Big Daddy Memorial Groundhog Day Posting

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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Big Daddy Memorial Groundhog Day Posting

Post by Deep Knight »

From Bellringer's Forum.

The Difference Between a Conservative and a Liberal
If you ever wondered what side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!

If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced...unless it's a foreign religion, of course.

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a conservative reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A liberal will delete it because he's "offended."

Well I forwarded it to you so where does that put me?

----- Original Message -----
From: WW
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 12:41 PM
Subject: Fw: Good Question

Big Daddy used to frequent this forum with this thesis that Bellringer was a raving liberal, if not a Marxist. The mind boggles...
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Deep Knight
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Re: Big Daddy Memorial Groundhog Day Posting

Post by Deep Knight »

Fair's fair, and I have to admit that Lord Rama and Lady Tara are liberal-friendly (they like to prey on them) NESARA scamsters, or as liberal-friendly as galactic monarchs can be. They like President Obama, although they make him out to be from the star Sirius (now THAT'S what I call not being "native born") who's working to get the UFOs uncloaked and light into the children of light. I wonder how he has time to do all that stuff Casper talks about.

By the way, in 2002 Lord Rama and Lady Tara went up to study under Bellringer but it didn't work out. Seems their being Jewish and pot smokers got in the way. No word on any political disputes. And to be more fair, Casper may sound like a raving rightist, but he's actually an idiotarian.

St Germain:
"Light is my favorite disinfectant" are words spoken by the Sirian
Commander in a recent political speech. Anything that evokes fear is
simply an area which needs more light.
As the whistleblowers line up to tell the Tale of what has been going
on, more and more light will shine on the Truth.
Imagine how the Sirian Commander felt, standing in front of an
audience full of holograms.
The Illusion is being blown. What seems real is not. The resistance to
the Master Plan is falling away. The United States Justices have now
made way for the indictments to be lavishly handed out.
Lady Master
Nada has what she needs to move forward on a higher level. Before the
final change over at Zero Point there will continue to be slight of
hand behind the scenes. There will be more misinformation, more
disinformation, as the whistleblowers come into the fold. Continue to
work with your discernment. It may be a bumpy ride.

It has been a very very long time that these Ones have controlled, to
a degree, much of the Earth Population. They do not plan to go
quietly. They are mistaken, of course. There is nothing more they can
do to stop this change from happening. Much of what worked before for
them, is no longer there. They have no more funds, their henchmen have
been taken out of play, their negative ET partnerships are no more.
They no longer have a network in place that can make false evidence
appear real.
The new game they are playing is to take seemingly credible
personalities and force them, through threats, to make false
statements which create confusion. You may expect to see more of this.

The enfoldment of Truth coming out will not be a trickle, you have
seen an escalation in the past week of news showing the great
unravelling. This will continue to escalate as shocking truths hit the
news in all corners of the Globe.
You have seen a change in how the Sirian Commander delivers his
message, as well. There was a time where he stayed in the background,
letting the politicians show off their antics. Now he is on youtube
taking the Realm as the Commander and telling the politicians This Is
A New Day. Ashtar has spoken often of a sequential flow. Back in mid
December habeas corpus was reversed to make it possible to arrest those living
and working in the District of Columbia. The sequential flow of
Justice continues, one step at a time.
The big story here is NESARA. The Law is in place and awaits
Announcements. Announcements include Full Disclosure of our Galactic
When this happens, it will be explained to Everyone that we
are Galactic Members of a Solar System Citizenship. Decloakings will
have billions remembering they are not alone in the Universe.
Mother Sekhmet has said, We Will Come and the Tales will be Told.
It is already happening Now. The whistleblowers are the beginning of
the Tales Being Told.
When this happens we will be Free to Build Terra Nova, we will take
care of every last noncriminal on the Planet, there will be relief for
all the Ones who need it. This is the last thing the Dark Ones want to
happen. When it is time the holograms will all be turned off. Until
that final moment there will be challenging moments.
Everyone who is
leaving is aware of their imminent removal, these reptilians are not
pleased and making moves in the extreme as they lash out for the final
As the news breaks over the next hours and days remain evenminded,
Love Them More and help Transmute this News for others who have never
encountered this Truth before. When the Ships decloak, the Truth will
be apparent and the Children will be Free to begin the Forming of the
Promise. We will be on the Promised Land. The children will show all
of us the way to Dream into manifestation Terra Nova.
~St Germain

Posted Jan 30 by Elizabeth Tushwink, so the "next hours and days" have gone by and this must have already happened! I AM in Joy! And, stranger and stranger (but what about the NESARA scam isn't?), there's a comment posted by someone signing on as Big Daddy!

Comment by Big Daddy 1 day ago

Disclosure is imminent. Then decloakings. So please Sirian Commander, tell the world the truth.

Much love and light ... 0#comments

And then there's this really touching one.

Dear St. Germain, and Dear KOS,
Thank you for what I can only imagine must be arduous and often dangerous work. Thank you for fighting and laboring for us.

Ah yes, children and their imaginary friends.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Big Daddy Memorial Groundhog Day Posting

Post by Deep Knight »

An interesting posting from Bellringer's site.

Recap of 2009--This is pretty good

Here are the facts, just the facts!

1. The American people inaugurate a half-arab president with a total of 142 days experience as a US Senator from the most politically corrupt state (city) in America whose governors have been ousted from office.

You get the flavor here, it goes on and on with 9 more numbered slanders and then gets to a list of unnumbered ones. The first of these is:

Here's the good news though - Obama took Air Force One to Denver to sign the stimulus package, wasting as much as 10,000 gallons of fuel OR 24 JOBS FOR ONE YEAR.

Don't you just love hypocrites?

Yes, I do love hypocrites, especially ones that play fast and loose with the facts.

A fully loaded 747 can burn up to 5 gallons of aviation fuel per mile. I assume Air Force 1 gets slightly better mileage than this, but who knows? At 1494 air miles, that's up to 7,500 gallons to get from DC to Denver, but let's use 10,000 gallons (besides it was "wasting as much as").

The local airport is charging $3.69 per gallon for Jet A fuel. Once again I assume the Air Force gets a better price, but... So, we have "up to" 10,000 X $3.69 or $36,900 dollars "wasted."

So, these "24 JOBS FOR ONE YEAR" would be provided by the "up to" $36,900 saved. Thanks, but no thanks to jobs that pay $1540 per year (that's about $31 per week or 75 cents per hour).

I know that people who spew propaganda, especially on Bellringer's site, aren't known as fact checkers, but can't they even try and use a calculator once and awhile?
"Follow the Money"

Re: Big Daddy Memorial Groundhog Day Posting

Post by bmielke »

Deep Knight:

I think the 10,000 is a little low in estimation, the President usually travels with 2 747's (One for back up or for Press). and a Cargo Plane(s) for his cars and SUV's. Some times they take a Gulfstream along as well if their is a chance it might be needed.

So I don't think the 10,000 figure is outragous, if anything it might be a little on the small side. I agree that it eould not have saved/created that many jobs.
Deep Knight
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Re: Big Daddy Memorial Groundhog Day Posting

Post by Deep Knight »

Oops! Big Daddy hadn't posted in over a year so I never visited - but believe this is talking about the post above and me! It's hard to tell, "Big" is known for his impenetrable prose.

Big Daddys Nesara Hoax Forum

A REAL WORLD forum on the 3Bs nesara hoax. Post away, BUT only 1 name to 1 IP. No sock puppets, no plants, and NO proxies. Normally we don't care, but abuse by a few militant leftist trolls, feigning many apolitical nontrolls, forced us to park them, banning their 2 IPs (which is their entire audience anyway, gee what a shock, lol), who were those very same TWO, as they did elsewhere online. It only goes to prove the age-old point: don't waste time showing facts to leftists-it only confuses them-especially with those long-on-adjectives/lies, & short/nil-on-refutations/substance. (BD exposed the M.P.D./AbusiveMod/Moonbat CENSORSHIP charade. It's over, he knows it, & he's incensed, lest this forum be unnecessary, & his own projectionist actions keep proving the point-he can't win where he can't CONTROL/CENSOR those not spewing his veiled leftist ideology, that is, the REAL world & everywhere he's NOT, hence THE crux of his obsession with Big Daddy). So as Big Daddy is on target, the few wannabes can keep talking to his other multiple selves & tell lies about Big Daddy to himself to his hearts content ad nauseum (even send a few proxy plants this way), which is also why the site he hijacked is flopping badly now & he's too obsessed with his incessant self-absorbed obsession, aka, Big Daddy Derangement Syndrome to realize it. But there is a good side to all his pretending-it gives him something to do.

Author Big Daddy
Feb 13th, 2010 - 7:53 PM
Re: there they go again!...LOL

From the site above, presented to the site for their admins approval by Big Daddy, long documented and passed muster with the hosts there (despite the ad nauseum acts of desperation by my greatest fans who never got over the facts)
"The extreme left-wing agenda of Dove seems strangely similar to that of the "Communist Party USA" found at [communist link having nothing to do with debt forgiveness, much less prosperity deliveries removed] It will be recalled that "debt forgiveness" was a common theme of both Lenin's and Castro's communist takeovers. It certainly wouldn't surprise us if later Dove is found to be fronting for some fringe communist or socialist part"
Just amazing how some just never got over reality!
(at least they manage to whine themselves into mod status because they didn't feel it was fair to get pasted with such "fast and loose" items called blindingly obvious facts, and got to censor Big Daddy, and ran off everyone else, too...leaving a captive audience of multiple personalities within their own head lol).
It certainly wouldn't surprise me (It's happened by the wishful wannabe before to impersonate Big Daddy-and documented there long ago too) that the latest imitations of Big Daddy's name originated by the ones seeking the latest "sweeps week" again. Seems the only way to drum up business is to mention Big Daddy's name...and voila!...same MO as repeated many times before. much for irrelevant unimportant "I am not an ideologue!" ideologues in their own rite. Pots calling the kettle black are amazingly easy to spot, and get very hilarious watching the reruns.

Speaking of irrelevant reruns, looks like the worst of the rabid kooks is history. Seems they forgot to pay taxes on those "gifts"...and promptly got evicted. Awwww, gee, now how do ya suppose THAT happened? *WEG*

Birdie's been quiet lately too...between realizing that this "illuminati" isn't as all-powerful as she once obsessively claimed (not to mention not as existent either! lol), she's had to retool what is left of her illucid ignoramathon. At least she can repeat ad nauseum her same old reruns...
-the left isn't left ENOUGH for her and her ilk
(which is the crux of my greatest fan, desperately trying to distance her from ITs own equally militant position)
-the right-wing are evil incarnate
(of course, facts never get in the 3Bs way...ooops I meant 2Bs now, lol)
-the illuminati have a base 5,000 miles into the earth...oooook, considering the Earth's diameter is but 7926 miles and some change, that's about 2/3rds through the planet. Not exactly gifted with depth perception, let alone common sense (as if).
Obviously Birdie is so wrapped up in her illucid ignoramathon that she didn't realize how stupid she sounds with that one.
Maybe her and her commie ilk can call up their army of fake-nesara supporters...they can still be found at the usual "right-wing extremist" sites/events like these:
[link to pictures of "antiwar protesters" who seem to be in gay rights rallies instead removed]
Or maybe the 3Bs need to go back to their bible of operations and start anew, like their leaders should as well lol..
[link to Saul Alinsky book cover picture removed]
[link to Saul Alinsky & Obama bashing article removed]
[link to liberal bashing site removed]

In the mean time...
Just some amusing things to keep the commie kookdom ilk busy making up more stories about Big Daddy...
Hey birdie, ever see this one?
[link to liberal-bashing video removed] that's funny!
and who can forget that evil incarnate nazi himself,
[link to article about how there's no health care crisis removed]
(yes, birdie...Illuminati Pictures themselves, lol)
But enough of fun items thrown out there to entertain my greatest

It's always fun to keep the commie kooks busy obsessing over Big Daddy here, while BD himself does far more powerful things elsewhere (they'll have to guess, it keeps obsessed losers busy...even though it's right under their noses...and no, the grand larcenous imitator poster elsewhere isn't
As said before, Big Daddy is the original...often imitated, never duplicated, and never outclassed, outgunned, or outwitted...and is NEVER wrong-he does the one thing the radicals never do: VERIFY facts, lol)

In the mean time, as usual, Big Daddy can stop by as little as once a year, note the predictives came true (as if that was hard to see coming a mile away), and how little my adorning fan has wised up.
DC beltway folks aren't hard to figure out either, as it's just another of their season for sweeps-looks like they could use more biz anyway, considering nobody goes there anymore (save that of other areas of interest at a once great site, other than the CENSORS hijacked little

and We STILL feel their pain!

"Sometimes ya just gotta laugh!"-Rush Limbaugh

Love & Kisses,
Big Daddy


[edited to remove purely political links] - which are actually OK as long as they have something, no matter how obscure, to do with the subject at hand, but Big Daddy's never did, which was how he got in trouble here. For example, the link to the picture of the really fat lady in a bikini with Hillary Clinton's head photoshopped onto it. When asked how it pertained to Dove and NESARA he replied, "Everything in that link is about NESARA."
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Deep Knight
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Re: Big Daddy Memorial Groundhog Day Posting

Post by Deep Knight »

What Big Daddy is talking about when he said, "the illuminati have a base 5,000 miles into the earth." Ironic that it's in a message asking for the Syrians to replace the "Pleiadian commander." (more below)
doveofo wrote: Urgent: Earth Needs Help
February 9, 2010 3 a.m. PST

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

There is a terrible problem which is totally interfering with the
mission to save our Earth.


About 20 years ago, the Illuminati politicians including George H. W.
Bush, began building underground cities 5,000 miles under the surface
of Earth to save themselves from the coming earth changes. Most
Illuminati do not know about these cities.

According to one of my contacts in US government intelligence, there
are over 230 underground cities at 5,000 miles below the surface of
the US
. However, about 2,000 earth-years in the future, the
Illuminati begin fighting with each other and use weapons which blow
up the entire Earth. The explosion energy rolls out and destroys this
solar system and then continues to destroy star systems and galaxies.
This is why a mission was ordered to save Earth and get rid of the
Illuminati, and end the earth changes.

In 2002, a mission to save Earth was authorized by the
leadership/power hierarchy of this Universe. There was a Pleiadian
Commander and a ship of Pleiadians assigned to the mission to come to
Earth and help solve the problems on Earth and stop the Earth changes
which have been occurring on Earth every 25,000+ years for millions of
years. A big asteroid hit Earth and knocked it off its orbit millions
of years ago. The ancient Flood in the Bible was part of the ancient
earth changes but in general the 25,000-year+ earth changes have not
left records for humans.

Unfortunately, there were lies told in 2002 that prevented the help
from happening. The Pleiadian commander has refused to do the right
actions to accomplish the mission.

As late as last June, 2009, the Pleiadian commander was told to do the
mission the right way, but he is secretly refusing.
The mission
requires that the mission commander request help of other ET ships to
push the Earth back onto its right orbit and totally stop the earth
changes. The current Pleiadian commander is refusing to help due to
“politics” among the ETs. He is an evil man who is not following his
orders. He plans on blaming someone else for the mission failing.

In the past, some ETs have picked up thousands of humans when the
earth changes happened and this saved some human life. The Sirian
ETs, who work with earth-person Sheldan Nidle, are planning to pick up
some earth persons because of the coming earth changes. I do not
think Sheldan’s ET friends know about the authorized mission to stop
the earth changes from happening.

If you are in contact with Sheldan, please FORWARD this
Dove Report to Sheldan and ask him to have his ETs check to verify the
mission saving Earth by contacting the Regional Commander who is over
this part of the Milky Way galaxy.

We have found almost everyone we need to do the mission to get rid of
the Illuminati and do NESARA, but we are supposed to have help from
the Pleiadian ship which was assigned. We need help to REPLACE the
current Pleiadian commander and get new help to get the mission done.

At one time in the past, I spoke with Sheldan Nidle frequently but he
has moved away from Hawaii and I do not have his new contact info.
Some of you may have it; please FORWARD this Dove Report to Sheldan so
he knows I am asking for his help. If Sheldan’s ET friends contact
the regional Commander who knows about the mission to stop the earth
changes, they should tell the regional commander to REPLACE the
current Pleiadian commander who is being a traitor and is not
following his orders to save Earth!

If we do not get the current Pleiadian commander replaced soon, NESARA
cannot be done. PLEASE HELP! NESARA Now!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Executive Director
International NESARA Take Action Teams
The "Pleiadian commander" with the NESARA crowd refers to 1) Hatonn from Bellringer & other UFO sites, or 2) President Obama with a bunch of posters on GodLike Productions (and you thought he was the Siriusian commander). In her next posting (posted on another thread) Dove states openly that she is NOT talking about Hatonn. But of course in Big Daddy World, Dove is a Saul Alinsky&Obama-loving radical liberal.

Speaking of ol' Saul, Bellringer shows his liberal leanings with this recent posting.

Bellringer wrote: Barack Obama Saul Alinsky and Lucifer Satan or the Devil
Patrick Bellringer
March 9, 2010

Related Articles
* Dr. Krauthammer
* OBAMA'S "CZARS"-- Read who they are and realize what they want to do.
* Heed the signs: THE question isn’t going away
* Dr. Taitz provides eligibility interview to "Russia Today" viewed by billions of people on 6 continents
* Obama White House to 60,000,000 Anglers: We Don’t Need You
* Targeted: Does this photo of Barack Obama go too far?
* Obama Moves For National ID Card, Military Prison For All Dissenters
* The Fall of Barack Obama

Recent Videos
Starship UFO filmed on the 7th December 2007
This Starship was filmed using an 8" Meade Telescope.
Real footage of starships filmed by John Lenard Walson 2007.

Most Emailed
* Photos of George W. Bush 'Drunk As A Monkey' At the Olympics
* MAJOR STEFAN FREDERICK COOK v [et. al] (RE: Obama eligibility - Dr. Taitz)

Barack Obama's mentor, Saul Alinsky and his connection to Lucifer (Satan Devil)

Wade Rathke was the actual founder of ACORN - the reason I say it was Alinsky is because Rathke was one of Alinsky's protoges and learned all he knew from Alinsky.

VIEW VIDEO [link removed 'cause - well, you know the drill]
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Deep Knight
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Re: Big Daddy Memorial Groundhog Day Posting

Post by Deep Knight »

Big Daddy's Greatest Hits

For all of you who missed the fun. The top 10 Big Daddy Boners from this Quatloos forum.

10. Big Daddy tells us he was an officer aboard a submarine during Vietnam who did undercover missions behind enemy lines on the side. The details of his service seemed to change with each story he told about it, but included Naval Academy Graduate School in counter-intelligence and being some sort of Delta Force Seal.
9. He revealed that our capital ships have "scalar" weapons using Tesla technology in place of their guns, which can also be used against alien spaceships.
8. He "outed" a group of Dove supporters in Fresno (saying he had followed each home from where they met) and then then revealed that they were all child molesters. They were actually the online sex offender watch list for Fresno, in order.
7. He claims that NESARA is a communist conspiracy to make people doubt their own sanity. It seems to have worked on him.
6. Big Daddy sent e-mails to everyone associated with Quatloos telling them I was a secretly a member of Dove's conspiracy and also a communist mole who was turning their website into a hotbed of treason.
5. He claimed that he needed to post here because "thousands" of Dove's supporters relied on him for the truth. When we pointed out that getting 30 readers for a post was a lot, he claimed that a few would get his posts and then pass them around so Dove wouldn't know what was going on.
4. Big Daddy claimed that every time he posted, visits to Quatloos went up 3 times. He used an Alexis internet site rating system for people with Alexis toolbars, which were rare. The result was noisy data with peaks and valleys every few days, which of course he attributed to his posts or lack thereof (sometimes many days before).
3. Big Daddy claimed to know the secret names and addresses of all the NESARA conspirators but couldn't reveal them because legal proceeding against them were underway and he had a gag order.
2. He linked a liberal activist in Albuquerque to Lord Rama and Lady Tara (based on the fact they lived in the same state), gave their address, and suggested people visit and assault them. This resulted in his first banning (after many warnings). It wasn't his last.

***And at #1 ***
1. His revelation in ~2005 that his brother-in-law in Iraq had found evidence that Dove was funding Al Qaeda and that she would be arrested for treason in a few weeks!

The silliest part of #1 is, of course, the notion that ANYONE could pry even a cent of Dove's ill-gotten gains out of her greedy hands!
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Deep Knight
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Re: Big Daddy Memorial Groundhog Day Posting

Post by Deep Knight »

If Big Daddy has a "twin flame" it must be Sherry Shriner. Too bad we could never get them together.

Sherry Shriner
It's "Patriotic to be a Slave"

This is part of the NESARA plan that I warned EVERYONE that OBAMA would implement once in office. It's the same plan disguised with different 'rhetoric'

Under the NESARA plan "lightworkers" would operate at every local and state level to "lead mankind" into a new age..such as enforced community service..

"Lightworkers" are nothing but Satanists folks! Demon possessed and soul scalped "New Age" Satanists!


they can change the 'terminology' all they want's still the same PLAN.
Obama’s American Dream: Servitude

Kurt Nimmo
November 7, 2008

“When you choose to serve — whether it’s your nation, your community or simply your neighborhood — you are connected to that fundamental American ideal that we want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness not just for ourselves, but for all Americans. That’s why it’s called the American dream,” declares Obama on the newly fashioned Office of the President-Elect website.

Charlie Rangle has authored a bill that may be dusted off after Obama enters the Oval Office. It’s called the National Service Act and calls for a universal draft with two years of “service” for virtually all persons aged 18-42, with no deferment for college.

Obama’s vision of the American dream, however, will not consist of Americans freely choosing to volunteer to work in their communities and neighborhoods. It will be a requirement. “Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year.” (Emphasis added.)

And it will not simply be the young who will be “called” by government mandate to serve. It will be everybody, including senior citizens. “Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55, while at the same time promoting youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start.” The words “call” and “require” appear to be interchangeable in this context.

As the Albuquerque Examiner mentioned yesterday, Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, wants compulsory service imposed on eighteen and twenty-five year old Americans. “They’ll be asked to report for three months of basic civil defense training in their state or community,” writes Emanuel in his book, The Plan: Big Ideas for America. “These young people will be available to address their communities’ most pressing needs.”

It now appears Emanuel’s version of mandatory servitude, masquerading as patriotism, will not be limited to the young but will be imposed on all Americans, including retirees.

In July, Obama revealed his plan for “a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the U.S. military. In the speech, Obama said “People of all ages, stations, and skills will be asked to serve.” He also said this mass movement requiring servitude “will be a central cause of my presidency.”

Charlie Rangle has authored a bill that may be dusted off after Obama enters the Oval Office. It’s called the National Service Act and calls for a universal draft with two years of “service” for virtually all persons aged 18-42, with no deferment for college. The language of Rangel’s bill states that “all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42″ be required to “perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security.”

In the months ahead, we can expect “public service,” i.e., compulsory servitude, to be a mantelpiece of the Obama regime. It will be necessary because Obama will undoubtedly soon have no shortage of enemies — that is to say, people opposed to his policies — and a national Stasi framework, under the rubric of a “civilian national security force,” will be required to ferret out enemies of the state. In addition, “carbon criminals” will need to be identified and rounded up and shipped off to re-education and forced labor camps.

Considering the emotional zeal of Obama’s kool aid drinkers — frighteningly on display as Obama swept the election — there will likely to be no shortage of recruits to enthusiastically enforce his decrees, actually decrees passed down by the globalist New World Order.

In a historical sense, this is fascism on steroids.


Obama’s crew have reworded the text on the “America Serves” area of the Change-gov website. The word “require” has been removed, probably as a result of criticism, and other passages have been rewritten. Does this mean they no longer believe you should be a slave on an Obama work brigade? Hardly. Joe Biden has said “rich” people making over $250,000 need to work more for the state, not directly but by surrendering an even larger share of their personal income through confiscatory taxes, thus revealing a disturbing mentality: the state owns you. It’s patriotic to be a slave
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Big Daddy Memorial Groundhog Day Posting

Post by Deep Knight »

Two new posts from Big Daddy!

Big Daddy
Mar 19th, 2010 - 10:07 PM
Re: as if he's never been here!...LOL

Oh, man...ya gotta love "I am not a leftist militant!" leftist militants. At least reality says they're odd man out as Big Daddy's STILL proven right all along...and it's STILL documented...and all the leftyspin on the planet won't change that fact!
I suggest my greatest fan work for such notable "right wingers" like the mob princess speak of the house-at least someone there will buy the "right wing" left-wing BS, unlike the rest of the world-which doesn't fall for such illucidness, much like their dopey hopey changy crapola...
These amusing! lmao.
We STILL feel their pain...and the 3Bs,
ooops I mean 2Bs...

Love & Kisses,
Big Daddy

That's right, I rarely visit his forum since nobody else posts there and he hadn't for a year (and again a year before that). But, since this was posted the day I posted a new update about this, it does say something about him visiting us!

Big Daddy
Mar 23rd, 2010 - 9:33 PM
Re: lmao...obsessed much?

LOL...Big Daddy's gotta love his greatest fan!

(too bad ego-driven narcissists don't get the fact that if Big Daddy is sooooo wrong, and sooooo irrelevant, BD wouldn't even be mentioned at all, and the facts BD stated would be documented wrong...oh, that's right, the facts are still up! Drat those evil pesky facts again! LOL)

Too bad he still can't get his stories straight about Big Daddy-that tends to happen when Big Daddy pegs 'em to a T (not to mention the ego driven obsessed one can't handle to this day getting parked), as has still been documented beyond doubt (and notably not disputed-just mindless drivel to deflect from facts lol), even by his own host site...only thing left is tell more lies masquerading as jest (making jon stewart jeanine garofolo and bill maher proud lol).
Then again, when Big daddy's facts get in "I am not a militant leftist!" militant lefty's way, that's all they have left...much like his heros of the equally absurd left (which he desperately tries to distance himself from that of the 3Bs since they're even harder lefty than he is)
Won't be the first time...isn't the last either.
But helps keep the fatally obsessed stuck on what Big daddy says here, while Big Daddy is busy doing FAR more powerful things elsewhere than to waste such valuable time playing with a wishful wannabe who neverwas...but enough about irrelevant naivete` who can't handle facts, much less a good healthy spanking of reality (malignant narcissists tend to run in that side of the aisle lol).

All in all...point's been made, facts are still standing, and Big Daddy still right...and all the attempts to distract from that fact isn't going away anytime soon...but we still feel their pain!
At least my greatest fan still has all his alter-egos in his own mind answering themselves! shooting fish in a barrel
Now, on to more important things...which he isn't...
Say! How 'bout that dopey hopey changey crapola?!
Wait until the bill comes due on that one!...but that's another forum! LMAO

Love & Kisses,
Big Daddy

So, Bellringer is an "even harder lefty?" One wonders who Big Daddy would consider middle of the road...

By the way, if all of you are really me under different names, who don't any of you sing the praises of my prowess with supermodels?
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Re: Big Daddy Memorial Groundhog Day Posting

Post by texino »

Oh hi it is deep texino. and when I went to DK's place today for a dose of leftist rhetoric, I couldn't get near the door for the crowd of super model super models taking up the joint. Man the DK is the cat's pajamas and Big Daddy is just a bug! swallow the money.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Big Daddy Memorial Groundhog Day Posting

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:Oh hi it is deep texino. and when I went to DK's place today for a dose of leftist rhetoric, I couldn't get near the door for the crowd of super model super models taking up the joint. Man the DK is the cat's pajamas and Big Daddy is just a bug!
swallow the money.
Curses, my secret to a full love life is out. Nothing turns beautiful women on like reading Karl Marx and Mao Tse Tung out loud. Whisper the full text of one of Lenin's speeches on industrial output in her ear and she'll be putty in your hands.

As for fraudulent high-yield investment programs being leftist, I think these scams are outside of the normal political spectrum. My proof? In tests run in Deep Knight's plush-yet-manly bedroom 9 our of 10 women made excuses and left when I read a Dove update and the one that stayed only spoke Estonian. Had it been leftist, they would have all succumbed to my charms. As it was, I was reduced to a single paramour for the night and making love in the traditional Estonian fashion. The live brass band gathered no end of complaints from the neighbors.
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Re: Big Daddy Memorial Groundhog Day Posting

Post by Deep Knight »

And exhibit C from Bellringer's Forum. Your honor, I rest my case.

Posted March 25, 2010
World Mourns As Communist Darkness Falls Upon America
By Europe

Obama is a Communist

In what is being described as one of the most astounding power grabs in modern history by newspaper headlines around the World, President Obama has succeeded in his audacious plan to remake America into a full fledged godless communist empire barely one year into his term with the enactment into law by the US Congress of his mammoth health care plan innocuously named H.R. 3200-Americas Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 and described by one Kremlin legal expert as having “nothing at all to do with health, but everything to do with control.”

To fully grasp the full and grim implications of Obama’s power grab over the American people with his Nationalization of the United States entire health care industry and student loan programme accomplished with the passing of this new law, it must be remembered that since taking office on January 20, 2009 he has also taken over their automobile, mortgage, and banking industries too with the Internet said being next “in his sights”.

More insidious than these takeovers that have been destroying America’s once vibrant capitalistic system is the new regime these once free peoples are now destined to live under, and where under their new health care law will require all of them to carry a National ID card (page 58) and allow their government unlimited access to all of their bank accounts and personal records (page 159).

And in a chilling instance of the ancient prophecies for these time of “The Mark of the Beast” becoming reality, the National ID card all of the American people will now be required to possess (regardless of age) is to be combined with their new government ID card under their upcoming new immigration laws allowing them to work and is biometrically designed to “read” the backs of their hands.

[Note: According to the Christian Bibles Book of Revelations, the ancients warned of a future time when everyone, both small and great, rich and poor, free or slave, would receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads which without they would not be able buy or sell anything.]

Though many have tried to warn these Americans about the plans for their Nations destruction at the hands of the Obama backed communist forces who have taken over their country [including our March 2nd report “Russia Warns US Communist Threat Endangering Entire World”] the propaganda organs in the United States have rendered silent nearly all opposition and dissident views from reaching them and they remain asleep to the true dangers soon to come upon them.

The same, however, cannot be said about the rest of the World where during this past week alone, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon signed a cooperation agreement with a Russia-led security group of ex-Soviet Nations as a counterbalance to the US led NATO forces (who are currently expanding their wars against the Muslim Nations to steal their vast oil and gas wealth) and one of China’s top military officers called for his Nation to build the World’s strongest military and move swiftly to topple the United States as the Global “champion.”

To how ignorant the American people have become to the yoke of communist oppression being pressed upon them by Obama’s forces we can glimpse from a report in today’s Los Angeles Times that says “The Democratic administration of Barack Obama, who denounced his predecessor, George W. Bush, as the most secretive in history, is now denying more Freedom of Information Act requests than the Republican did.”

And as to why Obama and his communist forces would seek to keep from the American people what is really being done to them we had, also, previously warned about in our February 12th report “The “End Of Days” Are Upon Us, Warns Russian Patriarch” and wherein we had stated:

“Patriarch Cyril warns in his report though that the Motherlands efforts to halt the West’s godlessness “may be too late” as evidenced by the rising use among their political, military, banking and celebrity elite classes of the ancient Babylonian “Sign of the Horns” [formed by extending the index and little fingers while holding the middle and ring fingers down with the thumb, see photo bottom left] honoring the ancient god Marduk (Sumerian spelling in Akkadian: AMAR.UTU meaning “solar calf”).”

Now most important to remember about these ancient enemies of our human race Obama and his communist forces have aligned themselves with is how truly predictable they are; including the United States passing of their health care bill during the 2010 Vernal (Spring) Solstice [when daytime and nighttime are equal length] as a “celebration” to the ancient goddess Ēostre whose name was given to the Christian festival of Easter but whose origins stretch back into the mists of time to the mystery religions of Rome where the Cybele cult preformed their child sacrifices on what was then known as Vatican hill, but today is known as the home of the Pope.

And in these monsters predictability by aligning themselves with the ancient dates and ceremonies of old also comes the most secure protection from their destructive plans; such as the United States March 4, 2001 airing of the Lone Gunman television programmes pilot episode where an American government plot to fly remotely controlled planes into the World Trade Center was discovered, and which was exactly 6 months and 7 days from when the actual attack occurred.

It goes without saying, of course, that the propaganda media organs beholden to their godless communist masters will never inform their peoples about these things, and for those of us who do there is always great danger. But as the events in the United States are now showing to even those most in denial about what is truly happening, the time nears when hard choices will have to be made by everyone if freedom for our human race is to be saved.
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Re: Big Daddy Memorial Groundhog Day Posting

Post by texino »

I'll bite knight. When BD says that his greatest fan has the proof of Big Daddy's ultimate "truth" still posted is he talking about the "Big Daddy Top 10 or just the fact that you are repeating his recent nonsense as a public service? His prose is so dense it is awfully hard for me to penetrate the working line. It would seem that if he really wanted to make a point he would attack the Q and you more directly rather than speaking in this ridiculous code. I just know that whenever I see a BD post coming, I must be in a calm frame of mind with plenty of running room before I read it. I find him most disturbing. Still, I do appreciate you keeping us informed.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Big Daddy Memorial Groundhog Day Posting

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:I'll bite knight. When BD says that his greatest fan has the proof of Big Daddy's ultimate "truth" still posted is he talking about the "Big Daddy Top 10 or just the fact that you are repeating his recent nonsense as a public service? His prose is so dense it is awfully hard for me to penetrate the working line. It would seem that if he really wanted to make a point he would attack the Q and you more directly rather than speaking in this ridiculous code. I just know that whenever I see a BD post coming, I must be in a calm frame of mind with plenty of running room before I read it. I find him most disturbing. Still, I do appreciate you keeping us informed.
He's right, I have Lenin's original journals where he writes about learning his politics from Mother Sekhmet, the King of Swords, Saint Germain and Ashtar. He also reveals a plan to foment revolution in Russia through prosperity deliveries, a return to the gold standard, first contact, and ascension. This would alarm most people, but we "in the know" don't worry too much. Our brave Illuminati and their mind-controlled zombies are out there fighting to keep NESARA from being announced and their 100% record of success speaks for itself!
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Deep Knight
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Re: Big Daddy Memorial Groundhog Day Posting

Post by Deep Knight »

Big Daddy seems to have responded to my last post here a month ago (although he's been known to pre-date things on his forum).

Big Daddy
Mar 27th, 2010 - 8:49 PM
Reply Re: lmao...and illucid as the 3Bs too???

And the obsessed one continues ad, man this is just too hilarious-as illucid as the birdie once was (of course at least SHE now has a reason, as schizophrenia and alzheimers tends to do that, lol). It must be sweeps week to invoke Big Daddy so many times (it always ups the ratings there lol).
I was surprised, however, to find so many outrageously bogus claims about Big daddy, though-usually at least he tried to masquerade them, now it's just blatantly illucid...and not even close. lol

Wow, putting words in my mouth I never said, claims I affiliate with the 3Bs heros (as if LOL), next I suppose my greatest fan will try to allude to the notion that this other BD copycat elsewhere online is me (as if, as it wouldn't surprise me if he pulled that one himself, considering he's already hijacked my nick once before in his now-hijacked forum...and got caught, by his own peers, and had to retract it), oh, man, the saga never ends...then again, when "I am not a leftist militant!" leftist militants do get caught, this is commonplace. They have to cover a lie with another, then another, and so on...old as dirt.

Again, won't be his first time, won't be his last...and he STILL can't dispute the facts Big Daddy documented, and his own host site corroborates, lol. Just typical lefty lunacy when they have nothing of substance to report.
His sphincter is locked up tighter than obama's college transcripts.

Next thing ya know, Big Daddy is gonna be accused of claiming to invent the evil illumninati weather machine that somehow destroyed new orleans as per farrakhan's "honkey conspiracy" claim...sheesh. lol
Just too least it was better in the long run to let him have his forum he whined himself into mod status with (and they gave in to shut his whinyness up lol) everyone else left (they knew the score too, like Big Daddy does, and went to where we can't be CENSORED (which is why Dr Barnard's assistant formed his own group-for RATIONAL discussion), which is what his gig is/was all about...he knows it, I know it, and he knows we all know

In the mean time, back to topic...birdie got cut off for not paying her bill, but is back...for now, and is upset that obama isn't left enough for her (the past decade she's endorsed the most leftist candidates imaginable, so did the now defunct A&A), of course she's considered a "right winger" by my greatest fan...LOL...good one.
Maybe Big daddy should get his greatest fan something special CLUE.
Then again, narcissists don't respond to clues, or a life, or reality, etc...'nuf sed. Next time, perhaps he will still to his illucid adventure stories, they're just slightly more sane than the 3Bs insanity...ooops, I mean 2Bs.

Nesara's a dead horse,
so is the lefty's lunacy,
and Big daddy can STILL come back once or twice a year to post, as his positions always end up accurate, as they have so far the past 5 years, and the unimportant irrelevancies will continue spouting their incessant trivialities, spending more time covering their own disproven accusations with the usual offsetting bogus diatribes against us sources of substance.

Man, it's not even a challenge anymore...then again, my greatest fan never was-at least the 3Bs were fun to knock out of the saddle...this one's like shooting fish in a barrel, but nothing new there...
since liberalism is a mental disease anyway (see narcissism)...that's why folks like that are their own minds.

I love it when a plan keeps coming together...and this one came together years ago! I just didn't realize my greatest fan would fall to pieces like that...and make as illucid comments as he
At least he'll be back to spew soonas he gets back to his public computer terminal LOL.
Now onto more important things, like reality...which he ISN'T...

and we still feel their pain!
Love & Kisses,
Big Daddy

Wow! Did Big Daddy nail me on this one or what? As you know, I'm secretly a big NESARA supporter, but since I'm also a dangerous liberal, I "pretend" not to support it to get others who oppose me (and who doesn't since I'm so evil) to support it! Brilliant!
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