Over the Top

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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Over the Top

Post by Deep Knight »

A Casper 3-fer, with his opinion of the political state of the union in the middle (as you know, Casper is so well informed and has been so amazingly accurate that it would be wise to carefully consider his views on governance).


Today begins with several of the Countries Representatives currently in D.C. re-stating their statements from last night "the packs have been retrieved from the World Court people and are back out for delivery today".

WE happen to have "eyes on" and therefore know they are lying, the packs are still in D.C. this morning.

The names on the stolen Stimulus Money accounts are beginning to leak out and include the heads of some of the Countries which explains their current subterfuge and lies.

Moreover, WE have learned this morning that a continuous effort is being made to break into the 'frozen and seized' "trading accounts". No luck, they are locked down tight. Obama and the Supreme Court are promising the Countries referred to herein a major share of this "if-come" money if they will continue assisting the sabotage, another reason why they were lying last night and again this morning.

casper 3-26-10 a.m.

Please tell WE to tell Casper that his if-come money is in will-call.


Unbelievable. Each day the news is more unbelievable than the day before. Today we learn that OBAMA is about to appoint Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board. Thrice denied confirmation by the Democratically controlled Congress due his extremist views Obama will now use a "recess appointment" to appoint him to a Board normally having five members but now only one other. So, Becker and one other now control labor relations in America. So who is Becker and why was he denied confirmation three times? He is an extremist (Communist says I) who has been an advocate for SEICU (remember who has visited the Oval office the most?) for years and is a former lawyer for the AFL-CIO. In your face America. Independence, neutrality, etc. no longer has anything to do with National Positions even those expected to keep the peace among adversaries (labor/management). Government offices will be handed over to Union Shills because the Unions gave Obama 450 million dollars in campaign contributions. "CHANGE" you were sold, Change you are getting. 'CHANGE' and 'COMMUNISM' are words fast becoming interchangeable in the Obama Administration.

Domestic Law Enforcement is being 'Militarized'.

CHAVEZ has closed the last remaining opposition owned newspaper in Venezuela and arrested the owner on trumpted up charges. Sean Penn, and likely most of Hollywood, says anyone criticizing CHAVEZ should be PUT IN JAIL. COMMUNISM thrives on both coast. No first Amendment-- to go with the coming loss of the second?

So, which Foreign Leader rushes to the microphone to be the first to congratulate Pelosi, Reid and Obama for 'Obamacare'? CASTRO of course. A COMMUNIST.

"Retirement USA" is the name for the approaching Government Mandated takeover of your 401K's and IRA's. Don't worry retiree's, you will be given some of those eternally popular Treasury Debt Instruments in return for your money. Then you can get in line with the other holders of the other $105,000,000,000,000 (Trillions) of said Debt. It is a misnomer. It should be named 'Obamacare Two'.

Ten Trillion more in Deficit Spending next ten years says morning news.

What else, oh yes, I remember. Buried in the Obamacare Bill just passed, $1500./Annual 'Special' Insurance Premium TO BE DEDUCTED FROM EVERY AMERICANS PAYCHECK. It's for old age 'special care' if needed. Possible to 'opt out' by filing Government forms. Can't wait to find what else is buried in the Bill. "You will find out after it's passed" said Pelosi. After all, you can't expect them to read 2700 pages can you? I once purchased and tried to read Clinton's favorite 'Tragedy and Hope'. Only 1400 pages as I recall, a monster of a book.

It goes without saying the COMMUNIST in D.C. exempted themselves from the Obamacare Bill (Page 114, Line 22). Thats another neat thing about COMMUNISM, the Leaders are not subject to the laws for the masses.

Daily Headlines bring unbelievable news each day; Sex Ed for six and seven year olds, parents jailed for home schooling their own children, thousands of California farmers Bankrupted by Government Bureaucrat Flunkies withholding their water, it seems there is no end to it. Behind every one of these "atrocities" sits a LIBERAL bent on "Change". They are not necessarily Lobotomized Obama Zombies but they are always Liberals. Liberalism is a mental disorder and, like Sean Penn, think the rest of us should be in jail. What do you think? There is a WAR going on whether you realize it or not and I am not referring to yesterdays 'WarZone' report. I refer to the WAR for the heart and soul of America. Freedom and CONTROL, Freedom and Marxism, Freedom and Jail, are not compatible. If you do not choose soon you will have no choice, it will have been made for you.

Gays in the Military, the end of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' the Clinton era idea which has worked so well for so long. Try to find a Military Person who agrees with Obama cramming this down their throats. Not one in a million. Equal treatment is not the object, they have that. Like the parades through San Francisco with men virtually naked performing simulated sex acts on floats in public, IN YOUR FACE is the object. 'You WILL accept our LIBERAL IDEAS' and to hell with your beliefs and/or religion. Someone should explain to these 'Cavaliers' what happened when they pushed the 'Roundheads' to far.

WE can't talk business right now except to say R.E.L.A.X..(not same as exlax).

39 Counts of 'whatever' filed by U.S. Atty. against Buckley. Indictments by Federal Grand Jury. 'First Reading' of circumstances (by me) indicates this has no bearing on his program funding (Treasury Gate, etc.).

The Obama/Netanyahu 'Dust-Up' mentioned yesterday is more serious than first realized. Construction of the East Jerusalem housing causing the flare up was exempted and not part of signed treaties to stop construction in certain areas. That didn't matter to Biden on his trip over nor to Obama as he gratuitously INSULTED Israel's Head of State in several different ways. This is a staged temper tantrum by the most naive and child like President in U.S. history. The purposeful insult/wounding of our most important ally in the region by an inexperienced, arrogant, puffed up, self important novice has exposed himself to the world as a 'tin horn' Dictator who thinks he can order anyone to 'catch and fetch'. He has no business being in the Oval Office. The job, especially the Foreign Policy part of the job, is well beyond his abilities except for the 'bowing' part which he has down pat.

casper 3-26-10

Unbelievable? Calling Casper's writings "unbelievable" would be like calling someone kissing a rattlesnake "risky."
Casper wrote:Domestic Law Enforcement is being 'Militarized'.
That's right, I understand the police are being given guns and other weapons! And there's rumors they're going to form these things called SWAT teams!
Casper wrote:Liberalism is a mental disorder and, like Sean Penn, think the rest of us should be in jail. What do you think?
Are you a mentally disordered liberal if you think Casper should be in jail?

I could go on like this for pages and pages, but here's part 2, er, 3.


Packs were supposedly out this morning for delivery today and WE were to 'hush up' about it so WE did.

Our intell, that they had left D.C., came from the "Head Man" of the representatives of the Countries present in D.C..

WE have learned the packs are still at the airport in D.C..
WE have been telling 'the man' this since 1 p.m. EST.

His response? "I will see what I can do about it".
Obviously there exists a brand spanking new PROBLEM.

casper 3-26-10 #2

Casper is claiming he actually "hushed up?"
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Deep Knight
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Re: Over the Top

Post by Deep Knight »

It's a competition! The Lord Rama Group entry from Tony, the webmaster of (formally) Mark Huber's site "Welcome the Blight."

If You Want NESARA And Decloakings “Now”, READ THIS.
Mar 25, 2010

March 24, 2010

I just read a very amazing book which if you haven’t read it, you HAVE TO GO AND GET IT NOW. Seriously. Find it at your local bookstore, used bookstore, or buy it off of Amazon by clicking the picture of the book below (it’s $10) – Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now”.

This book has just opened up my eyes to what exactly is going on. What I am going to try and explain in this post is my thoughts on what Eckhart talked about in his book and I’m going to tie it in with what I know/heard with all the galactic ethereal stuff. I’m going to do the best I can to put my thoughts into words, so here goes.

All that we have ever been hearing from the Galactics is “The Time is Now”.

“NESARA has already happened – Now.”

“Decloakings have happened. Now.”

“The Arrests have been completed. Now.”

“It’s a done deal.”

Ok, what the heck is going on? I don’t see NESARA, decloakings, OR any arrests. Do you? Am I missing something?

Well, maybe what we’re missing is right in front of our noses.

You can go and read through the entire book above but I am going to give you one very simple equation that I want you to keep in your head throughout this article. Ready? Here it is:


Simple, eh? Do you get it? Hmmmm… let me elaborate.


Ok, ok. I know that you’ve ALL heard that one MILLION times and maybe you’re sick of hearing it. But look at that sentence. Feel that sentence. You know it to be true. There is no future and there is no past.

Here’s an example. You’re reading this blogpost right now but you have to go out later to get something from the grocery store. That’s the future. RIGHT NOW when you’re sitting at the computer reading this post, you AREN’T at the grocery store. IN THE NOW, you are NOT doing anything but BEING. You are simply “being”. Just “being there”. So that future POTENTIAL doesn’t exist (because come on – that’s all it really is – potential. What happens if your best friend comes over and you start having a cup of tea or a bottle of beer and you don’t make it to the grocery store? Ah ha! Quantum physics. That grocery store future never happened).

Make sense?

Ok, how about the past? Again, the same thing as above. You can envision going to work yesterday but is that happening in the NOW? No, it’s not. So just in the exact reverse of the future example, the past doesn’t exist either.

So what are you left with. THE NOW. Simple. That’s IT. NOTHING ELSE EXISTS.

Ok, yeah that’s cool, but how do I live in the Now?

Simple. Just concentrate on being there and nothing else. If a thought or emotion enters your head, simply watch the thought or emotion. Don’t react to it. Just watch it. You’ll find it will dissolve almost instantly.

Try this. Feel your breathing. Feel your chest move in and out. Feel the energy running through to your feet, your hands, all parts of your body. Just BE. Relax. No thoughts, just blank. Almost like a meditation but be aware of any thoughts or emotions that come into your head. The ego is scared of the Now and will do anything (including put very bad thoughts in your head) to stop it from happening so BE AWARE and simply watch any thought or emotion that comes into your head. Don’t react to those thoughts or emotions – just watch them.

Did you do it? Did it last only a second or two? That’s fine. That’s all I could do at first (I think I’m up to about 10 seconds or more now). Understand that us humans have been controlled by the mind for thousands of years. You’re not going to stay in the Now for prolonged periods right away. But you will very quickly.

You will find peace, joy, and love when you’re in the Now and you’ll feel them too. Absolute bliss. Even for a second. And THAT will keep you coming back for more.

Hey… try it again. Try it anytime you’re thinking about it. Try it while you’re standing in line waiting for your Grande two pump mocha, two pump peppermint, 3/4 water, non-fat americano misto at Starbucks (yes, I’m THAT GUY that orders something like that).

You’ll be amazed what you’re going to feel like.

And keep reading… I have some other exciting things to share!

Why am I trying to bang this point home?


This is the reason why all of the Galactics have been telling us that it’s done – we’ve won – because they’re living in the NOW and they are waiting for US to JOIN them!

Remember that equation above? CONSCIOUSNESS=NOW? If you’re living in the Now, then you are living in consciousness. And living in consciousness is what brings YOU from what you are right now in 3D up to 5D. What do you think happens when you’re in 5D? You SEE the Galactics! You raise in consciousness to be able to meet them! You SEE the ships! You SEE a world with NESARA!

Get it?

How about this question…

What if NESARA, the decloakings, and the arrests are only going to happen if x% of the population becomes conscious (or lives in the NOW)?

Think about that one. Maybe, just maybe, the Galactics have been waiting for US to realize that we need to live in the Now. Maybe they need an actual percentage or an actual number of people on Earth that are living in the Now before things can happen! Maybe Jesus was preaching all his life to just live in the NOW. Be conscious. Maybe all the predictions around the world – good and bad – are talking about us SIMPLY BECOMING CONSCIOUS? And what does that mean?


DO NOT worry about the past. DO NOT worry about the future. Do you know why? THEY DON’T EXIST.

Do you know how many people view this site on a daily basis? Hundreds, if not thousands.

WHAT IF…. Oooooooo, get this! WHAT IF the Galactics are ready to show up but they need a certain percentage of the population to live in the now and WHAT IF they’re, like, 553 people short of that number? WHAT IF we, all of us that read this site, started to live in the NOW and BECAME those 553 people.

Would decloakings happen? NESARA? Arrests?

You know what? I’m going to say YES.

OooooOooo!!! Here’s a good one. What holiday is coming up in under 2 weeks? Easter! Wouldn’t it be AWESOME if decloakings happened at Easter (or even before) – the holiday whereby Jesus AROSE FROM THE DEAD? What if WE were to ARISE FROM OUR DEADBEAT 3D TO MEET 5D?

I want you to try something for me. I challenge you to this. From now until Easter I want you to try your very best to live in the Now. If you haven’t read the book above, go get it now and read it. Quickly!

Let’s all live in the Now and see what happens. I’m not promising anything (obviously) but in the very least, you’ll find absolute peace, joy, and love living in the Now and you will continue living in the Now well past Easter. You know why? Because your ego CANNOT penetrate and cause you pain and fear when you’re living in the Now.

You gotta read this…

I have been really concentrating on living in the Now for only 3 days.

Yes. You read that right. Three days.

Sure, maybe I have been doing it before but it would have been subconsciously (which wouldn’t be consciously now, would it?).

You know what happened to me in the past three days? There was an ego problem that was presented to me that I TOTALLY didn’t see. The ego is tricky like the Devil – “the greatest trick the devil (ego) ever pulled was convincing the world he (it) didn’t exist”. But because I was in the Now, I was able to realize that I had an ego problem. I realized this just before I left for work yesterday.

I realized that I had an ego problem it but I didn’t know exactly what it was or how to heal it. So you know what? I asked (out loud) for St. Germain to help me learn my lesson Now. I didn’t want to wait. I wanted to know what that problem was right Now.

I SHIT YOU NOT but in under 10 minutes, the answer hit me like a ton of bricks. Seriously! The answer was in my head in under 10 minutes. Why? Because I was living in the Now and where do the Galactics live? IN THE NOW.

See the connection?

I was so excited it was unreal. A MAJOR ego problem solved in under 10 minutes JUST because I lived in the Now and asked for help from someone else in the Now!

Try it! Go ahead! Be in the Now and ask St. Germain to help you. Ask Mother. Ask Metatron. They’ll all help you because they love you.

Remember – I’m just a regular dude, people. No special skills here. And I got an amazing growth answer!

And where do you think I got the information and such to type this post out? Living in the Now. Because when you’re living in the Now, you’re just BEING.

I need your thoughts! Comment below. Let’s talk about this. But remember – try living in the Now right away.

Ok. I’m going to bed right Now.

I hope I’ve stirred something deep within. Let’s make things happen!

We are who we are waiting for!

Much love to all of you! Tony.

I had financial worries but was guided to the “777 Prosperity Program”. Click HERE to take a look for yourself to see how it will help you!
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Deep Knight
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Re: Over the Top

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper drags his sorry butt out of bed on Sunday to give his latest excuse for his lack of accuracy. Then he tells us it could have been worse?


Virtually never do WE call to your attention the complements WE receive from round about regarding the accuracy of these updates. This accuracy caused a concentrated effort last night by TBTB to discredit these updates by having us report a completely false story line.

Yesterday between two and four p.m. additional VIP's arrived in the U.S. from overseas. Among them were five World Court Judges and SARKOZY. Supposedly they are here to get the packs out and to get this over with. WE were then told the packs were out again late yesterday.

As WE were determining that to be false as the packs were again back in the Supreme Court, the "story" from TPTB continued to unfold as follows with heavy emphasis on getting it out to the people as soon as possible.

Because the packs had been found in the Court JOHN ROBERTS had been arrested and soon claimed he was not going down alone and implicated OBAMA. They then arrested OBAMA at the White House. A Grand Jury was to be convened at 9 a.m. this morning to issue indictments regarding the overseas accounts and to deal with ROBERTS, OBAMA and others. They wanted this out last night in the worst way and are boiling mad this morning that WE did not do so. It is all Bull_HIT. Every bit of it. The motivation was to discredit these updates and to mislead recipients and others around the world who receive these updates. It was nothing but Bold Faced Lies.


The False Storyline was coming from the World Court Judges themselves as they tried in vain to get their hands on a copy of the list of stolen accounts to determine whether their names were showing up on the list. Allow us to save you some time "Your Honors". BRIBERY ACCOUNTS assigned to each of you have been located and confiscated.

Meanwhile around the clock efforts have been underway on all fronts to "steal back the accounts". Sorry boys.

OBAMA says he must have the money in order to survive. He was told not to worry that he is not going to survive.

Many many members of The House, The Senate, The Judiciary and various Heads of State are also on the list of accounts which in number now exceed 135.

There were no arrest last night, no Grand Jury this morning and no False Report sent out as they so desperately wanted. There is no effort by these Criminals to "get the packs out and to get this over with".

Hang in their folks. More when possible.

casper 3-28-10

Even if you believe Casper (and only an idiot would) this still doesn't make sense. To discredit someone they have to have credibility to start...
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Re: Over the Top

Post by fortinbras »

Casper's posting on FourWinds10 yesterday said that Pres. Obama had been arrested "at the White House". Today we find out from the papers that Obama had spent the weekend on an unannounced trip to Afghanistan, with photos to prove it.

Well, I am stunned, I can tell you. ......

Re: Over the Top

Post by bmielke »

fortinbras wrote:Casper's posting on FourWinds10 yesterday said that Pres. Obama had been arrested "at the White House". Today we find out from the papers that Obama had spent the weekend on an unannounced trip to Afghanistan, with photos to prove it.

Well, I am stunned, I can tell you. ......
Haven't you ever heard of photoshop?
Deep Knight
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Re: Over the Top

Post by Deep Knight »

Did Casper on Saturday post the stuff he said he didn't post in the Sunday (3/28) update above? Is he re-writing history (well, more than normal)? Strange as it may sound, I have better things to do on the weekend than read Bellringer's anti-Semitic ravings, but if this happened I sure wish I had caught it.
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Re: Over the Top

Post by Deep Knight »

I guess the pictures of him in Afghanistan WERE photoshopped after all, because President Obama was really in China!


While all the developments reported in recent updates were unfolding OBAMA was summoned to CHINA the middle of last week by the Prime Minister of China. The trip to Afghanistan provided the "cover story". The Prime Ministers "order" was delivered by one or more of those from China WE have been discussing recently.

Upon arrival the Prime Ministers orders to OBAMA was that the packs will never be delivered. The sabotage of deliveries recently by those here from China was occurring on orders from the Prime Minister. The reason is because he wants OBAMA to remain in office to follow his orders as China now has total control of all aspects of the U.S. financially. Deliveries would negate this arrangement.

China is demanding top priority over all U.S. grain exports. The P.M. has ordered the closure or severest reduction in Ethanol Plants. Their people are starving and there is an "uprising" going on in China as a result. The people are turning against the Prime Minister as he is bringing destruction and devastation to China.

Obama's stopover in London on the way back to the U.S. was to inform the Euro-Nations about the outcome of the TOP SECRET meeting in China. He told the other nations "TO BUTT THE HELL OUT". Remember, China is Communist. AND SO IS OBAMA.

It goes without saying Obama did not want this out to you or to the World as most folks can recognize TREASON when they see it even if he can not.

The above Intel has been confirmed with contacts in China. Obviously this throws a bright light of explanation upon the recent sabotage of deliveries. WE do not know what will happen next here OR in China. More when possible.

casper 3-30-10

OK, so Casper keeps telling us over and over that the President (Obama, and Bush before that) had sworn the packies would never be delivered and all the various things he's done to assure this, but the Chinese still need a face-to-face to instruct him to do this? Obviously this throws a bright light of explanation upon these bright lights.

At least Casper has the guts to report the famine in China. Someone needs to tell the Chinese about this, because otherwise they would never know!
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Deep Knight
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Re: Over the Top

Post by Deep Knight »

The game Casper's playing is not at all like chess but more like a mixture of liars poker, telephone, and dungeons and dragons.


OPINION: This morning I was thinking about the "Chess Board" and the status of the game now underway.
The BLACK CHESS PIECES look formidable;

Bush Jr.
Both Clintons
Bush Sr. and Barbara
The Illuminati/Globalist/Elitists
The Fed Res
Goldman Sachs
Western Central Banks
ALL major Domestic Banks
Deutsche Bank
The Queen, Phillip, Charles
Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
Rahm Emanuel
The Corporation
U.S. Senate
U.S. House
U.S. Judiciary
Supreme Court
World Court
Several Major Countries
Military Top Brass
Carlyle Group
Lee, Lei, Ying, Ti
Bribed Media, print & broadcast
IRS & Employees
CFR -Trilaterialists, Bilderbergs
Bill Gates
Uninformed Americans
500 on the 'list'
Chinas' Prime Minister
Black Knights and ALL the Rooks

And someone asked, "why so many delays, why can't they get the packs delivered?

Arrayed against this formidable bunch of Traitors, Criminals and 'Neer-do-Wells' are the White Chess Pieces;

informed Americans
most Countries
most Military

No wonder those suckers are shaking in their boots.

casper 3-31-10 opinion

Casper is not only a 'Neer-do-Well' but also a 'Neer-tell-truth.'


Word now arrives the Top Brass in the Pentagon has ordered all packs returned to D.C., they have now arrived back in D.C. and currently reside at the Pentagon.

They are "on the list". They are trying to negotiate their removal from the list and the dropping of the 13 charges against each of them and no Prosecution.

The answer given is no, absolutely not. The packs are being retrieved from the Pentagon right now.

More when possible.

casper 3-31-10 #2

And more was possible! No big deal when you're making it up.


OBAMA and his "Bought and Paid for Generals" are threatening the Military Personel charged with delivery with Court Martials and WE hear, threatening their families.
OBAMA continues to repeat previous statements threatening recipients. "Must have this money". I will get it one way or another". "If I don't --I will see to it recipients don't". etc etc etc...", along with physical harm to recipients.

This is a stalling tactic.
The International Court (not the World Court) i.e. Justices from other Countries, has ordered the deliveries tonight with no harm to recipients.

WE don't know which side has the biggest stick at the moment.

China again Flip Flopping, this time back our way.

Listen up "Good Guys": "Cut the crap and release the list". That will put a stop to all these difficulties.

More when possible.

casper 3-31-10 #3


A question for OBAMA et al.......

When did Freedom Participants sign off on their funds to be used as collateral for the HUGE Health Care Bond you have been trying to float in Switzerland?

Yes he did. First he tried to use future healthcare income to his new Communist Government as collateral (see Story update from last week) but that was rejected. Then he submitted forged signatures of all Freedom Participants as replacement collateral. The Swiss said no.

Then he tells China they must give him the money for the HUGE Healthcare Bond and says he has appropriate signatures from China guaranteeing same. He was told if he had any such signatures they were forged.

Pay attention.

casper 3-31-10 #4

PS: Obama promised Sarkozy a big portion of the funds from the money from China for the health care bond..
Sarkozy needless to say is pissed. That's with a capitol "P".

Casper needless to say is lying. That's with a capital "BS".

Capital has multiple meanings: (1) a city that serves as the seat of government; (2) wealth in the form of money or property; (3) an asset or advantage; (4) a capital letter (the type of letter used at the beginning of a sentence). Capitol refers to the building in which a legislative assembly meets. (Remember that the o in capitol is like the o in the dome of a capitol.)
"Follow the Money"