The Valley of Foolishness

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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The Valley of Foolishness

Post by Deep Knight »


Patrick H. Bellringer

From: AM
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 5:41 AM
Subject: From AM

Hi Patrick. The further I go down the rabbit hole the more lost I find myself. I had been studying Religious Studies, Ancient History and have never accepted things without question, have always questioned and challenged the man-made customs, traditions where Religious and Political Institutions claim to be the gate-keepers of social order denying people freewill expression to experience WHO THEY REALLY ARE. At 55 years old, this has always been my perspective since I was at kindergarten at 3 years old, so its been a long and lonely journey trying to brush off who Society says is the one and only true GOD (that appears to only LOVE CONDITIONALLY). DOUBT is the incitement to research, and I have read about a thousand books from the Bhagavatam, URANTIA, 12th Planet, different Bibles of various religions, Ancient History, researching the NET, studied the Ascended Masters of the White Brotherhood material, so I have gone from one extreme to the other.
Was always told by more than one Medium/Clairvoyant that Archangel Michael is my first guide, and of course I began studying the Archangels for a few years, then studied the book URANTIA who spoke of CHRIST MICHAEL but wasn't sure if Archangel Michael and Christ Michael are the same person. I never did accept that YAHWEH/JEHOVAH were of the LIGHT at all, the BIBLE appeared to condone a lot of barbaric blood sacrifising...didn't resonate with me, so CHRIST MICHAEL, SANAT KUMARA, SANANDA KUMARA, MAHA CHOHAN of the Ascended Masters along with HARE KRISHNA, MAHA VISHNU, LORD BRAHMA and all their twinflames all sounded the Gods/Goddess I can call on...SO to hit a brick wall where many Websites, some claim that these Masters are of the LIGHT, yet some claim to the contrary these Masters are of the DARKSIDE. DOUBT is the incitement to research.
I hooked onto Candace Frieze's site, it first shocked me that Mother Shekhmet was of NIBIRU, as I always considered the ANNUNAKI & those from NIBIRU of the Luciferian Dark Forces...and to find out Mother Shekhmet and her twinflame were the authors of URANTIA, I began to question the claims on the Websites where some people claim CHRIST MICHAEL is a Grey Alien, if Mother Shekhmet is connected to this NIBIRU...
However, without jumping to conclusions Mother Shekhmet according to Candace says, she is the mother of YAHWEH/JEHOVAH and LILITH. She says YAHWEH married his twinflame sister LILITH, their son was LUCIFER and that it was YAHWEH who initiated the REBELLION against the FATHER/MOTHER GOD/GODDESS of MOTHER SHEKHMET/FATHER ALYCONE, and that NIBIRU was her mothership and that it was YAHWEH and all his PIRATES that overthrew Her and all the inhabitants, and that it was not the Inhabitants of NIBIRU per see that launched the rebellion attack.
SHE claims being the GREAT CENTRAL SUN, and that NIBIRU was in the ANTIMATTER Universe when YAHWEH hiijacked this planet. Says our Superuniverse ORVONTON is the only one of the seven that is MATTER, but then implies that it is only NEBADON that is MATTER, and SHE says it was the fall of YAHWEH that caused the lowering of this vibration from the 12th Dimension the fall from ANTIMATTER to we have dropped to the 3rd how do we get ourselvesback to the 12th Dimension is what I am searching to find out?
I am confused with that version because the book URANTIA says Christ Michael created the Andronover Nebula and out of the Andronover Nebula I assume our Local Universe Nebadon came from. SO there is a conflict between was it Christ Michael who created NEBADON or was it YAHWEH's lowered negative vibration against his parents that densified from ANTIMATTER to MATTER?
I am trying to find the truth as I want to follow the LIGHT FORCES.

I had only found out about Ashtar Command on a SPACECRAFT since 2004. Prior to this I was never interested in SPACESHIPS, I never conceptualised Zecharia Sitchin's stuff about the SPACESHIPS were associated to the Ascended MAsters. I had never heard of HATTON or ATON, so since 2004 to find out he is God so I search for proof. The site says, "I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn. I am also Creator God Aton...I am not Christ Michael." The site says Commander Hatonn is one of the Galactic Commanders of the Ashtar Command. BUT some say Hatonn is of the DARK FORCES...

So its very confusing if there are so many conflicting versions...

What information do you have that can help us find the truths? I would appreciate help.

Love, Light, Peace on Shan


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Feb. 18, 2010

Dear AM:

Thank you for your letter. Truly, you have been through the Valley of Man's Foolishness and Lies from The Urantia Book back to historical infinity. Many choose that route to Truth, but the sad part is that most never find it.

Why? Because Truth is simple and in plain sight. I cannot tell you what to believe but only direct you to the Truth. Some Truth is hidden in every religion, philosophy and theology, and even in the daily newspaper, but it remains hidden except to those, who are serious Truthseekers. Those, who will read the Phoenix Journals with an open heart and mind, shall find the Truth. That is the purpose of the journals. These journals were given to us by Creator God in these "Last Days" to set the record straight one last time.

I suggest that you begin by reading Phoenix Journals #2, 3, 5, 7 and 47, and in that order. I, too, have made the journey through the Valley of Man's Foolishness and Lies and can attest to the Truth of the Phoenix Journals.

May you find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

#1 (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: DF
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 4:41 PM

Response to AM
Dear AM,

My journey too has run the “valley of man’s foolishness and lies”. I love that line, it rings of truth. Truth is all that we are here on earth to discover. I have frustrated many, with my “it doesn’t matter” statement when all of this name dropping of “who’s who in the spiritual hierarchy” is going on. From the very beginning my INNER guidance told me anything that Candace Frieze writes is full of her egotistical Bull S#!+. Even if anything she has to say has any truth to it, it is completely lost in her EGO BS. One little Tip – each time information comes to me to read I ask through my I AM Presence FIRST, if this information serves me to my Highest and Best and supports my Accession progress. Simple, if yes I read it, If no, I do not waste my time.

I to was a child that questioned the religions. When I was 17 or 18 years old, I was promptly told by the minister (preacher) in my church that the way I was acting, I would be going straight to hell. My comment back to him, was that “the one good thing about going to hell is that I will know a lot of people, including you.” Needless to say, I was not welcome at that church any more. I digress.

As Patrick stated, read the Phoenix Journals. Ask from within yourself, the I AM Self, your God Self, what is Truth. It is impossible for inner God Self to mislead you. The half a dozen journals that I have read were not necessarily what I was use to hearing, wasn’t even in some cases what I wanted to hear, but I knew it was Truth. That is the greatness of the LIGHT that serves this Earth. It presents the TRUTH and we each have the Free Will (for better or worse) to incorporate what we have learned.

Beloved Sananda summed it up to me one day when I was being overwhelmed with all of the name dropping, “I don’t care if they call me Bob, just call upon me and I will be there”. I have not forgotten that statement and how truly “Loved” it made me feel. Those in Spirit that are “here’ to assist us, not interfere with our free will, but assist, reminds us that we always must ask for that assistance. KISS – Keep It Simple Souls

In the LIGHT of Self-Governance through the I AM That I AM “We the People” create our new government.

To Finding and Living Truth in all that we are,

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Re: The Valley of Foolishness

Post by fortinbras »

On Feb 20th, Casper added a message that "Mr. Fancy Pants" showed up in Washington DC, emphasizing his importance (evidently channeling the late Alexander Haig) and declaring that he could remove Obama from office ..... by which Casper meant "MR. ROTHSCHILD"

No first name. But there are at least a dozen men of importance named Rothschild alive at this moment. The remarkable thing is that frustrating NESARA probably would be adverse to the Rothschild banking interests, as the status quo indicates many of their investments and loans will become worthless.

Whenever someone who is (or might be) Jewish is involved in something, it's always PROOF of Rothschild and/or Mossad involvement!
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Re: The Valley of Foolishness

Post by Deep Knight »


Saturday: Mr. Fancy Pants himself arrived in the middle of the night last throwing his mouth around about how important he is and how everyone is to listen to him only and how he has brought 500 carrier personnel with him to get the job done and how he is ready to personally remove Obama from the White House for standing in the way. WE refer of course to "Red Shield" himself, Mr. Rothschild.

The pretext has been that the Gold Standard was not ready justifying delayed deliveries. Hokum. Pure Hokum. Scam, if you are unfamiliar with Hokum.

"They" have been relentless in their attempts to break the codes and access our accounts. "They" are Obama and his domestic allies, Li, Lee, Ying, Ling, Ty, the Queen, the German bankers and ROTHSCHILD himself. Having failed to access the accounts Rothschild placed two trades himself using our accounts as collateral intending to share the proceeds with Obama. Both trades sneaked through and funds were actually transferred to Obama at which point both trades were discovered and all funds confiscated before Obama could disburse them leaving all the above Dirty Rotten Scoundrels again throwing things and cursing us "peons", a regular occurrence the last few days. The Rothschild who arrived at midnight last night, the one referred to herein, in addition to trying to screw we program participants was also attempting to screw the other families members already on the scene in D.C..

He claimed he owns 70% of U.P.S. and was enforcing the rulings and fines against them. He claimed both before and after his arrival that he had told Obama to pack his bags "that he was gone". He claimed the 500 carrier personnel he brought with him would deliver the packs today. Lies, nothing but lies to everyone around the world before and after his arrival. He was personally assisting with blocking deliveries then and now.

'You have been BUSTED dude' just like all those before you and now the whole world knows who and what you really are.

Hold fast friends, action-reaction. Things are not nearly as bad as you might think. These delays and difficulties ARE BEING WORKED OUT.

casper 2-20-10

That silly Casper, calling other people scammers. :lol:
"Follow the Money"

Re: The Valley of Foolishness

Post by bmielke »

Deep Knight wrote: That silly Casper, calling other people scammers. :lol:
They are, he just forgot to mention he's one too.
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Re: The Valley of Foolishness

Post by Deep Knight »

POOF Report: February 21, 2010 Still we wait for the finality.

Subject: The Dawning of New Day
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:07:28 -0500

In The Light lyrics
Led Zeppelin

And if you feel that you can't go on. And your will's sinkin' low
Just believe and you can't go wrong.
In the light you will find the road. You will find the road
Oh, did you ever believe that I could leave you, standing out in the cold
I know how it feels 'cause I have slipped through to the very depths of my soul.
I just wanna show what I'd give you it is from every bend in the road
Now listen to me
Oh, whoa-whoa, as I was and really would be for you, too, honey
As you would for me, oh, I would share your load.
Let me share your load. Ooh, let me share, share your load
And if you feel that you can't go on
In the light you will find the road
Though the winds of change may blow around you, but that will always be so
When love is pain it can devour you, if you are never alone
I would share your load. I would share your load
Baby, let me, oh, let me
In the light
Everybody needs the light.
In the light, in the light, in the light
Light, light, light, in the light
Light, light, light, in the light, ooh, yeah
Light, light, light, in the light

Greetings and Salutations;

Still we wait for the finality. It is not common knowledge that people we think of as 'vips' borrowed gold from the 'clans' to get to the positions they did. We have a tendency to think they were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, yet someone before them borrowed and just didn't share that info. Right now, all these vips are dealing with a foreclosure because those debts were never paid off. The interest alone is astronomical, never mind the principle. Agreements were made to settle these things, to clean up a good 300 years worth of business. Now, all you have to do is, understand that everything below these prime positions, are subject to what happened above them. In other words, crap rolls downhill. 'If you used my money to make money, that's my money, too'. Most have researched enough to know the FRB, we think of as american, isn't. So, now one has to consider those behind it's creation and what they owed. All of this info is held at the world court, so when the 'owners' walked into brussels and the hague and dropped the docs, these guys over here didn't have a legal leg to stand on. The filing began, only to have to have the hague, blow them off for lack of jurisdiction and standing. The bush cabal got confronted with that and lastly and most recently was the queen and her attorneys.

We are waiting but for one thing, the legal docs to detail who'll be running what for the next 100 yrs or so, to be finished. These decisions have already been made. So there's no debate involved here, just clear concise documentation, legally binding to stop anyone coming up with a challenge in the court. This will be some of the contents of the coming announcements so the people of this world wise up and never allow 'smart' people to steal from them again. That is also part of the regulations behind the new global banking system. One of the things made an order was that the american people be told what's been going on with their gov for quite a while now so, they'll never allow the system get compromised again. Jefferson warned about this but the people didn't heed, as wise guys proceeded to steal their country from them and turn everyone into their personal property. Tradable assets on the world stage.

All of the trustees are quiet, sequestered, and waiting for the word to come from the top of mt olympus, that they may 'go' and drop this, engaging the new banking system worldwide. Restructuring of all sorts of things goes with it and we Will be told, tho many won't want to hear it. This is a case of understanding, ignorance is not bliss, time for everyone to grow up and know how the world really runs. Adulthood is what is forthcoming. No matter what, a child will continue to grow, and that's just nature. A young nation on the world stage, must now go thru it's growth and become what was intended. Can't be an example of freedom when we ourselves are ignorant of our own slave hood.

That freedom is coming quickly and tho I have boringly been saying what seems like the same thing, when the moment strikes, you'll then understand, as these changes won't be anything you'll forget. Unprecedented. As the man in europe said, we'll be talking about it for generations, telling the children of when the world changed and how. Some in dc know the end of the road has come for the corporation and are quitting the gov. You'll hear about more resignations even amongst the bankers because the old is being put to the fire. I'm not in the middle of the folks completing everything I just know they are working hard without rest, the world needs the relief and they know it. Send an email for a consultation if you are of need and we'll hook it up. Donations are needed and accepted at account

Love and Kisses;


If Poof's crap "rolls" downhill, he has WAY too much fiber in his diet.
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Re: The Valley of Foolishness

Post by Deep Knight »

First Mr. Fancy Pants, now Papa Bear. It cracks me up when these guys act so secret and such, using pseudonyms so that the "bad guys" won't know what you're talking about, but then using the real names because the folks reading this are a special level of clueless and wouldn't know otherwise.


Papa Bear arrived Saturday midnight to supposedly straighten out Baby Bear, UPS and Obama. His first stop? The White House.

Yesterday he guaranteed deliveries last night only to change his story this morning saying they were finally out of D.C. for delivery late today.

It took a while but WE located the packs at UPS in Charlotte this afternoon.

Papa Bear, Rothschild Senior himself, was lying from the moment his feet hit the ground in the U.S.. There must be a mist in the air up there as all present start lying the moment they open their mouths.
No proof yet but it appears obvious his son, who was doing the illegal trades previously reported in partnership with Obama, was doing so with the old mans blessings.
He tried to blame associates for the second day in a row, a most obvious ploy to transfer blame.

It is equally obvious now that his sons who were sabotaging deliveries, trying to access the accounts and then trying to trade using the accounts as collateral are in fact "chips off the old block" and all are in partnership with Obama.

casper 2-23-10
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Re: The Valley of Foolishness

Post by Deep Knight »

CASPER UPDATE #2: (Plus Targeted Message) FEBRUARY 23, 2010

News is scarce.

Rothschild Senior says the American people would never come to D.C. demanding their packages.

Is he right?

casper 2-23-10

p.s. (targeted message) D. or P. please contact the party you were talking to early this morning.

p.p.s. If there is one decent honest human being in Washington D.C. will you please stand up.......

I 100% endorse the notion that anyone who thinks that these "packages" are real should go to Washington DC and demand them.
"Follow the Money"

Re: The Valley of Foolishness

Post by bmielke »

Deep Knight wrote:CASPER UPDATE #2: (Plus Targeted Message) FEBRUARY 23, 2010

News is scarce.

Rothschild Senior says the American people would never come to D.C. demanding their packages.

Is he right?

casper 2-23-10

p.s. (targeted message) D. or P. please contact the party you were talking to early this morning.

p.p.s. If there is one decent honest human being in Washington D.C. will you please stand up.......

I 100% endorse any idiot who thinks that these "packages" are real to go to Washington DC and demand their them.
I get paid friday, I can be there in 8-9 hours, lets rise up and take what's ours.
On second thought I have beter things to do on friday afternoon, and saturday, and the next day, and actually the next time I should be availble for a trip to DC is December 15 2067.
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Re: The Valley of Foolishness

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:CASPER UPDATE #2: (Plus Targeted Message) FEBRUARY 23, 2010

News is scarce.

Rothschild Senior says the American people would never come to D.C. demanding their packages.

Is he right?

casper 2-23-10

p.s. (targeted message) D. or P. please contact the party you were talking to early this morning.

p.p.s. If there is one decent honest human being in Washington D.C. will you please stand up.......

I 100% endorse any idiot who thinks that these "packages" are real to go to Washington DC and demand their them.
I can't go. I've got to get a haircut. :roll:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: The Valley of Foolishness

Post by Deep Knight »

Bellringer posted this on this site, which is only included here because it's not only foolish, it's fun.

Orly Taitz, Top Birther, Cites a "Suspected Assassination Attempt," Applies for U.N. Protection
More in this Category

Roy Edroso

Having had no luck in U.S. courts getting President Obama thrown out of office because he was born outside the United States, alpha birther Orly Taitz is applying to the United Nations for "urgent action under the mandate for human rights defenders."

Taitz, who claims to have "been the victim of death threats, vandalism, false complaints, and a suspected assassination attempt" for her attempts to unmask the Kenyan pretender, appears to seek protection under the U.N.'s Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

The Declaration affirms the rights of human rights activists to be defended "against violence, threats, retaliation, de facto or de jure adverse discrimination," etc.

Back in September of last year, Taitz claimed she could get Obama out of office in 30 days, so she has undoubtedly made powerful enemies. But the suspected assassination attempt is news to us, though she has previously complained of character assassination attempts, as well as death threats.

There is as yet no public response from Margaret Sekaggya, the U.N.'s Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders.

Feb. 22, 2010

But, but, but - Isn't the UN part of the problem?
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Re: The Valley of Foolishness

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper Update, February 26th, 2010 (with targeted message) #1
February 26th, 2010

Goldilocks sent out the Goodies for Grandma but the 3 Little Pigs brought them back to the Gingerbread House leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for Puss 'N Boots. All the inside sources and most of the outside ones too say it's true, and that The Shoemaker should be prepared for a visit by Rumplestilskin. There's more than one way to spin straw into gold.

Meanwhile Obama and the rest of the Bush Crime Family keep stealing your money and telling my sources that they deserve it because they're so cute. The Queen, The Pope, The Grand Master of the Cincinnati Lodge, The Artist Formally Known As Prince, and Olaf Swenson are all in it, with help from the heads of all 5 Families, the 7 men who really rule the earth, and Bob in Accounting.

When will all of you who have been following this story over the years get fed up and go to Washington DC to demand your money? They have it right there in the Gingerbread House and I'm pretty sure the troops that would inevitably be deployed wouldn't shot on their own citizens unless of course they're under Illuminati mind control which they all are. Still, there are millions of you out there owed $trillions and even a small show of force would cause the largest and most powerful secret organization ever known to knuckle under even though they have a 100% track record winning such arguments. What are you, men or mice? All of you who don't fit into the "mice" category, and this includes women who don't fit into the "men" one too, meet me "you know where" (I can't mention the Gingerbread House or their spybots will thwark me) on March 1st. It's over the river and through the woods, just past the Enchanted Forrest.


P.S. Would the person who was talking to the other person the other day please call them back on their other line.
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Re: The Valley of Foolishness

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper Update, February 26th, 2010 (with targeted message update) #2
February 26th, 2010

The Cheese is on the move, the Rats are running with the Bulls, and Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy after all, was he? Be prepared to answer the front door if the bell rings is all I can tell you now, because if I told you the details or mentioned the word "deliveries" it wouldn't go through. So you should pack but not leave the lights on quite yet, if you know what I mean.


P.S. Not that other line but THE other line.
"Follow the Money"

Re: The Valley of Foolishness

Post by ClemIsBack »

Be prepared to answer the front door if the bell rings
The packies are due back on the tarmac today or maybe Obama will be hiding them under Lincoln's bed before his daughters ransack them for the debit cards.

In any event .. DON'T ANSWER THE DOOR BELL .. its the encyclopedia salesman.
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Re: The Valley of Foolishness

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

They pull the packies in, they send the packies out....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: The Valley of Foolishness

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper Update, February 26th, 2010 (with targeted message reupdate) #3
February 26th, 2010

All bets are off and ships are at sea because Hillary, evil overlord of the Bush Crime Family, along with the CFR, IRS, CIA, INTERPOL, and LAPD called the packies back in in defiance of International Courts both here and abroad. The Wicked Step Sisters have put Humpty Dumpty back together again. This cannot be tolerated! Come to Washington DC on March 1st for the First March First March! March will come in like a LION, and go out like a lamb, roasted with mint sauce. See you there!


P.S. WE're waiting. I mean, it's not like we don't have more important stuff to do than wait for your call. Get it together now, or forget being anonymously quoted in my future updates!
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Re: The Valley of Foolishness

Post by texino »

The Moon is down, the ship is in the harbor, the fat man had eaten, the summer house is open and the seasons are in reversal. A money tree will grow in Lafayette Park at midnight and drop One Strillion leaves of gold. Be there or be square.
Siga el dinero
El camino continúa por siempre, pero el partido nunca termina

Re: The Valley of Foolishness

Post by starburst »

Starry signing in from Australia..

So Nesara's alive and well!!
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Re: The Valley of Foolishness

Post by Deep Knight »

starburst wrote:Starry signing in from Australia..

So Nesara's alive and well!!
Yes, but Jennifer Lee (or perhaps the Jennifer Lees) haven't been heard from in over 5 years. A&A who are also Rama and Tara got kicked out of the house they were staying in and haven't been heard from in 2 months, Dove updates every few months and Bellringer puts out anti-Semitic stuff by the bushel. A bunch of other people have picked up the NESARA theme and there are been lots of side stories, and of course it's going to be announced any minute along with first contact and ascension into 5D...

Alive and well I guess, if you call that living.
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