TP gets published in the Clare County Cleaver!

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Grand Exalted Keeper of Esoterica
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TP gets published in the Clare County Cleaver!

Post by Demosthenes »



May 25, 2007

We’re now on the march. Keep on keeping on.


Based upon feedback and our best estimates you have plastered Washington with over 50,000 letters and at least an equivalent number of emails. Keeping those letters pelting away at their window is important.

Many letter writing campaigns have come and gone and the pols have figured out that if they simply ignore them those writing them will tire, give up and go away. They have learned that all they have to do is crouch down in their foxholes and wait the storm out. We have to let them know that this storm is not going away and they might as well come on out and deal with it.

But that is not going to happen quickly, it’s going to take months. So, the key to success is to keep on sending the letters. Keep on demanding a stop to the big lie. Keep on relentlessly enough to let them know that doing nothing is not going to work this time.

You also have to add to what you are doing by getting your family, friends and neighbors involved and writing letters. Most letter writing campaigns begin to taper off after a month or two, but by continuing to write and demand and by adding new letter writers every week we will not taper off. We will, instead, let them know that this is a growing, not a going, effort.



A number of folks have written us, saying they are hesitant to provide so much information and wondering why we need to know who and where they are. That is a legitimate question and we’ll try to provide a legitimate answer.

While individuals, working alone, can do some things, there are a lot of activities that TA will be doing that are going to require us to work together, as a team, and often in large numbers. We cannot work together if we are anonymous and don’t know who we are. You may have five Patriots living on your block and no way of knowing.

Once we have our database refined enough and with enough information to work with we will be sending each of you a list of fellow T-Troopers in your area. This will allow you to contact each other, to meet, plan and carry out TA activities together.

We realize that there is safety in anonymity, but we also realize that we have to be willing to stand up and talk to the world at large if the world is going to hear our message. We have to come out of hiding, and by coming out of hiding in numbers, together, we can replace the safety of anonymity with the safety of numbers.

Refusing to file or filing in a particular way was our only singular way to fight, a way that has placed many of us in harm’s way, facing the beast alone. But by acting together and exercising our freedom of speech, instead, we are neither alone nor in harm’s way. And we’re actually doing something that will work.

The public’s learning the truth is the IRS’s greatest and most mortal fear. Make them afraid . . . very afraid.

There are those who are too meek to step up, but this is not a mission for the timid. The future of our country and of our children and grandchildren is at stake. Let the timid and frightened stand aside while we take the beast to task, and let the bold and the true step forward, make themselves known to each other and create a political force to be reckoned with.


Aside from the many thousands of letters hitting D.C. we have been assembling a list of “beatings in progress”, Hot Spots on the web site, and that list of criminal and civil cases the IRS is pursuing will be posted this coming week. We are also getting news of seminars and other activities and they will also be posted this coming week under Schedule of Events on the site. Be sure to check those pages for activities close enough for you to participate.

We have also heard from a number of lawyers in the community and a number of PR and internet experts. The PR Troopers are preparing news articles to submit to their network of newspapers and radio/television outlets. Your letters to the editor and copies of demand letters to your paper are also being published. Ernest Brown reports that his initial demand letter was published by the Clare County Cleaver in Michigan . WTG, Ern! Help watch for these news items and let us know when you see one.

One video and computer animation expert has offered his skills and his state of the art production studio for TA’s use, free of charge, to produce videos for blogging and for email forwards. Some will be inspirational and some will be hilarious, but all will be the kind that get forwarded and spread around the internet.

Tom Cryer’s video telling the truth about the income tax law, has been posted on You Tube and in a little over a week it has earned a five star rating and has been viewed over two thousand times. Check out all four segments at

Speaking of Tom Cryer, his trial is set for July 9, 2007, in Shreveport, LA, and TA wants to not only fill the courtroom every day of the trial, but wants to field a host of demonstrators admonishing the court and the government to honor the law and telling all in the Shreveport area about the big lie. Local television news coverage is certain.

The contact and coordinator for both the courtroom fill and the demonstration is Gary Thomason, Let him know which days you can participate.

So, as you can see, a lot is happening. Some will be apparent soon and other efforts may not break ground for awhile, but the seeds are germinating.


In these times of the internet onward and upward is achieved by forward and forward. So forward this update out to all you know. Those who are aware need to know to join us in this nationwide cause to make the Truth known and the lie exposed. Those who are not aware need to know there is an issue and that they can learn the truth at


TA needs to know of each and every IRS civil and criminal proceeding (“Hot Spots”) in the country. If you know of any proceedings, please obtain the following details:

Name of the proceeding ( U.S. v. Vic Tum)

Court (Lower District of Elbonia)

And mail it to This will allow us to include the proceeding in the “Hot Spots” page to alert T-Troopers in the area of the next court date for courtroom fills and demonstrations.
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Post by The Observer »

"Beatings in progress?" Is this the quality of spin we can expect from Truth Attack?
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by Quixote »

A number of folks have written us, saying they are hesitant to provide so much information and wondering why we need to know who and where they are. That is a legitimate question and we’ll try to provide a legitimate answer.
Complete mailing lists are more valuable in plea bargains?

Truth Attack is an IRS sting operation to generate lists of taxpayers with high audit potential?
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
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Post by Demosthenes »

Quixote wrote:Complete mailing lists are more valuable in plea bargains?
As several recent TP promoter plea bargains have shown, crime pays, but information pays better.

Post by Kimokeo »

50,000 letters. That means 50,000 postage stamps.

Do they realize that every letter they mail funds that which they call the "beast"?
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Post by webhick »

Kimokeo wrote:50,000 letters. That means 50,000 postage stamps.

Do they realize that every letter they mail funds that which they call the "beast"?
Yeah, since we all know that the postage rates are like a fantasy. Letters cost a lot less than $0.41 to mail, and packages cost a lot more than charged to mail. So, if they really wanted to buck the system, they'd be sending packages that weighed just under the limit. Or load up a flat-rate envelope as much as the requirements will let you.

Or DHL/UPS/Fedex it. Then you'd get a signature at no cost which you could then delude yourself into believing (and consequently trying to use in court) that signatory acceptance of the letter entered the recipient into a legally binding agreement to stop the big lie. This would also delude you into thinking that your numbers were growing and soon everyone would be on your side. Its fun to play TP. :)
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Post by Quixote »

From the Report the News form on the Clare County Cleaver's website. I assume Ernest Brown's demand letter was in good taste and free of vulgarity, discriminative content and anything deemed distasteful.
This page is a new feature added to the many services that we provide and can only be found here on the Cleaver website. This feature is added for additional convenience of our readers and those who submit articles of interest or community happenings. All submissions will be viewed & reviewed by the editor prior to their publication in the coming issue of the paper. Submissions must be in good taste & free of vulgarity, discriminative content and anything deemed distasteful. Otherwise the submission will be discarded without notice to the submitter. Feel free to use this resource to send anything from small notices of events & happenings or Buck Tale like messages, human interest stories, birth announcements and so on. Additionally if you feel the need to send your Letter to the Editor through this website you can use this page, but remember that we'll need your full name and telephone number or way of contacting you before it is even considered for publications. Contact information will not be published, unless requested, and is used only for verification. If you would like your name used on your submission click "Yes" for By Line, below. Letters to The Editor will have name listed regardless or your selection.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat