Einstein was right - proof is at LostHorizons.com

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Re: Einstein was right - proof is at LostHorizons.com

Post by Famspear »

A new poster called "taycamstu" at lost horizons asks:
Are people still filing and winning since Pete was convicted?

User "Morgan_Edwards" responds with:
Yes and people are still, evidently, trolling as well.
And this from "GregF":
Pete's 'conviction' is the result of a corrupt legal system - nothing else. The truth that Pete has uncovered still remains the truth. And yes, the IRS is still acknowledging that truth.

Now, taycamstu, float away like all good scum... the compost pond is down river. You may find that pool of bowel discharge more to your liking.
(bolding added).

Oh, sure, GregF, the IRS is "acknowledging" Pete's "truth," eh? When? Where? When has that ever happened? You dimwits have bought Pete's con -- hook, line and sinker. Every time you receive a fraudulent refund, you claim to "believe" that the IRS has somehow "acknowledged" Pete's "truth."

Well, dimwit, Pete is going back to prison. And there is a chance that some of you, his followers are going to follow him to prison -- unless you mend your ways.

And "taycamstu" responds to Morgan_Edwards and GregF:
Thank you for the kind welcome and gracious remarks. Do you always have such intelligent and nuanced responses to simple and sincere questions?
I don't know whether "taycamstu" is a troll or not, but the responses he/she has elicited are not at all a surprise. What a bunch of losers.
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Re: Einstein was right - proof is at LostHorizons.com

Post by Thule »

Famspear wrote: I don't know whether "taycamstu" is a troll or not, but the responses he/she has elicited are not at all a surprise. What a bunch of losers.
I find the answers quite interesting. Instead of trying to recruit a new "warrior", they chew him out and chase him off. Psychology at work, perhaps? The alpha-male is down, the clan responds by huddling together and growling at strangers. A sign that the stress is reaching new levels at LH?

Petey's going to be mad, though. They just cost him a sale...
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Re: Einstein was right - proof is at LostHorizons.com

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

You've got to love these people (in a sick sort of way). When they "win" (however small and temporary), it's proof that Petey-Boy is right. When they lose (and they all do, sooner or later, in a big way), it's the fault of corrupt courts who don't want to admit that the CTCers are right.
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Re: Einstein was right - proof is at LostHorizons.com

Post by Famspear »

More "responses", this from user "SkankBeat":
This forum has quite a few government trolls. Sometimes the forum is like a person who talks to himself. Pete weeds them out once they cross the line from distracting chatter to blatant disinformation.

Readers beware, there is good information here but be prepared to weed through a good bit of disinformation in order find the relevant. To weed out disinformation is a good skill to have, so have some practice!
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 999c#23048

And this from "Submarine Veteran":
Unless anyone trustworthy has an objection - I'm deleting this thread tomorrow.
The references to weeding out of "disinformation" are interesting. Yet, what "disinformation" is contained in the thread? Only the disinformation from the losthorizoners themselves. The supposed troll, "taycamstu", has only asked a question - a question that obviously makes Hendrickson's Heroes feel uncomfortable.
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Re: Einstein was right - proof is at LostHorizons.com

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

I love this one from gdude:

I suggest you contact Pablo D <Info@TaxReturnTeam.com>

He and his team have been very helpful to a lot of us facing the wrath of the beast.....NOD's, Frivilous penalties,tax court, CDPH,etc.

Pete has showed us all the truth as it applies to auntie iris, but this forum lacks any info on how to deal with Tax Court and CDPH hearings. CTC is just the tip of the iceberg as far as educating yourself. You are going to have to learn how the courts work, how to get facts on the record,court procedures.

Pablo and team will help you draft a strong petition and coach you on how to deal with the hearings.
I bolded the pertinent section because it's not entirely true: the forum does have considerable experience dealing with the tax courts and CDPH hearings. You'd think with all the losses they've racked up between themselves in those venues they know exactly how to deal with them.

And that they rely on Pablo.... :shock:
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Re: Einstein was right - proof is at LostHorizons.com

Post by Nikki »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:
but this forum lacks any info on how to deal with Tax Court and CDPH hearings.
the forum does have considerable experience dealing with the tax courts and CDPH hearings.
They have a great deal of collective experience participating in Tax Court litigation and in CDP hearings, but absolutely no experience in dealing with them.

A reasonable parallel is the relationship between a skier and an avalanche.
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Re: Einstein was right - proof is at LostHorizons.com

Post by notorial dissent »

More accurately, “they have a large collective experience of participating in Tax Court litigation and CDP hearings”, AND LOSING AT EVERY TURN! And they never learn.
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Re: Einstein was right - proof is at LostHorizons.com

Post by Gregg »

Ahhhhh, another day, same old idiots. Nationwide has weighed in on the casino winnings thread with his
"Instructions to get blacklisted from a Casino"

I'll let him explain...
Also, you may want to write the payor:

Dear Payor:
I am in receipt of a federal form 1099-MISC for tax year 2009 from your company, with my name on it. Formerly, I would be thankful to receive this as an aid. However, I have looked into the law and now believe you have filed this form in error. I'd like to take this opportunity to notify you of your error.

The IRS says that Form 1099 is for "Trade or business reporting only. Report on Form 1099-MISC only when payments are made in the course of your trade or business. Personal payments are not reportable." link
In the statutes we learn that 'trade or business' for tax purposes has lost it's common everyday meaning and become a custom defined term: "The term “trade or business” includes the performance of the functions of a public office." link (scroll down to 26) The word "includes" is here used in a limiting capacity since nothing else is defined or included, but may be considered expansive to other things within the class of the term defined (public office). It is my contention and firm belief that neither you or I are engaged in the performance of the functions of a public office, and therefore, are not in "trade or business" with regard to Title 26. Therefore you have erred in filing the Form 1099 in question.

Your Form 1099 creates the presumption of INCOME (for federal tax purposes) and will be very difficult for me to rebut. I can appreciate that you filed this form with the understanding you were required to do so. After all, we should all follow the law. But careful research reveals the actual law to be contrary to the opinions of most tax professionals who, it must be noted, have a vested interest in the continued deception regarding taxation. You (the payor) may file a corrected 1099 to reflect the true facts, and I would be grateful for that.

I now place you on notice, that any future issuance of a Form 1099 from you showing payments to me not connected to statutory "trade or business" will be contrary to law, and will terminate our relationship. I may also seek remedy against you in a court of law.

As you're no doubt aware, unless gathering news only from mainstream sources, criminal elements within our government operate several scams. It would benefit everyone to make sure you are following the law, not what rogue perps say the law is.
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Re: Einstein was right - proof is at LostHorizons.com

Post by Pottapaug1938 »


Nationwide: "It would benefit everyone to make sure you are following the law, not what rogue perps say the law is."

Gee -- you'd think that this nitwit would follow his own advice.
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Re: Einstein was right - proof is at LostHorizons.com

Post by Famspear »

"Nationwide" at lost horizons wrote:
.......After all, we should all follow the law. But careful research reveals the actual law to be contrary to the opinions of most tax professionals who, it must be noted, have a vested interest in the continued deception regarding taxation.

Dear Nationwide: No, careful research does not reveal the actual law to be contrary to the opinions of "most tax professionals." You, Nationwide, know about as much about legal research as my sister's dog knows about the Planet Neptune. And no, there is no "continued deception" regarding the federal income tax law. The only "vested interest" worth speaking of here is your vested interest, as a crook, in trying to evade federal income tax. You, Nationwide, are a blatherskite. (Look it up.) You, Nationwide, are a blowhard -- as is your loser-con-man-guru, Pete Hendrickson -- except that you don't blow nearly as hard as Hendrickson. You know nothing.

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Re: Einstein was right - proof is at LostHorizons.com

Post by LPC »

Nationwide wrote:I now place you on notice, that any future issuance of a Form 1099 from you showing payments to me not connected to statutory "trade or business" will be contrary to law, and will terminate our relationship.
So, you're going to start refusing to accept his FRNs?

He'll be crushed, I'm sure, to lose your valuable services. God forbid, he might actually have to clean his pool himself.
Dan Evans
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Re: Einstein was right - proof is at LostHorizons.com

Post by Dr. Caligari »

And now another genius at LostHopes has latched onto the Section 861 delusion:


Sorry, folks, nothing good will come of mixing flavors of the TP Koolaid like that.
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Re: Einstein was right - proof is at LostHorizons.com

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"Liberty" whines:

"If our money is exempt from being liable for taxes, why are we getting notices of levy? And what can we do about this fact?"

Anyone clueless enough to ask this question is probably too clueless to understand or accept the correct answer....
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Einstein was right - proof is at LostHorizons.com

Post by bmielke »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:"Liberty" whines:

"If our money is exempt from being liable for taxes, why are we getting notices of levy? And what can we do about this fact?"

Anyone clueless enough to ask this question is probably too clueless to understand or acceot the correct answer....
:shock: :roll:
Answer: Move to a country with no Government...Or make no money...Or stop drinking the Koolaid. :twisted:

Doreen's got her panties twisted

Post by Nikki »

Doreen still doesn't get it. Her husband's going to prison and there's still a chance she might be joining him.

But her TRUTH wil prevail.
Doreen wrote:Sub Vet, go ahead and delete the thread. Peter posts victories in every bi-weekly newsletter; the most recently posted was received by the warrior on December 11, and many others have received their lawful refunds between the the ignorant jury's decision and now. The fact that Mark Lane completely botched the defense has no relevance to the truth in CtC.

It's obvious that taycamstu doesn't read the newsletter or he wouldn't have posted something that reveals his ignorance. I have no patience with people who require hand-holding rather than educating themselves and acting with honor.
She seems to have totally ignored the fact that Mark only signed the inane pleadings which Pete wrote.