Sovereignty scam, courtesy of Pure Trust scammer.

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Sovereignty scam, courtesy of Pure Trust scammer.

Post by Parvati »

I mentioned this guy in the PTO/Trust scam area since that's where he usually leaves his slime trail, but now I see that he's playing in the sovereignty sandbox. Of course, all those other guys selling sovereignty packages are idiots, but *he's* got it all figured out. ... overiegnty
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Re: Sovereignty scam, courtesy of Pure Trust scammer.

Post by Nikki »

He's been taking word salad lessons from David.

Re: Sovereignty scam, courtesy of Pure Trust scammer.

Post by bmielke »

For many years I have been reading patriot BS., about how to be a sovereign and it hasn’t seemed to work for anyone. The government still treats you like the slave that you are. Well, let’s look at why it hasn’t worked and how it might.

The problem is the people who do these programs try to do things to make them sovereign, like gving up their Drivers License, not voting, not using Zip Code, using titles like Secured Party Creditor, and so on and so forth. And what they don’t realize
He was good until this point, then it went down hill from there.
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Re: Sovereignty scam, courtesy of Pure Trust scammer.

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I wonder if this buffoon even made it through junior high school. He certainly didn't learn how to put together a literate, coherent argument... but he did learn how to use Big Legal Words so as to impress fellow idiots. :P
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Re: Sovereignty scam, courtesy of Pure Trust scammer.

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

My favorite part is where he argues that the government has created a "ceste que trust" through our birth certificates and that we are "construed to be the trustees of that trust". Well, back in law school, I learned that this obsolete term is a fancy name for the beneficiary of the trust; but I guess that when your goal is to push a line of BS upon the gullible, the facts take second place to expediency....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools