Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)


Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Harvester »

Wondering why everyone's trying to pull you apart like a piece of fresh meat? Wondering what sort of odd antechamber of hell you've found? Allow me to enlighten.

QUATLOOS is inhabited mostly by members of the legal profession. Ostensibly, they appear to report on, expose, and poke fun of various scams. The true purpose (& great irony) of the site however, is to protect & defend the largest scam in known history. That is, the Income Tax scam as collected by the IRS. A nation with an elastic (fiat) currency needs a method to extract or 'siphon off' excess money to keep inflation in check. For this, the tax works perfectly & deceptively sucks away the wealth of the nation. It works hand in hand with the Federal Reserve system, a private international banking cartel, answerable to no one. Who's behind these scams? Well, that's for you to figure out.

Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.
~Mayer Amschel Rothschild

Quatloosians, aka Quatlosers, run the gamut from hardcore veterans like Famspear all the way to beginners who actually believe the professional liars, who say that we all have "taxable income" and all must "pay your fair share." These social predators use all the tricks to redirect the curious back into the taxpayer pen. These include the known logical fallacies like Ad Hominem, Straw Man, Misconstrue, Redirect, etc. and a few more thrown in for full measure. They're quite humorous to watch really, bereft, mostly liars, some pathological, perhaps even psychopathic but of course, like the IRS, quite harmless when one is armed with the law and the facts. (Quatlosers would do well to bone up on 'fraud' secure in the knowledge their entire site is archived for the day of reckoning.)

The Income Tax is a legal, Constitutional tax applying only to those in the federal zone and those with "income" as described in the Revenue Acts. "Income" is not defined in the Internal Revenue Code (hiding something?) and is certainly not "all that comes in" says the Supreme Court. Most Americans have been bamboozled into paying a tax they never owed. And yes, this means Pete Hendrickson is correct. Never has anyone so succinctly & successfully described the scam as Pete, and why, of course, he & his CtC book are the Quatlosers chief target.

Oh, and GOTFR does not stand for something shouted at the driver in front of you (Get Off The freaking Road)!
Last edited by Harvester on Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by bmielke »

Idiot that I should have left on the ignore list wrote:The Income Tax is a legal, Constitutional tax applying only to those in the federal zone and those with "income" as described in the Revenue Acts.
You are right...

We all live in a Federal Zone it's called the United States, if you don't like it you are free to move to a different country. Personally I will pay my taxes, complain about it, but always make sure my filing is on time and that a professional does it so if it is wrong I have someone to help fix it.
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

Harvester wrote:Wondering why everyone's trying to pull you apart like a piece of fresh meat? Wondering what sort of odd antechamber of hell you've found?
Funny, this never happened to me. I stumbled onto this site when the finance officer at my other job tried to sell me a prepaid gas card... funny the first things out of my mouth were "pyramid scheme". So I typed in the card name and was magically transported to the world of wonder and 23 celestial virgins known as "Quatloos".
QUATLOOS is inhabited mostly by members of the legal profession. Ostensibly, they appear to report on, expose, and poke fun of various scams. The true purpose (& great irony) of the site however, is to protect & defend the largest scam in known history. That is, the Income Tax scam as collected by the IRS.

Bwahahahahahahahahaha! :twisted:

A nation with an elastic (fiat) currency needs a method to extract or 'siphon off' excess money to keep inflation in check. For this, the tax works perfectly & deceptively sucks away the wealth of the nation. It works hand in hand with the Federal Reserve system, a private international banking cartel, answerable to no one other than Congress, the President and the courts. Who's behind these scams? Well, that's for you to figure out.
Bold mine, but I have a sinking feeling that you are going to say that the international Jewish Conspiracy is behind this.
Quatloosians, aka Quatlosers, run the gamut from hardcore veterans like Famspear all the way to beginners who actually believe the professional liars, that we all have "taxable income" and all must "pay your fair share." These social predators use all the tricks to redirect the curious back into the taxpayer pen. These include the known logical fallacies like Ad Hominem, Straw Man, Misconstrue, Redirect, etc. and a few more thrown in for full measure. They're quite humorous to watch really, bereft, mostly liars, some pathological, perhaps even psychopathic but of course, like the IRS, quite harmless when one is armed with the law and the facts.
Why you profiled us better than the FBI... are you with the IJC or Interpol?
Quatlosers would do well to bone up on 'fraud' secure in the knowledge their entire site is archived for the day of reckoning.
Oh no. I think I shat my pants after reading that massive threat.
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Famspear »

"Harvester's" comments should be viewed in context. It appears that Harvester posts as "Nationwide" at the losthorizons web site, and as "johnthetaxist", here: ... endrickson

Harvester (as "johnthetaxist") and I (as "Larry Williams") have been entertaining each other at that web site for months.

He has also posted as "LiveFree" at, here: ...

In short, Harvester is just another delusional member of Hendrickson's Heroes. One of his latest delusions is that something magical happened on March 31st, in connection wth the "Guardians of the Free Republics" nonsense:
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Famspear »

Harvester, aka Nationwide, aka johnthetaxist, etc., has lots of delusions -- or at least he claims to believe things that would indicate a deeply delusional person if he really believes these things. Last summer he didn't see much chance that Pete Hendrickson would be convicted. Now he says that Hendrickson won't be sentenced on April 19 (though he can't seem to come up with a reason why). He claims to think that the IRS will be gone next year. He expresses a lot of pseudo-Christian sentiment, with occasional quotes from scripture. It's hard to say to what extent he really believes the rambling nonsense he writes.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

He probably believes Van Pelt is a genius who is about to become $20M richer. :roll:
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REAL Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by The Operative »

If anyone is contemplating not paying taxes or other types of evasion, consider the following...

There are only four results that can occur if a person decides to follow idiotic tax protester theories:

1. Person does not pay taxes. IRS does not notice or determines the amount is too small to bother. Nothing happens to person and they get to live out their life enjoying benefits that everyone else is paying for. THIS IS RARE.

2. Person does not pay taxes. IRS eventually notices and proceeds to assess penalties and interest to encourage the person to pay what is owed. If the person does not, the IRS can legally levy bank accounts, place liens on property, or even foreclose on property owned by the person. This is much more common.

3. Person does not pay taxes. IRS decides to recommend to the DOJ that criminal charges are pursued. Person luckily is able to convince a jury they were too stupid to know that they had to pay taxes and are acquitted. IRS can legally proceed with all actions described in #2 above.

4. Person does not pay taxes. IRS decides to recommend to the DOJ that criminal charges are pursued. The person is convicted of various tax related charges and spends time in prison. The IRS continues with the civil actions described in #2 above.

Since there are only four results and three of them are bad, does anyone except the delusional believe it is a good idea to not pay taxes? BTW, all of the actions above taken by the IRS and DOJ are legal and Constitutional.
Light travels faster than sound, which is why some people appear bright, until you hear them speak.

Re: REAL Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by bmielke »

The Operative wrote:If anyone is contemplating not paying taxes or other types of evasion, consider the following...

There are only four results that can occur if a person decides to follow idiotic tax protester theories:

1. Person does not pay taxes. IRS does not notice or determines the amount is too small to bother. Nothing happens to person and they get to live out their life enjoying benefits that everyone else is paying for. THIS IS RARE.

2. Person does not pay taxes. IRS eventually notices and proceeds to assess penalties and interest to encourage the person to pay what is owed. If the person does not, the IRS can legally levy bank accounts, place liens on property, or even foreclose on property owned by the person. This is much more common.

3. Person does not pay taxes. IRS decides to recommend to the DOJ that criminal charges are pursued. Person luckily is able to convince a jury they were too stupid to know that they had to pay taxes and are acquitted. IRS can legally proceed with all actions described in #2 above.

4. Person does not pay taxes. IRS decides to recommend to the DOJ that criminal charges are pursued. The person is convicted of various tax related charges and spends time in prison. The IRS continues with the civil actions described in #2 above.

Since there are only four results and three of them are bad, does anyone except the delusional believe it is a good idea to not pay taxes? BTW, all of the actions above taken by the IRS and DOJ are legal and Constitutional.
In my common terms, it's like playing Russian Roulette only your's playing it backwards loading more chambers then not.

Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by silversopp »

Harvester wrote: They're quite humorous to watch really, bereft, mostly liars, some pathological, perhaps even psychopathic but of course, like the IRS, quite harmless when one is armed with the law and the facts.
And your guru Pete Hendrickson was armed with "the law and the facts" and yet the IRS busted him and will be tossing him into prison. You might want to check your premises because you're reaching faulty conclusions.
Quatlosers would do well to bone up on 'fraud' secure in the knowledge their entire site is archived for the day of reckoning.
Sort of like how Pete's site was archived by law enforcement so that they know who has been scamming them. So far, more people on Pete's website have found themselves fined or in prison than the folks here.
Most Americans have been bamboozled into paying a tax they never owed. And yes, this means Pete Hendrickson is correct.
Pete is going to prison. Check your premises, your conclusions are not making any sense whatsoever. If he is correct, why is he going to prison? Or is the goal in your world to end up in prison so tax-payers can support your sad existence?
Never has anyone so succinctly & successfully described the scam as Pete, and why, of course, he & his CtC book are the Quatlosers chief target.
Pete just rehashed old arguments, nothing really new in his book. Did it occur to you, that maybe, just maybe, the people here are offering advice so other people don't end up in the slammer like Pete?

Re: REAL Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by silversopp »

The Operative wrote: 1. Person does not pay taxes. IRS does not notice or determines the amount is too small to bother. Nothing happens to person and they get to live out their life enjoying benefits that everyone else is paying for. THIS IS RARE.
And to do this, you do not need to follow any guru, file certain paperwork, cite magic words, etc. Simply do not file and hope you get lucky. I know someone that had done that for over 15 years and it was never caught until that person's estate was divided up (the person honestly did not know to file). In fact, your odds are actually much better than way. The IRS catches on quickly to the scams as they come out and look for certain paperwork/magic words/etc. And you don't have to worry about idiots like Pete posted your name on a website for the IRS.

But unfortunately, TPs aren't smart enough to go this method. They want to be convinced that they are fighting some epic David vs Goliath battle. They want to grab onto a nugget of information so that they feel they are superior than 99% of the nation.
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

Well lookie here. You've been naughty! Something did happen on the 31st. You sent out letters threatening my legally elected governor. ... mist-group
Tim Pawlenty is among more than 30 governors who’ve received letters from a “sovereign citizens’ extremist group” identified by the FBI as the Guardians of the Free Republics urging him to resign within three days or be removed. Pawlenty confirmed he received the letter, but says he’s unconcerned.
So fess up, how are you planning on removing him?
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Demosthenes »

Tim Turner thinks the military will help with that.


Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by bmielke »

Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:Well lookie here. You've been naughty! Something did happen on the 31st. You sent out letters threatening my legally elected governor. ... mist-group
Tim Pawlenty is among more than 30 governors who’ve received letters from a “sovereign citizens’ extremist group” identified by the FBI as the Guardians of the Free Republics urging him to resign within three days or be removed. Pawlenty confirmed he received the letter, but says he’s unconcerned.
So fess up, how are you planning on removing him?
According to an earlier post in another thread there were only three hold outs, California was one, I don't remember the other two, but I am fairly certain Minnesota wasn't one of them. The rest have resigned.

It's funny that I haven't read about it in any newspaper or seen it on the news... oh well I read it on the internet so it must be true :twisted: ...right?
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Cpt Banjo »

Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:So fess up, how are you planning on removing him?
Too bad Jesse Ventura isn't still Governor. I'd like to see one of these loonies try to remove him.
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

bmielke wrote: According to an earlier post in another thread there were only three hold outs, California was one, I don't remember the other two, but I am fairly certain Minnesota wasn't one of them. The rest have resigned.
Well, T-Paw wants to run for President, so it is best not to anger them lest he lose out when it becomes time for a presidential appointment from the Sovrun Elect-orial Collage.
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit
Evil Squirrel Overlord
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

Cpt Banjo wrote:
Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:So fess up, how are you planning on removing him?
Too bad Jesse Ventura isn't still Governor. I'd like to see one of these loonies try to remove him.
Jesse would train Navy seals and meet them on their own turf. The man is crazy, but we all secretly wish he were back in office. (Just not the braided beard version.)
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit

Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Brandybuck »

Harvester wrote:Quatlosers would do well to bone up on 'fraud' secure in the knowledge their entire site is archived for the day of reckoning.
Is that a threat? It sounds like a threat to me!
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Parvati »

Harvester wrote:who actually believe the professional liars, [who say] that we all have "taxable income" and all must "pay your fair share."
Pay one's fair share? Heaven forefend.
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* * *
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by bmielke »

Brandybuck wrote:
Harvester wrote:Quatlosers would do well to bone up on 'fraud' secure in the knowledge their entire site is archived for the day of reckoning.
Is that a threat? It sounds like a threat to me!
Most pathetic threat I have ever heard, was he even trying?

Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Harvester »

Thank you all for your kind words. I've edited the perceived threat into parenthesis :mrgreen:
To the extent that investigates & exposes scams I have no problem with; in fact I applaud that. But c'mon, the biggest scam in the world is run by the IRS.

'smatter Famspear? I've only provoked a double post and and those are very 'toned-down.' So unusual. Are you feeling OK? Depressed? Cheer up bunkie, there's a great day a comin!!!

For the record, I'm a law-abiding NON-TAXPAYER. Have been for years, with no legal issues.
The truth is out there. And it's comin' home to roost baby. Y'all enjoy your weekend.