Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Cpt Banjo
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by Cpt Banjo »

Reenie is so deluded she actually makes many of the inmates at Sooey seem like mensa members by comparison. Of course, one must admit that she has uncovered one of the government's secrets: that Queen Elizabeth is involved in the Social Security system. ... er-11.html
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Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

reenie wrote:...

Judge Roy Bean, I would be careful with my pronouncements if I were you...........judicial tyranny ..........don't you know!
Oooooooooo. :roll:
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by reenie »

I make no apologies for being anti-Zionist. There are many Israelis and American Jews who are anti-Zionist! After what Israel did bombing the hell out of Gaza this past Nov. to Jan/09 the whole world is against their war mongering agenda and they are considered war criminals!

For the post who mentioned holocaust denying in a previous post, even though I never mentioned the holocaust, I include this link for your edification. This is an interview between Amy Goodman and Shulamit Aloni, an Israeli. She calls these references to the holocaust or criticism of the Israeli government "a trick" in order to justify what Israel has done to the Palestinians! Listen for yourselves.

No more wars where Americans are fighting these wars ...........not in America's name.

Just had to inform you people since you seem to live in some kind of a vacuum!

When will you people be happy ........ when you are paying 80 - 90% of your wages in taxes?

All taxes we pay now are between 45 - 55% of our income ...........we are working approximately 6 months out of the year for the government now. Yet we still have to bailout the corporate banksters!

Are the laws you quote just and fair? if so then the people who were involved with manipulating this economic downturn, like Paulson, Greenspan, Bernake and Geithner to mention only a few would be facing charges today. Instead you have pictures of the Brown's house on your site with the statement that Elaine Brown will die in jail. For me that is offensive, and really lacks in compassion. Elaine Brown is a well educated professional woman who never had any criminal record before she started asking questions of the IRS. The Browns asked a question....which is considered the peoples right to do in a free society.......and they were not answered. Instead they were persecuted and incarcerated. Is that what you want for the American people. Smacks of Fascism to me. Then they were demonized and turned into criminals ......... while the real criminals have gone free.

Do you really think that the American people are that dumbed down that we do not see through this game? I would think that you people here would be willing to take a look at the laws. See what laws have been created out of wholesale lies and repeal them so that we can have a moral judicial system based on common law. Now we have so many codes, regulations and "laws" that one can barely get out of bed and put their feet on the floor without committing a crime. All it does is product revenue and takes away our freedom.

I am afraid for what can happen in America. There are many angry people out there and they are well armed. There are millions of Americans and millions of guns. The country was created out of revolution you really believe it will not happen again?

Today you have both the left and right joining together because they no longer buy into that left, right paradigm. We know that there is only one party in America with two heads........different sides of the same coin. Just like what Carroll Quigley proposed in his book Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time.

That is not American!

Just a suggestion......since you claim to be such legal scholars here why not show some courage put some of that intellect toward cleaning up the judicial system instead of gloating and posting as you have done about Elaine Brown on your main page. All tyrannical regimes demonize and criminalize their people, Hitler did it and so did Stalin. Do you not think that would be a hell of a lot more constructive?

Good luck and peace to all!
Last edited by reenie on Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by jg »

Are the laws you quote just and fair? if so then the people who were involved with manipulating this economic downturn, like Paulson, Greenspan, Bernake and Geithner to mention only a few would be facing charges today. Instead you have pictures of the Brown's house on your site with the statement that Elaine Brown will die in jail. For me that is offensive, and really lacks in compassion. Elaine Brown is a well educated professional woman who never had any criminal record before she started asking questions of the IRS. The Browns asked a question....which is considered the peoples right to do in a free society.......and they were not answered. Instead they were persecuted and incarcerated. Is that what you want for the American people. Smacks of Fascism to me. Then they were demonized and turned into criminals ......... while the real criminals have gone free.
Justice and fairness are political questions and are not a consideration as to the validity of a law or the legality of the enforcement.

The Browns did not just ask a question. They could have asked as many questions as the liked and not been prosecuted. They could have paid the tax and sued for a refund if they thought there was a legal basis to not pay.

They chose to defy and disobey the law. They were prosecuted and they chose to threaten and arm against those authorized to enforce the law.
Indeed, I do want what resulted to the Brown's to happen to American people that act in the same manner.

Any demonizing or turning into criminals was the choice of the Browns.
That Elaine Brown was educated and professional only makes that choice all the more sad and pathetic.
“Where there is an income tax, the just man will pay more and the unjust less on the same amount of income.” — Plato

Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by reenie »

That is your opinion and it was more than likely formed by the corporate owned media. But I guess you will deny that the media is corporate owned today and nothing more than propaganda outlets for the government. Congress is now run by Goldman Sachs.

That old argument that the judicial always uses .........that is a political issue wearing very thin. The judges are political appointments or in some states you really believe that argument?

The fact that Elaine was an intelligent woman speaks more to the fact that she had the courage and intellect to question this agency, the IRS.........that is non-constitutional.

The really pathetic thing is that the legal profession do not have the courage or balls to do the same!
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by LPC »

Warning from a moderator: This thread will stay on the topic of the Hendricksons and income taxes. The next posting that mentions Zionism, Goldman Sachs, or any other political issue not directly related to taxation will be spun off into "Potpourri."
Dan Evans
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(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by Nikki »

Your concentration on the Hendricksons is merely a smokescreen to conceal the truths which dedicated patridiots like Pete and Doreen are attempting to reveal to the American populace.

Your constant bashing of Pete and Doreen and others in the tax honesty defication<<<<<<<<<<movement is clear evidence of your obedience to your controllers.

[/tongue removed from cheek]
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by The Operative »

reenie wrote:That is your opinion and it was more than likely formed by the corporate owned media. <SNIP>

Most of the regulars here base their opinions on historical or legal facts. Instead of resorting to personal attacks, why don't you attempt to explain some of your allegations using the law, or even a reasonable argument? For example, explain why you believe the IRS is unconstitutional. BTW, I am asking why you believe the IRS is unconstitutional, not the income tax. The IRS does much more than simply collect individual income taxes.
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by cynicalflyer »

reenie wrote:Suppose you believe Bob Schultz is a freak too ..........right?
No, Bob's a special flavor of delusional/self-promotional that the word "freak" just doesn't do justice to or for.
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by Joey Smith »

Jeff Dickstein gave a very factual conclusive and convincing presentation on the 16th amendment and how it was never ratified.
Every court to have considered the matter has declared that the 16th Amendment was properly ratified. Nobody who matters believes Dickstein, who has made money defending people dumb enough to make this argument (but always unsuccessfully).

Bob Shultz is a loser too.
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

reenie wrote:...
The really pathetic thing is that the legal profession do [sic] not have the courage or balls to do the same!
No, the really pathetic thing is that bigoted people with little or no understanding of the law are willing to throw the lives of other people into chaos by promoting and attempting to profit from utterly specious "feel good" (and worse, allegedly patriotic) gibberish.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by notorial dissent »

I’m impressed, I figured ole Babblin’ Bob would have managed more like a buck ninety eight for his great congress. I didn’t think there were than many dumb people, with money, out there. Of course since he didn’t get the whole 2 Mill, there either aren't that many, or they aren't that dumb. I’ll just bet he comes up with an excuse to cancel and keep what he has gotten for expenses, like that wasn’t the plan from the very beginning.

I suspect that he probably is on the list to be poster boy for 2010, he is about due, and they are running out of “names” to nab at this point, and I would think that by now he has handed them enough to more than hang himself with, not to mention all the reporting and misrepresentation laws he has to have broken. Isn’t Paymon pretty much the last of the old players still loose?

Yes, Reenie is definitely a suey, and her usual response when someone disagrees with her is to start the equivalent of cyber shrieking and name calling. She really doesn’t like being disagreed with, and heaven help you if you say something about her idols that she doesn't like. She is going to be really cranky if the Springer trial goes the way I think it will.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by notorial dissent »

Well put.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

reenie wrote:
Are the laws you quote just and fair? if so then the people who were involved with manipulating this economic downturn, like Paulson, Greenspan, Bernake and Geithner to mention only a few would be facing charges today. Instead you have pictures of the Brown's house on your site with the statement that Elaine Brown will die in jail. For me that is offensive, and really lacks in compassion. Elaine Brown is a well educated professional woman who never had any criminal record before she started asking questions of the IRS. The Browns asked a question....which is considered the peoples right to do in a free society.......and they were not answered. Instead they were persecuted and incarcerated. Is that what you want for the American people. Smacks of Fascism to me. Then they were demonized and turned into criminals ......... while the real criminals have gone free.
I have the advantage of having actually met and interacted with Ed Brown. My opinion of him in no way is related to media reports and had not changed in any meaningful way since my dealings with him years ago.

Ed is a selfish ass and blowhard.

I feel genuinely sorry for Elaine Brown because she drank the Koolaide Ed was dispensing. It is a shame that she did not boot his sorry ass out years ago. I feel a great deal of compassion for Elaine because of what she threw away. Tragic. I feel no compassion for Ed. He is just another pathetic loser who destroyed other peoples lives. He deserves to die in prison.

For me, Elaine is now just a warning to others. Not that one cannot question their government. Elaine is a warning that those who do not question, but instead have blind faith, must suffer the consequences. It is not enough to question, but to apply logic and reason in formulating and answering these questions.

Years ago, an attorney e-mailed a discussion list I was on with the "there is no law requiring people to pay income taxes" theory. Intrigued (because I had never heard the theory before), I looked in the IRS code. I was doubtful, but willing to look. Surprise surprise, the IRS code actually contains a requirement to pay the income tax.

I am not a .gov shill and part of my job is to fight against the .gov in legal matters. I have many, many problems with how my tax dollars are spent, the amount of my tax dollars, and the general stupidity of both major political parties. However, I will not give up my intellectual honesty just because I am unhappy with the .gov.

You are as bad as what you accuse the Quatloosers of being. A blind follower. Open your eyes or you will continue to be just another sheep.
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by Dr. Caligari »

The Operative wrote:Reenie,

Most of the regulars here base their opinions on historical or legal facts. Instead of resorting to personal attacks, why don't you attempt to explain some of your allegations using the law, or even a reasonable argument? For example, explain why you believe the IRS is unconstitutional. BTW, I am asking why you believe the IRS is unconstitutional, not the income tax. The IRS does much more than simply collect individual income taxes.
Reenie wrote:....(crickets)...
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by Quixote »

Nikki wrote:Doreen:

Have you given any thought as to why YOU haven't been indicted -- yet?
I suspect she has not. The big differences between Pete and Doreen were the existence of a record for Pete and their size of their profile. As Doreen noted in a recent post on LH, Pete hasn't let her say anything in public about her own beliefs. Given the enormity of Pete's ego, it would not have been hard for a competent lawyer to paint Doreen as someone who was just pulled along in his wake. If she continues to post as she has been doing recently, however, she could destroy any Cheek defense she might have had. And if she replaces Pete as the standard bearer for CTC, she could be painting a target on herself.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by notorial dissent »

Doreen's only hope / chance is going to be in pleading the innocent clueless spouse and hope she is sympathetic enough to carry it off. If she keeps her mouth shut or continues to come off as clueless as she has so far she might just manage it. Otherwise, not so good.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by Imalawman »

Quixote wrote:
Nikki wrote:Doreen:

Have you given any thought as to why YOU haven't been indicted -- yet?
I suspect she has not. The big differences between Pete and Doreen were the existence of a record for Pete and their size of their profile. As Doreen noted in a recent post on LH, Pete hasn't let her say anything in public about her own beliefs. Given the enormity of Pete's ego, it would not have been hard for a competent lawyer to paint Doreen as someone who was just pulled along in his wake. If she continues to post as she has been doing recently, however, she could destroy any Cheek defense she might have had. And if she replaces Pete as the standard bearer for CTC, she could be painting a target on herself.
She is ruining both her civil options and criminal options right now - showing the full extent of how stupid and delusion this whole family appears to be.
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Re: Doreen Hendrickson on legal analysis

Post by wserra »

A blast from the past (twenty months ago).
reenie wrote:By the way have you been watching the streaming of the CC 2009. There are changes coming and I don't think you people will like what will happen.
Guess I missed 'em. But Bob Shultz is still begging for money.
Check it out if you dare at this link:
The link resolves to Current headlines: "The Tylenol Mafia". "Affiliate Marketing". "Moving to a Warmer Climate".

Up the revolution!
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