DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by bmielke »

David Merrill wrote:The action is definitely taking a wonderful turn in my favor.
So you didn't get santions or another mental exam? Did the CofA agree to hear your case?
David Merrill wrote:I will fill you in on the foundation only. Remember that BLACKBURN ruled upon One Form of Action.
Ok, but only the basics, my boss looks at me funny when I laugh out loud
I said only the basics! This is dead. to quote myself:
bmielke wrote:Image

Enough Said

I just think this entire thread can and should have been ended with...
04/06/2010 28 ORDER. The Recommendation of United States Magistrate Judge 20 filed 03/15/2010, is APPROVED AND ADOPTED as an order of this court. The objections stated in plaintiffs Objection 27 filed 03/24/2010 are OVERRULED. Plaintiffs Petition for Writ of Enforcement 20 filed 12/28/2009, is DENIED. This action is DISMISSED. By Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 04/06/2010.(sah, ) (Entered: 04/06/2010)
Also I asked
bmielke wrote:What I would be interested in knowing what DMVP's "plans" are for a FEDERAL Judge. Please enlighten us Davey. :twisted:
You going to answer?
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

[quote="David Merrill"]The action is definitely taking a wonderful turn in my favor.

Only in your deluded little mind, Pal. Anyone who thinks that admiralty law has any relevance to the issues presented in your legal fantasies is either soft in the head or actively crazy.
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by The Observer »

UGA Lawdog wrote:I keep wondering why SFB cites to old, outdated laws.
It allows David to pretend that these laws are in effect, it allows him to twist the meaning of the words, and it allows him the to claim that because current law is in opposition to what he has claimed, it means that the government has participated in a conspiracy to undermine the old law. As long as David's victims don't bother to look to see if the law possibly changed, David has free rein to keep pulling the wool over their eyes.
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by notorial dissent »

The reason they are Merrill’s victims, that is of course assuming anything Merrill says is to be believed, is because they are even dumber, more confused, completely clueless, and less in tune with reality than he is. Scary thought one way or another.

Then that, of course, also implies that we believe anything a self confessed fraud and liar is want to say. I mean seriously, he can’t / won’t verify anything he says, we have to take his word for it. His verifiable track record in court is 0 for all, even having lost once to an inanimate object, and then his latest fantasy action laughed at and tossed by both the Magistrate and the Federal Judge, so why should anyone take anything he says as anything other than a fantasy or a flat out lie?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
David Merrill

Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by David Merrill »

notorial dissent wrote:The reason they are Merrill’s victims, that is of course assuming anything Merrill says is to be believed, is because they are even dumber, more confused, completely clueless, and less in tune with reality than he is. Scary thought one way or another.

Then that, of course, also implies that we believe anything a self confessed fraud and liar is want to say. I mean seriously, he can’t / won’t verify anything he says, we have to take his word for it. His verifiable track record in court is 0 for all, even having lost once to an inanimate object, and then his latest fantasy action laughed at and tossed by both the Magistrate and the Federal Judge, so why should anyone take anything he says as anything other than a fantasy or a flat out lie?

You really are a sorry son of a bitch!
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

David Merrill wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:The reason they are Merrill’s victims, that is of course assuming anything Merrill says is to be believed, is because they are even dumber, more confused, completely clueless, and less in tune with reality than he is. Scary thought one way or another.

Then that, of course, also implies that we believe anything a self confessed fraud and liar is want to say. I mean seriously, he can’t / won’t verify anything he says, we have to take his word for it. His verifiable track record in court is 0 for all, even having lost once to an inanimate object, and then his latest fantasy action laughed at and tossed by both the Magistrate and the Federal Judge, so why should anyone take anything he says as anything other than a fantasy or a flat out lie?

You really are a sorry son of a bitch!
You immense blowhard -- is that the best you can do? Rather than respond to any challenges sent your way, you do nothing but duck, evade, distract and bluster; and if all else fails you whine.

You really are a coward... and if you disagree: PROVE ME WRONG. Supply the proof that we all have been asking for; and if you can't or won't, you should just go away, or else you will only embarrass yourself further (oh -- I forgot. You have no shame).
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by Joe Dirt »


Read up a few posts, to the one that Lawdog wrote... why have you not responded to the simple and correct point raised there that you are founding your positions on antiquated state practice?

A lawyer says your application of law is off-base. You say nothing in response. Which of the two of you do you really think I ought to believe?
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

In the Quatloosian Court
Division of the Department of Redundancy Department
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean, presiding

Writ of Enforcement
April 14, 2010

in re: DVMP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Having suffered the inanity of the redundancy herein contained in the above captioned matter, aka 'beating a dead horse' aka 'yet another Van Peltian fantasy' aka 'arguing with the mentally disturbed', and recognizing in such matters that behavior ignored is eventually extinguished, the court hereby orders enablers to pay a penalty of five (5) Quatloos per response made to any post from Van Pelt, said penalty to be withheld from the poster's regular monthly illuminati distribution.

Signed, Judge Roy Bean
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I want to keep my Illuminati distribution, so I guess it's back to "do not feed the boors"....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by bmielke »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:I want to keep my Illuminati distribution, so I guess it's back to "do not feed the boors"....
Agreed, unless my packie comes and then all bets are off.
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by The Observer »

And apparently notorial dissent hit a nerve with David. He isn't taking this Quatloosion assault on his inane theories very well; this is the second time within a couple of weeks that he has snapped or been exceptionally rude in his responses. All of which indicates that David really does know that what he has been spouting has no basis in reality and that he is getting tired of having to constantly defend it.
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by silversopp »

Interesting observation Observer. I have to wonder why he spends so much time posting here. Wouldn't his time be better spent posting on the loony website forums where people dumber than him look up to him as some sort of mental giant? He must get some enjoyment out of being proved wrong over and over again.

Then again, it's probably pointless to try to figure out why someone with a mental illness does what he does.
David Merrill

Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by David Merrill »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
David Merrill wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:The reason they are Merrill’s victims, that is of course assuming anything Merrill says is to be believed, is because they are even dumber, more confused, completely clueless, and less in tune with reality than he is. Scary thought one way or another.

Then that, of course, also implies that we believe anything a self confessed fraud and liar is want to say. I mean seriously, he can’t / won’t verify anything he says, we have to take his word for it. His verifiable track record in court is 0 for all, even having lost once to an inanimate object, and then his latest fantasy action laughed at and tossed by both the Magistrate and the Federal Judge, so why should anyone take anything he says as anything other than a fantasy or a flat out lie?

You really are a sorry son of a bitch!
You immense blowhard -- is that the best you can do? Rather than respond to any challenges sent your way, you do nothing but duck, evade, distract and bluster; and if all else fails you whine.

You really are a coward... and if you disagree: PROVE ME WRONG. Supply the proof that we all have been asking for; and if you can't or won't, you should just go away, or else you will only embarrass yourself further (oh -- I forgot. You have no shame).

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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by The Observer »

Well, I hesitate to say that David has a mental illness. I am confident in saying that David has an enormous ego which probably indicates that he has a narcisstic attitude. Whether that has progressed to the point that he has lost all touch with reality is not for me to say since I am neither psychologist or psychiatrist. As humans, we all have the ability (and use it, more's the pity) to shut out the ugly truth and keep believing what we want to believe. David is just more adept at keeping his "truths" in the forefront of his activity. It appears to me that David holds onto his sovereign myths because he believes it gives him the appearance of being a leader, a sage, a person to look up to - hence his involvement with Sui. It is there that he gets the attention/adoration that he craves. It also allows him to troll for money among the idiots there who are willing to pay for what they want to believe.

His coming to Quatloos serves two purposes for him. One is that it allows him to claim that he is taking on the "beast" that attacks the sovereignity movement, thus justifying his claim to being a leader/sage. The other reason is that he gets attention here as well. Granted, it's negative attention, but that is better than no attention at all in a narcissist's world.

The other reason I don't want to claim that David is mentally ill is because of his recent bad temper displays. I think it shows David's frustration with his life and how it has turned out. If it were true that he physically assaulted his elderly mother, it would go a long ways to substantiating his frustration and inner anger and reluctance to admit that he is wrong.

Most elder abuse occurs due to the fact that assaulter is actually financially and emotionally dependent on the elder parent. Since the parent has the control, the offspring develops a resentment of the situation and starts blaming the parent for their own predicament. The resentment and anger builds over time with the child trying to dominate and intimidate the parent into surrendering control over house, income, accounts, vehicles, etc. Eventually the child snaps and begins physically and/or mentally abusing the elderly parent.
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by Joe Dirt »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:In the Quatloosian Court
Division of the Department of Redundancy Department
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean, presiding

Writ of Enforcement
April 14, 2010

in re: DVMP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Having suffered the inanity of the redundancy herein contained in the above captioned matter, aka 'beating a dead horse' aka 'yet another Van Peltian fantasy' aka 'arguing with the mentally disturbed', and recognizing in such matters that behavior ignored is eventually extinguished, the court hereby orders enablers to pay a penalty of five (5) Quatloos per response made to any post from Van Pelt, said penalty to be withheld from the poster's regular monthly illuminati distribution.

Signed, Judge Roy Bean

How many Quatloos would it cost me to convey the message to David that he ought pound sand into his sorry arse using a wet sneaker?
If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably a wise investment.

Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by bmielke »

Joe Dirt wrote:
Judge Roy Bean wrote:In the Quatloosian Court
Division of the Department of Redundancy Department
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean, presiding

Writ of Enforcement
April 14, 2010

in re: DVMP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Having suffered the inanity of the redundancy herein contained in the above captioned matter, aka 'beating a dead horse' aka 'yet another Van Peltian fantasy' aka 'arguing with the mentally disturbed', and recognizing in such matters that behavior ignored is eventually extinguished, the court hereby orders enablers to pay a penalty of five (5) Quatloos per response made to any post from Van Pelt, said penalty to be withheld from the poster's regular monthly illuminati distribution.

Signed, Judge Roy Bean

How many Quatloos would it cost me to convey the message to David that he ought pound sand into his sorry arse using a wet sneaker?
I think that request was supposed to be made in chambers

Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by Brandybuck »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:I want to keep my Illuminati distribution, so I guess it's back to "do not feed the boors"....
Don't forget how long it took to build up that downline. You wouldn't want to have to start all over again.
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by The Observer »

UGA Lawdog wrote:A person can be mentally ill and not out of touch with reality. For example, someone with OCD will engage in repetitive behavior patterns, but they don't suffer from hallucinations.
And I may be mixing up definitions and misunderstanding exactly what the definition of mental illness is. But I suspect that someone who suffers from OCD may still be able to stand trial and understand what is going on.
In any case, the psychologist who assessed SFB didn't seem to have any doubt he suffered from some type of psychosis which made him incompetent to stand trial.
And yet wasn't there another doctor who rendered a diagnosis that David was mentally competent and able to stand trial? It is this type of contradiction that shows we don't always have a clear understanding of how people mentally function. In any event I personally (not professionally, for obvious reasons) do not believe that narcissism means a person is mentally ill.
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by cynicalflyer »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: You immense blowhard -- is that the best you can do? Rather than respond to any challenges sent your way, you do nothing but duck, evade, distract and bluster; and if all else fails you whine.

You really are a coward... and if you disagree: PROVE ME WRONG. Supply the proof that we all have been asking for; and if you can't or won't, you should just go away, or else you will only embarrass yourself further (oh -- I forgot. You have no shame).
In lieu of feeding the troll, what about every time he posts, the sole, single, only response is to moderator-move it to a topic called "Yet another post where DMVP will not provide a verifiable instance where his insane rantings actually worked." He's not banned, he can post all he wants, but he won't get the attention he wants until he actually provides a shred of proof.
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" IV

Post by The Observer »

Ok, I was under the impression that there was a court record showing that David had received another evaluation from another psychologist. But if it was David claiming so, then all bets are off.
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