"Voice of Freedom" Now "Voice of Porn"

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Quatloosian Federal Witness
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"Voice of Freedom" Now "Voice of Porn"

Post by wserra »

"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
to free or not to free

Post by to free or not to free »

I don't know where you got this trash, but it is NOT from the website: http://www.freedomradio.us. There IS no forum on that website. Maybe it is a clone or something else, but if you go to the site you will see there is no forum. It was removed because of this trash...
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Quatloosian Federal Witness
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Post by wserra »

to free or not to free wrote:I don't know where you got this trash,
Well, let's look.

http://www.freedomradio.us => Brent's site, complete with laundry lists of things which don't work and a generous helping of "Go To Jail Free" cards.

http://freedomradio.us/forum/viewforum.php?f=1 => a page on Brent's site containing 102 pages of porn links. Buy it before your sentences, boys.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Post by Nikki »

Last post Sat May 26, 2007 3:17 pm


I wonder how much of a kickback Brent is getting from these sites. I'll bet it's, by far, his major funding source.
to free or not to free

Post by to free or not to free »

Well, Nikki...whatever you did worked. The porno is now GONE. THANKS. I really appreciate you assisting in cleaning this up. What is really interesting is that Quatloos helped The Voice of Freedom!! When did you folks become so helpful? See, miracles DO happen.

Post by Nikki »

to free or not to free wrote:Well, Nikki...whatever you did worked. The porno is now GONE. THANKS. I really appreciate you assisting in cleaning this up. What is really interesting is that Quatloos helped The Voice of Freedom!! When did you folks become so helpful? See, miracles DO happen.
Gee. Rather than taking the time to clean up the forum, you deleted it.

It's a shame. The forum was probably the most worthwhile thing on the entire site.

Post by Weathervane »

I told you all a long time ago that it was only a matter of time before someone came out with "Tax Protesters Gone Wild".

Can I get a witness?
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Quatloosian Federal Witness
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Post by wserra »

to free or not to free wrote:What is really interesting is that Quatloos helped The Voice of Freedom!! When did you folks become so helpful?
Ya know, I'm in such a good mood that I'd like to continue being helpful to you Voice of Freedom types. So I thought I'd go through that stuff you sell and describe it for the audience. So I don't have to repeat the same comments over and over, a brief visual legend follows.

:lol: => laughable
:roll: => especially dumb (I started to use a smiley for just ordinarily dumb, but found that I was using it for every publication that isn't especially dumb).
:shock: => most likely to result in the reader being a guest of the state
:?: => WTF knows? Unintelligible.

With those in mind, we begin with the books:

America's Hope to Cancel Bank Loans Without Going to Court ("how to use existing banking laws to force the banks to pay what they owe you") :shock:

Bullet Proof Privacy - How to Live Hidden, Happy, and Free (you left out "and in an old refrigerator box") :lol:

Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Story Of The Commitee of 300 (the 300-person conspiracy that really rules the world) :roll:

The Criminal Defendant’s Bible ("the judge is your enemy - take no prisoners") :shock:

Digest of the Divine Law (a kind of "Cliff Notes to God") :lol:

Evidence Of The Missing 13th Amendment :?:

None Dare Call It Education ("Truth about the communist agenda being promoted in public schools") Well, I certainly wouldn't call whatever produced you guys "education". :roll:

One World Order - Socialist Dictatorship ("the thoughts of the "fatal disease" by the people who are causing this goal based on the Communist Manifesto of 1848") :?:

Operation: Vampire Killer 2000 ("Documents the efforts of the New World Order to socialize the united States of America") Can I meet Buffy? :roll:

The Quiet Voice of God by "Brent-Emory..Johnson" (I think your colon fell over, Brent.) "What the author refers to as a "truly inspired work"." (Most people use others to review their work, Brent.) :roll:

The American Sovereign - How to Live Free From Government Regulation (same author - colon still not fixed). "Procedures to Lawfully Stop Paying Income and Social Security Taxes" :shock:

Maybe next time we'll do the DVDs and stuff. Hope this continues to be helpful.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
to free or not to free

Post by to free or not to free »

I am SOO glad to add to your merriment. Indeed, the reverse is true for me. Continue your derogatry remarks. It speaks volumes about who you are.

So, the question remains, how can you be an "authority" on these books if you have not read them? Oh, I forgot, you have read everthing else in the world that speaks of truth (like the Bible, the IRS codes and other inspired works) so YOU can be judge and jury.

The fact remains that those of us who believe the country is going in the wrong direction will NEVER walk your mind-controlled path and the mind-controlled minions of the government will NEVER see the Truth. That is just the way it is.

I will continue to get my laughs out of the Quatloos shill game and you can continue to get your laughs by poking fun at those who do not agree with you. Fair? I think so.
to free or not to free

Post by to free or not to free »

Captain...thanks for the response. Yes, I agree. Whining after exercising free will is more than repulsive. It's disgusting. I make my decisions and I live by my word. If I am ever taken to jail for what is a sincere religious conviction, then I will be a free soul in an unfree environment. Who is worse off: the person who lives in a prison of fear that the government will take everything from him or the person who believes in freedom of choice and is willing to go to jail because he has exercised it? I do not live in fear. Like whining, living in fear is wasted energy and a bottomless pit of darkness.

Post by Weathervane »

to free or not to free wrote: I do not live in fear. Like whining, living in fear is wasted energy and a bottomless pit of darkness.
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I think that you're in denial.

I think you are living in fear, and don't realize it.

What you're afraid of is coming to grips with the fact that you deserve to live a blessed life, but since you feel unworthy of it, you must make some form of useless sacrifice.

Whatever you've done TFORTF, its ok. God loves you more than you'll ever know. You are forgiven. He doesn't need for you to prove a point just to "please" him. Somebody already did that for all of us. The price has been paid.

This world is what it is...the world. Ask for your daily bread, be kind to others, be thankful, and quit complaining and thinking
that bucking the system is going to bring you happiness.

Otherwise, in the end, all you gain is the pity of those who care about you.
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Quatloosian Federal Witness
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Post by wserra »

to free or not to free wrote:how can you be an "authority" on these books if you have not read them?
If I am walking down the street and see someone who is dirty, disheveled and mumbling to himself while he roots through a dumpster, I'm likely to conclude that he is mentally ill and homeless. Now, he might be the reincarnation of Margaret Mead pretending to be mentally ill and homeless as an anthropological experiment. However, Occam's Razor says not.

If I see a collection of books the titles and synopses of which indicate that they are all but incoherent rehashes of dumb fever dreams which have never been accepted as anything else by anyone who matters, I am likely to believe that they are garbage and the people who sell them are thieves. Now, they could be the complete works of William Shakespeare retitled and synopsized in error. However, Occam's Razor says not.

Is that you, Brent? In any event, I think we should all be careful to use at least once in each post the phrases "Brent Johnson", "Freedom Bound International" and "Voice of Freedom", just so the search engines can be sure to catch Brent's words of wisdom.

While we're at it, why don't we mention your flagship products, such as they are? You charge almost $3000 to set up a "corporation sole", don't you? In your pitch to the marks, you claim "A corporation sole is immune from government regulation, taxation, licensing requirements, etc." and "Statutory courts recognize corporation soles as being immune". That's complete hogwash, isn't it, Brent? You can't cite a single authority for either of those pronouncements, can you? And $3000? Sin verguenza, Brent.

And then there are your "pure trusts". A banner at the top of the page says "No More Returns to File" and "Legally Keep 100% of Your Paycheck". You "guarantee protection of your assets from attachment by the IRS [and] the federal government", no? $1500 for one of those bad boys, right? In point of fact, "pure trusts" (to the extent they even exist) do exactly squat to protect the individual from taxes. No? So show us one case where they have done so. Can't do that, can you?
I will continue to get my laughs out of the Quatloos shill game and you can continue to get your laughs by poking fun at those who do not agree with you. Fair? I think so.
Replace "those who do not agree with you" with "ripoff artists" and I agree completely.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
to free or not to free

Post by to free or not to free »

Thanks, Tommy, for your concern. However, let me assure you I KNOW ABOUT DENIAL (I am a recovering alcoholic who was in denial until I got sober 20 years ago) and this is NOT the case. I KNOW that Yah loves me. I KNOW that My Father is greater than the IRS. I KNOW that whatever I do in the here-and-now speaks of my "character" and will be rewarded, for better or worse, after I die.

I do not deny that the IRS imprisons many people. Just look at the prisoner population in the private prison industry and guess how many are behind bars because of non-compliance or other behaviors where there is no corpus delicti. The fact is that the United States has the HIGHEST PER CAPITA PRISON POPULATION IN THE WORLD (this can and has been verified), so I am not in denial of the powers of IRS, whether or not I agree with the arguments presented in this forum.

However, my Sacred Laws are more powerful than IRS codes and I have been instructed to place no-thing before My Father and that includes the IRS. Of this I AM DEFINITELY NOT IN DENIAL. I have been instructed that I shall not be numbered and I am not. So, what is more important, to be in compliance with the life here-after or be in compliance with the material world? My Messiah repeatedly told us to "be in the world but not of it." To me, that means that by taking a number I am "of" (meaning: belonging to) the world.

You can call me a religious NUT-CASE, but even that speaks more of those who would say it than me, who desires to walk the path of righteousness for His Name's Sake. I put on the full armor of Yah and even if I am placed in a lion's den, I will fear no evil.

If someone does not understand my stand, well, that is OK. I don't look to mortals as my ultimate judges. Even if they judged me as not being in compliance, I would not judge them for their short-sightedness. I do good deeds in His Name, hoping that those who are helped will see that not all people in our self-centered society seek to take without giving in return.

So, again, Tommy, thanks for your concern.
to free or not to free

Post by to free or not to free »

For the record, Wserra, I am not Brent. I am a 61 year old woman who really dislikes the arrogance I see from many of those who post here. You have every right to your opinion. However, to act as if YOU know how I SHOULD live my life and spend my money puts you in the place of God, and I don't think you qualify.

For the record, I am a college graduate with hours towards a Masters. I pay taxes (property, sales, excise, gas, phone and many others not mentioned) and I simply do not believe we are living in a God-fearing country any longer. Fear in this instance is more like awe than fear of the government or IRS. I believe having a number is not only against The Scriptures, it is against everything I believe America stands for. Is there space here for people who do not agree with you that we all should be numbered and bow down to DC? And can we post without being ridiculed and insulted?

You have every right to be and say whatever you want...but please don't assume that you KNOW what is included in these books. Don't present yourself as a know-it-all unless you have read them. Regardless of the titles and descriptions found on ANY website, you can only BELIEVE you know the material. You know what "they" say about assuming things. I just want the distinction made so that others won't think God has died and left you in charge. Thanks.

All the other stuff you said about Brent and his site does not apply to me. But I am curious. If this stuff is so bad and the same stuff that brought others down, why is the site still on the internet? That always confused me. I am sure you will say that they just haven't gotten around to him yet. Then, why not, if he is such a con?
to free or not to free

Post by to free or not to free »

For the record, Wserra, I am not Brent. I am a 61 year old woman who really dislikes the arrogance I see from many of those who post here. You have every right to your opinion. However, to act as if YOU know how I SHOULD live my life and spend my money puts you in the place of God, and I don't think you qualify.

For the record, I am a college graduate with hours towards a Masters. I pay taxes (property, sales, excise, gas, phone and many others not mentioned) and I simply do not believe we are living in a God-fearing country any longer. Fear in this instance is more like awe than fear of the government or IRS. I believe having a number is not only against The Scriptures, it is against everything I believe America stands for. Is there space here for people who do not agree with you that we all should be numbered and bow down to DC? And can we post without being ridiculed and insulted?

You have every right to be and say whatever you want...but please don't assume that you KNOW what is included in these books. Don't present yourself as a know-it-all unless you have read them. Regardless of the titles and descriptions found on ANY website, you can only BELIEVE you know the material. You know what "they" say about assuming things. I just want the distinction made so that others won't think God has died and left you in charge. Thanks.

All the other stuff you said about Brent and his site does not apply to me. But I am curious. If this stuff is so bad and the same stuff that brought others down, why is the site still on the internet? That always confused me. I am sure you will say that they just haven't gotten around to him yet. Then, why not, if he is such a con? :?:

Post by Nikki »

to free or not to free wrote:

I simply do not believe we are living in a God-fearing country any longer.

I thought "God fearing" went out with the Puritans. At MOST, this is a God-trusting country, and even that is optional in terms of which, if any, deity is appropriate.

Many of us have read those books. Some because it is related to their work in law enforcement, others because they like to keep up on the latest manifestations ao ME-FIRSTism.

The books are nothing more than baseless and invalid sets of instructions for NON-patriotic people to try to get out of paying their share of support for an organized society.

Brent's material is particularly annoying because he is attempting to charge large sums of money for techniques which have been proven invalid in every court that has looked at them.

Brent doesn't care about that. He, just like all the other snake-oil salesmen, just want to keep the PAY in paytriot.
to free or not to free

Post by to free or not to free »

Sorry for the double post...I didn't think the first one had gone through.

Nikki, Nikki, Nikki;
Chill, girl. You will have a coronary over this.

Just so you will know, I have read Dr. John Coleman's books and he IS an authority on The New World Order and his work is highly regarded by people who do not frequent this forum. In fact his information is so accurate that he has experienced death threats and actual attempts on his life just to shut him up. That is what "they" do to those who stand against tyranny.

So, again, the assumption that all these books are garbage and that those who carry them are only in it for the money is just not valid. Sorry, guys, but you can defend each other all you want, but you cannot be an authority on these books unless you have read them. That, of course, is my opinion...and I still have a right to my opinion. (Or is having an opinion against the law and considered violating another?) :lol:

Post by Nikki »

Being an "authority on the new world order" is just as impressive as being an authority on UFOs.

However, if you have such a fear of something which doesn't exist, I guess we should just respect your delusions and feel sorry for you.
to free or not to free

Post by to free or not to free »

see, Captain...you just did it again. You proved the immature nature of the people who frequent this board. I thought you might have been turning a corner, but the best I can do for you is pray that you will see the light and that it will be a train commin' at cha....don't let it get you!!


Post by Nikki »

Another Paytridiot suffering from a humorectomy.