Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

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Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

Post by LPC »

The "taxpayer means fiduciary" argument, together with an allegation that the Tax Court was part of a criminal conspiracy, netted sanctions of $8,000 for a frivolous appeal.

I suspect that the 5th Circuit was also outraged by the volume of pleadings generated by the taxpayer over such a small deficiency (about $1,200, including penalties).

Mary Lynn Collard v. Commissioner, 2009 TNT 217-13, No. 09-60298 (5th Cir. 11/11/2009).
Petitioner - Appellant
Respondent - Appellee


Summary Calendar

Appeal from the United States Tax Court
No. 22683-08

Before GARZA, CLEMENT, and OWEN, Circuit Judges.


Mary Lynn Collard petitioned the United States Tax Court for a review of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue's determination of a deficiency in and additions to her 2004 federal income tax. The Tax Court found Collard's arguments frivolous and dismissed her case for failure to state a claim. Collard appealed that decision and the Commissioner moved for sanctions against her. For the following reasons, this court affirms the Tax Court's dismissal and grants the Commissioner's motion.


Collard failed to file an income tax return for 2004. Based on her income that year, the Commissioner determined that she owed $818 in taxes and sent Collard a notice of deficiency. The Commissioner also assessed penalties in the amount of $184.05 for failure to file a return and $147.24 for failure to pay taxes. See I.R.C. §§ 6651(a)(1)-(2). Collard filed a 64-page petition in the Tax Court challenging the determinations, asserting the argument that "taxpayer means fiduciary." The Commissioner moved to dismiss, and the court ordered Collard to amend her petition to "set[] forth with specificity each error petitioner alleges was made by respondent." Rather than amend, Collard filed a "Declination to Amend," a response to the Commissioner's motion, and eight separate motions seeking to strike the Commissioner's filings and various Tax Court rules. The eight motions were summarily denied as frivolous.

The case was referred to a special trial judge for disposition. The court granted the motion to dismiss and sustained the determinations of tax deficiencies and penalties. Collard appealed. Arguing that Collard's appeal was frivolous, the Commissioner moved for sanctions in the amount of $8,000 against her. Collard filed no response to this motion.


A dismissal for failure to state a claim is reviewed de novo. Stearman v. C.I.R., 436 F.3d 533, 535 (5th Cir. 2006). Collard does not specifically challenge the bases for the Commissioner's deficiency and penalty determinations, nor did she do so in the Tax Court. Tax Court Rule 34(b)(5) provides that a petition in a deficiency action shall contain "[c]lear and concise assignments of each and every error which the petitioner alleges to have been committed by the Commissioner in the determination of the deficiency or liability." In her original petition, Collard did not comply with this Rule. Moreover, when the Tax Court ordered Collard to bring her petition into compliance, she filed a "Declination to Amend" stating that "comm'r doesn't need any clarification, and neither does anyone else" and that the "irs will be out of business by Thanksgiving, 2011."

This court and other courts of appeals have routinely affirmed dismissals where the petitioner failed to comply with the requirements of Rule 34(b). See Stearman, 436 F.3d at 537, 538 n.11; Sochia v. C.I.R., 23 F.3d 941, 943 (5th Cir. 1994); Lefebvre v. C.I.R., 830 F.2d 417, 419-20 (1st Cir. 1987); Taylor v. C.I.R., 771 F.2d 478, 479 (11th Cir. 1985); Scherping v. C.I.R., 747 F.2d 478, 480 (8th Cir. 1984). Nothing about Collard's case merits a departure from these precedents.

Collard also challenges the fact that her case was referred to a special trial judge for disposition. Her argument is foreclosed by I.R.C. § 7443A, which permits the chief judge of the Tax Court to assign "any proceeding" where the alleged deficiency does not exceed $50,000 to a special trial judge and to authorize the special trial judge "to make the decision of the court." See I.R.C. §§ 7443A(b)(3), (c); Tax Ct. R. 182(d); see also Freytag v. C.I.R., 904 F.2d 1011, 1014-15 (5th Cir. 1990).

In addition, Collard mounts an overall attack on the legitimacy of the federal income tax system throughout her brief and in her pleadings below. She presents this argument, apparently premised on the law of trusts, under the rubric of "taxpayer means fiduciary." Collard's argument consists of baseless due process claims and frivolous attempts to undermine the federal income tax. Where this is the case, "[w]e perceive no need to refute these arguments with somber reasoning and copious citation of precedent; to do so might suggest that these arguments have some colorable merit." Crain v. C.I.R., 737 F.2d 1417, 1417 (5th Cir. 1984).

Finally, Collard makes allegations to the effect that the Commissioner and the Tax Court are involved in a criminal conspiracy and scam to defraud taxpayers. Based on these allegations against the Commissioner and the courts; Collard's meritless legal arguments; and the needless consumption of judicial resources, the Commissioner asks this court to sanction Collard in the amount of $8,000. The court agrees with the Commissioner that Collard has abused the judicial process and, worse, has impugned the integrity of both this court and the lower court. "t is difficult to imagine a lesser sanction that would vindicate the integrity of the court proceedings and deter [Collard] from similar misconduct. Wasteful and dilatory appeals unjustifiably consume the limited resources of the judicial system. . . ." Stearman, 436 F.3d at 540. Accordingly, the Commissioner's motion is granted and, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1912 and Fed. R. App. Proc. 38, Collard is sanctioned in the amount of $8,000.1


For the foregoing reasons, the Tax Court's order dismissing Collard's petition is AFFIRMED in all respects. The Commissioner's motion is GRANTED and Collard is sanctioned in the amount of $8,000.


* Pursuant to 5TH CIR. R. 47.5, the court has determined that this opinion should not be published and is not precedent except under the limited circumstances set forth in 5TH CIR. R. 47.5.4.

1 As in Parker v. C.I.R., we impose a lump-sum sanction as doing so "saves the government the additional cost of calculating its expenses, and also saves the court the time and expense of reviewing the submission of costs." 117 F.3d 785, 787 (5th Cir. 1997).

Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

Post by wserra »

LPC wrote:I suspect that the 5th Circuit was also outraged by the volume of pleadings generated by the taxpayer over such a small deficiency (about $1,200, including penalties).
Small amount or not, it was still Collard green.
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Re: Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

Post by Nikki »

$818 in taxes
$184.05 for failure to file a return
$147.24 for failure to pay taxes.

$8,000 (plus filing fees in Tax and Appellate courts) to make a atatement.

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Re: Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

Post by Famspear »

A feisty protester named Mary
Made an argument pointless and airy.
'Though she purposed to flirt,
She was dumber than dirt.
Now the penalties mount -- and they're hairy!
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Re: Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

Post by The Observer »

The only other noteworthy item about this case is the gender of the TP. 99% of the time (or at least it seems that way to me) the appellant is a male pursuing their impossible goal of tax-free nirvana through the camp of the enemy. Aside from Elaine Brown, I cannot recall any other female TP, on her own, who has decided to pursue their losses to the appeal level in the last 12 months.

The disappointing thing about this case is that the court failed to elaborate on why Ms. Collard believed that the IRS would be out of business by next year this time and on Thanksgiving, of all dates. It could be that our intrepid TP failed to explain that in her 64-page statement, though it is hard to conceive of a TP passing up a chance to do so in their voluminous tomes that they file. In any event, perhaps this is the start of the TP variation of the so-called Mayan 2012 doomsday scenario for TPs.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

A Quatloosian we know as Famspear
Limericked to surfeit in his posts here
Though repeatedly fined
Relentless, he opined
Thus a frivolous penalty applies here!

2,000 Quatloos - pay the clerk on the way out.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

Post by Famspear »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:A Quatloosian we know as Famspear
Limericked to surfeit in his posts here
Though repeatedly fined
Relentless, he opined
Thus a frivolous penalty applies here!

2,000 Quatloos - pay the clerk on the way out.
Umm....will they accept my Quatloos VISA card?
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Re: Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Famspear wrote:
Judge Roy Bean wrote:A Quatloosian we know as Famspear
Limericked to surfeit in his posts here
Though repeatedly fined
Relentless, he opined
Thus a frivolous penalty applies here!

2,000 Quatloos - pay the clerk on the way out.
Umm....will they accept my Quatloos VISA card?
Just wait until the NESARA packies are delivered to us all, and you can pay then. I have it on good authority that the contents are denominated in Quatloos. :roll:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

Post by bmielke »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
Famspear wrote:
Judge Roy Bean wrote:A Quatloosian we know as Famspear
Limericked to surfeit in his posts here
Though repeatedly fined
Relentless, he opined
Thus a frivolous penalty applies here!

2,000 Quatloos - pay the clerk on the way out.
Umm....will they accept my Quatloos VISA card?
Just wait until the NESARA packies are delivered to us all, and you can pay then. I have it on good authority that the contents are denominated in Quatloos. :roll:
Really? I was hoping they would be in gold and silver, how am I supposed to use Paper money when the aliens come? :roll:
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Re: Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

bmielke wrote:
Just wait until the NESARA packies are delivered to us all, and you can pay then. I have it on good authority that the contents are denominated in Quatloos. :roll:
Really? I was hoping they would be in gold and silver, how am I supposed to use Paper money when the aliens come? :roll:[/quote]

Quatloos aren't backed by gold or silver -- they're backed by ytterbium and dysprosium.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

Post by Cpt Banjo »

I could have sworn it was Illudium PU-36.
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Re: Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

Post by bmielke »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
bmielke wrote:
Just wait until the NESARA packies are delivered to us all, and you can pay then. I have it on good authority that the contents are denominated in Quatloos. :roll:
Really? I was hoping they would be in gold and silver, how am I supposed to use Paper money when the aliens come? :roll:
Quatloos aren't backed by gold or silver -- they're backed by ytterbium and dysprosium.[/quote]

I've never heard of those, they must be worth more then gold!
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

bmielke wrote:...
Quatloos aren't backed by gold or silver -- they're backed by ytterbium and dysprosium.
I only accept those minted in unobtanium. 8)
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

Post by LPC »

The Observer wrote:The disappointing thing about this case is that the court failed to elaborate on why Ms. Collard believed that the IRS would be out of business by next year this time and on Thanksgiving, of all dates.
I found I could get her appellate brief on-line, but it doesn't explain the Thanksgiving reference.

In fact, it really doesn't explain much at all. She's a raving loony, devoting her 70+ page brief to an extended and largely incoherent rant. For example:

She gets off to a good start with the cover page of her brief, which states it the case is "On appeal from the criminal enterprise known as the 'united states tax court'." The cover page also has a footnote(!) declaring that "Any resemblance of this case style to any style 'ordered' by the clerk in absolutely no way connotes consent to non-judicial decision-making."

From the "Statement of the Case" (footnote omitted and some bolding omitted):
Statement of the Case


Civil-"income tax." "Notice of Deficiency" stage.

Course of Proceedings

Notice of Deficiency (claim by de facto plaintiff).

Verified "petition" (by de facto defendant). Collard agreed to nothing, demanded satisfaction of comm'r's threshold burden, objected to participation (1) by COLVIN, specifically, and (2) by "special trial judges" (STJs), generally.

"Order" compelling amendment (i.e., compelled waiver of defenses; i.e., criminal denial of access), i.e., a more definite statement, which also unilaterally strikes parties/capacities, was unilaterally entered by COLVIN. Thus, one more time, COLVIN makes himself a party!

Collard declined to amend, i.e., to waive any defense, i.e., to yield to COLVIN's "threats" and intimidation engaged under color of law and office.

Comrn'r filed his typically mindless, untimely summary judgment motion disguised as a motion to dismiss.

[No pleading by de facto plaintiff (comm'r); hence, no "standing order."]

Collard's challenges to TCRs, summarily denied, as usual.

This time, cornrn'r's summary judgment motion was not set for "hearing." That turned out to be a fleeting suggestion of understanding.

Case assignedlreferred to unconsented-to STJ over Collard's objection.

Collard objected, again, to STJ participation via motion to strike supported by her Probable Cause Affidavit. The Docket Sheet indicates that there's a ruling denying that motion, but if the ruling exists, it never arrived in Richardson.

Comm'r's summary judgment motion, which (A) was too early, (B) was based on no pleadings and no evidence, and (C) had no authorized signature, etc., was granted by unconsented-to STJ.

Notice of Appeal, supported by another Probable Cause Affidavit.

Present Disposition

Tyrannical, lawless, and extortionate "tax court" "order," entered by an unconsented-to STJ, that the petitioner, the de facto defendant, never proved to be a fiduciary, pay a distribution from a trust that never existed, over which petitioner was never a fiduciary, for which there is no beneficiary, and regarding which there is no res, which ruling is not only against the overwhelmingly great weight of evidence, i.e., the only evidence, but also based on no evidence whatsoever, on no pleadings whatsoever, and with manifest and lawless shifting of the burden of proof, as usual.
Skipping ahead:
Summary of the Argument

"Taxpayer" Means "Fiduciary"

Comm'r engaged in its typical mail fraud and extortion scheme, sending out a fallacious demand without having any intent, whatsoever, of ever even remotely pretending to have factual basis for such trust-based claim. Thus, there is "no evidence" of anything except the perpetuation of RICO-level extortion, mail fraud, criminal Record-tampering, witness tampering, retaliation, and criminal violation of rights, to hit the highlights of what must be a proud moment with both "tax court" and this "court."

All the TCRs challenged violate Due Process.

COLVIN made himself a party, one more time, which compels disqualification, as demanded in
¶ 1 of the petition.

Collard NEVER consented to STJ participation. Thus, not only is the "final" order void, but also so is every "order" in this Record void.

For so long as those running this criminally insane system compel the would-be victim, i.e., the de facto defendant, to draft and file the petition, they are going to have to accept the reality that the petitioner gets to style the case. Nothing but lawless tyranny produces this criminal episode of striking parties/capacities.

Reflect mightily upon Operation Greylord.
The table of authorities refers to both Bogert on Trustees and Scott on Trusts, so I checked those pages of the brief to see if there was anything coherent there. There wasn't.

After quoting Tax Court Rule 91 (relating to stipulations for trial) in its entirety, the following appears at pages 26-27 of the brief:
The law despises compelled consent. even in "this state."

Consent cannot be compelled. Rudzewicz ('jurisdiction doesn't flow from fraud, undue influence, or overwhelming bargaining power); FED. R. CIV. P. 8(c); Ballard (local rules don't justify (criminal) Due Process violations); 9 636(a), (c) ("by consent only"); Gonzalez ("If the parties consent") (construing § 636(b)). Boddie (denial of access); Harbury (study of denial of access claims).

Compelled agreement is the exact antithesis of the very soul of this state. It is one thing to establish a condition precedent for discovery of requiring an effort at stipulations. But it is completely another to compel a party to agree to admissions evidence, i.e., by way of deemed stipulation! A coerced will is not evidence. See 1 PAGE, THE LAW OF WILLS, 5 5 5.7, 15.1 1 (rev. 2003). A coerced trust is not evidence. BOGERT5 s 42 at 434,44 at 452 and n.16. A coerced commercial transaction is not evidence. U.C.C. 5 1 - 103. In the ultimate setting, a coerced confession is not evidence. Escobedo; Miranda. The coercive environment vitiates the very "evidence" it purports to create. See Rudzewicz, 471 U.S. at 486; Ohralik; Bates.

Final references to trust law appear at the end of the "argument," at pages 49-51 of the "brief":
Point 17: Does the Record contain any evidence justifying the "judgment?"

Standard: De novo.

Record: Entirety.

No evidence.

The only evidence of Record is Collard's. See , [18], [21]. O'Connor (uncontroverted Affidavit accepted as true). It disproves the "judgment."

Cf irc fi 7459(d) (judgment must look to evidence in Record) (two sentences, here, not one; the condition precedent for the first sentence fails; the second sentence requires evidence of Record). See also TCRs 13(a), 30,34,36, 37; FED. R. Crv. P. 13(a), (f), 15(b), 17.

If cornrn'r has provided evidence, it's of disclaimer.

Comm'r's incompetent motion, 131, judicially admits the perpetuation of the insanity that arguing the law is frivolous and groundless. Thus, if there ever were any fiduciary obligation on Collard's part, comm'r overtly disclaimed.

See BOGERT §§ 170-72 (disclaimer and its effect), in particular BOGERT § 170, at 205 (Proof of Acceptance or Disclaimer) (acceptance is presumed; disclaimer/renunciation must be supported by clear evidence). Criminal retaliation, witness-tampering, RICO-level extortion, mail fraud, and etc., all under color, is more than sufficiently clear evidence. Where it's groundless to demand proof of the trust, then it must be astronomically clear that there is no trust!
Conduct by the beneficiary which is inconsistent with a trust for his benefit may amount to an implied disclaimer. . . . Statutes which require "surrender" of such trusts to be in writing do not apply, since a surrender is based on a giving up of an existing equitable interest, whereas a disclaimer amounts to a refusal to accept a gift of an equitable property right.

BOGERT § 170, at 207. Since a beneficiary is such from the trust's creation date,

disclaimer operates nunc pro tunc to that same date. BOGERT § 172, at 227-28.
Where, as is usual, the creation of the trust is by way of gift, the relationship between the settlor and beneficiary may influence a court in deciding whether a trust intent existed. If the parties are on bad terms, as where the alleged beneficiary has been mistreating the supposed settlor, the creation of a trust is rendered unlikely.

BOGERT § 50at 108.

Disclaimer doesn't justify the "judgment," either.

Conm'r's silence doesn't satisfy its duty under The Patriot Act, either.

Point 18: Did the "tax court" unlawfully shift the burden of proof?

Standard: De novo.

Record: Entirety.

The burdens, generally.

It's a complete waste of time to discuss law with hardened, recidivist criminals pretending to be "justices." Collard is simply making her Record.

Regarding some recent cases that overrule tyranny, again, see Hamdan; Boumediene; Munax Medellin; Heller.

Comm'r never satisfied its threshold burden.

BOGERT § 50 at 102 ("The burden of proof is on the party who asserts the existence of a trust."); BOGERT § 871 at 156 and nn.2,3 (beneficiary must plead and prove the existence of the fiduciary duty); BOGERT §§ 170, 172 (superabundant disclaimer); 2A SCOTT ON TRUSTS § 172, at 452-53 (burden shifts after beneficiary establishes threshold burden); BOGERT 861 at 2-3 (same).

Habitual, recidivist, unlawful shifting of the burden.

Therefore, any ruling in favor of comm'r not only shifts the burden unlawfully, but also constitutes use of irrebuttable presumptions, which violates Due Process, Elkins, Salfi (in particular part 111, which distinguishes SalJi), LaFleur, Vlandis, Stanley), and amounts to compelled consent, a theme that permeates this Brief, as just one more of such Briefs submitted during the past six years or so.

Bottom Line

Collard is not a "taxpayer." She owes no "income tax."
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

Post by grixit »

Dang. On the plus side, she's got plenty of material to insulate her refrigerator box with.
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Re: Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

Post by The Observer »

Wow - those excerpts are in the realm of Van Pelt.
Comrn'r filed his typically mindless, untimely summary judgment motion disguised as a motion to dismiss.
Any chance that Collard confused her filings for the commissioner's filings? Otherwise I need to get a new irony meter and a new whooshometer.

Thanks for these excerpts, Dan. Sorry that you had to expose yourself to that toxicity.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Non-Fiduciary Sanctioned

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:Wow - those excerpts are in the realm of Van Pelt.
Comrn'r filed his typically mindless, untimely summary judgment motion disguised as a motion to dismiss.
Any chance that Collard confused her filings for the commissioner's filings? Otherwise I need to get a new irony meter and a new whooshometer.

Thanks for these excerpts, Dan. Sorry that you had to expose yourself to that toxicity.
A six-pack of Samuel Adams is the best antidote for that kind of toxicity.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools