TP crashes plane into IRS building!

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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Unidyne »

And the crackpots come out swinging!

Alex Jones' "Prison Planet" website, or as I call it "Conspiracy Theory Central", has posted the following for your perusal. These are Jones' "exclusive" articles that are based on information from his "trusted contacts", or from his fellow tin-foil hat bloggers: ... oming.html
"A trusted source has told this office that the FBI knew Austin was going to be attacked today and had dispatched officers from its Dallas headquarters yesterday afternoon to be in place for today’s incident. ... ality.html
"Time Magazine has wasted little time in crudely exploiting the kamikaze plane attack in Austin today to smear Tea Party activists as violent domestic terrorists, implying that anyone upset with big brother and the federal government is in league with Joe Stack, the pilot who crashed his Piper Cherokee into a building that housed IRS offices." ... crash.html
"At 2:55, the girl says that Hazmat teams and fire trucks were in place across the street before the building was hit by the plane – a very lucky coincidence indeed." ... rters.html
"In anticipation of evening cable news shows exploiting one man’s grievances against the IRS to smear the entire liberty movement, websites on both sides of the political equation are being flooded with messages from what appear to be Obama supporters calling the Austin plane crash an act of “right-wing domestic terror” committed by a Tea Party activist.

Comments on both Democratic Underground and Fox Nation are blaming the attack on Tea Party activists and others in the freedom movement. They appear to be coming mainly from Obama supporters and liberals."
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Joey Smith »

There are thousands more like this guy out there, if not tens-of-thousands.

This is more like Timothy McVey than anything else, i.e., somebody who blames everybody but himself for everything but then decides that he has to take his anger out on "The Feds".
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by gottago »

I wonder if the 1 IRS individual who is unaccounted for had any involvement with Mr. Stack. Maybe the plane was targeted to his office. That's really scary.
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by The Observer »

One wild rumor is out there that this was indeed Stack's plan to kill the IRS employee assigned to Stack and that he was unfortunately successful.

But there are several problems with the above scenario. First, even if Stack knew where the employee sat in the office, there was no guarantee that the employee would be there when Stack crashed the plane. And even if he or she were there, there was the chance the employee would not be killed. Secondly, the early reports are mentioning that the missing employee was a supervisor; it is likely that Stack had little or no interaction with the supervisor as compared to the employee so his motivation would be to attack the employee who was causing his problems. Third, the web page did not mention anyone directly by name and I would tend to think that it would have been important for Stack to name his enemy directly as a way of showing that he was getting directly back at him (on the other hand, Stack never mentioned any other people specifically in the other sections of his rant so this may not be a valid reason - or it may prove that he had no specific target other than hoping to the hit the IRS building and take out as many people as possible.
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by . »

Hendrickson has gotten his first obscure mention in connection with this on an obscure site:
In April 1990, a firebomb packed with a tea bag - a reference to the Boston Tea Party - and addressed to the I.R.S. was placed in the mail in Royal Oak, Michigan. It exploded, injuring a postal worker.

I wonder how long it will be before someone makes about 12 weak connections and calls Stack a "tea-bagger."
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Nikki »

Wire Services wrote:{in his screed} ... He recounted his financial reverses, his difficulty finding work in Austin, and at least two clashes with the IRS, one of them after he filed no return because, he said, he had no income, the other after he failed to report his wife's income.

According to California state records, Stack had a troubled business history, twice starting software companies in California that ultimately were suspended by the state's tax board, one in 2000, the other in 2004. Also, his first wife filed for bankruptcy in 1999, listing a debt to the IRS of nearly $126,000.
Typical. The failures pile up, but it's never their fault. So, they go after the "THEY" who have been conspiring against them all along.
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Prof »

To correct my earlier posting, it appears that he did not try to kill his wife and daughter; they had left home overnight in what some reports call a domestic dispute. When they returned Thursday morning, the house was on fire. His actions did not include an attempt to kill his wife and her child. However, burning the home where the three lived before going off as a kamakzi is surely frought with significance.

PS - Stevesy is in Houston; Stack was in Austin. They are about 200 miles apart. Suggesting that Stevesy might have known him is like suggesting that one computer/softwear guy in Boston might know another in Brooklyn.
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Imalawman »

Wall Street journal had on the front page today "tax protester crashes into IRS building" (or something like that) I stand vindicated. :twisted:
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by The Observer »

Word is leaking out about the missing IRS employee: ... sh_3244154

Apparently he was a group manager of revenue officers in Austin and Waco; his wife was also a revenue officer.

Stack's wife is apparently going to speak to the media today.
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by The Observer »

Prof wrote:To correct my earlier posting, it appears that he did not try to kill his wife and daughter; they had left home overnight in what some reports call a domestic dispute.
There were other new articles that had reported the same thing - the typical confusion that occurs until the dust settles.
PS - Stevesy is in Houston; Stack was in Austin. They are about 200 miles apart. Suggesting that Stevesy might have known him is like suggesting that one computer/softwear guy in Boston might know another in Brooklyn.
Please, Prof - we all know that these software engies are in cahoots and keep in close contact with each other in order to further their efforts at controlling the data/information that we receive every day. It is no secret that their goal is to take over the world and dominate the rest of the computer illiterati and force us to live by their standards.
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by fortinbras »

Larken Rose has come out in support of Stack's act!:
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Gregg »

a Maryland-based insurance analyst who has testified before Congress on the anti-tax movement and is writing a book on the subject
I keep hearing that.....
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

Larkin Rose wrote:But the question of taking human life is far more serious. At this
point, most writers would quickly add, "I would NEVER condone
violence against law enforcers!" Not me. Violence is justified when
used in an attempt to stop an aggressor--one who initiates
violence. And the politician scribbles called "laws" have no effect
on that. IRS employees, from CID down to the paper-pushers, are
CONSTANTLY initiating violence, every time they levy a bank
account, or swipe someone's home, or send threatening letters
(i.e., "pay up or we'll do nasty things to you"). It is their job
to use violence, and threats of violence, to take property from
those to whom it rightfully belongs.
Nice. I'd bet you this BIG man would also find a way to justify killing the janitor or the bystander.
Last edited by Evil Squirrel Overlord on Fri Feb 19, 2010 7:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by The Observer »

Not to mention the fact that Rose's sense of justice seems to demand far more than what the law would mete out. So an IRS employee who issues a levy or files a lien is deserving of death. If the laws of the country were of the same thinking, Larken Rose would have been executed. Fortunately for Rose and the rest of us, justice is more appropriately dispensated by our governement. It is ironic Larken doesn't recogonize that he is actually advocating tyranny when he comes up with these little rants against tryanny.
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

The Observer wrote:It is ironic Larken doesn't recogonize that he is actually advocating tyranny when he comes up with these little rants against tryanny.
And that's the thing these types of people don't understand. Lets say that a revolution brings about Larkentopia. He'd be the first to implement witch hunts and a reign of terror when his unrealistic dreams don't pan out.
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Number Six »

The tax protestor leaders like Larken Rose are so out of touch with how service-oriented the IRS has become for most of us, it is unbelievable. Every time I have called the IRS with any issue or stopped at their offices, they are kind, docile and informative. They are probably the most regulated of government employees, with all their actions performed according to the book. Most have squeaky clean records, are married and are members of socially-responsible organizations.

In my opinion, it would be helpful if the IRS revenue officers were more visible, so that the human face of these workers who are tasked with complicated and unpleasant jobs was more apparent to the public.

On the other hand, it would be interesting if the services of news journalists like Chris Hanson could be employed, as with his "To Catch a Predator" only do it with tax cheats this time. Have I.R.S. /C.I.D. and State Police do pre-dawn raids with kleig lights, in the case of the most aggressive tax criminals with criminal proof in loads of intercepted threatening emails and other records.

Enlist Dr. Phil, and Oprah covering the exploited families, friends and dupes of the tax criminals, how so many people have been held hostage by these creeps. Take the gloves off in the war against these crooks. But we're probably too respectful a country for such a "tough love" approach.
Last edited by Number Six on Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by fortinbras »

At the CPAC (Conservative Political Action Committee) Convention currently in Washington, DC, the kamikaze attack on the federal building in Austen is regarded as a source of humor: ... ack-on-IRS

I suppose it should not surprise anyone that CPAC is very strictly anti-Democrat and mostly pro-Republican (with some support for "Tea Party candidates" or some other possibly third party candidates). There were plenty of jokes (and some serious remarks) encouraging violence against high-ranking Democrats.

Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Nikki »

I'm sure it will make Rose and CPAC very happy to learn that, today, it was confirmed that one of the IRS employees in Austin died in the attack.

He was married (his wife was in the next office, but survived with injuries) and had children.

I sincerely hope that Stack was not killed by the impact, but burned to death while choking on the smoke.
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by fortinbras »

It should surprise nobody on this forum that the air crash has made the Neo-Nazis orgasmic: