Losthorizoner "freemanatlast" just won't give up

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Losthorizoner "freemanatlast" just won't give up

Post by Famspear »

Veteran Crackhead Gill Thompson ("freemanatlast") of Nevada has started a thread at Peter Hendrickson's losthorizons forum entitled "CSED (Collection Statutes Expiration Date)". He writes:
To All Warriors: This past week, Weds, to be exact I called the IRS on a CP22E letter I received for the TY 2006. After discussing the contents of the letter with the agent, I then asked her to check my account record on the CSED [collection statutes expiration date] for the years 1990-92 wherein I had taxes owed for which I went to tax court in Nov. of 2008, and lost. I know it sounds unreal that the IRS would still be trying to collect for these yrs almost 20 yrs later. ($110,000 and change)

The agent then asked me, how do you know about the CSED? I mentioned that I had studied tax law throughout the years in my desire to know the truth for myself. She then stated, "that not many people know about this law", and was suprised [sic] that I knew about this law. Needless to say the CSED for TY 1990 & 1992 expired on 12/29/09. The CSED for TY 1991 expired on 1/11/10. She then stated I would be receiving in the mail a letter from the IRS confirming that the CSED had expired on these yrs. and I no longer would be liable for them.

I thought I would share this with the Forum so those of you who owed the agency could check the CSED on the yrs. to make sure they had not expired, and to confront the IRS on it when they indeed have.


Later, he writes:
This had been an ongoing battle all these years. In the early 90's when I was ignorant and unknowledgeable concerning the tax laws, I let them [the Internal Revenue Service] issue a levy on my pay (I didn't have CTC knowledge then) they took over $32K over a period of 6 yrs. The reason I got to go to TC [United States Tax Court] is for 1992 I never received an NOD [a statutory notice of deficiency, or 90 day letter], and since all the years 1990-92 and other yrs. 2002-03 were included in the petition I filed they (IRS) had no choice but agree that I never received an NOD and thus allowing me to continue my case in TC. In 2005 I filed a bankruptcy and that stalled their collection efforts until I got to TC, during that period after the bankruptcy they harrassed and threatened me with their letters of collection, levy, and liens, I responded to each letter and nothing happened. After TC they sent the same letters again and never levied my pay. I knew the CSED was close because I had discussed this with the IRS attorney at TC, he said there was 240 days for them to collect after TC concluded, or the CSED would expire. I am still battling with them on 2004-2008 CTC filings, have never received a refund only frivolous refund letters and penalties, but they have still not levied my pay or bank account. My company has a letter on file explaining to them about the unlawful levy tactics the IRS is famous for, and that they are to notify me prior to any levy action, and that failure to follow my request will result in litigation against them in court. So far nothing has come to me from the company about the IRS. I know for a fact that the IRS has contacted my company to obtain and certify information concerning W2's I never sent in when I filed my CTC returns from 2004-2008, that's about it. This is a never ending battle and will continue, we'll see what happens as I expect to go to TC on the yrs 2004-2008 also.
Thompson's Tax Court case was docket number 027649-07L.

His bankruptcy is found at docket number 05-52249, U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Nevada, Reno Division.
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Re: Losthorizoner "freemanatlast" just won't give up

Post by LPC »

For most people, the best revenge is success, but for crackheads the best revenge is lowering your standard of living in order to make yourself judgment-proof.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Re: Losthorizoner "freemanatlast" just won't give up

Post by Famspear »

LPC wrote:For most people, the best revenge is success, but for crackheads the best revenge is lowering your standard of living in order to make yourself judgment-proof.
Yes, his 2005 bankruptcy schedules show zero real estate (apparently paying rent of $1,200 a month). Two cars: a 1990 Plymouth Voyager and a 1991 Mustang.

A 401(k) plan with $1,000 in it.

Personal effects, clothing, not much else.

Owed $700 to the State of California for some kind of traffic violation. Various credit card liabilities. He listed $3,000 as owed to "Risk Management Alternatives Inc." He owed "Scotty's Transmission" $900 for repair work. And Wells Fargo was owed $1,500 in overdraft fees.

Total general unsecured debt, $25,600.

He estimated about $100,000 owed to the IRS (priority unsecured).

He showed monthly gross compensation income of about $3,953. He filed the Chapter 7 case in July 2005. Chapter 7 cases filed on or after October 17, 2005 are subject to the "means test" -- which can push some debtors with enough income, etc., over into Chapter 13. Having filed before October 17, 2005, Thompson didn't have that problem.

He used a non-attorney bankruptcy petition preparer, and paid them $150.

His Statement of Financial Affairs (SOFA) showed that he reported $60,000+ as income on his 2003 income tax return but zero income for 2004.
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Re: Losthorizoner "freemanatlast" just won't give up

Post by Duke2Earl »

I find it all sad. This person has spent thousands upon thousands of hours of his life that he will never get back fighting this battle that he cannot really ever win and beating his head against the wall... and for what? I find it common that tax protesters become possessed by their crusade. They devote their lives to this. When I think of the fact that our hours on this planet are finite and what we can choose to spend them doing, this seems to me to be a waste of monumental proportions. They give up their lives, often their families, their peace of mind and their happiness accomplishing nothing. What did Ed and Elaine Brown accomplish? What has this person accomplished?
My choice early in life was to either be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politican. And to tell the truth there's hardly any difference.

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Re: Losthorizoner "freemanatlast" just won't give up

Post by Famspear »

Duke2Earl wrote:I find it all sad. This person has spent thousands upon thousands of hours of his life that he will never get back fighting this battle that he cannot really ever win and beating his head against the wall... and for what? I find it common that tax protesters become possessed by their crusade. They devote their lives to this. When I think of the fact that our hours on this planet are finite and what we can choose to spend them doing, this seems to me to be a waste of monumental proportions. They give up their lives, often their families, their peace of mind and their happiness accomplishing nothing. What did Ed and Elaine Brown accomplish? What has this person accomplished?
Yes, here's a post from the same guy back in December (responding to something written by another poster):
You probably have a hunch that because you haven't received many responses to your post, that it is futile for you to continue with CTC, if no one wishes to respond to your need for information, or confirmation, on what you are doing is right. You will have to make that determination and decision for yourself.
I will be truthful and tell I have gone to Tax Court and lost. Simple as that. But that didn't deter my decision to continue to defend and uphold what I know to be right, true, and lawful. This an uphill battle, I am still battling Goliath on other tax years and will continue to do so on future tax years.
You and you alone will have to make this decision, the question really is are prepared to make the sacrifice(s) needed to defend and uphold these laws you believe in? Do you have the courage, fortitude, and faith to move forward and continue in the face of adversity and obstacles that will surely come because you have chosen to defend your beliefs? Many of us are in the fight and still fighting we have lost but have not given up, because when you give up, that is when you lose!! Good luck.
(bolding added).
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... ght=#22558
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Re: Losthorizoner "freemanatlast" just won't give up

Post by cynicalflyer »

Duke2Earl wrote: What did Ed and Elaine Brown accomplish? What has this person accomplished?
"Every stink that fights the ventilator thinks it is Don Quixote."

-Stanislaw Jerzy Lec, Unkempt Thoughts, tr. Jacek Galazka, New York, 1962, p. 67
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Re: Losthorizoner "freemanatlast" just won't give up

Post by The Observer »

The ironic thing is that in the end he had to rely on the tax law to get out of his debt, at least in regards to the statute expiration. No amount of CtC got him out of that liability. The sad thing is that he and the other Crackheads probably believe that CtC accomplished all of that.
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Re: Losthorizoner "freemanatlast" just won't give up

Post by Duke2Earl »

Famspear wrote:
You probably have a hunch that because you haven't received many responses to your post, that it is futile for you to continue with CTC, if no one wishes to respond to your need for information, or confirmation, on what you are doing is right. You will have to make that determination and decision for yourself.
I will be truthful and tell I have gone to Tax Court and lost. Simple as that. But that didn't deter my decision to continue to defend and uphold what I know to be right, true, and lawful. This an uphill battle, I am still battling Goliath on other tax years and will continue to do so on future tax years.
You and you alone will have to make this decision, the question really is are prepared to make the sacrifice(s) needed to defend and uphold these laws you believe in? Do you have the courage, fortitude, and faith to move forward and continue in the face of adversity and obstacles that will surely come because you have chosen to defend your beliefs? Many of us are in the fight and still fighting we have lost but have not given up, because when you give up, that is when you lose!! Good luck.
(bolding added).
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... ght=#22558
No, you don't lose when you give up. You lose when you waste your life to no purpose. Insanity is performing the same experiment over and over and expecting different results. It is well and good to stick to your beliefs but sometimes it is just possible that your beliefs are simply wrong, no matter how much you believe in them. Your belief alone does not make false into true. Sacrifice can indeed be noble but only when you have picked the right reason to sacrifice... sacrifice for it's own sake is both useless and self defeating. Again, I am saddened by the useless sacrifice of a life... not so much for himself (it was his choice, after all) but the collateral damage such a person almost inevitably inflicts on others.
My choice early in life was to either be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politican. And to tell the truth there's hardly any difference.

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Re: Losthorizoner "freemanatlast" just won't give up

Post by ASITStands »

Duke2Earl wrote:What has this person accomplished?
I find it ironic that he calls himself, "freemanatlast," and I want so much to suggest that he's not really a "free man at last" after all of these wranglings. What a way to live your life!