Does anyone know anything about Barry Lusk?

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Does anyone know anything about Barry Lusk?

Post by rogfulton »

As a paid return preparer, I spend a great deal of time on the IRS website and was interested to note on their Examples of General Tax Fraud Investigations for FY2010 an item about the October 22, 2009 sentencing in Columbia SC of Barry Lusk to 33 months for failing to pay income tax. The article reads in part
Lusk was part of a movement advocating income tax was not applicable to him and sent a letter to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) detailing his beliefs. In 2002, the IRS began a civil audit of Lusk and an IRS representative attempted to contact Lusk regarding his responsibility to file an individual tax return for the year 2000. In 2003, Lusk filed a joint 1040 return for 2000 and claimed that he and his spouse had no income and that there was no tax due or owed. However, he asked for a refund of an estimated tax which had been paid in 2000. Lusk also filed amended tax returns for two prior tax years attempting to get refunds claiming the original returns were filed in error.
(bolding added)

I've done a search on Quatloos for his name and haven't found any reference to him. I'm guessing the reference in the first sentence of the quote to 'was part of a movement' is using the wrong tense.
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Re: Does anyone know anything about Barry Lusk?

Post by jg »

At under UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff v. CAREL A. PRATER, et al., Defendants. Docket: 8:02-cv-2052-T-23 MSS , Filed August 19, 2003 there is mention of Barry G. Lusk as being a client of Prater who was a proponent of the 861 argument.
15. On January 10, 2003, the IRS received a letter dated December 31, 2002,

and postmarked January 8, 2003, from individual taxpayer Barry G. Lusk.

(Dkt. 57 Hr`g Ex. 3.) This letter was written in response to an appointment

notice issued by the IRS and purported to challenge the IRS` authority to

tax Mr. Lusk`s income. (Id.) Enclosed with this letter were a set of

"Administrative Interrogatories" requesting that the IRS produce several

categories of documents and information in support of its authority to tax

Mr. Lusk. (Id.)

16. On February 25, 2003, the IRS received a letter dated February 20, 2003,

and bearing a Tax Escape letterhead that included Defendant Prater`s name.

(Dkt. 57 Hr`g Ex. 4.) This letter was purportedly signed by Mr. Lusk and his

wife, Mrs. Kelly Lusk, and again challenged the IRS` authority to tax their

income based upon the section 861 Argument. (Id.)

17. On January 15, 2003, the IRS` processing center in Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania received a Form 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return for Mr.

and Mrs. Lusk dated January 8, 2003. (Dkt. 57 Hr`g Ex. 5.) The face of the

Form 1040 was conspicuously stamped "NOT LIABLE IRS LETTER 112c." (Id.)

Enclosed with the Form 1040 was a letter dated December 27, 2002, and signed

by Mr. and Mrs. Lusk. (Id.) This letter challenged the IRS` authority to tax

the Lusks` joint income and requested an appropriate refund based upon an

assumption of no income tax liability. (Id.) On the basis of the Form 1040

and accompanying documentation, the IRS refunded the Lusks $38,000.00 in

income tax. (Dkt. 62 at 27:4-7.)
“Where there is an income tax, the just man will pay more and the unjust less on the same amount of income.” — Plato
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Re: Does anyone know anything about Barry Lusk?

Post by wserra »

Lusk was indicted for a single count of evasion in South Carolina under docket 08-cr-01218. He went to trial in March of last year and lost. In a govt opposition to a defense request for a downward departure, the AUSA mentions that Lusk would travel around the country with Prater. On November 6, 2009, he was sentenced to 33 months, the bottom of the guideline. An appeal is pending - good luck, Barry, in the 4th Circuit.

If you need any of the docs, let me know.
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Re: Does anyone know anything about Barry Lusk?

Post by rogfulton »

Does he have any TP history other than this trial or the mention of his travels with Prater?
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