Casper vs. Bellringer

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Casper vs. Bellringer

Post by Deep Knight »

It all started with this opinion piece by Casper.


Today OBAMA is announcing what amounts to the unilateral nuclear disarmament of the United States.

"Going to lead by example" he says. Trouble is no one, not Russia, China, Iran or North Korea are interested in following 'his' example. The question must be asked, "Is disarming the U.S. one more piece of his plan to destroy our country"?

OBAMA will do nothing about Iran 'getting the bomb' except of course, to run his mouth. 'His' sanctions won't amount to a hill of beans as they won't include gasoline. These are Shia (Shiites), Fundamentalist who have stated a dozen times they intend to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. This announcement reverses decades of U.S. policy and was opposed by Obama's Gopher Defense Secretary Gates. No use of Nukes even if the U.S. suffers a massive Biological or Chemical attack. ONE MAN, one extreme left wing ZEALOT, "CHANGING" America in a hundred ways to fit his 'plan' whatever that may be. The question must be asked, "Is Radical Islam obtaining the Bomb also part of Obama's grand plan"?

Have you heard? The American people now identify with the 'Tea Partiers' more so than Obama. 48% to 44% as I recall the news. And 51% of the Tea Partiers are Independents and Democrats, 49% Republicans. Is this a place where we can all 'get together'? They announced three items as their initial "Contract From America" the first being to support the Constitution, another being to kill Cap and Trade Taxation. Great Start Guys, now adopt "The Fair Tax" as part of your platform (eliminates IRS) and make this the 'Centerpiece' of your Domestic Policies under the Constitution. The Tea Partiers are not actually a Political Party, not yet. The danger is in the possibility of being identified as Republicans only. The danger is that if they become a third party and split the vote a la Perot, the radical liberals retain power.

STEELE, the Chairman of the RNC, has been caught spending $2000./taxpayers money in a strip club then playing 'the race card' when caught. CORKER, Republican Senator from Tennessee, WHORED himself out to the 'Pay-Day Loan Companies' protecting their 500% Interest charges on the poorest and most vulnerable among us. What a guy. The Republicans are no better than the Democrats, they are all two bit WHORES. If 60% of the people, a 'landslide' in Politics, refuse to vote for either party we might actually get somewhere in this country. The Tea Partiers have already accomplished the impossible by being more favored than a sitting President and also favored over Congress 47% to 26% (Rassmusen Poll). If announcements result, as anticipated, in the flushing of the CORPORATE TOILET in D.C. new elections will be inevitable. What do you reckon those 'Partiers' could do if they had some serious money behind them?

A new phrase is born describing OBAMA/PELOSI/REID/DEMOCRATIC PARTY better than any other IMO,,,,,"The Date Rape of America".

The Liberals and their MSM pawns are going nuts, absolutely nuts, calling the Tea Partiers every name in the book, insults heaped atop insults. They are even more upset about the 'Restore America' group calling them 'extremist'. "The Sleeping Giant" in Japanese talk, "The Tiger" in Mexican historical language, is awakening and TPTB can't stand it. MIDDLE AMERICA is stirring, rubbing their eyes and asking 'what happened while i was napping"? WE and OTHERS are shouting "WAKE UP, WAKE UP AND LOOK" and pointing to the Cesspool of Corruption that is Washington D.C.. A REVOLUTION is afoot friends and its a big one. The Taste and the Stench of Obama's plans for America are becoming unavoidable.

"MICHELLE says KENYA Obama's Home Country" goes viral on the internet. WE hear, as previously reported, proof of same is in hand.

Remember the Massachusetts Bank Barney Frank arranged the Bailout for? The one where the executives drive Porsche's? Guess who is/was on the Board of Directors? Maxine Waters husband. Two bit WHORES of a feather stick together. You remember Congress Woman Waters don't you? She's the one caught on film at a Democrat Rally shouting "F___ America". And Charlie Rangel? And Alce Hastings (defrocked Florida Judge who became Congressman?) And Jefferson/La..... (cash in freezer) and on and on it goes, White Trash/Black Trash wallowing in the CESSPOOL together.

Sixteen Billion ($16,000,000,000.) Bonuses being paid to Goldman Employees this year. They can afford it what with the tens of Billions of taxpayer funds diverted to them through the AIG Bailout ($182./Billion). Taxpayer Dollars and Debt used by Financial Institution Executives to enrich themselves. The equivalent of TREASON in the Private Sector.

JINTAO will be here on the 22nd. Wouldn't you love to be a 'fly on the wall' for that one.

Which came first 'The Articles of Confederation' or 'The Declaration of Independence'?

casper 4-6-10 opinion

Sounds right-wing enough for me, but not for Muhlhausen, er, Bellringer.

OPEN LETTER TO CASPER by Patrick H. Bellringer

Dear Casper:

Clarification is needed about your apparent support of Zionism in your opinion statements. Many of our Fourwinds readers are questioning your statements in support of Israel and opposing Iran, that are so far out of alignment with the Truth.

Israel is not our greatest ally in the Middle East, as you say. They stole Arab lands, are genociding the people, are a leech of the US, and are the world’s biggest bully with their secret nuclear arsenal. The Israeli Mossad were deeply involved in causing 9/11 (not the Arabs), in terrorist attacks around the world from Spain to London to India; suicide bombings in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan; infiltration of U.S. Government and U.S. military and getting the U.S. to fight their great enemy- Iraq, and now urging U.S. to fight Iran. The Middle East is a powder keg because of Israel.

Iran has no nuclear bombs and no intention of having such, but they have the right to have nuclear for domestic power. Israel has a nuclear arsenal, but under U.S. protection won’t admit it. The Zionists plan to control the world, not just unlawful Israel, the U.S. and Britain. Zionism has infiltrated and presently controls every aspect of our American society and government. We are fighting Zionist Obama and his Cabal to accomplish NESARA and restore America.

Why are you supporting these evil Zionist Illuminati bastards? Throughout history they have been thrown out of every country in which they tried to live, for their evil control of society. They need to be wiped off the face of the earth before Goodness can be restored, along with their Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Truly, they are the most evil of Satan’s warriors.

An explanation of your “opinion statements’ is needed, for your credibility is slipping badly with our readers.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

April 7, 2010

I see, Casper being wrong about "deliveries" over and over again is OK, but not demonizing the Jews, that's over the line.


I didn't intend to open this can of worms. I really didn't. Mid-East Politics, World History, Zionism, 'Who Shot Sam', etc. are such huge subjects and in all honesty, I don't think I am qualified to argue adequately one point of view over another.

My Opinion Piece, at least in my own mind, was directed at Obama and his foreign policy activities which seem to me to corroborate his Marxist domestic policies and his naiveté on any stage, especially the 'world stage'.
It was not an attempt to argue for Zionism or the rightness of the Israeli position in world affairs. To the extent I unthinkingly took a Middle East 'political position' it was against Islamic Fundamentalism rather than for Zionism. Passion's run deep with these subjects, with this geography, with this history, with these peoples and within those around the world who form opinions and 'choose sides' based on religious as well as political points of view. Stepping into such quicksand was an accident and its not the first time I have managed to do so unintentionally. Now that I am waist deep in my self created mess I will attempt to extricate myself as best I can with the following.

When WE reported Obama's secret trip to Beijing a couple of weeks ago with one outcome being China's demand for all U.S. grain production to them to feed their starving peasant population it occurred to me, after the fact, that readers might view that update as an argument against 'saving' these Communist people when that was the furthest thing from my mind. My argument was that Obama is selling out our Country sometimes with Weapons Technology, or Eminent Domain, or, in this instance, U.S. Agricultural Production. I use this as an example of how a seemingly innocuous comment could easily be misinterpreted or have more than one meaning.

The Government of Israel and the people of Israel are two different things. Islamic Fundamentalism and modern Muslim States are two different things. The U.S. is another example. 'We The People' and the D.C. Corporation are two different things. If Israeli Mossad was responsible for 9-11 do you think 'the people' of Israel would support it? Do you think the Jordanian people support the mass murder worldwide by Islamic TERRORIST under way for well over 20 years? Do you think the REVOLUTION now under way in America would be possible if the people supported the Corruption of the Corporation?

The Iranian Government and the Iranian people are two different things. The 'people' are protesting in the streets and being murdered by their Government for doing so. The Government has stated its intentions quite clearly, to destroy Israel. If you were an Israeli Citizen besieged on all sides, attacked constantly sometimes by entire Army's, would you not defend yourself? That's not Zionism, that's self defense.

As for the History and who is right or wrong I am going to try to learn a lesson from this episode and not compound the problem by going there. I will use a different example to make a point.

There are many, Mr. Bellringer included, who believe Jesus did not die on the Cross but was in a trance like state, recovered, went to India, lived a long life and died in Kashmere. True? Untrue? I don't profess to know but what I can say is that Fundamentalism of any stripe or color precludes the consideration of this and many other possibilities (reincarnation, cosmic civilizations, other dimensions, etc.) other than those accepted as fact by the purveyor of a particular Fundamentalist point of view. Picture a Muslim child born to Muslim parents in a Muslim Country rocking back and forth in a Wahabi school memorizing the Quran then a lifetime in Mosque reinforcing his beliefs. What do you think the chances are this MAN will now become a Christian or a Jew? That he will ever accept any point of view other than what he has been taught all his life? Now I ask you, is this MAN a child of God or isn't he? And if he is a true believer in what he has been taught, even Jihad, and sets out to murder as many Infidels as possible, what then? So what is my point? That there is no end to the variety of 'the religious beliefs of man' as reflected in the fact there are more than 2000 types of 'Christian Churches" in the U.S. alone each believing something different enough from the others that they break away and form their own Church. Most religions have their 'Fundamentalist' branches and participants who are intolerant of any other view to the point some are willing to kill you if you disagree with their beliefs. The Taliban is an example. Freedom of thought is at war with Fundamentalism all over the world. Muslim Extremist/Fundamentalist/TERRORIST are at the heart of this conflict all over the world. The West in general and the Israeli people in particular have, IMO. the right to defend themselves against these 'Fundamentalist' murderers. I do not consider this to be Zionist thought or a defense of Zionism, simply common sense.

I once owned a Restaurant. It was written up in the "xxxxxxxMonthly Magazine" as Restaurant of the Month for the entire State of xxxxxxx. My Operations Partner was Iranian. He escaped the existing 'Fundamentalist Regime' along with tens of thousands of other Iranians when the Shah was deposed so I have had the opportunity to learn a little about Iran. Iranians are wonderful people. Americans are wonderful people. Israeli's are wonderful people. It is not "the people" of these Countries but their Governments that are the problem. My view, which you have asked me to clarify, boils down to Freedom vs. Government suppression with Freedom of Religious Thought at the core of this response. We fight in America to rid ourselves of suppressive corrupt Government in our own way as the Iranians do the same in their own way. Before Ahmadinejad there was Hussein in Iraq and the unbelievable horrors visited upon his own people which has nothing to do with the separate question of whether the U.S. should have intervened. Then there is the Taliban and Al-Quaeda and the lives they have destroyed, not American, I refer to the torture and murder of their own people and anyone anywhere who disagrees with them. To my way of thinking it is not necessary that I be a Jew or a Zionist to wish Israel the best in their centuries old fight against these Religious Fanatics as I do sincerely believe they are hell bent on bringing their Terror here unless it is stopped there.

Governments are not people, they are instruments of brute force with competing elitist agendas usually economic in nature. They are "CONTROLLED" by forces greater than themselves, usually Banking and Illuminati interest. Often they are very willing participants and/or pawns of such interest. These Governments are not "the people". Governments with Fundamentalist Religious Agendas are different still and are the most dangerous Governments on earth and to my knowledge the only ones who have publicly stated their desire to wipe out those with different beliefs are the Islamic Fundamentalist Governments. The BUSH DOCTRINE of pre-emption has caused great confusion regarding who is actually exercising their right of 'self defense'. This is extremely unfortunate as the complexities of the Middle East require clarity and co-operation not confusion.

This "intersection" of Political Agendas and Religious Fanaticism in the Middle East makes explanations treacherous in anything less than big book format so I'm sorry I brought it up at all. There are hundreds of thousands of books to choose from and millions of churches and mosque espousing their points of view week after week, century after century.

My opinions have to do primarily with Obama and my view that he is leading our Country off a cliff on all fronts including Mid East Policy. There is plenty of Obama Corruption to write about without getting into this quagmire.

Besides, its "Biblical" and above my pay grade.

casper 4-7-10

I sure hope I never ate at Casper's restaurant.
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Re: Casper vs. Bellringer

Post by texino »

It's pretty damn funny how immovable Bellringer is when it comes to his "Truth." I mean sometimes you are forced to plod around the impenetrable Phoenix Chronicles and other times Pat's got the goods right at hand. Regardless, there always seems to be a Jew in the woodpile.
Why should he care? I mean Jewish people are often quite successful in business because they work hard and forge good relations by keeping their word. Israel is what they consider their ancestral home and they plan to keep it. The Zionists are tough, but they are on our side in an area where we need a foot hold. Sure it would be nice if they played fair with the Palestinians because the possibility of a hot war exists in the Middle East due to this ancient issue. Who knows what the future will hold, but it is quite obvious that brick headed anti- Semites like PBR
can only inflame an already sick situation and need to be muzzled and drowned in a vat of chicken soup.
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Re: Casper vs. Bellringer

Post by Deep Knight »


The Bad Guys had a bad day yesterday in several ways WE can not go into here.

What WE can disclose is that the Carrier (UPS) was bribed again yesterday this time by John Roberts who personally wrote them a Bank of America check. Unfortunately for all involved by the time they got to the Bank the check was no good, the account had been blocked. Meanwhile the packs, which were out for delivery again yesterday, were pulled back into the Court again this morning.

While this was happening overnight, Tiny Tim obtains a check from the QUEEN last night which was subsequently CONFISCATED. Strike three.

As a result of these corrupt activities by ROBERTS WE now hear all other members of the Supreme Court have, this morning, turned against Roberts, that he has been neutralized and the Court has now ordered UPS to deliver the packs by 7 p.m. tonight. UPS has now picked the packs up at the Court.

WE also hear but have not confirmed yet that the Court has also ordered the release of "the list" and announcements to be made ASAP.

casper 4-8-10
The Bad Guys had a bad day yesterday in several ways WE can not go into here.
Yes, a certain bad guy who uses the name "Casper" gathered the ire of another bad guy who uses the name "Bellringer," so that's at least 2. As for Tiny Tim, I'm glad the Queen finally paid him for "Tiptoe through the Tulips" even if she took it back. Either those Socialist taxes or the small detail that he's been dead for 14 years. As for Miss Vicki, I understand she's still around and kicking.

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Re: Casper vs. Bellringer

Post by texino »

I believe Miss Vicki is selling organic potato chips and crystals. Tiny was a guy from the old Folk Days in Greenwich Village and a true expert on American Music. He was able to sing like Bing Crosby and Sinatra as well as his warbling falsetto. I remember him working as a ringmaster for some broken down circus back in the 80s. ( Ringmaster is a good code name.) I know he died while preparing to sing sometime in the 90s, but I didn't feel like going the search a death route.
I always thought he was a pretty neat guy although he did have a major hang up about using the toilet and wore "Depends" throughout his adult life. Too bad he did not get a sponsor deal with them. Tim's mother was Jewish, so I think that makes him an automatic. I might need to check with the dumbbell on that. I'm sure that mule brain has all the stats.
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Re: Casper vs. Bellringer

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:I believe Miss Vicki is selling organic potato chips and crystals. Tiny was a guy from the old Folk Days in Greenwich Village and a true expert on American Music. He was able to sing like Bing Crosby and Sinatra as well as his warbling falsetto. I remember him working as a ringmaster for some broken down circus back in the 80s. ( Ringmaster is a good code name.) I know he died while preparing to sing sometime in the 90s, but I didn't feel like going the search a death route.
I always thought he was a pretty neat guy although he did have a major hang up about using the toilet and wore "Depends" throughout his adult life. Too bad he did not get a sponsor deal with them. Tim's mother was Jewish, so I think that makes him an automatic. I might need to check with the dumbbell on that. I'm sure that mule brain has all the stats.
My wife bought me a "special edition" dvd from the Monterey Pop Festival in '67 that included a disc that had Tiny Tim singing "after hours" at a party in a tent at the festival. I could only stand about 5 minutes of it.

I had heard that he died of a heart attack while singing "Tiptoe through the Tulips" on stage. To my surprise, this turned out to be true!

In September 1996, he suffered a heart attack just as he began singing at a ukulele festival at the Montague Grange Hall (often confused in accounts of the incident with the nearby Montague Bookmill, at which he had recorded a video interview earlier that same day) in Montague, Massachusetts and was hospitalized at the nearby Franklin County Medical Center in Greenfield for approximately three weeks before being discharged with strong admonitions to no longer perform due to his frail health and the difficulty of proper dietary needs for his diabetic and heart conditions. He continued to play concerts despite the warnings that, due to the fragile state of his heart, he could die at any moment. While playing at a Gala Benefit at The Woman's Club of Minneapolis on November 30, 1996, he suffered another heart attack on stage singing the song that started and ended it all, "Tiptoe Through The Tulips". He was led out by his third wife, Susan Marie Gardner ("Miss Sue", whom he had married on August 18, 1995) who asked if he was okay. He responded, "No, I'm not."

He collapsed shortly thereafter and was rushed to Hennepin County Medical Center, where he died after doctors tried to resuscitate him for an hour and fifteen minutes. He is interred in the mausoleum of Lakewood Cemetery in Minneapolis.
One more story. I recorded in this local studio run by his former manager (where the guy made the money to open the studio). He had naked pictures of Miss Vicki on his wall and bragged about having an affair with her while he was representing "Tiny." I figured that anyone who would take advantage of his client like that was simply a jerk, and didn't pursue that contact any further. Then again, I never made it in the music business either...
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Re: Casper vs. Bellringer

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:
texino wrote:I believe Miss Vicki is selling organic potato chips and crystals. Tiny was a guy from the old Folk Days in Greenwich Village and a true expert on American Music. He was able to sing like Bing Crosby and Sinatra as well as his warbling falsetto. I remember him working as a ringmaster for some broken down circus back in the 80s. ( Ringmaster is a good code name.) I know he died while preparing to sing sometime in the 90s, but I didn't feel like going the search a death route.
I always thought he was a pretty neat guy although he did have a major hang up about using the toilet and wore "Depends" throughout his adult life. Too bad he did not get a sponsor deal with them. Tim's mother was Jewish, so I think that makes him an automatic. I might need to check with the dumbbell on that. I'm sure that mule brain has all the stats.
My wife bought me a "special edition" dvd from the Monterey Pop Festival in '67 that included a disc that had Tiny Tim singing "after hours" at a party in a tent at the festival. I could only stand about 5 minutes of it.

I had heard that he died of a heart attack while singing "Tiptoe through the Tulips" on stage. To my surprise, this turned out to be true!

In September 1996, he suffered a heart attack just as he began singing at a ukulele festival at the Montague Grange Hall (often confused in accounts of the incident with the nearby Montague Bookmill, at which he had recorded a video interview earlier that same day) in Montague, Massachusetts and was hospitalized at the nearby Franklin County Medical Center in Greenfield for approximately three weeks before being discharged with strong admonitions to no longer perform due to his frail health and the difficulty of proper dietary needs for his diabetic and heart conditions. He continued to play concerts despite the warnings that, due to the fragile state of his heart, he could die at any moment. While playing at a Gala Benefit at The Woman's Club of Minneapolis on November 30, 1996, he suffered another heart attack on stage singing the song that started and ended it all, "Tiptoe Through The Tulips". He was led out by his third wife, Susan Marie Gardner ("Miss Sue", whom he had married on August 18, 1995) who asked if he was okay. He responded, "No, I'm not."

He collapsed shortly thereafter and was rushed to Hennepin County Medical Center, where he died after doctors tried to resuscitate him for an hour and fifteen minutes. He is interred in the mausoleum of Lakewood Cemetery in Minneapolis.
One more story. I recorded in this local studio run by his former manager (where the guy made the money to open the studio). He had naked pictures of Miss Vicki on his wall and bragged about having an affair with her while he was representing "Tiny." I figured that anyone who would take advantage of his client like that was simply a jerk, and didn't pursue that contact any further. Then again, I never made it in the music business either...
I've got the same Monterey Pop DVD, and I don't think I could stand more than two minutes of Tiny Tim.

Miss Vicki... in January of 1976, I went down to Philly to visit my best friend from high school, as he was finishing up law school. Enroute, I passed a strip club in Camden, NJ which featured Miss Vicki as one of their performers. I chose not to stop and see this celebrity "perform"....
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Re: Casper vs. Bellringer

Post by texino »

"Lots of quotes about Tiny, Miss Vicki, Miss Sue."..

The Q has so many bright folks and quite a few musicians. Maybe we could get a band like the one Stephen King and Dave Barry had with Carl Hiaasen; Warren Zevon was in it too. Oh well, it would be nice to meet up some time.
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Re: Casper vs. Bellringer

Post by Deep Knight »

Forget Tiny and Vicki, meet Judge Tony. Casper, fresh from setting Bellringer off on an anti-Semitic rage (one article, "The International Jew, The World's Foremost Problem") now goes after the real source of the blockage with the roto-rooter of Truth!


If you could choose one Supreme Court Justice to be your neighbor or your friend which one would it be?

Being a Conservative, a believer in the Constitution and the Divine Guidance of our Founding Fathers as they worked to give us a Constitutional Republic you should have no trouble identifying the currently serving Justice I most closely identify with. I have watched all his speeches, lectures and interviews available to me. I would have 'bet the farm' on him if I had a farm. They say 'never trust a Lawyer, a Banker or a Judge'. I believed Scalia was the exception, one of only a handful of people in D.C. with the personal strength, integrity and intellectual capacity to stand up to the Corporate Criminal Enterprise occupying the peoples buildings in Washington while pretending to be their legitimate Government. And for several days this past week I was celebrating my own good judgment as he pretended to be on OUR side conversing with US regularly about the status of events as they unfolded.

It was my Judicial Hero Anthony Scalia who ordered the packs back to D.C. this morning after they were out from Atlanta, where they were located yesterday, for delivery today. He and others have continued to try to access our accounts today while also continuing the never ending attempts to use our accounts as collateral for trades. Needless to say all attempts have failed as he and they surely knew they would leading to the question of the moment, what are they 'actually' doing while using these attempts as cover?

WE became suspicious of 'My Man Scalia' several days ago after catching him lying more than once. At first WE wondered if he was being threatened or blackmailed, whether he might be included in certain films or perhaps his family was in danger such was MY insistence that this man is a Patriot not a Corporate Whore like the rest of them (with one exception on the Court). Given his activities the last couple of days WE called upon the Bunny Rabbit to check, check and recheck. Sure enough the previous "sweeps" missed the account(s) in his name which have now been located. As with the other 135 plus plus plus it does not matter who did the bribing or who did the accepting, he was one or the other or both and he has now been caught.

Better, fellow Patriots, ALL the TURDS go down with the first flush.

"TONY, you S.O.B., I am slapping you across your corrupt face with my glove".

As for the rest of you "justices", save one, your accounts have also 'gone missing' so you can retire broke as you have helped the Corporation do to the American people.

I may be broken hearted right now, sort of like catching your wife in bed with another man, but after catching my breath WE will get back to the business of ordering the Tar and Feathers.

casper 4-18-10 #2

The Casper self-quote above is only the first part of what Casper said to Tony after he found he was stepping out with the KZB (Kayaking Zaftig Bedwetters).
"TONY, you S.O.B., I am slapping you across your corrupt face with my glove. Tell me it hurts, tell me it hurts so good. Ooh, I'm going to access your account and move your packie from place to place, ooh baby. Or would you rather the Bunny Rabbit check, check and recheck you where it matters?"
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Re: Casper vs. Bellringer

Post by Deep Knight »

From: MW
To: Bellringer
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: Casper unaware?
Hello Patrick,
Thank you for pressing the Israel/Iran issue with the Casper/WE folks.

Whatever is happening on the front lines of the NESARA battle (behind the scenes), is of the utmost importance to this last, brief chance at spiritual growth for all of humanity. The complete fall of the dark cabal, will be a glorious opportunity for many souls to learn final, critical lessons! Myself, and many others who read Fourwinds, cannot physically be in the rooms and places where good people are overcoming the dark ones, so we contribute by prayer and offering our "Will" to the defeat of the dark. I have no doubt, NONE WHATEVER, that pure intent by a sufficient number of us would finish the dark cabal (vampires cannot live in light, and light emanates from our "intent")

The dilemma is that I am now reluctant to offer my "Will" in support of those that call themselves Casper/WE. I cannot reconcile a few things about Casper's reply:

1. Casper believes the Iranian President is a "Terrorist". How Casper can even MENTION the word "Terrorist", and NOT ALSO mention Zionists/Israel/USA Corporation in the same sentence, is shocking at a minimum. The Iranian President is a stooge in these evil games, just like Obama, Gordon Brown, and any other Mason/Secret Society controlled leaders. It is who is calling these political leaders moves that matters, and to not see Zionist/Kharazian "Jews" as major 'over seers', is either through woeful ignorance of history, or it is an intentional effort to have us "look elsewhere" for the source the evil. Ignorance when Truth is available, or willfully distorting Truth, are not acceptable to a Truth seeker!

2. Casper states he didn't want to "go there", with respect to Zionism. How can Casper's people be involved in seeing NESARA/deliveries through to completion, without acknowledging the primary "ground troops" who are BLOCKING it? There are other powerful groups and individuals (Vatican, British Monarchy) who contribute to the psychopathic goal of a One World Order, but absolutely NOBODY "in the know" can simply hope to "avoid the Zionist question".

Casper's answers really are not direct or to the point. "Too busy" to get into a subject that, at it's core, is FUNDAMENTAL to why we have not YET seen NESARA announced, is more than suspicious.

I know there are 1000's of good, and real people battling the front lines on behalf of all humanity to see NESARA through to completion. I have no doubt Casper's folks have laid out some accurate and valuable info, but alas I do not now believe we are getting info from a pure, uncorrupted source. Seriously, Iran's President a "Terrorist", while Zionism doesn't even warrant discussion? Oh my, this tells us so much! I am praying tonight that another messenger will come forward soon, to help bring light to what is really happening "behind the curtain". All Truth seekers want to send spiritual support and "intent" to the RIGHT PEOPLE on the front line, and it would sure help if some of them would step forward to help us direct our petitions.

I will continue to read Casper's updates, Poof's weekly, Chris Story's "protect the Queen" diatribes, and others, to look for some nuggets that ring of truth. All of these 'messengers' are saying in some way, "Don't look here, look over there for the real bad guys!". Someone out there will come, soon, with truth about the NESARA play-by-play, and we will know by their words!

Thank you Patrick, for your relentless pursuit of Truth and Light for humanity.

In Love and Infinite Light,


#2 (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: EW
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 12:00 PM

The response of MW, is, on the whole, positive, but, there still is leave for some added words relative to Casper's reports and opinions.
First, in the arena of battle, it is obvious that one cannot hope to prevail over the opposition if one reveals one's game or battle plans to one's opponents. I think that Casper often makes that fact quite clear.
Second is the question as to where the philosophy called Zionism originates. Where did the remnant of the Hebrews, the Judeans and Benjamites, learn about Zionism, and from whom?

Was it not from the Red Robed Priests of Isis who were the King/Priests who ruled Babylon from about 1,500 BC to around 500 BC? Was not the Talmud and the Cabala gained from or originated in Babylon between 580 and 540 BC? At least that is the basis of the re-education into Zionism/Pharisee-ism that we find in the Old Testament.
And, where in the World do we find that the Red Robed Priesthood of Isis has existed since about 300 BC? Has their headquarters not been the 'Hill of Sacrifice' (Vatican) found in Rome - a place that has been made an independent city/state within Rome, Italy?
And, from where does Marxism come? Is it not the 'collectivist' policy of the fascist structure established by Rome and continued into modern times by the Pontiff of Rome's Holy Roman Empire. With all human institutions in that system being made into 'make-believe ships at sea' - incorporated bodies, the philosophy of the administration of a ship at sea is that the ship is primary and the 'crew or team' follows in structural importance. The human crew-members are just useful and replaceable 'body parts' -members, to be administered under the rule of 'good order and discipline on the ship.
According to the research of Michael Tsarion, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers (Rothafels)are Khazarian by blood, but Jesuit by secular Zionist belief. ... ional.html
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Deep Knight
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Re: Casper vs. Bellringer

Post by Deep Knight »

It almost took a month, but Casper and Bellringer have kissed and made up:

This piece written by Casper on this Arbor Day, the last day of April 2010, that he calls “Opinion”, is the most true and concise statement he has ever made to summarize the evil world order that “We the People” face today. Every person, who has bitched about Casper or about his updates, about Fourwinds for positing his updates, about Bellringers for doing the postings and believing in such “crap”, or who has complained about the years of delays in not getting their money, or of “WE” not succeeding in taking down the U.S. Corporate Government and throwing the bastards out of office, needs to have this statement of Truth by Casper crammed down their throat, as food for thought to possibly wake them up to the real world, the real World’s Order, and to the Adversary against whom we fight.

The odds are overwhelming, but we shall prevail, for the Light always prevails and sweeps away the fools into the Dark Night. Victory for “We the People” is at hand! Know it! Believe it! Evil is destroying itself! -- Patrick H. Bellringer
"Follow the Money"