Let the four winds blow (10)

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by texino »

I went to PBR's site today looking for Casper stuff and was surprised that instead of Bellringer's corner and the like, the site seems to have shifted to more reactionary topics as well as taking on Goodgle ads. Instead of talking about NESARA they were lambasting some history text used in a school and how if glorified big time commies like Pete Seeger! Of course, using Google ads can have some unwanted effects; right next to a story claiming that trans gender children will be allowed to go to school is a big ad for a law school that is friendly to Gay, lesbian, Bi and Trans-gender students. Also lots of Zionist hate as well as tea bag friendly stuff, like sign your own constitution etc. Is it possible Bellringer is sniffing out where the money might really be?

I'm sure if this is a big change DK will report on it, but it looks to be a different format to me.

Thank You Texino
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Hey, the jerk has to whine about SOMETHING persecuting him. He seems to have caught on that his Four Winds hustle is just about burnt out, so he's got to come up with some way of making himself Very Important.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by Deep Knight »

His ads are blocked on my system, although I notice there's a begging link for donations today. As for Casper updates and articles like:
The Radical Homosexual Movement Is Run By Jews

Here is an exhaustive list proving, once and for all, that the radical homosexual movement in the United States is a Jewish movement. Jews created it and run it from top to bottom. They are pushing the perversion and degeneracy that is spreading disease, sin and sickness through America like a wildfire.

-The West
They ebb and flow as they always have. Casper tends to lay low for a while and then let loose a barrage, and I suspect Bellringer goes searching for anti-Semitic stuff when he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed 'cause they also tend to come in clumps.
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by fortinbras »

Yes, famous Jews like Liberace, Rock Hudson, Oscar Wilde, ....
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

What I don't get is this: idiots like this seem to think that (pick your favorite scapegoat here) are trying to turn us all into homosexuals. Well, folks, try to imagine being given a choice between a night with a gorgeous same-sex partner, or a very plain and ordinary opposite-sex partner (if you are gay, make it a gorgeous opposite-sex partner or a plain, ordinary same-sex partner). Is there ANYTHING which could make you go with Mr. or Ms. Gorgeous? If not, all the "recruiting" in the world won't get you to want these people....
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by Deep Knight »

Where or where is Casper? At least his nonsense was entertaining, instead we get droning lectures from people somewhere to the right of the Ivan the Terrible. The most entertaining thing I found today was Sorcha "The Scorcha" Faal, and it was largely political too.
Russia Warns US Communist Threat Endangering Entire World
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

In a chilling speech to Russian defence experts yesterday, Prime Minister Putin ordered the buildup of strategic weapons and warned that the growing threat of the expansion of American Communism is endangering the entire World and bringing the Motherland closer to war than at any time since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

Obama, however, has chosen not to listen to these warnings and this past week accelerated his Communist takeover of America ...
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by texino »

Is it possible that the Big O and NESARA turkeys have been picked so clean that there is not even a thin broth of nonsense to nourish the scam?
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by co-shoot »

Hello Texino ~~~~~~~~~~~~ insert the turn-key ? let lifes water come clear and maybe we can all row over to another shore.
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by texino »

Hi Co-shoot. I'll be glad to apply the turnkeys to these turkeys and play the ball where it lies.
Be well...Texino
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by Deep Knight »


OUR recent silence was deemed appropriate as packs were out for delivery several times since last Tuesday but pulled back each time including yesterday and today.
The current blockage and sabotage is being led by The World Court which has been trying to trade the funds day after day including this weekend and including still more attempts lined up as WE type. It appears this activity goes beyond the four Justices who's Countries were named in previous updates and may include the entire Court. Which ones and how many of "the other usual suspects" are also involved is unknown.

All attempts to trade the funds have so far been blocked. When asked how they expect to succeed when the funds are "locked down" the answer was "we must have the money and if we can't get it we can sure as hell see to it that the people don't get it either".

Sometimes the packs make it only as far as the tarmac in D.C. but today was another example of them actually leaving around 9 a.m. for delivery tonight only to arrive back in D.C. around 1:30 p.m.. This is in addition to the "round-trip" they made yesterday. Always, always, the motive is to steal or trade the funds.

The Countries are now claiming there is nothing they can do that their hands are tied. This after previous threats to recall the Justices and/or dissolve the Court. After all, it is the individual countries which appoint the Justices to the Court. The Countries previously claimed they had forced the Court to make good on missing F&P Funds yet now they claim their hands are tied? WE don't know what to think about this ridiculous stance by the Countries but obviously it stinks to High Heaven.

The Court says late today the packs have been "locked down" indefinitely.

WE don't know the next step or projected outcome of this latest sabotage. More when possible.

casper 3-7-10
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper's "recent silence was deemed appropriate," no doubt because he took a week's vacation or was admitted for observation. Anyway, he's making up for lost time.


Once again the packs were ordered out last night for delivery today and were picked up by U.P.S..

This morning, as of 11 a.m. EST, they are sequestered at U.P.S. Headquarters on orders of OBAMA and certain World Court Justices.

casper 3-8-10 #1


The packs were retrieved from U.P.S. around noon today and sent back out via a different method of delivery.

OBAMA and the English Judge on the World Court ordered them back to D.C. and they are enroute back right now.

This Justice had supposedly been stripped of his power to continue this sabotage but he and Obama are continuing as before. The Countries appear unable to stop this Rogue Justice and the President of the CORPORATION.

WE believe each and all delays are designed to buy time for Obama to make his Asian Journey later this month when he will try to raise the funds necessary to continue the status quo.

casper 3-8-10 #2
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

They pull the packies in, they send the packies out....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by Deep Knight »

Putting the Packies In
An Adult Novel

Chapter 5 - Little Wendy Becomes A Woman

Burning with a fiery desire, Wendy lured Casper into her seductively decorated bedroom. At first, sensing her urgent needs and desire, Casper didn't want to follow, but realized that if he wanted to keep on getting inside information he needed to respond to Wendy's insides in kind. It wasn't that Casper avoided women, he simply denied them his essence. Lured by his potent manhood many a woman had tried to rob him of this life force, but he maintained his purity. However, on this night of nights, mama's groceries were ready and she needed some ashes hauled.

Swallowing hard, Casper watched while Wendy, her body aching for the touch of a man, stripped down to her black latex-rubber foundation garments and lay seductively on her frilly heart-shaped bed. "Your packie," she moaned, "I need your packie in me, right now!" Casper, resigned to his fate, fumbled with his trousers when suddenly and without warning The Queen burst in. "No, you shall never have it, it's mine by divine right of kings!"

"Back off, you hussy, my body aches for the touch of a man," snarled Wendy, flashing the switchblade knife she kept in her her unmentionables. The Queen reached under her skirt and pulled out a Thompson sub-machine gun. "Get in here boys!" she commanded, and a bevy of evil men like the world has never seen, burst in through her French windows. There was Obama and his Chicago thugs, including Al Capone, the Bush Crime Family, the Heads of the 7 best known secret Chinese Tong Societies, and the 12 number two men in the Taliban. Wendy smiled and posed seductively. "The more the merrier, I always say," she giggled, "touch of a man, touches of many men, it's all the same to me. Whose packie is first?"

The Queen whirled around and faced her minions. "Your packies are mine! All mine! No one else gets to take them in and out but me!" Getting carried away with herself, the Queen quickly bound her many henchmen using the many handcuffs, ropes, full leather masks, and ball gags she kept in her purse. She had to set her tommy-gun aside to do this, and thinking quickly Wendy pounced on it and leveled it at the Queen. Casper standing dumbfounded in the middle of all this, his packie in his hands, didn't even duck when Wendy let loose with a hail of bullets. The Queen, her body riddled with lead, sunk to the floor in a pool of blood.

"OK boys, it's packie time!" screamed little Wendy in delight and she eyed the bound men lining her pink velvet bedroom walls. Unfortunately, her aim had been a little off and the gun's magazine exceptionally large, with the result that nearly every one of them had been shot and killed also and her collection of life-sized glass flamingos shattered. The only ones alive were two of Chinese Tong leaders, a Mr. Ming and a Mr. Tsing, who were both well over 100 years old, and a young Chicago thug who had sustained a flesh wound, but unfortunately in the part of the flesh Wendy was most interested in. Disappointed, she turned to Casper. "All this senseless violence, gore, and killing has gotten me really hot. Deliver your packie or pay the piper!"

Casper realized that if he failed to deliver now, his life wouldn't be worth the paper it was printed on, but old habits made him stall for time. "Darling, it wouldn't be fair to you to give you anything but a full delivery, and all this excitement has made that quart of malt liquor go right through me..."

Wendy chomped on her cigar and pulled the trigger, putting a dozen rounds in Casper's vital organs. "I'm tired of your excuses," she said, "and your readers have been begging for this for years. OK, you, the old Chinese guy in the red silk robes, front and center!"

Next Week Chapter 6 - A Night in the Forbidden City
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by Deep Knight »


Have you heard the morning news? OBAMA, by Executive Order by-passing Congress, is ordering the Interior Department to seize another 10,000,000 acres in Western States and to stop all ranching, mining, energy and timber production, etc. on those lands resulting in crippling job and economic losses. The Government already owns 80% of Nevada and enormous acreage in most Western States. This after bankrupting the California farmers and bailing out corrupt Banks and trying to Nationalize healthcare. Radical Czars and Environmentalist have seized control of the United States. No "endangered species" are involved, simply a continuous march toward Government takeover of everything, Marxism/Communism by Executive Dictate. "Environmentalism" is the ADMITTED method of takeover espoused in many International Documents. Next comes EPA enforced "Cap & Trade" taxation by Executive Order in spite of the exposure of the hoax perpetrated by the U.N.. Once seized the lands are then declared off limits to the public. One of this writers favorite "off road treks", Aspen to Crested Butte, now has locked gates stopping public access to the back country. What does the CORPORATION propose to do with this land belonging to the American people, give it to creditors for debt service? What does the Corporation intend to do with the Trillions in Health Care cash flow? Steal and divert in my opinion. The Far Left controlled Legislature is assisting Obama every step of the way toward the Communist/NWO takeover of America. All this and so much more while the people sleep. And they are saying to you, publicly, "we don't give a damn what you think". How much are they being paid to destroy America? Enough that re-election is not a consideration, that's how much.

Have you heard about the SEC plan to takeover and CONTROL Internet content?

Have you heard about the coming, and coming quick, and Mandatory, National I.D. Cards?

How about the tiny little mistake in Obama's presentation of Health Care numbers if Obamacare passes? Short by 868 BILLION says the CBO and even that is a "massaged under estimate" as the package given to CBO to "score" was not based on the realities of the Bill itself.

I was wondering this morning and I bet you were too, how is Pelosi's $30,000,000 rat farm coming along? It must be fun having a bottomless checkbook of OPIUM, other peoples money.

We need mo' money says Freddie and Fannie. Fannie lost 60 Billion in '08 and 74 Billion in '09. Freddie lost 80 Billion same period. Then eighty percent "ownership" transferred to taxpayers. This is just one example of the Corporation laying all things insolvent off on We The People. It's not a simple everyday run of the mill case of rape, it is Gang Rape by the Cabal led by Obama and Bush before him and you and your grandchildren dear reader are the victims.

The Alt-A loan problem is twice the size (2.4T) of the sub prime problem. This ticket gets punched over the next two years while Trillions of Commercial Real Estate Loans continue to be "marked to model", a Government sponsored accounting fraud which is only one aspect of the M.O.P.E. program of outright lying by the Government/Wall Street partnership (management of perspective economics).

Projected STATE budget shortfalls for 2010 total 156 Billion. Save one save them all? At taxpayer expense of course. Same as Greece/E.U. problem.

Fulford says "the good guys have lost". This is not true. Nor is the Amero true.

39,000,000 Americans are out of work.

China's Military people are demanding China sell U.S. Treasuries in response to Taiwan arms sales and U.S. Fiscal Policies. Do you realize what that would mean?

Obama's biggest financial supporter George Soros says the Gold Market is a bubble while secretly buying Gold with both hands. Birds of a feather?

Ted Gunderson, former head of the L.A. office of the FBI, says Bush knew about 9-11 in advance. 1000 Architects and Engineers are conducting 31 press conferences around the world saying Government explanation bogus.

Regarding those CITI letters reserving the right to require 7 days notice for depositors to withdraw funds beginning April 1st? Some Credit Union depositors have received similar letter (notice may be required).

Heard on a California Radio News Program; "Remove to Community Banks all deposits at Citi, Wells Fargo, Bank America and Chase".

Obama is the Face and the Voice of the Brzezinski, Soros, Rockefeller, Trilateral Commission, Skull & Bones and the House of Rothschild Camp, not to mention the Environmentalist Whacko's and The Corporation.

Having declared in writing the American People to be the 'Enemies of The State' via their inclusion in the 'Trading With The Enemy Act' the Corporate Government now moves ever more visibly towards a Police State slashing and burning all things Constitutional in their path.

WE expect public notice of the defeat of this evil unconstitutional self perpetuating construct PDQ. They could delay not stop the new and they did. They were destined to lose and they have.

You know the sun is rising but you don't see it until it breaks the horizon.

Do you have your sun glasses ready?

casper 3-10-10


The packs left D.C. this morning for delivery this afternoon. They were ordered back this afternoon arriving back in D.C. about 6:15 p.m..

Todays sabotage was caused by Italy attempting a trade using the funds as collateral under the auspices of THE POPE.

ROTHSCHILD manages the Vaticans finances which are in shambles and are collasping as are Rothschilds as previously reported.

Good Guys in D.C. were "ordered home" by certain Countries today but refused to leave saying they would not leave until the packages are in the hands of the people. The Bad Guys thought they could get the Good Guys in D.C. out of the way and have clear sailing for ongoing never ending trade attempts. They have learned that trade attempts will be blocked with or without the Good Guys in D.C..

WE await further developments.

casper 3-10-10


U.P.S. said early this morning they have been ordered to deliver today and the packs were leaving D.C. between 9:30 and 10 a.m..

U.P.S. lied.

Simultaneously Bush Senior advised the Good Guys in D.C. he had convinced Obama, the Carriers Union, the Carrier and other necessary parties that the only way to fund Treasury desperately needed funds would be to let the packs go and they were in fact letting them go.

BUSH lied.

Yesterdays attempted trade and another attempt this morning by Italy and the Pope also HAD BUSH SENIORS NAME ON BOTH OF THEM.

Please explain to us ignorant peasants Papa Bush how it is that you are 'letting the packs go' while simultaneously attempting to steal and/or trade funds which do not belong to you or the Pope?

The packs are at U.P.S. Corporate offices in D.C. at this time.

Now U.P.S. claims they received World Court Orders not to send the packs out.

The orders ARE FAKE.

casper 3-11-10

Where to start? Of course the "orders" are fake, everything Casper says is a lie and fake by definition. As for the "off road trek from Aspen to Crested Butte" Casper needs to look at a calendar. This 4WD "road" (Conundrum Creek - Electric Pass - Gothic) has been closed since some time in the 50's (Deep Knight is intimately familiar with this area, it being a hotbed of supermodel activity).
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by Deep Knight »



Do you know why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor? Because the allies had cut all their supply lines, especially petrol, prior to the U.S. entering the war. In other words their hand was intentionally forced to provide the U.S. the excuse it needed (wanted) to enter the war.

The point? The U.S. Corporate Government is the biggest LIAR that ever existed on this planet.

ALL the documentation including e-mails between The Fed, Treasury, AIG and Goldman Sachs involved in the AIG Bailout billed to taxpayers are being declared 'matters of National Security' and locked away from public scrutiny for many (unknown) years. That's right. Hundreds of Billions forcibly taken from you and your grandchildren, given to those whose corruption created the crisis in the first place, now all of it covered up as "National Security". And the Congress? Pawns. Whores. Incompetent Traitors who should be cleaning toilets in a prison.

OBAMACARE? More lies in one place at one time as has ever existed in a single piece of legislation. Pathological Lying. Bribery. Blackmail. Corruption. Violation of all ethical and moral standards of conduct. This is the real Obama/Reid/Pelosi Progressive/Liberal Cabal in all their glory. They have stood up. All can see. Control. Government takeover. 159 new Government Agencies. 500 Billion taken from Medicare. Taxes. Budget Deficits. Destruction of the greatest healthcare system in the world. Marxism. Communism. OBAMACARE. Impossible to reverse. Have you so much as made a phone call?

The very foundation of Constitution Law, Common Law and American Life is PROPERTY RIGHTS. As pointed out in STORY'S current update you are witnessing a full frontal attack on American Property Rights, i.e. Communism. All kinds of property, failing economically as a result of imposed Government Policies, will end up in the hands of the Banks or Government.

STORY says those bad bad boys given immunity by the World Court. Not true says OUR Intel.

"Poor Baby" says Pelosi regarding Democrat Congressman Massa who resigned yesterday. She knew of and covered up his scandal since last October. Her definition of "draining the swamp". Hypocrite. Unfit to run a rat farm.

Are you watching, keeping track of, the only link ever offered in these updates http://www.givemeliberty.org ? Are you aware of their need for funds and the needs of Patriot Web Sites such as http://www.fourwinds10.com and http://www.rumormillnews.com ???? You won't forget will you?

When I was a kid and it was time to play Cowboys and Bad Guys I was always Roy Rogers. Always. Without exception, or else, we fight. Roy's theme song????????????? Happy Trails To You. Remember this please.

casper 3-11-10
Wikipedia wrote:Pathological Lying - Pseudologia fantastica, mythomania, or pathological lying, is one of several terms applied by psychiatrists to the behavior of habitual or compulsive lying. It was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck. Although it is a controversial topic, one definition of pathological lying is the following: "Pathological lying is falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime."

Although little has been written about pathological lying, one study found a prevalence of almost 1% in 1000 repeat juvenile offenders. The average age of onset is 16 years, and its occurrence is equal in men and women. Forty percent of cases reported central nervous system abnormality (characterized by epilepsy, abnormal EEG findings, head trauma, or CNS infection).

The defining characteristics of pseudologia fantastica are that, first, the stories are not entirely improbable and often have some element of truth. They aren't a manifestation of delusion or some wider form of psychosis: upon confrontation, they can't acknowledge them to be untrue, even if unwillingly. Second, the fabricative tendency is long lasting; it is not provoked by the immediate situation or social pressure as much as it originates with the person's innate urge to act in accordance. Third, a definitely internal, not an external, motive for the behavior can be clinically discerned e.g. long lasting extortion or habitual spousal battery might cause a person to lie repeatedly, without the lying being a pathological symptom. Fourth, the stories told tend towards presenting the person in question in a good light. For example, the person might be presented as being fantastically brave, knowing or being related to many famous people.
Deep Knight is only a pathological liar when it comes to writing about his overactive couplings with super-models (which, if you can't tell is tongue-in-cheek, means you probably need help more than he does) but something tells me that Casper doesn't have such humorous goals in mind.

You'll have to excuse me, the cast of "Las Vegas Showgirls on Ice" are coming over to my place to play a game of naked Twister.
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by Deep Knight »

Let me step out of my Deep Knight persona and get serious for a second. The "pathological liar" thing got me thinking - it's a fine line between pathological lying and telling a tall tale and just jerking someone's chain (which, I think is the whole point behind internet trolls, eh what?). Which is Casper?

I always figured Casper was one of the jerks who got their jollies from people listening to them play "insider" on some Omega chatboard with a different name, or someone in that same tradition. You know, not believing what they were saying but loving the attention. But maybe that's wrong, maybe he's some guy just having fun with these idiots who believe them. Everyone needs a hobby. My only evidence is that it's so unbelievable. In, out, in, out, The Queen, the Japanese, the god-knows-who-but-they're-bad and then the long anti-government screeds. It's almost like he's trying to keep anything remotely realistic or rational out of his updates.

And there's calling others pathological liars. Screams for someone to pick it out. Casper as the psychotic doing some heavy-duty projection, or as the guy with a sick sense of humor rubbing believers faces in it?

Let me be brutally honest, I enjoy playing a fictional role here bashing Bellringer et al and maybe I'm projecting too much, but...

What do you think?

A. Delusional
B. Likes the attention
C. Strange conceptual artist
D. A variety of internet troll
E. Just an ordinary guy who does this as a hobby
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by Deep Knight »

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Saturday, 13-Mar-2010 14:39:46

Hi, Folks -

Received from Wendy via e-mail - discernment is advised - as Richard Feynman used to say, "How much do we know this to be true?":

After additional serious confrontations with OBAMA yesterday the packs were positioned overnight for delivery today.

Overnight OBAMA again had the packs returned to D.C. where they are at this time.

OBAMA continues to say (scream) "this is his money, he must have it and he will get it no matter what it takes". He has again threatened every carrier not to touch the packs. He has threatened the Carriers personnel and the Carriers families. He has threatened the other Countries and the members of the World Court.

OBAMA has again threatened every recipient saying he will get their packs "even if it is necessary to hold a gun to their heads" and says he has personnel lined up to do exactly that. He says every recipient will be forced to sign over their packs to him personally as "his Presidency is at stake". WE suggest he bring body bags as the American people are not going to stand for this. His recent Medical Report, published in Europe, advised him to back off of the alcohol and D.C. sources hear more than alcohol is involved. This aspect was much in evidence as last nights crisis unfolded. His desperation for money can not be overstated.

The recently arrived and new on the scene "very big man" in D.C., here to get the packs out, has also been threatened.

OBAMA, BUSH and others had inserted into every program the names of their staffs, also Congressmen and their staffs, and other "shills" in still another back door attempt to steal the funds. Hundreds were involved, perhaps more than a thousand. This was caught, stopped and overcome leading to the further rage and insanity of the D.C. Criminals especially OBAMA and his STAFF. These cards have been cancelled.

As you can observe the situation has progressed from crisis to emergency status. Any supposed "source" unfamiliar with the goings on continuously reported here is either uninformed in the extreme or a shill for the OBAMA/BUSH/ABC crowd.

More when possible.

casper 3-12-10

p.s. Make no mistake, the packs will be delivered.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Saturday, 13-Mar-2010 20:45:09

(Thanks, G. :)

Reader G. writes:

Re: 1st CASPER for MAR 13th: 'THE RECENTLY ARR....

Ok, enough is enough of this foolishness with the games with the criminal element.It is getting really old and personally, I don't see and end in sight.

A little while ago I suggested that the "Good guys" put out a contract to be paid with "if come" money which is very real due to the following fact. If the contract is satisfied using "whatever means" necessary, it means that all packs would be in the rightful owners hands. Clearly, they are the ones with the access so this contract would be paid. For the 300,000 recipients it might be set up for $5,000.00 each (Reader A suggested maybe a percentage, up to the $5,000.00 mark). Assuming that the 300,000 figure is correct, then at $5,000.00, the total payout on this contract would be 1.5 billion dollars. Don't you think there might be some takers?

This could be by way of providing heavy security to a carrier or their own carrier, but regardless no pay until fulfilled. It would also behoove them to provide additional security to make sure there were no guns put to any of the rightful owners heads. After all, if that were to happen then it reduces there otherwise guarantee of getting paid. THE RIGHTFUL OWNERS ARE THE ONLY ONES WITH ACCESS. We all hope that continues to be true. the time has come...

Casper, please comment at some point on the feasibility of this or some other sort of strong means to get these packs in the rightful owners hands. It is time to get serious with the criminal element.

Thank you Casper and Poof for all updates.

Thanks again hobie for all you do.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Saturday, 13-Mar-2010 14:43:44

Hi, Folks -

Found at http://www.foruwinds10.com - discernment is advised:


In meetings this morning with OBAMA, SOROS and BILL GATES additional attempts were made to stall deliveries.

Told "NO" unequivocally their question was "WHY"?

The answer, Mr President, is because the three of you attempted TWELVE TRADES OVERNIGHT.

casper 3-12-10 #2



The "very big man" is of course Deep Knight (and they're not talking about my height or weight) but it's not true that I've been threatened by anyone but former paramours who can't find satisfaction with any other man. As for offering me $1.5 billion for delivering the packies, I'm sorry but after the $Quatzillion dollars worth of packies are delivered $1.5 billion wouldn't even buy a cup of coffee (well, at least not at Starbucks). Besides, I couldn't do it right now, if "G" is talking about the kind of contract I think and "whatever means" means what it says, Deep Knight is a good Catholic and doesn't kill people during Lent (and let me tell you, my trigger finger gets mighty itchy come Easter).
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by Deep Knight »

In, out, in, out, in, out ... Oh, baby!


Since Sundays update multiple attempts have been made to get the packs delivered.

On each occasion the Carriers have followed orders to return the packs to D.C.. This includes positioning last night for delivery today only to have U.P.S. again return them to D.C. this morning. By now you have an understanding of who the "usual suspects" are so no sense trying to pin point which one gave which specific order.

Yesterday's delays were assisted by a member of the Supreme Court providing "legal cover" and she was supposedly fined heavily by the World Court as a result. WE can find no legal record of this and we have also encountered ongoing additional lying by the Court. Now the World Court is saying there is nothing more they can do.

This morning OBAMA has ordered U.P.S. to continue to move the packs around and around from station to station to keep the recipients from getting their hands on them. He says "the good guys" are blowing hot air, that there is nothing they can do and that he can handle anything that comes up.

U.P.S. is WILLINGLY PARTICIPATING in the sabotage not just following orders while being provided "cover" by the President. They say they will never deliver the packs.

The Beast, the Swamp Creature, the D.C. Criminals continue to do every conceivable thing to stop deliveries and preserve the status quo, to stop the new and to maintain themselves in power.

WE do not know what to expect next.

casper 3-17-10
"Follow the Money"

Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by ClemIsBack »

WE do not know what to expect next.
I do.

I expect that Casper will continue to listen to the voices while chugging on a fifth of Jack Daniels.
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Re: Let the four winds blow (10)

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

WE do not know what to expect next.

casper 3-17-10"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight

Oh, yes you do. They pull the packies in, they send the packies out, they pull the packies in and they shake them all about. We do the old NESARA and we hear our Casper shout: "that's what it's all about!"
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools