Hendrickson aftermath

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Hendrickson aftermath

Post by Demosthenes »

Posted on taxalmanac.org:
On Tuesday, October 27 I attended the 25th Annual UCLA Tax Controversy Conference, where this case was discussed. In attendance was the Deputy Chief Counsel, the Chief of Appeals, the Commissioner of SB/SE and the Chief and Deputy chief of Criminal Investigation (CI). They mentioned the conviction of the Lost Horizons founder with great satisfaction, and flat out said they are going to cherry pick his clients for criminal prosecution, not so much to single them out as to create publicity in order to discourage others. So while it may take time to root out these predators it is being done.
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Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by Famspear »

On Tuesday, October 27 I attended the 25th Annual UCLA Tax Controversy Conference, where this case was discussed. In attendance was the Deputy Chief Counsel, the Chief of Appeals, the Commissioner of SB/SE and the Chief and Deputy chief of Criminal Investigation (CI). They mentioned the conviction of the Lost Horizons founder with great satisfaction, and flat out said they are going to cherry pick his clients for criminal prosecution, not so much to single them out as to create publicity in order to discourage others. So while it may take time to root out these predators it is being done.
Now there's a comforting thought -- unless you're Weston White, or Patrick Michael Mooney, etc., etc.
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Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by grixit »

I predict that one of the small fish who doesn't get cherry picked will emerge as a second generation CTC guru.

Thursday night at Elmer Fudd Baptist Church-- come hear Gary Thunderbottom, the pool cleaner who defeated the IRS! Mr. Thunderbottom not only compelled the return of $236.17 stolen from his lawful earnings, but has remained free from prosecution because the feds are afraid of him. Now you too, can learn what he knows and be free from taxation as Christ intended. The lecture starts at 8:30pm, the sanctuary opens at 7:00. A freewill offering of $25 will be taken at the door.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by Lambkin »

grixit wrote:Gary Thunderbottom
His mother named him Gary but his friends all call him "Pablo".
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Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by . »

taxalmanac.org wrote:they are going to cherry pick his clients for criminal prosecution
Uh, oh. Have the brave CrackHead posters (all of whose actual identities are no doubt known in great detail to the feds by now) done their Larken Rose act yet?

Prosecute me! Stand up all ye who claim to have no wages! Wave your 4852 in the face of the evil goobermint! Be brave! Be prosecuted! Be a fellow martyr with our twice-convicted guru in federal prison! Many, many wonderful years of incarceration await you!

Oh, wait...
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Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by LPC »

[IRS officials] flat out said they are going to cherry pick his [Hendrickson's] clients for criminal prosecution, not so much to single them out as to create publicity in order to discourage others.
And how nice of Hendrickson to leave a trail of bread crumbs (aka, published refund "victories") straight to the boobs with the bright red targets painted on their bums.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

It's sorta like someone putting "the shoe" on their foot, and then loudly proclaiming to one and all, "IT FITS!!!!!"
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Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by Number Six »

Hendrickson's rubes have put all their chips on the roulette table, and the ball has landed on the wrong color. They've been warned repeatedly to get their houses in order and now its time to face the music. Larry Becraft's law practice is going to get really busy shortly. But it doesn't look like he's updated his website on tax issues much lately: http://home.hiwaay.net/~becraft/ :P
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Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by Doktor Avalanche »


Y'all in some deep sh*t now, Crackheads...

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Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by Nikki »

Number Six wrote:Hendrickson's rubes have put all their chips on the roulette table, and the ball has landed on the wrong color. They've been warned repeatedly to get their houses in order and now its time to face the music. Larry Becraft's law practice is going to get really busy shortly. But it doesn't look like he's updated his website on tax issues much lately: http://home.hiwaay.net/~becraft/ :P
I don't think Becraft practices in civil cases.

Unless DoJ really has a burr up its collective butt, few LoserHeads are going to see criminal trials. The vast majority of the trials wil be for recovery of erroneous refunds followed by asset forfeitures to collect the outstanding balances of taxes due plus a non-trivial number of $5,000 penalties.

To the benefit of the LoserHeads, most of them haven't taken cases to Tax Court, thereby exposing themselves to the $25,000 big one.
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Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by Dezcad »

Nikki wrote:
Number Six wrote:Hendrickson's rubes have put all their chips on the roulette table, and the ball has landed on the wrong color. They've been warned repeatedly to get their houses in order and now its time to face the music. Larry Becraft's law practice is going to get really busy shortly. But it doesn't look like he's updated his website on tax issues much lately: http://home.hiwaay.net/~becraft/ :P
I don't think Becraft practices in civil cases.

Unless DoJ really has a burr up its collective butt, few LoserHeads are going to see criminal trials. The vast majority of the trials wil be for recovery of erroneous refunds followed by asset forfeitures to collect the outstanding balances of taxes due plus a non-trivial number of $5,000 penalties.

To the benefit of the LoserHeads, most of them haven't taken cases to Tax Court, thereby exposing themselves to the $25,000 big one.
They mentioned the conviction of the Lost Horizons founder with great satisfaction, and flat out said they are going to cherry pick his clients for criminal prosecution
(bolding added)

Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by Nikki »

IRS officials can say anything they want.

DoJ makes the determinations regarding criminal prosecutions.

IRS can request / recommend cases to DoJ, but that's the end of it. If the Attorney General declines to prosecute, there's no case.

Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by justdave »

I read 'Cracking The Code..' I figured I'd give it a try just to see what would happen, I got a letter from the IRS asking me to refile or they'd initiate penalties and what have you. So I weighed my options and decided to refile and squash it there. Upon checking the Lost Horizon message board, I realized that few in any of the people who post there are successful. I mostly see posts about how the IRS is ignoring the rule of law and how the corrospondance sent by the IRS is illegal.

It seems to me that you can try to affect change from the outside, but you'd me more successful doing it from the inside. If these folks want to change the tax laws, then they need to lobby and work to get people elected with the same point of view. With hind sight being 20/20, filing in this fashion seems to be pissing in the wind. Now where's my refund? Oh yeah, it's stuck somewhere in Ogden, Utah. That's my fault though.
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Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by wserra »

justdave wrote:So I weighed my options and decided to refile and squash it there.
Man, was that a good move.
Upon checking the Lost Horizon message board, I realized that few in any of the people who post there are successful.
Of those who actually litigate the issue, the success rate is precisely 0.00. Anyone can fall through the cracks. The fact that not all bank robbers get caught doesn't prove that robbing banks is legal.
If these folks want to change the tax laws, then they need to lobby and work to get people elected with the same point of view.
Yeah, but that would actually require work and thought.

Welcome to Quatloos, justdave.
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Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by Number Six »

Tax defiers respond in a number of ways to correspondence, ignoring letters, returning them unopened, using "form" letters from the tax defiance network, and so forth. But the government agency in charge is used to all of these methods and ruses and have an appropriate response to each one. Plus they have the lawyers, behavioral psychologists, law enforcement agencies, etc. in their employ to figure out which venue can be tailor made to people who have an impractical understanding of the law. Any whiff of a threat and the government goes into overdrive. I recall a fellow walking into the local tax assessors office complaining about having to pay a lot of taxes on vehicles he had given away. The argument became heated and he left the office muttering something about his gun collection. They immediately locked down town hall and sent a SWAT team to his house.
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Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by LPC »

justdave wrote:Upon checking the Lost Horizon message board, I realized that few in any of the people who post there are successful.
Good observation. (Seriously.)
If these folks want to change the tax laws, then they need to lobby and work to get people elected with the same point of view.
First they have to understand that the tax laws don't mean what they think they mean. As long as they think that the "rule of law" is on their side, and that the IRS are criminals, they are going to continue thrashing about in useless and self-destructive ways.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
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Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by LPC »

CaptainKickback wrote:i would bet that a majority of us here think taxes are too high and the tax codes overly complicated.
I think that some tax rates are too high, and some tax rates are too low, and that the income tax law is overly complicated.

Specifically, a top tax rate of 35% is too low, and a tax rate of 15% on dividends is too low, and all the phase-outs of personal exemptions and itemized deductions is too complicated.

While tax rates on wages are too high.

Just my POV.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
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Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by Cpt Banjo »

LPC wrote:all the phase-outs of personal exemptions and itemized deductions is too complicated.
Complicated and deceitful. Instead of having the honesty to come right out and raise rates on incomes over a certain threshold, the sniveling weasels in Congress sneak in a tax increase via phaseouts.

Of course, a lot of the complexity in the Code results from politicians using it for purposes other than raising revenue. For examples of statutes that are difficult to read, see some of the business credits at Sections 38-50.
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Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by Famspear »

In the aftermath, Peter Hendrickson gets no respect from that ace legal analyst, Weston White. Weston writes:
Wow, well it appears as if Hendrickson's attorney Mark E. Cedrone out of Pennsylvania on 11/3 filed a motion for acquittal or new trial for a host of reasons: http://defendindependence.org/KB/PH/7206-2008/PH78.PDF.

...Meanwhile Hendrickson and now Doreen are both asking for help in disproving the following cases:

Sims v. United States, 359 U.S. 108 (1959);
United States v. Maggi, No. 98-5570, (6th Cir. 1999),
United States v. Napier, No 90-1297 (6th Cir. 1991),
United States v. Boling, No. 87-5051 (6th Cir. 1988),
United States v. Rice, 659 F.2d 524 (5th Cir. 1981),
United States v. Latham 754 F.2d (7th Cir. 1985),
United States v. Karlin, 785 F.2d 90, 91 (3d Cir. 1986)
United States v. Condo, 741 F.2d 238 (9th Cir. 1984)

...of course while using the same bad arguments as thoroughly debunked by the Judge within his 44-page rejection reply to Hendrickson's motions; and of course Hendrickson does not even provide any documentation from these cases, here help me out buddy, but go do everything yourself, go figure it out on your own, even though I already know that you don't know how to, m'kay? ...Seriously I ask, Hendrickson now has how many attorneys on his side? And what is it exactly that they are doing? Is it too difficult for them to look through these handful of cases to ensure they actually say what is it the government is claiming?

I suppose that they all figure Hendrickson is doing such a fantastic job standing in front of the approaching freight train, that there is no need to push him out in front of it... a metaphor of course for the bad arguments he keeps forwarding. I have not yet read all of the court documents, though so far it appears that Hendrickson decided to take several petty side issues and what are really just non-issues and made them his main argument and then decided to focus only on that main argument, meanwhile dismissing everything else of more importance. In other words what is the point? There is none! From what I see, it appears that Hendrickson started off the case on good footing, though somewhere just before the midpoint he seems to have started himself on a regimen of Paxil and fell face first into utter stupidity.
http://ctcwarrior.us/Forum/viewtopic.ph ... 5a1e4#p505

EDIT: This is one of those rare occasions where Weston White's analysis is pretty much on target. For those who don't know, Weston White was a prolific poster at Pete's preposterous web site, losthorizons.com, until he was banned by Peter a while back. Weston posted for a while here at Quatloos as well. On most days, Weston White is just as delusional about federal income tax law as Peter is.
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Re: Hendrickson aftermath

Post by notorial dissent »

Oh, come on, let's be honest, on most days our good ole buddy Westy is as delusional if not more so than his mentor, Preposterously Prevaricatin' Pete, but then there is always the broken clock rule to consider.
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