QUEEN ELIZABETH MAY SOON ABDICATE HER THRONE" (hobie) Hi, Folks -

Agent Sandollar (thanks, S. :) wrote me that there doesn't seem to be any information on the Web concerning an Earl of Wales.

(Charles, of course, is "Prince of Wales".)

I wrote Ben Fulford about it. He replies that he knows only that the person under consideration is from a more English, not German, royal bloodline, and comments that "At the top, these people keep their names secret so they can move about society freely."

Ben indicates his source for the information is a highly-connected one.

My guess (more of a hunch, really) is that the peerage title "Prince of Wales" may have distracted from and obscured an existing "Earl of Wales" title, kind of an overlay, like "Corp. US" is an overlay on top of the still-existing original jurisdiction "Govt. US".


And this


Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Wednesday, 14-Oct-2009 23:41:03

In Response To: Benjamin Fulford: "QUEEN ELIZABETH MAY SOON ABDICATE HER THRONE" (hobie) (Thanks, Tonzal :)

Reader Tonzal apparently knows who is being referred to - but doesn't think it's gonna happen the way Fulford's source has described.

Reader Tonzal writes:



Fulford, I don't think so.

Earl Spencer of Wales will not become King of England.
The future king is that brat William. After which the
Windsor monarchy will end.

I however am seeking verification.

The new world won't begin until the United States start
to be dismembered.

Also, they are resetting the economy, wages will be
lowered in the United States, because cost of living
will go down.


Which got these replies


Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Thursday, 15-Oct-2009 01:47:25

In Response To: Meanwhile, Reader Tonzal: "FULFORD, I DON'T THINK SO" and "THEY ARE ALSO RESETTING THE ECONOMY" (hobie) (Thanks, JP :)

Reader JP wonders:


Re: Meanwhile, Reader Tonzal: 'FULFORD, I DON'....

Reader Tonzal writes:

"Earl Spencer of Wales will not become King of England."

Is he referring to Charles Spencer (born in 1964), 9th Earl Spencer, younger brother of Diana (born in 1061), Princess of Wales?


Posted By: unplugged
Date: Thursday, 15-Oct-2009 01:59:08

In Response To: Reader: "IS TONZAL REFERRING TO CHARLES SPENCER...?" (hobie) : Is he referring to Charles Spencer (born in 1964), 9th Earl
: Spencer, younger brother of Diana (born in 1061), Princess
: of Wales?


More than likely, yes. It was known when Charles married Diana he did so the strengthen the hold of the Windsor clan on the British royal family. The Spencers have blood links to English royalty that exceed those of the Mountbatten/Hanover/Windsor line.

Given their preference for tradition I find it difficult to believe the British would chuck the Windsors even after being confronted with overwhelming proof that the Windsor claim is less than that of landed gentry. The fact is the Hanoverians have been around since the 1700s and have presided (ignominously) over the loss of the American colonies and (gloriously) over the dawn of the British global empire when it was claimed "the sun never set on the British Empire." That was in the time of Victoria.


But Rayelan knows the real poop! In fact, hardly a day goes by when she doesn't check her poop to make sure it's real!


Posted By: Rayelan <Send E-Mail>
Date: Wednesday, 14-Oct-2009 23:59:51

In Response To: Benjamin Fulford: "QUEEN ELIZABETH MAY SOON ABDICATE HER THRONE" (hobie) I know that Duke Franz is aware of Rumor Mill News. And since he does...

Herzog von Bayern... Duke Franz,

I strongly urge you to put away your reluctance and embrace your destiny! You KNOW that I would NOT urge you to do this unless this IS the path you are supposed to take.

Truth is more important now than anything. Once the truth is known, NO ONE... with the exception of a few City of London bankers, will object. You are the TRUE Stuart King!

Most of what I have to say, I already said in the posts below. Each post has a multitude of links to other articles and very healthy threads put up by other agents.

If you are really eager to learn what is going on here, take the time to read all of this.

Herzog is German for Duke. Herzogin is Duchess. Erz Herzog in Arch Duke. I suspect an Arch Duke will soon lay claim to his family lands. And then we will quickly see the redrawing of borders all around the world.


Because when the new world order destroyed the ancient kingdoms, queendoms, sheikdoms, sultanates and the Caliphate; they redrew all the borders and put warring tribes next to each other in order to cause chaos. The more chaos and wars the better it is the the Elite bankers who purposely cause wars to make money, to gain new lands, and to rape and pillage the world.

It's time for the world to go back to what it was before the new world order sliced up the pie they way they wanted it.

ACT REPEAL COULD MAKE FRANZ HERZOG (Duke) VON BAYERN, NEW KING OF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND - His sister Sophie is already Queen of all England and Scotland. That is her title! ... ead=122607

Rayelan -- Wednesday, 16-Apr-2008 23:21:06

Rayelan -- Wednesday, 16-Apr-2008 18:13:20

Rayelan -- Thursday, 17-Apr-2008 15:11:55

Personally, I would rather have the Duke of Earl as the new English king. Because, as I walk through this world, nothing can stop, the Duke of Earl. If not him, perhaps the Earl of Paducah...
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by Brandybuck »

If not the Duke of Earl, perhaps the Lords of Flatbush?
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by Lambkin »

fortinbras wrote:You haven't heard of the Earl of Wales? Well neither did the publishers of Burke's Peerage. There is no such earldom, and Fulford doesn't bother to give him a name either.
A simple mistake, they mean "whale oil" with a Brooklyn accent.
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by Deep Knight »

Lambkin wrote:
fortinbras wrote:You haven't heard of the Earl of Wales? Well neither did the publishers of Burke's Peerage. There is no such earldom, and Fulford doesn't bother to give him a name either.
A simple mistake, they mean "whale oil" with a Brooklyn accent.
Wh-ale of Oyl? Any relation to Olive of Oyl? You know, Ascended Master Popeye's twin flame (Master Popeye has moved beyond "I AM" to "I YAM WHAT I YAM."
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by Deep Knight »

Benjamin Fulford

Oct. 17, 2009

The Queen must go because she made a secret pact with Hitler and the Nazis

The usurpers of the British throne who call themselves Windsor but are really Nazi Germans called Battenberg had better escape back to Germany before the English people find out what they have done.

The British “Monarchy” has been part of a long term German plan to subvert and take over the British Empire. During World War 2, the so-called “Battle of Britain” ended in British “victory” only because “Queen” Elizabeth made a secret pact with Hitler, according to senior MI6 sources. It was the British royals who arranged for Hitler’s deputy Rudolf Hess to parachute into England and make the secret betrayal of the British people. Hitler was secreted out of Germany after the war and went to Argentina where he lived to a ripe old age and oversaw the Nazification of the United States under George Bush (Scherff) Senior.

She along with Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and other Nazi Bilderbergers were also in on the 911 attacks. They were also in on the plot to kill 4 billion non-white people and microchip the rest. And yes, these people gave their servant boy Obama the Nobel “peace” prize.

These genocidal scum are still hoping to install their one-world fascist dicatorship but it will not happen according to their plan. Our suggestion is they restore their honour by committing suicide.

Instead though, their next big 911 type move, apparently, will be to announce “first contact” with aliens. They may then also roll out some of their secret flying saucer fleet and try to fool the world. Well, they will only fool the fools. Nonetheless, we must not underestimate these snakes or let our guards down even for a second until their nightmare rule ends forever.

I would be more impressed with Ben's research if he knew how to use "the google."

Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; born 21 April 1926)

On May 10, 1941, at about 6:00 P.M., Hess took off from Augsburg in a Messerschmitt Bf 110, and Hitler ordered the General of the Fighter Arm to stop Hess (squadron leaders were ordered to scramble only one or two fighters since Hess's particular aircraft could not be distinguished from others). Hess parachuted over Renfrewshire, Scotland on 10 May and landed (breaking his ankle) at Floors Farm near Eaglesham. In a newsreel clip, farmhand David McLean claims to have arrested Hess with his pitchfork

Elizabeth became Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan, and Ceylon upon the death of her father, George VI, on 6 February 1952.

What a story! We have just-turned-15-years-old princess upsurping her father's government to make a secret treaty with the Nazis! No wonder the British public will be upset!
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by fortinbras »

More than that, during WW2 the future E2R was "Lt. Windsor" serving in the Army motor pool, fixing engines (and going home each night to Buckingham Palace).
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:More than that, during WW2 the future E2R was "Lt. Windsor" serving in the Army motor pool, fixing engines (and going home each night to Buckingham Palace).
So, this is where the Nazis got their advanced engine technology! If the war had gone on only a few months more they would have swept over Europe in a fleet of MiniCoopers and MGBs.
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:
fortinbras wrote:More than that, during WW2 the future E2R was "Lt. Windsor" serving in the Army motor pool, fixing engines (and going home each night to Buckingham Palace).
So, this is where the Nazis got their advanced engine technology! If the war had gone on only a few months more they would have swept over Europe in a fleet of MiniCoopers and MGBs.
Since Princess Elizabeth only began active service in 1944, getting British advanced engine technology was an even bigger trick than it seems (which is proof positive of the evil, secret, worldwide conspiracy, don't you see?) :roll:
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by Deep Knight »

Bellringer updated his post with this:


----- Original Message -----
From: TS
To: 'Bellringer'
Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 1:13 AM
Subject: Fulford Error

Hi Patrick,

Benjamin Fulford's 17 October post contains a serious error where he stated the accusation, "...the so-called 'Battle of Britain' ended in British 'victory' only because 'Queen' Elizabeth made a secret pact with Hitler, according to senior MI6 sources."

Not true. The famous Battle of Britain happened in 1940 during the reign of Elizabeth's father, King George VI. Elizabeth, born in 1926, was not destined to become the Queen of England until her father died in 1952, so she could not possibly have 'made a secret pact with Hitler' in 1940 when she was just 14 years old.

Fulford should cross-check his facts before publishing them and also take a close look at the alleged 'senior MI6 sources' who fed him this obvious sucker-information. Any genuine 'senior MI6 source' worth his salt would certainly know how old the Queen is.



His sources are senior voices in his head.
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:
Fulford should cross-check his facts before publishing them and also take a close look at the alleged 'senior MI6 sources' who fed him this obvious sucker-information. Any genuine 'senior MI6 source' worth his salt would certainly know how old the Queen is.



His sources are senior voices in his head.
Either that, or his senior MI6 sources are feeding BS like this to Benny-Boy in the full knowledge that he will swallow it whole and proceed to make a public ass of himself.
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by Deep Knight »

Benjamin Fulford

Oct. 23, 2009

The Black Dragon Society is back

The Black Dragon Society has been re-activated. The Black Dragon Society reaches into intelligence agencies, governments, crime syndicates, financial institutions etc. around the planet. Unlike other secret societies such as the Freemasons, the Black Dragon Society is not united by fear but rather by friendship, trust and shared values. It is actively seeking to overthrow the New World Order in order to promote a campaign to permanently end war, poverty and environmental destruction. It also seeks to actively implement technology, such as free energy, that was suppressed by the oil and nuclear loving control freaks of the N.W.O.

The original society was set up by Mitsuru Toyama in response to Adolph Hitler’s plans to enslave and exterminate “non-Aryan” people. They helped the Russians defeat Hitler by providing them with top level Japanese intelligence about his plans. They also assured the Russians they could take their forces away from Asia and send them into the battle of Stalingrad. They were allied with the Chinese Red and Green Society and shared the goal of creating a peaceful and prosperous planet.

The society went underground after World War 2 and has now re-activated itself to stop the genocidal plans of the N.W.O. thugs.

The society includes as its members top people at MI6, the Pentagon, the NSA, the Japanese military/intelligence community, the KGB, the Serbian secret police, martial arts societies, the Yakuza, the triads and others. They are allied again with the Red and Green. They can, if necessary, mobilize over 100 million fighters in all regions of the planet on short notice.

Hey, estimates there are 14.3 million soldiers in the 25 largests countries on earth, so I figure there can't be more than 15 or 16 million total. So, the Black Dragon Society can out-man them (even if they could unify) by 7 to 1. My only question is, what's holding them back? Is it their leader, Dr. Fu Manchu? If so, he needs to be replaced! I understand Lyndon LaRouche is unemployed and looking right now...
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Re: More from Benjamin Fulford

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Benjamin Fulford

Oct. 23, 2009

The Black Dragon Society is back

The Black Dragon Society has been re-activated. The Black Dragon Society reaches into intelligence agencies, governments, crime syndicates, financial institutions etc. around the planet. Unlike other secret societies such as the Freemasons, the Black Dragon Society is not united by fear but rather by friendship, trust and shared values. It is actively seeking to overthrow the New World Order in order to promote a campaign to permanently end war, poverty and environmental destruction. It also seeks to actively implement technology, such as free energy, that was suppressed by the oil and nuclear loving control freaks of the N.W.O.

The original society was set up by Mitsuru Toyama in response to Adolph Hitler’s plans to enslave and exterminate “non-Aryan” people. They helped the Russians defeat Hitler by providing them with top level Japanese intelligence about his plans. They also assured the Russians they could take their forces away from Asia and send them into the battle of Stalingrad. They were allied with the Chinese Red and Green Society and shared the goal of creating a peaceful and prosperous planet.

The society went underground after World War 2 and has now re-activated itself to stop the genocidal plans of the N.W.O. thugs.

The society includes as its members top people at MI6, the Pentagon, the NSA, the Japanese military/intelligence community, the KGB, the Serbian secret police, martial arts societies, the Yakuza, the triads and others. They are allied again with the Red and Green. They can, if necessary, mobilize over 100 million fighters in all regions of the planet on short notice.

Hey, estimates there are 14.3 million soldiers in the 25 largests countries on earth, so I figure there can't be more than 15 or 16 million total. So, the Black Dragon Society can out-man them (even if they could unify) by 7 to 1. My only question is, what's holding them back? Is it their leader, Dr. Fu Manchu? If so, he needs to be replaced! I understand Lyndon LaRouche is unemployed and looking right now...
The word "grandiosity" comes to mind. I'm reminded of that group of evil buffoons known as the Symbionese Liberation Army, which committed murder, armed robbery and the kidnapping of Patty Hearst in the mid-1970s. They were led by an ex-con naned Donald DeFreeze, who renamed himself "Field Marshal Cinque Mtume". When anyone asked how someone who led only a squad-sized unit -- or maybe a platoon-sized unit at best -- the response was something like "Field Marshal Cin is the leader of thousands upon thousands of Oppressed Peoples who are waiting for the chance to cast off their chains, etc. etc. etc."

I can easily understand how this Black Dragon Society can make the same sort of claims for membership, and the same excuses for inaction.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools