Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Khedive Ismail Quatoosia
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by Dezcad »

wserra wrote:The boys have been experiencing certain procedural difficulties.

Judge Friot just struck the last few prolix blatherings - um, filings - of each for violating a local rule on length. For example, Springer’s “Reply to Prosecution’s Opposition to Springer’s Motion to Reconsider, to Dismiss, and for Mistrial” was 51 pages; local rule limits such submissions to 10. Hell, Springer can't even title a document in 10 pages. Springer promptly moved to vacate the order.

His motion is 16 pages.
Stilley filed a Brief in support of his Motion to Vacate the Order and I just had to post the most interesting parts here ( BTW Oscar! is actually in the Motion italicized and with a !):
v. Case No. 09-CR-043 SPF
Comes now OSCAR AMOS STILLEY1 by limited special appearance, and
not a general appearance, and for his motion states:

(Intro removed)

Do we really want to go down this road? Does anyone really think that the Court’s action in summarily striking our dispositive motions will help persuade the thousands of Americans following this proceeding that lawyers and judges are all just honorable priests at the altar of justice, each trying to make sure that justice prevails?

In a nutshell, the now stricken pleadings of undersigned simply showed that when taken in the light most favorable to the government, the proof showed that at the very most Oscar Stilley had been presented with a choice of committing a pretended offense as opposed to a real offense. Undersigned showed conclusively that the failure to make the funds transfers that he made would have been a violation of attorney professional conduct rules, fiduciary obligations, as well as civil and possibly also criminal conversion of funds to which some other person was entitled.

Oscar Stilley rather meekly invited this Court to dismiss Oscar Stilley from the litigation on the grounds that all sorts of rules required that he convey the funds to the persons who actually received the funds. In other words, that would be a way around the hard legal questions. Some of those hard questions “hack at the roots” as opposed to “hacking at the branches” of evil.

For this I would most respectfully apologize to the Creator of human liberty, to the Court, to Mr. Springer, to standby counsel, to former clients, and most importantly to the people of this great land who have vested undersigned with certain privileges and duties as an attorney. Those rights and privileges may be in tatters and rags, but they are still mine today. Furthermore, licenses may be revoked, but the noble ideals of the profession cannot be erased by the order of a court or a committee. Whether one or more persons may not actually desire such an apology is irrelevant.

Undersigned furthermore understands that this Court may nevertheless rule on some claims and declare others to be thereby moot. Undersigned can’t make the Court do anything. But undersigned can ask, as forcefully and persuasively as his skill allows, that this Court follow its conscience where it leads, and enter an order that honestly adjudicates all the core issues presented in the pleadings. If “all” is too much then please issue a reasoned opinion upon at least enough issues to throw the doors wide open on the political prisoners now languishing in federal prisons, and to stop the economic torment that routinely follows for dissidents upon their release from incarceration.

How the Court treats this request is a decision that the Court alone can make. You see, after all these years of telling people like Jim Lake to “pack a toothbrush” in their pocket, figuratively of course, Oscar Stilley kind of mislaid his somewhere. After all, Oscar! is a nice fellow with 4 kids, two little ones and two adopted from Russia. How could anyone deliberately make them effectively fatherless again!

But that’s not a good answer. Liberty has never been bought on the cheap. Furthermore, the former clients paraded through the courtroom were generally3 all at least pretty good people themselves, and often the finest people among us, just trying to get answers to legitimate legal questions. They all had good reasons not to go to prison. Nevertheless, Oscar! proposed to this Court an escape hatch that let Oscar! escape, but without affecting any other political prisoner held now or in the past by the US government.
Why Oscar! should escape prison and at the same time essentially invite the Court to leave all these other people as political prisoners, incarcerated in plain violation of the constitution and applicable laws, was not explained.
What’s more, there’s no good explanation for it. That’s wrong, violates legal ethics, and transgresses personal conscience too. This Court likewise has a conscience, which should be pricked by the facts and law irrefutably demonstrated to this Court by each point of the dispositive motions the Court recently struck from the record.

On April 15, 1991 (I am not making this up and I did not pick the date) undersigned affirmed to the world the Arkansas Attorney’s oath, which provides in pertinent part:

I will not reject, from any consideration personal to myself, the cause of the impoverished, the defenseless, or the oppressed. I will endeavor always to advance the cause of justice.

Fear motivated the invitation for this Court to ignore the cause of the oppressed in favor of a narrow “escape hatch” for Oscar! After all, the courts have routinely put the clients of Oscar! in prison in a manner reminiscent of the way this Court “decided” the PRA argument in this case: No evidence, no argument, no questions, the government wins. Fear is of course a “consideration personal to myself” and altogether inconsiderate of the cause of the oppressed.
Fear retards rather than advances the cause of “liberty and justice for all.”

Sure, Oscar! can tell you the law applicable to this motion. The summary entry of an order without waiting for response is such an elementary violation of the first principles of due process that citation to authority seems quite unnecessary. If the government thinks otherwise let them say so.

The rule of lenity also clearly forbids what this Court just did. See U.S. v Concha, 233 F.3d 1249, 1256 (10th Cir. 2000), where the Court said, in pertinent part:
... For these reasons, and contrary to the Fourth and Sixth Circuits, we believe that the statute is ambiguous. In such a situation, we are guided by the rule of lenity, that we "will not interpret a federal criminal statutes so as to increase the penalty that it places on an individual when such an interpretation can be based on no more than a guess as to what Congress
intended." ..... (Emphasis added)

The “rule” in this case is grievously ambiguous by its very terms. The 4 district judges and 3 magistrates of the district would not intentionally embarrass themselves by incorporating non-existent local civil rules into the local criminal rules. If the intent of the law is the intent of the lawmaker, then in the present case it is impossible to determine what the law is, from the face of the local criminal rules, or otherwise. Criminal defendants are necessarily left to guess as to what applies and what doesn’t.

This Court already knows that undersigned and Mr. Springer are quite willing to follow this Court’s directives and even its preferences, not prejudicial to any substantial right, on matters of form. If this Court expresses a desire for a table of contents and a table of authorities for lengthy briefs, we’re happy to Our penal system has a shameful practice of degrading the ability of incarcerated litigants to effectively plead an appeal or other legal matters. If due process were any part of the goal, prisoners would be given access to a computer, with secure password based access to their personal files and pleadings in customary formats. Unfortunately, the general rule is that litigants are deprived of such elementary basics as their own personal computer files, which renders effective advocacy virtually impossible. Then such persons are either mocked or given the condescending “pat on the head” for producing anything close to competitive under such absurd limitations.
On the flip side keep in mind that this Court, after inquiring and finding undersigned indigent for purposes of subpoenas at government expense, entered an order that essentially destroyed the law practice of Oscar Stilley, and rendered him dependent upon the charity of others for his subsistence. Part time office help has been terminated due to inadequate resources. Wrecking the finances of undersigned necessarily degrades the ability of undersigned to produce a quality brief within the time allowed by the rules. The longest briefs usually don’t take the longest time. The best briefs are the product of much verbiage distilled down to the fundamental essence with the application of skill and effort. Such briefs become works of art, carefully crafted to persuasively express the most pertinent legal and factual arguments in concise, direct language.

There is however a difference between the concept of courtesy and
comity on the one hand, and binding, enforceable rules of law on the other. Oscar Stilley respectfully asks this Court to rule that the conditionally incorporated rules be declared inapplicable to criminal proceedings, at least to the effect that they prejudice the substantial rights of any criminal defendant, and furthermore to declare that a motion supported by a substantial brief will not be construed as part of the brief.

The judges of the Northern District have the power to promulgate unambiguous rules. If requested, undersigned counsel would be glad to assist. Undersigned would in fact likely proffer suggestions if notified of an intent to amend the local criminal rules. Keep in mind the fact that the government, in filing their pleading, committed two violations of rules. They failed to sign their pleading as required by the rules, and attached a proposed order to the motion, rather than sending the order via email as directed in administrative rules.
That’s all well and good, since everyone makes mistakes, but why shouldn’t we get the same courtesy? Why two standards? Why should the government’s errors be forgiven at the same time that this Court grants a summary order striking the dispositive motions of defendants?

WHEREFORE, Defendant Oscar Stilley respectfully requests the relief stated and requested at the conclusion of the motion.
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"On the flip side keep in mind that this Court, after inquiring and finding undersigned indigent for purposes of subpoenas at government expense, entered an order that essentially destroyed the law practice of Oscar Stilley...."

The fact that this guy is a moron wouldn't have had anything to do with his law practice going down the tubes, I guess. :roll:
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by notorial dissent »

My question is who actually wrote that piece of gibberish? If that is an example of Stilley’s legal acumen, I don’t think anyone had to do anything at all to destroy his legal practice, I’m quite sure he did it all on his own with stuff like that. I can’t imagine that impressing anyone in AR, I fact I would suspect that after the first few paragraphs they probably just dismissed it and went on with their lives and Stilley lost another case du to failure to prosecute.

It reminds nothing so much as a parody of the parodies that were done about lawyers and their legal maunderings in the 18th and 19th centuries under the heading of if you can’t beat them on the facts and law try and baffle and bewilder them with bs and long winded legal sounding nonsense. I’ve tried to wade through that thing twice, and the best I can come up with is that he is whining about having his overly long and inappropriate motions tossed and while trying to point to some reason for them to be reconsidered, never seems to quite gets there. Mostly I would say it is just really really bad incoherent writing, that never gets to any kind of a point at all.
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by Quixote »

( BTW Oscar! is actually in the Motion italicized and with a !)
I hear that Oscar! and PRA! are the alternative working titles of Stilley's autobiographical musical comedies.
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by wserra »

Rambling, self-indulgent tripe.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by notorial dissent »

wserra wrote:Rambling, self-indulgent tripe.
Concise, clear, and correct, and altogether unlike any of Oscar's filings.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by grixit »

Quixote wrote:
( BTW Oscar! is actually in the Motion italicized and with a !)
I hear that Oscar! and PRA! are the alternative working titles of Stilley's autobiographical musical comedies.
Really liked the overture with all the dancing tps orphaned when their guru was convicted.
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by Dezcad »

Docket update:
12/28/2009 270 AFFIDAVIT of Lindsey K. Springer pursuant to Title 28, Section 144 as to Lindsey Kent Springer (With attachments) (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 12/28/2009)
12/28/2009 271 MOTION Disqualify, Recuse, Removal and for Random Reassignment by Lindsey Kent Springer (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 12/28/2009)
12/28/2009 272 BRIEF in Support of Motion (Re: 271 MOTION Disqualify, Recuse, Removal and for Random Reassignment ) by Lindsey Kent Springer (With attachments) (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 12/28/2009)
12/28/2009 273 MOTION to Strike Document(s) (Re: 266 Response in Opposition to Motion, 259 MOTION to Strike Document(s) ) by Lindsey Kent Springer (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 12/28/2009)
12/28/2009 274 REPLY to Response to Motion (Re: 265 MOTION to Vacate/Set Aside Order dated December 9, 2009 MOTION Reinstate Docket # 257 and # 260 as properly filed under Local Criminal Rules 12.1 MOTION 10 days from date of order to refile docket # 257 and # 260 in accordance with Local Civil Rule 7.2 including extended page number therein ) by Lindsey Kent Springer (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 12/28/2009)
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Dezcad wrote:Docket update:
12/28/2009 270 AFFIDAVIT of Lindsey K. Springer pursuant to Title 28, Section 144 as to Lindsey Kent Springer (With attachments) (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 12/28/2009)
12/28/2009 271 MOTION Disqualify, Recuse, Removal and for Random Reassignment by Lindsey Kent Springer (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 12/28/2009)
12/28/2009 272 BRIEF in Support of Motion (Re: 271 MOTION Disqualify, Recuse, Removal and for Random Reassignment ) by Lindsey Kent Springer (With attachments) (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 12/28/2009)
12/28/2009 273 MOTION to Strike Document(s) (Re: 266 Response in Opposition to Motion, 259 MOTION to Strike Document(s) ) by Lindsey Kent Springer (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 12/28/2009)
12/28/2009 274 REPLY to Response to Motion (Re: 265 MOTION to Vacate/Set Aside Order dated December 9, 2009 MOTION Reinstate Docket # 257 and # 260 as properly filed under Local Criminal Rules 12.1 MOTION 10 days from date of order to refile docket # 257 and # 260 in accordance with Local Civil Rule 7.2 including extended page number therein ) by Lindsey Kent Springer (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 12/28/2009)
In summary: When in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by Dezcad »

Lindsey continues to litter the docket with his nonsense:
01/20/2010 279 MOTION for Leave to Exceed Page Limitation in Reply Regarding Springer's Motion for New Trial, by Lindsey Kent Springer (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 01/20/2010)
01/20/2010 280 MOTION to Dismiss Count(s) ONE for lack of Article III Subject Matter Jurisdiction, Article III Jurisdiction of the Facts and Article III Venue (Re: 2 Indictment ) by Lindsey Kent Springer (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 01/20/2010)
01/20/2010 281 BRIEF in Support of Motion (Re: 280 MOTION to Dismiss Count(s) ONE for lack of Article III Subject Matter Jurisdiction, Article III Jurisdiction of the Facts and Article III Venue ) by Lindsey Kent Springer (With attachments) (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 01/20/2010)
01/20/2010 282 MOTION to Dismiss Count(s) Two, Three, Four, Five and Six for Lack of Article III Subject Matter Jurisdiction, Article III Jurisdiction of the Facts and Article III Venue (Re: 2 Indictment ) by Lindsey Kent Springer (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 01/20/2010)
01/20/2010 283 BRIEF in Support of Motion (Re: 282 MOTION to Dismiss Count(s) Two, Three, Four, Five and Six for Lack of Article III Subject Matter Jurisdiction, Article III Jurisdiction of the Facts and Article III Venue ) by Lindsey Kent Springer (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 01/20/2010)
01/20/2010 284 MOTION to Dismiss Indictment/Information/Complaint for lack of Article III Standing of United States of America, (2) lack of Article III Case or Controversy, (3) for violation of Title 28, United States Code, Section 547, and accompanying brief in support thereof (Re: 2 Indictment ) by Lindsey Kent Springer (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 01/20/2010)
From Docket #282:
Lindsey Kent Springer (“Springer”) moves the United States’ Northern Oklahoma Judicial District Court pursuant to Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure 12(b)(3)(B) to dismiss Counts Two, Three, Four, Five and Six, for lack of Article III Subject Matter Jurisdiction, lack of Article III Jurisdiction of the facts and venue.

The genius of this Motion is premised upon the undisputed fact neither the President of the United States of America under Title 26, Section 7621, or the Secretary, under Executive Order or by any delegation, since 2000, established “internal revenue districts,” one of which surrounding the State of Oklahoma and this judicial district. Nor do any district director office, officer or official, surrounding the boundaries of the State of Oklahoma or this judicial district exist or is established by law during all relevant times of the indictment. The IRS is a creation of the Secretary at 26 CFR § 601.101 and that without such internal revenue district or district director there is no function to perform by the Secretary, that is authorized
by law to be performed, either within this judicial district or the State of Oklahoma. There is no proper delegation of authority from the Secretary otherwise.

Springer also moves to dismiss due to the lack of any regulations prescribed by the Secretary making Springer the person “liable” for any “tax” levied or imposed on any “taxable income” of Springer, married or not, respectively.

Obviously, without Article III subject matter jurisdiction and Article III jurisdiction of the facts or over the alleged “offense,” the United States’ Northern Oklahoma Judicial District Court would lack any Article III venue to consider any of the claims in Counts Two, Three, Four, Five and Six.

A Brief is filed simultaneously in support of this Motion.
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by LPC »

Dezcad wrote:Lindsey continues to litter the docket with his nonsense:
Springer has from time to time graced my inbox with emails, and his emails are just as prolix.

Fortunately, he's now too preoccupied with his own legal problems to be trolling for pen pals.
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by Dr. Caligari »

The genius of this Motion is premised upon the undisputed fact neither the President of the United States of America under Title 26, Section 7621, or the Secretary, under Executive Order or by any delegation, since 2000, established “internal revenue districts,” one of which surrounding the State of Oklahoma and this judicial district.
Words fail me.
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by notorial dissent »

Apparently Lindsey still doesn’t understand that no means no and brevity means brevity, not that it would make any difference since it is all nonsense to date.

I would be interested in seeing his fantasies as to how there ISN’T Article III jurisdiction, that alone ought to be good for a laugh or three. It looks like he is going for the old and ever failing “subject matter jurisdiction” ploy just for good measure.

As far as I can see, other than giving some clerk the giggles from reading it, it won’t survive the hearing.

The one thing I am curious about is the business about the IRS districts. As far as I remember, those were actually abolished back quite a ways, and that they were basically an administrative thing that they used before they consolidated functions in to the centers they have now, and that otherwise, they had nothing to do with the actual code or anything like it, and whether or not they existed now or existed then, has nothing to do with any of the tax rules and regulations. I still don’t really follow this one, if anyone would care to elucidate the “legal theory!!!!” behind this one. Rather the equivalent of arguing that the flag isn’t placed in the exact proper spot so the murder trial is void to my way of thinking. Then again, Lindsey’s legal process seems to be to argue, at extremely great length, about things that have no real value or part of the action he is arguing about, as witness his Writ of Mandumbass” that failed so miserably at the appeals level, like it was going to do anything else.

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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by The Observer »

§ 7621. Internal revenue districts.

(a) Establishment and alteration. The President shall establish convenient internal revenue districts for the purpose of administering the internal revenue laws. The President may from time to time alter such districts.

(b) Boundaries. For the purpose mentioned in subsection (a), the President may subdivide any State or the District of Columbia, or may unite into one district two or more States.
What Lindsey and other TPS get hung up is their inability to understand the intent of the law as opposed to what they think the law is. It is the "magic word" theory that is coming into play here.

A reasonable person could look at the above statute and understand it to mean that the President of the United States needs to organize the administration of the IRS into geographical segments that will allow for effective management of resources and people. That person would also understand that the law gives latitude to the executive branch to arrange those areas as they see fit and that there is allowance to adjust or change those boundaries in the future. Finally our ideal common man would understand that the President does not need to align these boundaries along the boundaries of the states or of D.C.

However, Lindsey jumps to other conclusions. Since he is aware that the IRS used to organize and name these geographical areas "districts" he thinks that means the IRS has to use that same "magic" word every time they reorganize or form a new administrative unit. The IRS is currently using "operating divisions", "areas", and "territories" as the units for management. None of this violates IRC 7621 in the least. Indeed you will find several states have been combined into one "area" as 7621(b) allows.

There are similar stupid theories about where the IRC, Regs or the Internal Revenue Manual has used the term "district director" as being the authority for certain actions. TPs focus on that magic word as proof that the actions that IRS employees are currently performing have no validity since the IRS has eliminated the position of "district director" or the even more sillier argument that only the "district director" is allowed to take such actions. Again the IRS used the title "District Director" for the persons who headed up the old districts, but any reasonable person can see that the "Area Directors" perform the same functions as the "District Director" but just over a larger geographical area.

Another ridiculous theory is that only the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to perform actions - see IRC 6020 as an example. They conveniently ignore those statutes, regulations and manual sections that specifically address the right of the Secretary to redelegate auhtority through a chain of command to the front line employees of the IRS.

The bottom line of all this is that Lindsey and his ilk see these arguments as a win-win situation for them. If they get extremely lucky and fool a court into believing this nonsense (which will never happen) they will escape conviction or have it overturned on appeal. In the actual event that they lose in court, they will be able to trot their tortured interpretations out to their followers and say, "See? I told you that the courts are corrupt", "The judges are coerced by the IRS", and similar stuff that we have seen here before.
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by Dezcad »

Lindsey just can't help himself.
01/21/2010 285 MOTION to Strike Document(s) 276 and 277 (Re: 277 Response in Opposition to Motion, 276 Response in Opposition to Motion ) by Lindsey Kent Springer (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 01/21/2010)
01/21/2010 286 REPLY to Response to Motion (Re: 271 MOTION Disqualify, Recuse, Removal and for Random Reassignment ) by Lindsey Kent Springer (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 01/21/2010)
01/21/2010 287 REPLY (Re: 270 Affidavit ) by Lindsey Kent Springer (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 01/21/2010)
01/21/2010 288 REPLY to Response to Motion (Re: 262 MOTION for New Trial ) by Lindsey Kent Springer (With attachments) (Springer, Lindsey) (Entered: 01/21/2010)
01/22/2010 289 ORDER by Judge Stephen P Friot, ruling on motion(s)/document(s): #279 Granted (Re: 279 MOTION for Leave to Exceed Page Limitation in Reply Regarding Springer's Motion for New Trial,, 262 MOTION for New Trial ) as to Lindsey Kent Springer (pll, Dpty Clk) (Entered: 01/22/2010)
Here's his Docket #285 "genius":
Lindsey Kent Springer (“Springer”) moves to strike doc. entry 276 and 277 as they are both
signed by someone other than the prosecutor in violation of Title 28, United States Code, Section 547 and the applicable rules of this Court.

There is no United States Attorney under Title 28, Section 547 to “prosecute” the case herein. Neither Mr. Snoke nor Mr. O’Reilly are United States Attorneys under Title 28, Section 547. There is no office to which they are authorized in this “judicial district” to work out of even if they were United States Attorneys appointed by the President. Since neither are authorized to represent the United States of America in this case according to Congress of the United States, doc. 276 and 277 should be struck.

Springer submits that Thomas Scott Woodward is not a United States Attorney under Title 28, Section 547, nor has he been assigned for 120 days by the Attorney General under Title 28, Section 546. His name appears with the term “acting” above Mr. O’Reilly’s signature. Mr. Woodward has not been appointed by the President and awaiting confirmation by the Senate. He is not authorized to act as a United States Attorney. There has not been a United States Attorney since June 28, 2009.

Therefore, Springer requests this Court strike doc. 276 and 277 because they are not authorized to represent the United States of America in this judicial district by law.
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by Dezcad »

Sentencing for these two is now on April 21, 2009 - 6 days after Pete's sentencing.
01/25/2010 291 ORDER by Judge Stephen P Friot, setting/resetting deadline(s)/hearing(s): ( Sentencing set for 4/21/2010 at 10:00 AM before Judge Stephen P Friot) (Re: 290 Scheduling Order, Setting/Resetting Deadline(s)/Hearing(s) ) as to Lindsey Kent Springer, Oscar Amos Stilley (pll, Dpty Clk) (Entered: 01/25/2010)
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by notorial dissent »

So, I would say that we can safely assume that the judge did not see the humor, certainly unintended, in the latest round of gibberish spewings and is going forward to sentencing, in spite of Stilley's "genius" filings showing that he can't and that the IRS and US Attorney don't exist? Imagine that!!!! I'm sure the IRS and US Attorney will be pleased to know that that burning issue has been resolved. Next he'll be arguing that the Articles of Confederation weren't properly ratified.
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by Famspear »

notorial dissent wrote: .... Next he'll be arguing that the Articles of Confederation weren't properly ratified.
Please, don't give him any ideas!
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

The purpose is to try to lay multiple foundations for endless appeals, regardless of the likelihood that they would be sustained in the process.

And if you're one of the self-ascribed leaders, for your faithful followers you have to keep up the image of the good fight. What better than an appeal for funds while your legal appeal is in process?

In all of these kinds of skirmishes the hope on the part of the perp and their sycophantic lunatic fringe is that the "ebil gubment" will be overthrown/replaced by true patriots who will abolish their common enemy before the heroes actually spend time behind bars.

Then when they are convicted and imprisoned, the martyr version of the spin machine starts up.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Springer and Stilley guilty on all counts

Post by notorial dissent »

And isn't the refrain something about pork in treetops?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.