Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by LPC »

Nikki wrote:Northern climes could experience 'shrinkage'
Fortunately, those of us in the northern climes have a lot to shrink.
Dan Evans
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by webhick »

LPC wrote:
Nikki wrote:Northern climes could experience 'shrinkage'
Fortunately, those of us in the northern climes have a lot to shrink.
Many objects appear larger than actual size.
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by LPC »

webhick wrote:Many objects appear larger than actual size.
Which reminds me of a joke about why many women are unable to accurately estimate lengths, due to repetitive misinformation about certain common lengths.
Dan Evans
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Tax Man »

Nikki wrote:That could be dnagerous. Northern climes could experience 'shrinkage'


Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Harvester »

chirp . . . . chirp . . . . . chirp

HA! DAN DUDE! I'm sorry, I forgot all about you, the big fat Quatloser himself. OK, I'll give you the condensed version, straight off the top without all the links/quotes, which you can probably pull up quicker than I anyway.

America has a few short-lived experiments with central banking (link) culminating with Andy Jackson kickin 'em out in 1832 with "You are a den of vipers & thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, will rout you out." Also note from 1789 until 1912 $1 buys a steak dinner for two. Yes that's 123 years of no inflation*.

Chap 2. THE INCOME DUTY is born in 1861, repealed w Revenue Act of 1862. A very limited tax that didn't bring in all that much $ anyway. Unpopular. Modified but never repealed; went thru a period of non-enforcement.

Right after the turn of the century, the so-called 'robber barons' & bankers were rakin' in $ hand over fist. Their monopolistic tactics were taking over competitors, causing boom/bust cycles & economic panics. To grasp the kind of wealth we're talkin here, look at their opulent 30+ room mansions along the cliffwalk in Newport RI; then remember these were just their summer homes. As some of that wealth could not have been made without the governments' protective TARIFF (which brought in little in taxes, compared with what it allowed the barons to make), there began some public outcry for these rich people to 'pay up.' At about the same time in 1910, Sen. Aldrich, Andrew, Vanderlip, Davison, Norton, Strong, & Paul Warburg, meet in secret on Jekyll Island to author a banking bill. Woodrow Wilson, who had campaigned on anti-central bank platform, signs that bill into law in 1913, handing over the US monetary system to a private banking cartel of 12 banks deceptively known as the Federal Reserve System. Of course the bankers/barons didn't want their wealth taxed but finally compromised on a sufficiently vague 16th amendment declared ratified the same year. Income at the time generally meant 'unearned income' or interest income and the amendment was sold to the public as getting the rich to "pay their share." In no way was it to tax the average workingmans salary or wages.* Phil Hart's CONSTITUTIONAL INCOME is a great resource here as He gives a thorough analysis of the Congressional Record & newspapers of the day to conclude that the Income Tax did not and does not mean what the IRS would have us believe. By 1936 only 3.9% of the population filed returns.*

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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by The Operative »

Harvester wrote:

I see that your knowledge of history is just as bad as your knowledge of tax law.
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by webhick »

LPC wrote:
Harvester wrote:I can see you will not rest without an answer from me. Unfortunately, I'm headed out the door, but shall return with your answer forthwith.
Still waiting.

And I want to nip your narcissistic delusions in the bud. I'm not reminding you that you haven't yet responded because I really care about your response, but because I'm hoping to shake you from these "your fraud is about to be exposed" and "my word is my bond" delusions.
You forgot "Everything I say is true and accurate just because I believe it's true and accurate" and "Huskies have two different color eyes and David Bowie has two different color eyes therefore David Bowie is a husky." Or whatever. Doesn't really matter anyway. Harvester will probably come back with how funny we all are to him/her and projectile vomit some more.

These trolls are leaving bodily fluids in like every thread on the forum. When they finally wander off to stare at the mirror someone put in their cage, hopefully the smell will dissipate.

ETA: Oh look, he puked again.
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Joe Dirt »

Just when one episode of explosive verbal diarrhea ends, another one begins...

BTW, will this proposed "Big Peter" currency be redeemable in lawful money???
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by LPC »

Harvester wrote:OK, I'll give you the condensed version, straight off the top without all the links/quotes, which you can probably pull up quicker than I anyway.

That's the *condensed* version?

And the condensed version of what? What question are you answering?

My question to you had nothing to do with central banking, but was in response to your claim that my FAQ "containeth much misinformation and deception." Specifically, I said: "If you can point to anything in my FAQ that is incorrect or deceptive, then say what it is and I'll tell you why you're wrong."

So what in my FAQ is incorrect or deceptive?

The answer is that you don't know, because you've never actually read it. You just assume that it is based on misinformation and deception because you read that on Lost Horizons, or because it is reported to disagree with what you believe, but you've never actually read it to find out for yourself, just like you've never checked into what Hendrickson has written to see if it is true. You believe what you want to believe, truth and facts be damned.
Dan Evans
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Pottapaug1938 »


You forgot "Everything I say is true and accurate just because I believe it's true and accurate...."

This falls under Charlie Pierce's Third Great Premise of Idiot America: Fact is that which enough people believe. Truth is determined by how fervently they believe it.
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Famspear »

LPC wrote:Specifically, I said: "If you can point to anything in my FAQ that is incorrect or deceptive, then say what it is and I'll tell you why you're wrong."

So what in my FAQ is incorrect or deceptive?
In all the months I have been interacting with Harvester/Nationwide/johnthetaxist, I have yet to have him respond in any meaningful way. He claims that I am a "decepticon," yet he never points out anything specific that he claims is incorrect. He simply spouts more tax protester rhetoric.

In other words, Harvester is a run-of-the-mill tax protester/tax denier. He has no answers. He has only his emotions and his fervently-held delusional beliefs.

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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by aitchel »

concerning the letter posted at

twenty typewritten pages. The Declaration of Independence said alot more in one handwritten page, including signatures. more is not better, better is better
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Prof »

aitchel wrote:concerning the letter posted at

twenty typewritten pages. The Declaration of Independence said alot more in one handwritten page, including signatures. more is not better, better is better
What a mishmash of bull crap. No understanding at all of the organization of the US, even under the original "republican" forms of the Constitution.
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

You are having a logic attack....I'll spell out how the united States are organized under the Real Constitution .

1 God

2 Jesus who is God, but isn't, but haploid, but maybe not.

3 The De jure Grand Juries (who have complete freedom of movement and are immune from prosecution)

4 State Governments (in good standing with random De jure Grand Juries)

5 The Federal Government including the President (which must be approved by the De jure Grand Juries)

6 Free men and women convened under God (and in good standing with Christian churches aligned with De jure Grand Juries)

7 Protestant Christians who attend church at least 2 times a week.

8 Unaffiliated white "Libertarian" Christians

9 Minority Protestant Christians

10 Minorities

11 Slaves

12 Adulterers, Fornicators, Thieves, Prostitutes

13 Mortgage Bankers, Jews

14 Corporations

15 Satan

16 Monogamous gay men

What a paradise... I can't imagine a place like it. Other than these two: ... %281917%29
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Cpt Banjo »

Famspear wrote:Using my best "Elmer Fudd" impression:

"I'm a baaaaaaaaaaaad boy!"

As a huge fan of old Warner Brothers cartoons, I don't think Fudd ever used this phrase, which originated with Lou Costello on radio. Warners did several cartoons with characters called Babbitt and Catstello (modeled after you-know-who), in which the short, fat one would utter the line. Oddly, in the original cartoon the characters were cats; in later ones they were mice.
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Re: Practical advice for Newbies (Stowaways)

Post by Famspear »

Cpt Banjo wrote:
Famspear wrote:Using my best "Elmer Fudd" impression:

"I'm a baaaaaaaaaaaad boy!"

As a huge fan of old Warner Brothers cartoons, I don't think Fudd ever used this phrase, which originated with Lou Costello on radio. Warners did several cartoons with characters called Babbitt and Catstello (modeled after you-know-who), in which the short, fat one would utter the line. Oddly, in the original cartoon the characters were cats; in later ones they were mice.
Maybe that's what I was thinkin' of.

I do remember this from Elmer Fudd, from one of those "Little Golden Records" (78 rpm) I had when I was a kid back in the mid-1950s:
Oh I wuv the hunting habit,
And I wuv to hunt for wabbit;
I go hunting forw Bugs Bunny ev-wee daayyyyyyy...
I know that he's neaahhh.....
Ev-wee time I heeaah
Thaaaaatt old fah-mihw-yuh ("familiar"):
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