Ten with Fourty Zeros

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Ten with Fourty Zeros

Post by Deep Knight »

From Welcome the Light.

St. Germain – Year End Report
admin | Jan 10, 2010 | 0 comments

St.Germain addressing the December 29, 2009 teleconference

“Greetings, Beloveds! It is I, St.Germain, and I come with what you might call a year-end financial report for Planet Earth. We have already announced that the Bank of St.Germain is open and ready to serve. We have told you that the amount of gold and precious metals on deposit at that bank is roughly in the nature of a 10 with forty zeros after it [FYI: 10 quadradecillion dollars]. We know that some of you have tried to write this down on paper and really don’t have the words in your vocabulary, in your language, for that much abundance. It doesn’t matter. If you want just do the little sideways ‘8′ infinity, that’s alright because that which is there now can be multiplied if ever Planet Earth should need it. Now we have already told you that you all have accounts with your names on them, and with enough zeros in those accounts that you will be able to accomplish whatever it is that you want to accomplish. Spend some on yourself, be lavish; whatever it is that makes you happy in any of your being, go for it. And remember the purpose of this abundance is to celebrate the Golden Age because the Golden Age is where there is abundance for everyone and everyone will have it.

“But the Golden Age is about much more than that - it’s about healing. You will hear more about ORMEs in the year 2010 – don’t rush it. We are bringing new techniques even now, and even now there are some on this planet who have them, but it must be kept quiet until the day of announcement comes and we know that you understand why. Then there will be all kinds of information that will be open for everyone. And there will be those who are especially equipped, and special knowledge and wisdom and much of this is old ancient wisdom that is coming to light now, already coming to the surface. There will be new ways to heat and cool your homes, marvelous new vehicles for you to fly, new ways of industry, business and of course finance. The apparatus for all of this is here. There are some last minute adjustments and fine tunings to do, then it is just a matter of switching over. Now if there is a sudden closure of your own financial institution, your bank or your credit union, be not alarmed. It is only for the change-overs that are coming. It is only to put in place that which you already know is coming and that which you called forth and welcomed and you will have information everywhere that will help you to understand exactly what the changes are.

“There is going to be news broadcasting like you have never seen in this country, because even in the days of wondrous Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow, those are familiar names are they not, there always had to be some cover ups. They didn’t like it much and some of them were literally removed from their bodies because they wanted to start talking and you know some of those. They are here in higher dimensions with us helping us to formulate the information into segments that will be easy to digest especially for those of you who are hearing something of this now. Remember courage always. Remember that Mother Sekhmet comes as a healer for the entire planet with the knowledge and the ancient wisdoms, and at the same time with the encouragement to everyone to empower themselves to discover that marvelous God force, that divinity within, that ORMEs, that Love so that each and every one of you can call forth whatever it is that you desire.

“And I offer you again as I have done in the past the Violet Flame of Transmutation so that you can pull anything out in front of you that you choose, and simply apply the Violet Flame and cause it to be transmuted forever into the energies of Love. Peace on Earth begins in the hearts of each and every one of you, in the hearts of all of the Lightworkers and in the hearts of the leaders who are heart-minded beings. You will see much more leadership among the females in what you call the governments, in the educational systems, in the business, in all walks of life, because this is the age of balance. No longer will the world be dominated by the male energies with the female energies in some place subjugated to that which amounts to slavery, but rather equality and balance, respect, appreciation and gratitude will be the signs, the earmarks of the new relationships within all of the institutions that I have mentioned and more. Balance is the key and when the balance is Love-based, only Peace, only Joy and only the blessings of the Golden Age can be the result and you will see this more and more. Right now it appears as though it is more the feminine that is crying for peace, but look around you, there are peace warriors everywhere, beings of courage and strength who know without any doubt whatsoever that the time is now.

“Just as Lady Nesara and Lady Liberty stand at my side, they stand at yours as well, so stand tall, Beloved Ones, stand tall. We are all One, we are all family, we are all the perfect children of God/ Mother/Father. We have the divinity within each and every one of us because we have come together and united our hearts, our minds, our intent. We are triumphant, we are successful – it has been written long ago. And so it is. We salute you, Beloved Ones. Stand with us in these final moments before the curtain goes up officially on that which you know is already here - the Golden Age, as some of you like to call it, the Age of Aquarius. It’s here, it’s now. Happy New Age to all, and Namaste.”

© Susan Leland 2009. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.

He knows that we can't conceive of a number that big, but he's wrong (an occupational hazard with these Ascendant guys). We're told that this money is is gold, which would at $37229 per kilogram (=32.1507466 troy oz) be about 268,600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilos. At a density of 19.3 grams per cubic cm, this would be a cube (block) of gold 1,494,033 miles wide, long and high. Pretty big, in fact the total volume of this gold would be about 1,280,000,000 times larger than the total volume of the earth.

Of course, if this was platinum it would be about a 3/4 of this, smaller but not smaller enough. Perhaps St. Germain is talking about other precious metals, such at Latinum (a favorite of Star Trek, which of course is all real) or I'm just thinking in 3D and St. Germain's bank is 5D...

At any rate, St. Germain's bank should be easy to find. Just look for a REALLY BIG building.
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Re: Ten with Fourty Zeros

Post by fortinbras »

I would assume, from this message, that we no longer have to care about NESARA and that back-and-forth with the accursed packets. Of course, there is a serious question about the economic - and ecological - effects of a bigger-than-the-earth supply of gold, a heavy metal.

I see this message is copyrighted by a Susan Leland. Not by Saint Germain himself. If she's not the author, then why didn't Saint Germain get the copyright? If someone is bringing so much gold, why should anyone care about author's royalties? Who is Susan Leland? Is she going to be hiding all that gold from us the way Obama is hiding those NESARA packets?

PS: Is this Saint Germain who giving us this news the Saint who was the 6th century Bishop of Paris, or is the Count St-Germain who was the 18th century con artist??
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Re: Ten with Fourty Zeros

Post by texino »

The always pleasant Fortinbras asks:
PS: Is this Saint Germain who giving us this news the Saint who was the 6th century Bishop of Paris, or is the Count St-Germain who was the 18th century con artist??
I believe we are speaking of Le Compte whom the NESARA crew resurrected and put on a space ship in 5D. He often walks through walls at financial meetings and sets people straight. He has yet to be validated with real power or money.
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Re: Ten with Fourty Zeros

Post by Deep Knight »

The international star of stage and screen Fortinbras asks:
fortinbras wrote:PS: Is this Saint Germain who giving us this news the Saint who was the 6th century Bishop of Paris, or is the Count St-Germain who was the 18th century con artist??

I reached this amazing conclusion due to the fact that most Theosophists simply call him "Saint Germain" instead of the "Comte de St. Germain," which they would if he was, yet when talking about him in detail they describe the life of the latter. For example.

It is believed that Saint Germain was born in 1561. As he grew into adulthood he mastered all of the European languages. He was one of the best swordsmen of his day. He was a master violinist. He was a personal friend of Voltaire, Rousseau, and a great many other distinguished philosophers. He knew many European heads of state. He was known as "the man who never dies and knows everything". Saint Germain was very wealthy, but no one knew how he had accumulated his great wealth. He was a great painter and musical conductor. He had an extensive knowledge of herbalism. Some feel that this attributed to his long life. He was a master alchemist. It is said that Saint Germain could turn base metals into gold. He founded Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry in England. He did this under the name Francis Bacon. It was his dream to create in America a new country free of corruption, greed, and dictatorial monarchies. He was instrumental in formulating the Declaration of Independence and the constitution of the United States as they were being written by his Masonic followers who founded this nation. Their Masonic symbols can be seen on the dollar bill. He spent eighty five years with the Trans-Himalayan Brotherhood which was made up of El Moyra, Kuthumi, Djwhal Khul, and others. Saint Germain lived for over 350 years, staging his death between lifetimes. As a writer he used the names Christopher Marlowe, Edmund Spenser, Montaigne, Robert Burton, Cervantes, Valentine Andraes, and Comte de Gabalis. It is from his ascended state that he brings the ultimate gift of freedom - The Violet Flame.
Now, let's look at what the Catholic Encyclopedia says:
Saint Germain, Bishop of Auxerre, born at Auxerre c. 380; died at Ravenna, 31 July, 450. He was the son of Rusticus and Germanilla, and his family was one of the noblest in Gaul in the latter portion of the fourth century. ... Then he journeyed to Ravenna ... While there he died on 31 July, 450. His body, as he requested when dying, was brought back to Auxerre and interred in the Oratory of St. Maurice, which he had built. Later the oratory was replaced by a large church, which became a celebrated Benedictine abbey known as St. Germain's. This tribute to the memory of the saint was the gift of Queen Clotilda, wife of Clovis. Some centuries later, Charles the Bald had the shrine opened, and the body was found intact. It was embalmed and wrapped in precious cloths, and placed in a more prominent position in the church. There it was preserved till 1567, when Auxerre was taken by the Huguenots, who desecrated the shrine and cast out the relics.
Look at that last "1567" date, when Saint Germain's "relic" body was cast out, and the "1561" date in the quote above it (ignore the 1710 birthdate in Wikipedia, obviously either a plant by the New World Order which proves they exist or a cover-up by Germain himself, which proves he's immortal, or both!). The exact quote is "It is believed that Saint Germain was born in 1561." This obviously is short for "It is believed that Saint Germain was born in 1561 but we're not sure because the last number could be a "1" or "7" and we can't tell." Thus, it is proven that when Saint Germain had to find a new place to hang out when the Huguenots evicted him he simply re-animated himself and lived again! Wow!
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Re: Ten with Fourty Zeros

Post by Deep Knight »

So, we know how much gold (huge amounts, more than could possibly be stored on Earth, at least in 3D) but the next question is "when?" The answer is, ITS ON BABY and it's tonight (7:11 "GMT" by which KOS obviously means UCT, the modern term, which is 2:11 in New York and 11:11 in Los Angeles). Also from Welcome the Light and Say Goodbye to Mark.

KOS About Mother Earth Preparing for Change Point at the New Moon Solar Eclipse
Jan 12, 2010 | 5 comments

solareclipsepic kos
From KOS:

In the past 30 days, there have been Earthquakes beginning at the tip of South America, on the edge of the shores running up the Continent to Alaska and across the Aleutian Islands over to Russia, and in a line down the coast, past the coast of China and through the Philippines following a line skirting Australia and New Zealand. All the while these Earth Quakes are primarily in off shore Islands and in coastal regions. It follows like this up from Australia in a line up past Indonesia and Singapore into Sri Lanka and India. Others were in the Gulf of Aden and also a string of Earthquakes through the Mediterranean Sea. The vast majority of the Earthquakes in the last 30 days have been along the Sea Floor. This is done in a very calculated way to prevent inland damage or threat while making the necessary changes in the Earth Grid.

Mother Earth is preparing herself for the trillions of Ships that will be passing in and out of the Earth Portals and Inner Earth tunnels. She is opening The StarGate Aden. The Earth grid is being powered up by ever increasing waves or bursts of electromagnetic energy. She is being aided by the technology from the millions of Mother Ships orbiting Earth right now.

As we get closer to the New Moon combined with a Solar Eclipse energy on the 15th at 07:11 GMT [see below for converted world timezones], all of the Ziggurats and Pyramids are working together to power up Mother Earth for Change Point. The Sun and the Moon work together in this case to aid Mother Earth in moving the Firmament as needed for all the Portals to open In Unison. It is these pathways which we use to move Ships quickly from one area of the Globe to another.

We are gearing up for an unprecedented, never seen before, number of Ships on Earth. Our Star Nation families are all here. They are ready to decloak and land on Earth. They will be with President Obama and they will be broadcast on television. This will coincide with a declaration of Worldwide Peace.

Mark and Beth http://www.GalacticRoundTable.com

Comments (5)

Normand Dionne says:
January 12, 2010 at 9:08 pm

Holy decloakings Batman!

That’s less than 30 hours away, EST !!!!!

Galo says:
January 13, 2010 at 1:51 am

God knows how i wish that was true. BUT, after all the talking about desclosure last year, now, i know better.

Nick Price says:
January 13, 2010 at 9:34 am

I was dubious about this moment too… But after confering with my guides… Source says… “ITS ON BABY” !!

jackpotlady says:
January 13, 2010 at 11:11 am

Guess the Haiti earthquake is the proof in the pudding?!
I’m ready!

fmaranan says:
January 13, 2010 at 5:26 pm

Wow, I am so excited i will share the info. to my fellow Filipinos.

Thanks to All.

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Re: Ten with Fourty Zeros

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Now, why am I not surprised to see a posting like this, after the earthquake?
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Re: Ten with Fourty Zeros

Post by Deep Knight »

Yet another reply to the posting about the Eclipse.

bob says:
January 14, 2010 at 3:07 pm

i’m curious how they will make another story after again nothing happened..
you know when someone tells you something and it doesn’t happen, you have something called ‘trust’ which is not there anymore.
so how can you trust over and over again in these things, as is my question to KOS as next time maybe the lord of heaven or god of the internet will announce the next breaking news etc. etc.

still send love
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Re: Ten with Fourty Zeros

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Archangel Michael on Cosmic Ascension and the Haiti Earthquake
Jan 14, 2010 | 0 comments

Greetings, Beloveds.

We have been working together on Earth Ascension many many years. We are in the final moments, the stage is being set, and there is still much to do [in regards to ascension, not decloakings].

I would like to comment on the recent devastating Earthquake in Haiti.

Let us look at areas of Ascension in relationship to this crisis.

First, feel reassured that Mother Earth is a sentient Being. She has a Beating Heart and Divine Intelligence. Gaia, with her Twin Flame, Vywamus, chose every change taking place on and within her. The Galactic Masters are assisting these changes with technologies from their Ships. Mother Earth is working together with Mother Sekhmet. Consider for a moment every snow covered mountain peak, every glowing creature living in the dark part of the Seas and the Earth Tunnels that lead to Inner Earth and the many StarGates which go miles into ground and are positioned all over the Earth. Atlantis and Lemuria are rising and the Earth Grid is morphing its alignment to accommodate Earth Ascension. There is a sacred electromagnetic tetrahedral diamond core to Earth and everything effects everything else. All of these things have happened with very little loss of life. This Earthquake is not manmade, it is GAIA made manifest.

How have you been effected by the Earthquake? Have you lost someone close to you? Has your heart ached watching the babies who need water and food? How did you feel when you watched the young women who had to be cut free come out, unscathed? Did you weep? Have you sent a donation? Have you sent the Violet Flame? Have you done everything in your power to help in some way? Have you remained in loving detachment? Have you forwarded an email or blog or video about the Earthquake to others? Whatever your response has been, it tells you just where you are in your Individual Ascension. Some of you remember last night being with Special Crews on the Ships in Haiti, helping rescue those who needed rescuing.

Stop for one minute and do a self-assessment regarding your Individual Ascension. Have you given up working on clearing what needs clearing? Are you taking action steps every day toward the goal of Ascension? How are your relationships? With Creator? With your boss? Your best friend? Your children? Your parents? Your Twin Flame? Do you have happy relationships? How is your health? Are you eating right, exercising, meditating, everyday? Do you have a lot of stress? How is your abundance, is it flowing? If any of these areas need work, get busy! Do not sit on your laurels, because no one will be free of clearing these things, no matter how long it takes. If you need help with any of these areas, call on me, I will help you with reassurance, strength and resolution. Call on any of the Angels or Galactic Masters to help you in any way needed.

What has happened in Haiti is tragic on the 3D level. From an attitude of loving detachment, see that these Ones volunteered for this service out of compassion and love at this significant time of Earth Ascension. Some of these Ones are the Indigo Crystal children who will stay behind at parallel Earth to help the Others Ascend. This anomoly is Created by All That Is so as many may be included as is possible. Some of these Ones have gone on to Wolf 359 and some have gone to Herculobus. They are now projecting their physicality on these new places without realizing anything has changed. The lists in the end will speak of bodies not found. These bodies, some of them, have gone on to Other Places.

As the dear dear Children of Ra cry as they are pinned under concrete and steel, they speak to the deepest parts of our hearts. This has caused an unprecedented heart opening all over the Planet. We have heard these cries before. We heard much more horrendous cries of pain in the Orion Wars. There was untold destruction then. We have been given a gift. We have the insight for loving detachment now. We take the cries in and transmute it with the Violet Flame. This is a GIFT from the Kumaras. This Includes Sanat Kumara with Lady Venus, Sananda Kumara with Lady Nada, Lord Ashtar with Lady Athena, and St Germain with Lady Cassiopea. Please use the Violet Flame to transmute the sadness and suffering of the situation.

The heart opening that is occurring is happening 72 hours before the New Moon Solar Eclipse. The significance of that has to do with the energies of the Earth Grid. This New Moon has energy aligning in the Stars with the Moon and the Sun and these are significant and they are effecting everything. Meditate on this heart opening, it is also effecting your body, your heart, your connection with your Twin Flame, your relationships, and your feelings about yourself. It is effecting especially your ability to remember Who You Are, Where You Came From, and Why You Are Here. These are the questions to answer on the path to Ascension. Connect with your Light Body, your Angelic Self, and your own Avatar body, and your Cosmic Self. Read the ancient religious texts and remember what these terms mean. These terms are found in all the great religions, in one form or another. Seek out help. Be Loving Service to others. Develop Self-Love and Right Relationships in every area of your life. Use Ho’oponopono liberally with yourself and with others.
Allow the sad feelings, but use them as they are intended from your Mother Earth. Use them to transmute anything left inside you which needs clearing. Clear these things in preparation of Individual Ascension, Earth Ascension and Cosmic Ascension. Every thought, word and deed effects All That Is.

My Blessings to You. I am here to assist you with the Sword of Truth.
~Archangel Michael

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Re: Ten with Fourty Zeros

Post by texino »

Why do I have a feeling I am going to Wolf 359? I walked by a new Porsche on display yesterday and willed it to be mine. Instead my vehicle morphed into a 2004 Chevrolet Classic and while it is gold in color, I do not believe it's construction is other than steel and plastic. Better than the 1993 mini van I was driving though. Now I am having some surgery on the 27th and it appears to be the regular knife and fork variety, so I guess it's just plain old wolf 359 for this pilgrim.
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Re: Ten with Fourty Zeros

Post by fortinbras »

This outdoes Pat Robertson, who suggested that the Haitian earthquake was the act of Satan. The "violet flame" crowd now claims it was the act of God -- well, not The God, but a bunch of them include Sekmet, Archangel Michael, the Galactic Masters, the Justice League, etc. AND that they've already rescued those who needed to be rescused. So if you have any money, send it to the Violet Flame gang, not to a Haitian relief charity.

Texino, I am really sorry and concerned about the surgery you say is scheduled for the 27th. Can you offer us any details? Good luck and remember that only the good die young.
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Re: Ten with Fourty Zeros

Post by texino »

Texino, I am really sorry and concerned about the surgery you say is scheduled for the 27th. Can you offer us any details? Good luck and remember that only the good die young.
Thank you for your concern. I had a bit of a CA scare, but it turns out to be a small Jewell-like cyst embedded in the left kidney. Unfortunately it is accompanied by a rather large stone which is painfully bouncing around the bodie' s own pinball machine and trying to get some place it can't fit.
Therefore, I must wait for the mobile stone smasher to wend it's way to the local OP surgery center near me. The surgeon alleges that the device in place at the hospital is not sufficient for our needs and having once been on staff at said facility I have no trouble accepting his opinion.
It truly is a shame to see how the quality of care has < since the "The not for profit" outfit ran off it's competition. Now they have cut services and staff to the bone. Medicine as a pure business is just not a cool idea and some sort of transition is definitely in order. Thank you again for asking about me. Other than peeing gravel for a week or so, I should be fine.
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Re: Ten with Fourty Zeros

Post by Deep Knight »

Yes, Texino, best of luck with your kidney stones (my sister-in-law who lives in my basement just had one smashed by ultrasound, worked well but was EXPENSIVE w/o insurance). But remember your "soul contracts." For example, if you find out the diplomas on your surgeon’s wall are for a correspondence school of computer repair, remember that you “volunteered for this service out of compassion and love” and go ahead, regardless of the qualifications.
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Re: Ten with Fourty Zeros

Post by Deep Knight »

So, these con artists are using unimaginable human suffering to further their scam? Why am I not surprised.

Tom the Cat Paschat:

The Earthquake in Haiti, January 12, 2010 saw immediate help from the Galactic Federation Ships.

There have been reports coming out of Haiti since the First night of large Mother Ships beaming up people and moving rubble to free survivors. Mother Sekhmet and her Paschats have been there around the clock since the 12th.

We are able to bring People into our healing centers and fix their broken bones and do surgeries on them.

We have brought thousands on to the Ships and they will be telling their stories.

The streets of Port au Prince are covered in rubble. The rubble is very heavy. Huge chunks of concrete are thrown about.

The Sea Ports are clogged with tankers, trucks, and cargo.

There are not enough running vehicles to transport personnel and supplies from the Airport into Town where the supplies are needed.

What we are seeing is people who have not had enough, if anything to eat, and no clean water to drink for days.

This along with the trauma of everything destroyed and thousands dead, lying in waste.

Understandably, many are losing it, from those whose entire family are gone to Mothers unable to feed their children.

Mother Sekhmet and her Paschats have broken the City into zones and have different Crews doing different jobs.

In some cases, the Haitian people are being helped with the rescue attempts by having large pieces of rubble removed.
The ones receiving help are not always aware it is technology from the Ships moving the rubble.

In other cases those who seem beyond help are being removed from the scene and sent for Medical Attention with our Ships Doctors.

They are also helping many with trauma clearing.

This has been our immediate focus, to help the smallest survivors and the frail survivors first.

Last night, our Ships began removing the large objects blocking the Sea Ports. These items are being dissolved, where they are.

There are Navy Ships and Marine Ships moving in. You will see them docked in these areas which were before covered in rubble.

It is hard to imagine the 100s of thousands that have been helped by our Ships and the Paschat Crews.

We will in a short time be able to remove all the rubble and rebuild.

For now we have a scene playing out with many players. The World is about to see the many United States War Ships from the Marines and the Navy join the scene.

What will be conveyed is the War Ships are there on a PEACE MISSION.

As this unfolds, meetings are happening behind the scenes, around the clock. In these Meetings with St Germain, Government Leaders, President Obama, Mother Sekhmet, KOS, Ashtar, and others are coordinating efforts for Change Point. When the disclosure happens, when Announcements come, it will be a great unraveling. The Hologram Individuals, who are now arrested, will have their Holograms turned off. The holograms will cease to function. This may be done in a staggered progression, and not all at once.What you have been seeing in the News since January 12th has been the last of the 13 Families playing the Fear Card with the little bit they have left. Their time is over, and they know it.

Disclosure, Decloakings and Landings will prove to be a shock to many. If we add to that the removal of hundreds of Politicians from the US as well as the UK, EU, Africa, China, Japan, Russia, and others, there is more shock. Even if the Announcements bring the best news ever, it is not possible to shock millions and millions around the world at once. What is happening is the Meetings are focused on finding the right timing to reveal the Galactic Presence inside the confines of what is happening on Earth. All of this is being coordinated with the Earth changes which will make it possible for all the Portals to be open in synchronization with the StarGates. When the Earthquake hit, it changed the timing of Decloakings. Suddenly it was necessary to bring our Big Fleets to begin rescue efforts and our medical teams began surgeries and trauma deprogramming. We have for the last 4 nights had full Crews working to balance the situation. As the situation comes back into balance we can determine, with the Big Players that are involved, the best way to continue with Decloakings. It would not have been appropriate or possible to interrupt the Rescue Efforts for Celebration in face of such devastating loss. It was far too incongruent and was not at that moment an appropriate scenario. Now that a few days have passed, and the most critical situations have been dealt with, it is better timing to move forward with revealing What’s Next?

Do not be surprised when the Master Plan comes into play. This major worldwide heart opening is happening at Port au Prince. Another way of saying that is PORTAL PRINCE.

Sananda is the Prince of Peace. It just may be the perfect place for the Admiral to show up on television broadcasts to say the Galactic Federation is here, and the Time For Peace is NOW.

~Tom The Ring Tail Cat Paschat

Tom the Cat Paschit says The Forces (you know, the ones who can never intervene in Earth affairs) are intervening in Earth affairs and taking care of things so send your money to Rama and Tara who really need it now that Mark Huber's kids have turned off that tap.
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Re: Ten with Fourty Zeros

Post by Deep Knight »

Ashtar On The Road ~ Ashtar On Haiti

Ashtar speaking about the January 12th earthquake in Haiti - January 24, 2010

"I, Ashtar am going to speak on the topic of Haiti. Interesting name, isn't it? Not spelled exactly the way the Western world would spell it, but kind of an interesting name, the way it sounds, doesn't it? Hate - yes, karmic baggage, a lot of it there, karmic residues that was an opportunity that was attempted to be seized upon by the dark hats to make fortune out of disaster.

Now this is a place where karmic clearing had already been agreed to. You've read all about that, you know about it. So the dark ones saw that potential and they thought, 'Oh goody, we'll take over the whole country.

We'll get a bank set up that we can operate the way we want to and we'll steal money and put it in the bank there and nobody will be able to access it because we will be entities unto ourselves outside of the rules, the regulations,' and of course, outside of any common decency concerns, compassions, integrity or whatever, but it didn't happen because the dark ones are so disempowered.

You know some of them don't know that they're holograms, can you believe that? They believe that they are to go on indefinitely, such is their program that they don't even know that they're disempowered. Yes, they've been missing a few zeros in their bank accounts and their main program is to try to recover it and get it back.

"Well, we had two guys named by Obama so they could trip and stumble if they were so inclined. Don't you love the way Obama is showcasing everything and allowing each and every hologram to come forward and give some understanding to the world of just exactly what they've done? How they have wrapped the world in this matrix of greed and enslavement and so on and so on for their own benefit?

Don't you just love all of the sexgate that's coming out now and all of the scandals about all of the charitable organizations that turn out that they only want to benefit themselves or shall we say, the ones in charge of the organizations?

This is not true of the many, many thousands, millions of volunteers who've opened their hearts. This is not true of the school children who are emptying their piggybanks, and this is certainly not true of the lightworkers who are giving of their energies, their times, their meditations, their prayers, and as much of their dollars as they can possibly spare for the cause, and many of them could use an inflow of dollars themselves. By the way, that is coming and this has helped to further it.

"The lessons of Haiti may seem to be connected to that particular pronunciation of the word, but they are the opposite, they are love-based lessons. First of all concerning the ones who gave up their physicality in order to bring this to the attention of the world, the consciousness spiked up even while the dark hats were planning on making a darkness of the situation.

The situation is actually bringing forth the light upon the difficulties, the impediments, literal physical impediments to rescues and bringing aid - the simple things such as water that is clean and pure to drink and food, shelter of some kind, clothing etc, healing of wounds.

We the Galactics have been able to be on the scene. We saw it coming, we mitigated. There were no tsunamis. There were locations very close by which were not impacted. It was quite a large quake, was it not? And yet, locations close by were not affected or impacted at all. And so it is and so it shall be that this is going to be remembered as a turning of the tide, if you will, that because of all of these impediments we have been able to participate.

"And there are those who know that we have participated worldwide and yes, there are those of pure heart, lights who know because they were there or are there still. We have performed rescue operations. We have many who were injured still upon our ships receiving all kinds of therapies, not just medical or physical, therapies for the emotional trauma, the mental distress. Healing is taking place and connections with spirit abound. So it is a grand indeed, time for these connections to be established.

In most cases, the ones aboard the ships recognize us, or there is someone on the ships who recognizes them. We have arranged it that way. We have mitigated damage to the greatest extent possible. But this is telling the world that Haiti is not the only country.

There are many countries which have such sub-standard buildings, that it would be wise to tear them down in an orderly manner and replace them. We're speaking primarily of housing and small shops. Now you all know that corporate buildings that have been built recently have been built to withstand these kinds of events. Well, there's going to be some tearing down of those in the big cities as well, but it will be done in an orderly fashion.

"This particular spot was chosen for this earthquake because it committed long ago and there is nothing that can change that, no matter how much help the dark hats tried to give it. It was a way of recreating situations in reverse and balancing karmic baggage.

So be joyful that that has occurred. Be joyful that we have joined in partnership in the rescue and healing operations. Be joyful that the greed of some of the organizations and some of those being sent to help has been quite transparent and revealed because it is the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.

"Now we're going to tell you something that you may not have heard about and that is the military, particularly the military that has been sent from the United States of America. There were women there too. And as you know, this ascension process is creating opportunities for balancing of male and female, masculine and feminine energies and it is not just the female energies that has compassion or is capable of compassion, but as you know, in general, it is the male or masculine energy that has been more warlike, more demonstrative, take-action now, and all of these things, come on forward into the battle, and all of that and it is the female that has said, 'Wait, we suffer from war, we want peace.'

But female energies have been abundant in this area and so the army, the men in the army have had an opportunity to get up close and personal, not with the results of war where they're fighting for their country or worse yet, in the name of God, but where they are seeing hurt, pain, injury, deaths of bodies, children without parents, parents without children. The grief is in the air and the compassion is flowing. It will be a think-twice situation before these soldiers, the majority of them, would even think about hurting another being on planet Earth, and this is grand indeed, because it is as we said, a grand awakening of the consciousness, a spiking-up and there is agreement.

"There is agreement that there are forces greater than any war weapons that humankind can conjure up and that it is time for the world to unite in healing, in peace, and it is time to ease up the operations which cause Mother Gaia such travail, such pain, and cause her to need to adjust in a violent manner. And you know that she has been patient and that she will continue to be patient and you know that she will not cause damage or loss of any life, and all life is sacred to Mother Gaia, not just human, unless it is absolutely necessary, or in this case, committed to. She was a grand partner in this, but she invited mitigation.

There were no tsunamis that touched neighboring countries. This was not a chain of earthquakes. The damage was as minimal as it could be and the outpouring of Love is infinite and beyond any expectation there might have been. This has focused the eyes of the world, not only upon immediate relief, but upon longstanding problems that are in existence in many places, and upon solutions.

"It has brought the Galactic Federation and we, its representatives, the star fleets, even those from beyond the galaxy into close cooperation and partnership with the humans, and there are many who know that we were there to help. This has laid the groundwork of energetic communications worldwide and beyond.

We have been able to put forth a message to help prepare for what is now being called disclosure, because we all know that first contact has been an ongoing thing since the beginning anyway, and it has prepared as never before, because of the consciousness, because of the telepathic communications.

Now the world is getting the message that we come in peace, we come with solutions to problems, we have technologies to offer, we can clear rubble just as much as we can build pyramids, you know those blocks of rubble. We can help with healing and it's not just a quickie fix, sew 'em up and bring the next one to the table, it's helping with healing on all levels. Because without that kind of healing these blessed beings who have survived, have lived to tell about it would be way behind in their ascension preparations, would they not?

"Now, this technology that we bring and share freely, and we're not taking full credit - we would not be able to do this if we had not been invited - we know that you lightworkers, our ground crew, have been inviting us to come and help with this and other situations, but you've been calling us forth as never before to help with this and we've responded - that's all.

We take no credit for your consciousness - we only say it's wonderful, it's beyond any expectation we might have had. We knew there would be something, some benefits from this, some wisdoms to come forth, but even we were having our expectations exceeded grandly and beautifully by you, Beloved Ones.

Yes, call us forth; yes, partner with us, send your loving prayers, send your loving thoughts, send your 'ho'oponopono's to help with clearing any residues that might still be in the atmosphere of Haiti, and we're right there with you. We're in your hearts wherever you are, and we are a presence in Haiti and we rejoice as you rejoice that all of this has come about.

"And so what is there left? It is to thank, profoundly thank, with great loving gratitude, sincerely from your heart spaces, to thank all of those who volunteered to play a role in this clearing and cleansing. And yes, to thank the dark hats that they are becoming even more transparent, or as the Voice said when she saw the Presidents on the television screen, 'They look somewhat phony, do they not?' because it's over.

We have told you before, the clearings and the cleansings regarding the dark hats is over except for the holographic images that they represent and present to the world. And if a few of them have scurried under the rocks, be not concerned because we know where they are anyway, and they're just going straight on out of here on a one-way journey. We are complete with the sorting hat as far as they are concerned.

We are moving on and you're moving with us. And the disaster in Haiti if you still want to call it that has been a step along the way in the sequential flow of events which has had some loving and positive results to help further this ascension process. So be grateful, as we have said, and thank all of those and continue sending your prayers, your thoughtforms, your telepathic communications for all healing for the highest and best good of all concerned to continue and to complete with Joy and with Love and Gratitude to all.

"And that is the message, and you will find, if you will watch the tellers of truth in the news media, you will find that more and more exposure is happening because a great light, a great light came out of that event in Haiti which was truthfully represented as far as the horrors were concerned, if you will look at it that way, you got to see it up close and personal on your televisions and you also got to see some of the behind the scenes maneuverings and manipulations that were of low vibrations, and you got to feel and be part of the high vibrations that were made possible by this event.

Have compassion, be in caring for all who were injured, express gratitude to all, but know that they have made a grand contribution to the progress of the world. They have made a contribution to compassion. They have made a contribution to opening hearts and awakening to truth and the reason for being here. They have made a contribution to the path and the sequential flow of events for ascension and freedom and peace upon the planet, and that, Beloved Ones, is the message of Haiti.

"You will find other reasons to be thankful and grateful as the now moments come into your lives, but that certainly is a lot to reflect upon and to take into your own hearts for your own discernment. We only ask that it inspire you to be more in touch with yourselves, with us the Galactics, as you call us, with your families, your star families, and indeed with all humanity and with all kingdoms of Mother Gaia.

This is a moment for great progress for planet Earth and you, Beloveds, have helped to make that possible. So thank yourselves while you're at it, and know that you are loved and appreciated beyond words. Now, go forth with Joy and share it with the world and the universe beyond. And so it is. Salut."

Strange that Ashtar doesn't mention all those people saved by The Forces taking them up to the starships. Guess he missed the memo.
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Re: Ten with Fourty Zeros

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Aw, c'mon. You're expecting logic from someone who is obviously incapable of using any sound version thereof....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools