TP crashes plane into IRS building!

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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Lambkin »

AP article ... 7889.story
Joseph Stack's methods were unthinkable — he is accused of ramming a plane into an Internal Revenue Service building in Texas — but his views on taxation follow a long line of protesters who believe tax laws don't apply to them.
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Lambkin wrote:AP article...
Joseph Stack's methods were unthinkable — he is accused of ramming a plane into an Internal Revenue Service building in Texas — but his views on taxation follow a long line of protesters who believe tax laws don't apply to them.
For the benefit of the media - Stack's methods were well within the boundaries of thinkable if you have the means.

The scary part of this is what kind of draconian over-reaction may befall private pilots.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Lambkin »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:The scary part of this is what kind of draconian over-reaction may befall private pilots.
Yeah the AOPA ain't the NRA.
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by fortinbras »

Perhaps someone can refresh my memory but I seem to think that there was a somewhat similar "private airplane into building" crash soon after Sept 11th.
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

fortinbras wrote:Perhaps someone can refresh my memory but I seem to think that there was a somewhat similar "private airplane into building" crash soon after Sept 11th.
Dude, you totally made me work for this.
Charles J. Bishop (February 8, 1986 - January 5, 2002) was an American teenager who committed suicide by crashing a Cessna 172 into the 28th floor of the Bank of America Tower in Tampa, Florida on January 5, 2002. A note written by Bishop was found in the wreckage and expressed his support for Osama bin Laden and the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Bishop attended East Lake High School in Palm Harbor, Florida. Bishop had been taking flying lessons for two years but never on a solo flight. Bishop was an active member of the online aviation community at, contributing to discussions under the screenname Tropical_Flyer.[citation needed] He stole a Cessna 172 aircraft and took off without authorization from a Clearwater, Florida flying school, flying over the restricted airspace of MacDill Air Force Base before crashing into the Bank of America Tower in Tampa.
Bishop's parents filed a $70 million lawsuit against Hoffmann–La Roche, the makers of Accutane (which Bishop was taking) claiming it caused him psychosis. The acne medication had side effects of psychosis, suicidal thoughts, depression, and attempted suicide, confirmed by the FDA.

The lawsuit was dismissed in 2007 at the request of Julia Bishop, Charles' mother, because she was emotionally and physically unable to continue it. ... index.html
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Blup »

It does appear that the pilot was a classic tax protestor: ... protesters

Strangely, perhaps, I have no problem with people flying their planes/helicopters/hovercraft into IRS buildings. I believe it's a sign of a terrible, terrible revolution that needs to, and will, happen. Jefferson himself said there should be a revolution with each new generation, if I have my apocryphal quotes correct. And real revolutions are never "peaceful."

The problem I have with tax protestors is their lame legal arguments. I can't abide losers, and losing is what they always do in court. That is what I despise. If they want to take it to the next level where they might actually have an impact and not be a laughingstock, then more power to 'em, I say. But that's just me and I know there are other opinions here.

Another problem I have with them is the fact that they self-identify with conservatives. Even if Sarah Palin agreed with everything I believed, I'd still consider her a trainwreck. These tax protestors have a lot more in common with Marxism (NOT Marxist-Leninism) than they would ever like to believe.

Marxism states that the middle class must finally realize that it will NEVER join the upper (capitalist) class; and only then will the revolution take place. I believe this is happening now. The rich are getting richer, the poor poorer. And the middle class is slowly coming to grips that this will not change.

HOWEVER, they are mistaking their course of effective action. They believe that the pseudo-libertarian way is their path to salvation, and it will betray them. If only Marx were not so vilified in this country they might understand what needs to, and will, happen next.
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Lambkin »

Blup wrote: Strangely, perhaps, I have no problem with people flying their planes/helicopters/hovercraft into IRS buildings. I believe it's a sign of a terrible, terrible revolution that needs to, and will, happen. Jefferson himself said there should be a revolution with each new generation, if I have my apocryphal quotes correct. And real revolutions are never "peaceful."
I'm confused, are you for murdering all government employees or just those who work in or near IRS offices? What are the guiding principles of this revolution, aside from killing people?
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Blup wrote:It does appear that the pilot was a classic tax protestor: ... protesters

Strangely, perhaps, I have no problem with people flying their planes/helicopters/hovercraft into IRS buildings. I believe it's a sign of a terrible, terrible revolution that needs to, and will, happen. Jefferson himself said there should be a revolution with each new generation, if I have my apocryphal quotes correct. And real revolutions are never "peaceful."

The problem I have with tax protestors is their lame legal arguments. I can't abide losers, and losing is what they always do in court. That is what I despise. If they want to take it to the next level where they might actually have an impact and not be a laughingstock, then more power to 'em, I say. But that's just me and I know there are other opinions here.

Another problem I have with them is the fact that they self-identify with conservatives. Even if Sarah Palin agreed with everything I believed, I'd still consider her a trainwreck. These tax protestors have a lot more in common with Marxism (NOT Marxist-Leninism) than they would ever like to believe.

Marxism states that the middle class must finally realize that it will NEVER join the upper (capitalist) class; and only then will the revolution take place. I believe this is happening now. The rich are getting richer, the poor poorer. And the middle class is slowly coming to grips that this will not change.

HOWEVER, they are mistaking their course of effective action. They believe that the pseudo-libertarian way is their path to salvation, and it will betray them. If only Marx were not so vilified in this country they might understand what needs to, and will, happen next.
I'm not going to comment on your obnoxious first paragraph, other than to remark on how so many people take a random comment by a Founding Father and elevate it to Holy Writ. My reason for commenting, though, is to recall my freshman Philosophy course, in which, among other things, I learned that the political spectrum is not linear, with left on one end and the right on the other, but rather circular. Think of it for a minute -- the most radical communists and anarchists, and their most radical counterparts on the right wing, both fervently wish for the state to wither away so that Enlightened People can live as they please, for the benefit of all. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: The tax deniers may have alot in common with the extreme left; but they have even more in common with the extreme right -- and the two aren't all that far apart; it's just in how they put things.
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Demosthenes »

LPC wrote:Asking the IRS for "help" in "not complying with the tax laws" may be stupid, but I don't think its the same as "basically daring them to come get you."
Snipes had already been indicted when he sent the 600-page monster.
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Re: TP crashes plane into IRS building!

Post by Thule »

Blup wrote:It does appear that the pilot was a classic tax protestor:
Jefferson himself said there should be a revolution with each new generation, if I have my apocryphal quotes correct. And real revolutions are never "peaceful."
More like;

“The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the atmosphere."
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.