license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Moderators: Prof, Judge Roy Bean

David Merrill

Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by David Merrill »

Joe Dirt wrote: So, David, how did you manage to get the US to be "up for arrest" and bond it for $11B?
Ooops! Did I say Billion? I must have meant Trillion!

We were pondering what difference is there between him owning his land and the homeowner next door? Instead of elevating him to sovereign, just for never hooking up to the utilities, we elevated everybody to sovereign.

Note that there are actually 104 pages to the document filed: ... ndrule.gif

To understand that better you would have to remember that this is a website for debunking fraud. Nikki was of course ordered to stop lying about being a director of the physics department at a major university and that this page is among the 104 pages: ... fected.jpg

Numero-linguistic standing wave shifts Power into Judgment.

More directly though we applied and bound the US and the US court to Rule E(5)(b)
Thereupon the execution of all such process against such vessel shall be stayed so long as the amount secured by such bond or stipulation is at least double the aggregate amount claimed by plaintiffs in all actions begun and pending in which such vessel has been attached or arrested.
On the day that the US Marshal was ordered to close the doors of the White House, posting the warrant on the doors, the US paid up the bond, in order to avoid going to jail. The US bonded out of jail. The effects on March 14, 2000 were even felt in China:



David Merrill.

P.S. It also helps to understand the brilliance of calling somebody shit for brains in the same breath as you post that same man got a 4.0 GPA in electronics.

P.P.S. See that bigger crash prior? The fellow who co-authored this great book sold his entire clientelle portfolios on the eve of that crash! ... tAtSea.pdf ... agram1.jpg

And by the way, that fellow was in his early nineties and now is deceased. His Release of Federal Tax Lien is an easily documented success story.

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Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

[quote="David Merrill"]

P.S. It also helps to understand the brilliance of calling somebody sh*t for brains in the same breath as you post that same man got a 4.0 GPA in electronics.

David's post brings to mind something which my Jewish friends once told me. A "nudnik" (defined in as "an obtuse, boring or bothersome person; a pest") is bad enough; but when one is a "phudnik" (defined, by Leo Rosten, as "a nudnik with a
Ph. D."), it's so much worse. A high GPA in one field doesn't equate to intelligence in others....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by bmielke »

We were talking about Illinois, now you bring up California, where do you live? That is a simple question, don't waste our time examining all 50 states MV laws.

Are you a legal resident of the United States?
If you are you are required to have a driver's license to drive.
If you are not, please call ICE and turn yourself in for deportation do us all a favor, or self deport and save our tax money.

If you don't like the above, I hear Somilia is wonderful this time of year, with a hundred dollars you can live like a prince, and the govenment is in no shape to bother you.
David Merrill

Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by David Merrill »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
David Merrill wrote:
P.S. It also helps to understand the brilliance of calling somebody sh*t for brains in the same breath as you post that same man got a 4.0 GPA in electronics.

David's post brings to mind something which my Jewish friends once told me. A "nudnik" (defined in as "an obtuse, boring or bothersome person; a pest") is bad enough; but when one is a "phudnik" (defined, by Leo Rosten, as "a nudnik with a
Ph. D."), it's so much worse. A high GPA in one field doesn't equate to intelligence in others....

Entertaining just the same. What really amuses me it the thought of leaving you guys to entertain yourselves among yourselves.

At any rate, you missed the point. The subject was something Nikki did. And like always, the true subject of the post was to be evaded at all costs.

I have The Joys of Yiddish too, so there!

P.S. I have been having conversations with a fellow on a Canadian license and plates who has been pulled over twice lately - after being in the USA for over a year. The police let him move on without comment.
Farmer Giles

Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by Farmer Giles »

Last edited by Farmer Giles on Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Farmer Giles

Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by Farmer Giles »

David Merrill wrote: Numero-linguistic standing wave shifts Power into Judgment

in the beginning was the Word...

bmielke wrote:We were talking about Illinois, now you bring up California, where do you live? That is a simple question, don't waste our time examining all 50 states MV laws.
its the same law in every state. the problem is you dont understand the basis or structure of this mode, not least because you never bothered to read any law. This is that childish 2nd world villager mentality, "in my country we do it this way!" like it was some national genius to put your pants on in the morning.

Are you a legal resident of the United States?
If you are you are required to have a driver's license to drive.

funny you should mention it, I am not inhabiting or residing in any State of the Union. in every VC, under "definitions", 'state' includes the Canadian provinces as well, but Ive never really been to Canada anyway.

If you like Somalia so much why dont YOU go there? I love my country and I got here first, so piss off.
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Farmer Giles wrote:...
funny you should mention it, I am not inhabiting or residing in any State of the Union. ...
Nor do you reside in the real world.

Another example of better living through chemistry; fantasy through pharmacy, I suppose.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
The world is a car and you're a crash-test dummy.
The Devil Makes Three

Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by bmielke »

Farmer, you have to be a resident somewhere.

If you're within the borders of the US you must live someplace. You may travel from place to place, but you must have someplace you get your mail. That state or the District of Columbia is where you need a Driver's License if you intend to drive in any of the 50 states and the District.

So why don't we talk about the law there.

As to my Somilia comment, I love this country, my point was that if you have no respect for the government perhaps you should move someplace with no government.
Farmer Giles

Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by Farmer Giles »

bmielke wrote:Farmer, you have to be a resident somewhere.

If you're within the borders of the US you must live someplace. You may travel from place to place, but you must have someplace you get your mail. That state or the District of Columbia is where you need a Driver's License if you intend to drive in any of the 50 states and the District.

I never bother driving, I'm just a motorist. why do you care if I have drivers license? Why are you so dissatisfied with the non-resident exception? I dont think it bothers you when statistically lets say in the USA 100,000 operators from around the world daily present foreign DL's, what the difference between me and them? Dont we all enjoy the same equal protection? Why is the standard different for me? Do you really think I need a foreign administrative act to qualify me? What about all the countries without any level of administrations? what is the basic condition to enjoy the nonresident benefit of exemption?

So why don't we talk about the law respect for the government
is the quatlooserian strand. you are part of the legal culture that routinely invents impossible accusations and inadmissible assumptions that destroy the government. you destroy it the more you disrespect the simple written law of the vehicle code.
Farmer Giles

Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by Farmer Giles »

someplace you get your mail
is irrelevant. its not a land issue. its a flag issue. there are only 2. no call for speculation, only two. either I have an actual license or I am a nonresident. and thats your mistake, the comparison is not "resident vs nonresident". If you look at at any vehicle code you will never or rarely find a requirement based on "residence". rather, we have to prove our residence in order to get anything out of the administration. if it isnt proven I must be nonresident. See, its a simple system that needs 10 minutes training, which the ruling class noticibly declines to give the police, who try to 'imagine' they know something. Yeah, an LEO is supposed to stand by the road and sift through 50 possible States and an INFINITELY possible number of "countries"?

Its you people who dont live in the real world, and maybe you do need drugs. It might help.

Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by bmielke »

Farmer Giles wrote:I never bother driving, I'm just a motorist.

Please Explain, if you are a motorist are you a passenger, or are you behind the wheel?
Farmer Giles wrote:why do you care if I have drivers license?

Because every week I drive a minimum of 650 miles, I don;t want some idiot who doesn't believe in Drivers Licenses out there frolicing around while I am driving.
Farmer Giles wrote:Why are you so dissatisfied with the non-resident exception?
If you have a License then you can be a non-resident, But if you lack a license you are breaking the law. Non-Resident means someone who lives elsewhere in reality not in their own little head.
Farmer Giles wrote:I dont think it bothers you when statistically lets say in the USA 100,000 operators from around the world daily present foreign DL's, what the difference between me and them?
They have a driver's license. Someone has certified they know how to drive.
Farmer Giles wrote:Dont we all enjoy the same equal protection?
Sure get a license and I will support your right to drive anywhere in the country.
Farmer Giles wrote:Why is the standard different for me?
They choose to visit you choose to drive around without a license.
Farmer Giles wrote:Do you really think I need a foreign administrative act to qualify me?
No you need a license, it costs $40-$50 depending on state, it is good for 4-47 years depending on state.
Farmer Giles wrote:What about all the countries without those level of administrations?
There are provisions for those, you are not your own country sorry, you're just not.
Farmer Giles wrote:what is the basic condition to enjoy the nonresident benefit of exemption?
Be a non-resident and have a driver's license.

You do realize that by non-resident they mean that you just don't live in that state right? It is so people don't need to have 50+ Drivers Licenses.

Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by bmielke »

Farmer Giles wrote:
someplace you get your mail
is irrelevant. its not a land issue. its a flag issue. there are only 2. no call for speculation, only two. either I have an actual license or I am a nonresident. and thats your mistake, the comparison is not "resident vs nonresident". If you look at at any vehicle code you will never or rarely find a requirement based on "residence". rather, we have to prove our residence in order to get anything out of the administration. if it isnt proven I must be nonresident. See, its a simple system that needs 10 minutes training, which the ruling class noticibly declines to give the police, who try to 'imagine' they know something. Yeah, an LEO is supposed to stand by the road and sift through 50 possible States and an INFINITELY possible number of "countries"?
To get a Driver's license you need to establish Residency someplace. One way to do that is with a birth Certificate, Social Security Card, and DL from another State, and pieces of mail from your new state. Car Insurances, and Voter Registration card will also work for proof. Also in the US all ID's have similar features, look for those three or four things, and you know if the ID is Legit. For Foreign Countries they have an Internation Driver's Permit, if that is good then the DL is good.
Farmer Giles wrote:Its you people who dont live in the real world, and maybe you do need drugs. It might help.
That's the funniest thing I have heard all day.
Farmer Giles

Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by Farmer Giles »

bmielke wrote:
Farmer Giles wrote:I never bother driving, I'm just a motorist.

Please Explain, if you are a motorist are you a passenger, or are you behind the wheel?
Obviously I'm behind the wheel! You never saw a sign addressed to "Motorists and Pedestrians"? Do you pay attention to traffic signals? Im the one with need for concern!
Farmer Giles wrote:why do you care if I have drivers license?

Because every week I drive a minimum of 650 miles, I don;t want some idiot who doesn't believe in Drivers Licenses out there frolicing around while I am driving.
what on earth is believing in driver licenses? I dont think any vehicle code you'll find the first reference to anyones political beliefs. Just keep your eyes on the road and stop worrying about images in your head. And watch those signs!
Farmer Giles wrote:Why are you so dissatisfied with the non-resident exception?
If you have a License then you can be a non-resident, But if you lack a license you are breaking the law.
what are the qualifications for that License, the one for Nonresidents? do you have any reason to believe Im unqualified? I have reason to believe YOU are a driver who doesnt recognize the term 'motorists'. That means when you pull up to the railroad crossing you cant read the sign! You need retraining.

see, we all know that know no one has any reason to believe that I on the other hand am unqualified, so you have to make up some phony reason about "driver licenses" like I was obligated to obtain an actual license when there is a clear exception that is practiced daily. You are obsessed or entranced by the image of a colorful, high tech drivers license from the States. What is the legality by which someome "from" India may operate an automobile in the States? How can anyone rely verify or determine anything from over there? You cannot and it is immaterial. In your fevered mind, you just make associations between faded papers with funny writing on them and turban wearing colorfully clothed brown people who have a great cuisine.
Non-Resident means someone who lives elsewhere in reality not in their own little head.
no, it means some one who is not a resident. check the code, under "definitions". it doesnt mean you are "somewhere else". This is how far your hallucination has come! Now, because you're "not from here", you must be somewhere else! No, I assure you, wherever you are, thats where you're at. It always amazes me when people say "I live somewhere else". Where then, do you think you are?

I guarantee the applicable law will come from the local state, not the image of "foreign, distant lands". get real.
Farmer Giles wrote:I dont think it bothers you when statistically lets say in the USA 100,000 operators from around the world daily present foreign DL's, what the difference between me and them?
They have a driver's license. Someone has certified they know how to drive.
wrong. they do not have a drivers license. there is no recognized drivers license from outside the USA and Canada, in those countries. No foreign occupational license will ever be valid in another country, especially without a treaty. this doesnt stop anyone from operating legally every day all over the world (its all the same law everywhere!). And no one has certified they know how to drive. They have passed nothing resembling a test, because there is no proof of it. An IDP is proof of competency WITHOUT a test. It is especially designed for "drivers coming from countries where no domestic permit is issued" MOST OF THE WORLD. Probably there are one billion at least qualified motorists from around the world that do not come from recognizable administrations. Even if that have local issue, it may be entirely useless for any purpose, if it doesnt conform to the international standards and appear in English.

The IDP is proof of competency WITHOUT a test. Thats got to be a source of popular confusion, because all actual DL holders have been tested. So what? Prove otherwise if its such a problem! It gets done for disqualifications al the time; but the issue isnt really that anyone suspects I might me unqualified (but I do suspect most of you!)

The issue is you're totally confused.
Farmer Giles wrote:Dont we all enjoy the same equal protection?
Sure get a license and I will support your right to drive anywhere in the country.
So again I ask the same question! What are the legal conditions for a valid license? The same one that allows nonresidents to operate motor vehicles under the same conditions as any other noncommercial operator.
Farmer Giles wrote:Why is the standard different for me?
They choose to visit you choose to drive around without a license.
that just doesnt make any sense. what has visiting and driving got to do with each other?

Farmer Giles wrote:what is the basic condition to enjoy the nonresident benefit of exemption?
Be a non-resident and have a driver's license.
that just goes to show how incoherent you are. If I have a drivers license then by definition Im a resident. nonresidents are specifically excepted from the command to have a drivers license, read the goddamned code!

You do realize that by non-resident they mean that you just don't live in that state right? It is so people don't need to have 50+ Drivers Licenses.

wrong again. "nonresident" means NOT A RESIDENT.
Last edited by Farmer Giles on Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:38 pm, edited 4 times in total.
David Merrill

Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by David Merrill »

bmielke wrote:Farmer, you have to be a resident somewhere.

If you're within the borders of the US you must live someplace. You may travel from place to place, but you must have someplace you get your mail. That state or the District of Columbia is where you need a Driver's License if you intend to drive in any of the 50 states and the District.

So why don't we talk about the law there.

As to my Somilia comment, I love this country, my point was that if you have no respect for the government perhaps you should move someplace with no government.

Nope, he doesn't.

The peculiar uses of this word are to be noticed.


Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by bmielke »

Farmer Giles, I give up, I really can't take it anymore, I was nice, but truely you are beyond hope. I sincerely hope you don't injure someone.

No License = No Insurance.

I have put you on my ignore list.
Farmer Giles

Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by Farmer Giles »

make sure I stay there.
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Farmer, please spend some time driving in Texas. They'll be happy to impound your vehicle if you don't have insurance; they can now check your insurance status from the computer system in their cars. And without a valid state-issued drivers license you can't get insurance.

Oh, and they charge per day to store the vehicle and you won't get it released until you show a valid drivers license and proof of insurance - which they will verify.

Enjoy the "public" transportation.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
The world is a car and you're a crash-test dummy.
The Devil Makes Three
Farmer Giles

Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by Farmer Giles »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:Farmer, please spend some time driving in Texas. They'll be happy to impound your vehicle if you don't have insurance; they can now check your insurance status from the computer system in their cars. And without a valid state-issued drivers license you can't get insurance.

Oh, and they charge per day to store the vehicle and you won't get it released until you show a valid drivers license and proof of insurance - which they will verify.

Enjoy the "public" transportation.

vehicle status is a whole other ball of wax anyway. and you are wrong, because insurance only applies to IN STATE VEHICLES. and the actual motorist has nothing to do with how a vehicle is insured. its true that out of state vehicles have to be valid in their home, but this is limited to the 50 States and the Canada Provinces.

and a seized vehicle under any circumstance is releasable to its owner or secured party, and can always be towed out of the yard. however AGAIN, insurance only applies to vehicles from THIS STATE. Check any vehicle code, check Texas and post right here the statute requiring insurance of foreign vehicles.

so thats another typical misconstruction, "you have to have insurance". no, I do not. we dont insure people. we insure motor vehicles. maybe I should stick a tag on my forehead for all the times people have said to me "you have to have plates".
Last edited by Farmer Giles on Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
David Merrill

Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by David Merrill »

I may have missed it Farmer but I think they got you with the 30-day limitation on the non-resident licenses.
Judge Roy Bean
Judge for the District of Quatloosia
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Re: license to drive vs 'drivers license'

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Maybe Giles should volunteer to help this guy out: ... _article=1
Man convicted 18 times for driving without license

"A judge has sentenced a 63-year-old man to three years in prison after his 18th conviction for driving on a revoked license. Under a plea agreement entered Monday, Lonnie Harris received credit for 62 days he spent in jail after his most recent arrest"
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
The world is a car and you're a crash-test dummy.
The Devil Makes Three