Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

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Re: Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

Post by Thule »

Well, Joe tried to recruit The Patriot Guard for his daring plan.
FW: (N.H.) Patriot Guard Riders New User Registration?
From: Joseph S. Haas (josephshaas at hotmail dot com)
Hoping that you might like to expand your horizons to help a fellow Article 12 "inhabitant" of here in New Hampshire? Re: The N.H. Constitution, Part First & Bill of Rights. If so the details are here and in the surround replies, and that I can summarize of a who, what, when, where, why and how request?

Of to prevent Art. 12 Ed from being further "controllable" by other than "Consent"ed to legislation that we did offer to the Feds back on June 14, 1883 in R.S.A. Ch. 123:1, from 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution, but that they have yet to accept by 40USC255 to 40USC3112 since a conditional consent or offer never accepted gives them no jurisdiction over us! Re: that 1943 U.S. Supreme Court case.

A Check-Point-Charlie needed to verify that all transportees are being dealt with according to the law. If interested, please reply.

Thank you, - - Joe Haas
Unfortunately for Joe, Patriot Guard seems to be a non-political motorcycle club dedicated to the memory of fallen soldiers. Among the things they do, shield the mourning family from protestors at the funeral, " through strictly legal and non-violent means".

I guess it's the word "Patriot" that got Joe (more) confused.

Oh yeah, the only person who bothered to reply to Joes babbling was Donna Van Meter.
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Re: Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

Post by Demosthenes »

Well, Ed was in the military, until he was court martialed.
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Re: Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

Post by notorial dissent »

Gee, what a surprise, about Ed I mean!!!! Actually, the surprise is that he didn't end up in Leavenworth.

Howsumever, it would seem, that as with all the rest of Joe's blather, nothing came of it.
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Re: Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Demosthenes wrote:Well, Ed was in the military, until he was court martialed.
What'd the Navy get the little malingerer on?
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Re: Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

Post by The Observer »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:Well, Ed was in the military, until he was court martialed.
What'd the Navy get the little malingerer on?
I thought it was assault with a deadly weapon.
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Re: Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

Post by bmielke »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:Well, Ed was in the military, until he was court martialed.
What'd the Navy get the little malingerer on?
I really wanted to ask this question but thought I must have missed something in the Archives.
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Re: Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

Post by cynicalflyer »

It certainly looked as if the FBI and others was taking Joe's plan to break Ed out somewhat seriously. They started asking his brother where Joe was. ... #msg316009
In the meantime stop bothering my brother in Florida by having that N.H. F.B.I. agent Phil Christina call him asking about WHERE I am or might be located. A servant is NOT supposed to KNOW of what his master is up to, and that includes public servants too. You will see me in Concord tomorrow, and as I told you I will NOT be setting foot on your federal property over there at 53-55 Pleasant Street. It's a "Disaster Area". And the word dis-aster not of what you might think but of it being in dis-honor of the law. You all are outlaws who think that you can operate ABOVE the law.

What I had planned to do of to horizontally shut off your in-take driveway with my car and call to the Concord P.D. for police back-up has I "think" been scrubbed, as I've yet to read the reply to my Notice, instead of a Permit, from the Code Enforcement Officer Gene Blake probably citing that NO PARKING Ordinance due to snow removal even when no snow is expected until 6:00 a.m. I think it is, and so IF I have been GRANTED such, like AFTER this time, would you please schedule our "encounter" for say 6:01 a.m. anyway for this standoff, when there will be no such Ordinance violation, just a nuisance to your operations there until you abate your nuisance to us by having your GSA landlord head file those 40USC255 to 40USC3112 papers FINALly with Bill Gardner's Office of Secretary of State as per the "shall" word in N.H. R.S.A. Chapter 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution.


So one of my first stops in Concord will be to the Police Station to see IF their oaths have been changed or to tell them to speed it up, and maybe they're wondering if I'm serious, then so be it to your in-take driveway tomorrow to ask the gate-keeper if he has the proof of filing, and if not, then to have one of the group go in to see if Ed is inside, and if he is, then proof of kidnapping by you for me to call in this crime, to report of State Kidnapping by federal agents of one of our Article 12 "inhabitants" who has NOT consented to such "control". To go over the head of the local COPS who might remain corrupted by that "federal" word in their oaths, and so to call the County Sheriff Scott Hilliard at ________ plus State Police headquarters at 271-___________ and that Troop __ over there at the corner of Clinton Street at #__ Iron Works Road by I-89 Exit 2.
So, brave old Joe just can't do his escape plan...because of SNOW?
"Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty." -- General Henry M. Robert author, Robert's Rules of Order

Re: Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

Post by bmielke »

Wait this is a new one, he's going to break the law but then call the police to tell them he is breaking the law and request their help in doing so. On top of that he wants to the local police to help him break Ed out of jail? This is his plan? The great Plan? Joe needs to crawl back into the snow cave.
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Re: Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

Post by Thule »

The FBI is getting curious about him, and he plans on making a scene at the PD. Seems like a splendid idea. Where can I get a ticket, I'd like a ringside seat, please.
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Re: Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

Post by bmielke »

Thule wrote:The FBI is getting curious about him, and he plans on making a scene at the PD. Seems like a splendid idea. Where can I get a ticket, I'd like a ringside seat, please.
I'd like a ticket as well, I don't want ringside (Can't afford it) but I would like to be close enough to hear him begging not to be TASER'd if possible.

EDIT: Actually now that I think about it a trip to NH on my budget isn't going to happen, but Pay Per View could, I bet it would sell, you would need advertise it as "Idiot trying to get TASER'd" and sell it for $29.95.
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Re: Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

Post by grixit »

Is there a "request for local coverage" forum at Youtube?
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Re: Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

Post by notorial dissent »

The problem is you would have to get Joe to show up, and really, how likely is that to happen?
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Re: Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

Post by LPC »

cynicalflyer wrote:So, brave old Joe just can't do his escape plan...because of SNOW?
It sounded to me as though he was willing to force a possibly violent confrontation with federal officials and violate federal law, but not if it meant violating a local parking ordinance intended to aid snow removal.
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Re: Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

Post by notorial dissent »

Or, at least it was a convenient excuse to use when no one showed up.
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Re: Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

Post by The Observer »

LPC wrote:
cynicalflyer wrote:So, brave old Joe just can't do his escape plan...because of SNOW?
It sounded to me as though he was willing to force a possibly violent confrontation with federal officials and violate federal law, but not if it meant violating a local parking ordinance intended to aid snow removal.
Are you trying to tell me that Joe Haas, Sovereign Citizen and Free Man, is going to allow a law dealing with government-enforced snow removal to interfere with his freedom of speech and right to assembly? [sigh]They don't make patriots like they used to.[/sigh]
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Re: Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

Post by Demosthenes »


There was no snow predicted in the weather reports at all. While it was freakishly cold, the weather was clear.

In fact, when I arrived in New Hampshire, I was suprised at how little snow accumulation was on the ground - just a few inches - and how clean and clear the roads were. I parked a couple of blocks from the courthouse at 7:45 am (there were no signs warning that the streets had to be clear for possible snow removal) and had an easy (but fricken' cold) walk to the courthouse.
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Re: Joe Haas Planning a Prison Break?

Post by webhick »

Demosthenes wrote:Snow?

There was no snow predicted in the weather reports at all. While it was freakishly cold, the weather was clear.

In fact, when I arrived in New Hampshire, I was suprised at how little snow accumulation was on the ground - just a few inches - and how clean and clear the roads were. I parked a couple of blocks from the courthouse at 7:45 am (there were no signs warning that the streets had to be clear for possible snow removal) and had an easy (but fricken' cold) walk to the courthouse.
It hovered around the 30s last week, so some of what little we got had melted off. And it's not freakishly cold. Freakishly cold was a week or so before Christmas when the landlord accidentally left the basement door open and all the cold air from a nearby wind tunnel was sucked straight under the house causing the temp down there to be a good 20 degrees below the outside temp, not including the wind chill factor. Say hello to frozen pipes and a cracked furnace.
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