My Challenge to truthseeker 67

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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by Famspear »

Paul wrote:
I have not found where "Include" is not a word of confinement, whereas includes and including may not be, especially where otherwise noted. Where did you get your definition of include? Thanks.
Well, since the statutory definitions of "State" and "United States" use the word "includes," and not "include," why should we bother answering the question of someone who doesn't understand conjugation of verbs?
Apparently we need to explain the phenomenon of inflection in language now.

Noah, in languages (and English is "included" in this category), different words can change form in different ways, in a phenomenon known as inflection. For example, a verb can be inflected, as reflected in what is known as the conjugation of the verb. Nouns and adjectives can be inflected in what is known as the declension of the noun or adjective.

Inflection of a verb, "to be" (partial list):
I am
you are
he is
we are
you are
they are
I was
you were
I will be
Here, the forms "am", "is" "are", "was", "were", and "be" are inflections of the verb "to be". These different forms don't have different "meanings"; they're just inflections, or variations, in the way the verb "to be" is expressed, depending on context.

Inflection of a noun

Again, both words are referring to the same concept, except that in this case, one is singular and the other is plural.

Inflection of an adjective (in this case, the definite article) "the."

The article "the" in English is inflected only by pronunciation, and not by spelling. It's pronounced "thee" or "thuh", depending on the sound of the word immediately following it. Examples:
"thee apple"
"thuh man"

Again, the word "the" here does not change its meaning merely because it has an inflected form.

Noah, I don't think you need to worry yourself about an imaginary difference between "include" and "includes." It's just a minor inflection.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by Nikki »

Which will quickly respond to most antibiotics.
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by Famspear »

Nikki wrote:Which will quickly respond to most antibiotics.
tah-dah-dump!! [drum roll]
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by truthseeker67 »

My final post......

There is no Constitutional Basis for a tax based on wages of
Americans living and working in the 50 States of the Union,
period, end of arguement.
Peter Gibbons
Tax Attorney

I stand corrected on the writer of the code being Sheldon Cohen.
Ward M. Hussey was the principal drafter of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

What of Joe Bannister, hmmmm?

You poor saps don't understand the IRC art of words, it so easy a 4th grader could understand it, but obviously I'm dealing with a bunch of third graders.

This REAL patriot is leaving a insignificant and maladroit forum. I leave you all to your ignorance.

And I'm not convinced that you all are not Communists, so here's a bit of literature for you to peruse. ... anifesto/ Happy Reading!!!

"If the taxpayers of this country ever discovered that we operate on 98% bluff, the entire system will collapse."

Reported remark by an internal revenue service officer to Sen. Henry E. Bellmon (R. Okla.) on April 15, 1971.
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by Famspear »

truthseeker67 wrote:My final post......

There is no Constitutional Basis for a tax based on wages of
Americans living and working in the 50 States of the Union,
period, end of arguement.
Peter Gibbons
Tax Attorney

I stand corrected on the writer of the code being Sheldon Cohen.
Ward M. Hussey was the principal drafter of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

What of Joe Bannister, hmmmm?

You poor saps don't understand the IRC art of words, it so easy a 4th grader could understand it, but obviously I'm dealing with a bunch of third graders.

This REAL patriot is leaving a insignificant and maladroit forum. I leave you all to your ignorance.

And I'm not convinced that you all are not Communists, so here's a bit of literature for you to peruse. ... anifesto/ Happy Reading!!!

"If the taxpayers of this country ever discovered that we operate on 98% bluff, the entire system will collapse."

Reported remark by an internal revenue service officer to Sen. Henry E. Bellmon (R. Okla.) on April 15, 1971.
That's it? That's your answer?

Oh well. Thanks for playing.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

truthseeker67 wrote:My final post......
Thank you. That's the first salient thing you've posted.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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The Devil Makes Three

Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by Nikki »

And we have our first official entry for the Troll Of The Decade award.

It's a shame we don't know who he is because we won't be able to follow his future exploits at LoserHeads and in the US Court and prison systems.
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by The Operative »

truthseeker67 wrote:My final post......
Promises, promises...I guess you are changing your mind from your previous statement...
truthseeker67 wrote:No Nikki.....I will never leave.....I will pound the TRUTH into you and you will see the real light. By the way, to fund federal highways....hmmmm.....I do believe there is a tax for that called the GAS TAX...... not the income tax. Keep calling me names for in the end you will reap what you sow.
truthseeker67 wrote:There is no Constitutional Basis for a tax based on wages of
Americans living and working in the 50 States of the Union,
period, end of arguement.
Peter Gibbons
Tax Attorney
Let's take a close look at when he made that statement and the sentences prior to that sentence.

First, he mentions the income tax law that Congress enacted in 1894. (Note: Congress did not TRY to enact an income tax law, they DID enact an income tax law.) Without going into the long details here, the Supreme Court (in the two Pollock decisions) decided that a tax on income from personal property was the same as a tax on the property itself. Since a tax on land was known to be a direct tax, the Supreme Court declared that portion of the law was unconstitutional. The court also stated that a tax on income from wages was previously ruled to be a constitutional duty or excise and that tax would still be ok. However, the Supreme Court did not believe that Congress intended that the entire tax burden would fall upon wage earners, so they overturned the entire law.

The 16th amendment specifically overturned the two Pollock decisions. Mr. Gibbons mentions that Congress enacted another income tax law in 1913 (again, they did not TRY, they DID enact a law). He also mentions a Supreme Court decision where the court states that the 16th amendment did not grant Congress any new power to tax. This is correct, but he ignores the fact that statement is taken completely out of context. Here is a more complete quote from the decision in Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co., 240 U.S. 103 (1916).
Supreme Court wrote:The contention is that as the tax here imposed is not on the net product, but in a sense somewhat equivalent to a tax on the gross product of the working of the mine by the corporation, therefore the tax is not within the purview of the 16th Amendment, and consequently it must be treated as a direct tax on property because of its ownership, and as such void for want of apportionment. But, aside from the obvious error of the proposition, intrinsically considered, it manifestly disregards the fact that by the previous ruling it was settled that the provisions of the 16th Amendment conferred no new power of taxation, but simply prohibited the previous complete and plenary power of income taxation possessed by Congress from the beginning from being taken out of the category of indirect taxation to which it inherently belonged, and being placed in the category of direct taxation subject to apportionment by a consideration of the sources from which the income was derived, that is, by testing the tax not by what it was, a tax on income, but by a mistaken theory deduced from the origin or source of the income taxed.
Basically, what that says is that Congress ALWAYS had the power to tax incomes. The 16th amendment simply prevented income taxes from being classified as direct taxes and instead insured that income taxes are and always have been INDIRECT taxes in a constitutional sense.
truthseeker67 wrote:What of Joe Bannister, hmmmm?
What about him?

What about all the other tax protesters that have had their property levied and/or seized and those that have, are, or will be serving jail time (including Pete Hendrickson).
truthseeker67 wrote: You poor saps don't understand the IRC art of words, it so easy a 4th grader could understand it, but obviously I'm dealing with a bunch of third graders.

This REAL patriot is leaving a insignificant and maladroit forum. I leave you all to your ignorance.

And I'm not convinced that you all are not Communists, so here's a bit of literature for you to peruse. ... anifesto/ Happy Reading!!!

"If the taxpayers of this country ever discovered that we operate on 98% bluff, the entire system will collapse."

Reported remark by an internal revenue service officer to Sen. Henry E. Bellmon (R. Okla.) on April 15, 1971.
Again, another quote taken out of context. It is you that has a reading comprehension problem. Let's make this as simple as possible...everyone, every agency, and every court that matters says you (and Pete Hendrickson) are wrong.
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by truthseeker67 »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:
truthseeker67 wrote:My final post......
Thank you. That's the first salient thing you've posted.

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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by wserra »

truthseeker67 wrote:There is no Constitutional Basis for a tax based on wages of
Americans living and working in the 50 States of the Union,
period, end of arguement.
Peter Gibbons
Tax Attorney
"The Earth is flat. Period, end of argument."
- Bugs Bunny, geophysicist (as quoted in Aaron Russo's "The Earth: Oblate Spheroid to Plane")
What of Joe Bannister, hmmmm?
What of him, hmmmm?
You poor saps don't understand the IRC art of words, it so easy a 4th grader could understand it, but obviously I'm dealing with a bunch of third graders.
Man, there's no disputing this guy's logic.
This REAL patriot is leaving a insignificant and maladroit forum.
"Maladroit"? Smile when you say that, pardner.
Reported remark by an internal revenue service officer to Sen. Henry E. Bellmon (R. Okla.) on April 15, 1971.
"Man who call self 'truthseeker' seek for 100 years and still not find ass with both hands."
- Reported remark by a Native American shaman to wserra, January 1, 2010.
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

truthseeker67 wrote:
Judge Roy Bean wrote:
truthseeker67 wrote:My final post......
Thank you. That's the first salient thing you've posted.
**** YOU, *********!!!!
Wow --- what a well-reasoned and erudite response! You know, truthseeker, up in New England there's an old saying which goes something like, "if you have nothing worthwhile to say, don't say it anyway", which can also be rendered, "it's better to keep silent and be thought a fool, than open your mouth (post on a blog?) and remove all doubt."

If you want our respect, Bucko, you need to earn it. Stop giving us history lessons which make you sound like your history education stopped with Classic Comics, and stop giving us lectures on the law which are nothing but cut-and-paste snippets from here and there. You'd never get anywhere in court with your drivel, and it won't work here, either.
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by The Operative »

truthseeker67 wrote:
Judge Roy Bean wrote:
truthseeker67 wrote:My final post......
Thank you. That's the first salient thing you've posted.
[Cursing deleted]
So, I guess your last final post wasn't really your final post. :roll:
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by Noah »

Famspear wrote:
Paul wrote:
I have not found where "Include" is not a word of confinement, whereas includes and including may not be, especially where otherwise noted. Where did you get your definition of include? Thanks.
Well, since the statutory definitions of "State" and "United States" use the word "includes," and not "include," why should we bother answering the question of someone who doesn't understand conjugation of verbs?
Apparently we need to explain the phenomenon of inflection in language now.

Noah, in languages (and English is "included" in this category), different words can change form in different ways, in a phenomenon known as inflection. For example, a verb can be inflected, as reflected in what is known as the conjugation of the verb. Nouns and adjectives can be inflected in what is known as the declension of the noun or adjective.

Inflection of a verb, "to be" (partial list):
I am
you are
he is
we are
you are
they are
I was
you were
I will be
Here, the forms "am", "is" "are", "was", "were", and "be" are inflections of the verb "to be". These different forms don't have different "meanings"; they're just inflections, or variations, in the way the verb "to be" is expressed, depending on context.

Inflection of a noun

Again, both words are referring to the same concept, except that in this case, one is singular and the other is plural.

Inflection of an adjective (in this case, the definite article) "the."

The article "the" in English is inflected only by pronunciation, and not by spelling. It's pronounced "thee" or "thuh", depending on the sound of the word immediately following it. Examples:
"thee apple"
"thuh man"

Again, the word "the" here does not change its meaning merely because it has an inflected form.

Noah, I don't think you need to worry yourself about an imaginary difference between "include" and "includes." It's just a minor inflection.
Thank you Famspear, your comments are appreciated.

Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by Brandybuck »

Famspear wrote:Regarding the supposed difference between "include" and "includes," are you serious? The word "include" is an inflection of "includes", just as "goes" is an inflected form of "go." This is pretty basic English.
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by LPC »

truthseeker67 wrote:There is no Constitutional Basis for a tax based on wages of
Americans living and working in the 50 States of the Union, period, end of arguement.
Peter Gibbons
Tax Attorney
There is no logical basis for Peter Gibbons, period, end of argument.

(If only correctness were as easy as certitude.)
Dan Evans
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by LPC »

truthseeker67 wrote:My final post......
Well, that was fast. From flaming entrance to flaming retreat in about 48 hours.

I think that the key was his efficiency. He packed multiple misconceptions into single posting, sometimes single sentences, going through the government employees argument, the "United States" as corporate entity argument, the "United States" as not including the states argument, the "privileges" argument, the wages argument, the compulsory "quotations out of context" part of the program, and the "random quotations from other idiots" gambit pretty quickly.

And he never bothered to try to defend anything he had cut-and-pasted once he was confronted with facts, which also saved time.

A rather minimalist performance piece, I would say.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by grixit »

truthseeker67 wrote:My final post......


This REAL patriot is leaving a insignificant and maladroit forum. I leave you all to your ignorance.
So much for staying here and pounding.
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by Demosthenes »

LPC wrote:
truthseeker67 wrote:There is no Constitutional Basis for a tax based on wages of
Americans living and working in the 50 States of the Union, period, end of arguement.
Peter Gibbons
Tax Attorney
There is no logical basis for Peter Gibbons, period, end of argument.

(If only correctness were as easy as certitude.)
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by grixit »

truthseeker67 wrote:
Judge Roy Bean wrote:
truthseeker67 wrote:My final post......
Thank you. That's the first salient thing you've posted.

**** YOU, *********!!!!
The last resort. Like pulling a derringer after you get stomped in a brawl you started.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

grixit wrote:...
The last resort. Like pulling a derringer after you get stomped in a brawl you started.
Image :wink:
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
The world is a car and you're a crash-test dummy.
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