Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by LPC »

There are some other things from Hendrickson's sentencing memorandum that I find amazing.
Cedrone/Hendrickson wrote:First, the conduct underlying Mr. Hendrickson's conviction resulted in little or no actual tax loss. The Probation Department, at the Government's urging, has calculated the sentencing guidelines on a half-hearted "intended loss" theory premised on inaccurate assumptions and a lack of evidentiary support.
As the government points out, the sentencing guidelines specifically refer to the *intended* tax loss, not the actual tax loss.

Hendrickson filed tax returns claiming refunds. He can't now claim he didn't intend to get a refund. That's ridiculous.
Cedrone/Hendrickson wrote:Unlike a "typical" tax case, this case involves no "misrepresented facts."3 Mr. Hendrickson hid nothing from the Government.
Except his income. He filed FALSE returns, with numbers on them that weren't true.

Footnote 3 states:
Cedrone/Hendrickson wrote:The Government argues that Mr. Hendrickson's statement that he received no wages from Personnel Management, Inc. constitutes a misrepresentation. This is not a misrepresentation of fact as commonly understood. Mr. Hendrickson's statements, however, represent only his view concerning certain legal conclusions.
Hendrickson presented his "legal conclusions" as though they were facts and hid the true facts from the government by failing to disclose the amounts received from Personnel Management. The jury found that the falsity of the returns was willful. That's the end of the matter.

Then there's footnote 4:
Cedrone/Hendrickson wrote:Nonetheless, in light of the absence of evidence concerning the characterization of the remuneration paid, it remains impossible to determine tax loss and, consequently, this case should be treated as a zero tax loss case having a corresponding base offense level of"6."
What? The jury found beyond a reasonable doubt that the returns were false, and they're now claiming that there was NO evidence that Hendrickson ever received any wages? Are they out of their minds?
Cedrone/Hendrickson wrote:Mr. Hendrickson is considered by those who know him best to be a man of great integrity.
His old friend Scott Scarborough would beg to differ, as would many of the lemmings who have asked for help dealing with frivolous return penalties and other actions by the IRS and have been banned from Lost Horizons for their questions.
Cedrone/Hendrickson wrote:Regardless of whether one agrees with Mr. Hendrickson's ultimate conclusions on this issue (remuneration paid for non-federally-connected conduct does not constitute wages as defined under the Internal Revenue Code) or any other conclusion set forth in "Cracking the Code," it cannot be credibly dispute that Mr. Hendrickson's conclusions are based on thorough and detailed analysis of the Internal Revenue Code, Internal Service Regulations, and case law interpreting both.
The 12 jurors who found him guilty of filing false tax returns would beg to differ.
Cedrone/Hendrickson wrote:Nowhere in "Cracking the Code" does Mr. Hendrickson subscribe to or advocate that the federal income tax is unconstitutional.
Nonsense. Like Larken Rose, Irwin Schiff, and other nuts who preceded him, Hendrickson believes that the federal income tax is unconstitutional as applied, and constitutional "as written" only because they distort the meaning of the tax law as written.

But wait, there's more. Hendrickson once again trots out his "the refunds show I'm right" argument:
Cedrone/Hendrickson wrote:Mr. Hendrickson's belief on the very narrow point at issue in this case, i.e., the characterization of remuneration paid to him by Personnel Management, Inc., is supported not only by his analysis, but also, to some extent, by government action or inaction. For example, on four (4) separate occasions, the United States commenced summons enforcement proceedings in connection with whether "Cracking the Code" constituted an abusive tax shelter. All four (4) of those matters were ultimately dismissed by the Government.8 Additionally, until April, 2006, when the United States commenced a civil action captioned at United States v. Peter and Doreen Hendrickson, (E.D.MI. Docket No. 00-CV-11753) the United States had not taken any affirmative steps to impede or interfere with Mr. Hendrickson's personal implementation of his studied views set forth in "Cracking the Code." Finally, as the Court knows, in managing his website:, Mr. Hendrickson routinely received information concerning refunds paid by the Government to individuals based upon positions taken in "Cracking the Code." Some of those who have successfully implemented positions articulated by Mr. Hendrickson in "Cracking the Code" and/or on his website include lawyers and accountants. Attached hereto as Exhibit "B" are copies of correspondence from several lawyers and accountants confirming not only their adherence to and implementation of "Cracking the Code" based positions, but also confirming that the Internal Revenue Service responded favorably. The fact that lawyers and accountants have considered, used and, to some extent, successfully employed, "Cracking the Code" based theories supports Mr. Hendrickson's believe [sic] in his positions.
Footnote 8 is also outrageous:
Cedrone/Hendrickson wrote:8 The legal implication of these dismissals and whether they have any "binding effect" on the issues presented in this case are not necessarily relevant to sentencing.
What possible "binding effect" could be read into withdrawals of petitions to enforce administrative summonses? This is the same kind of crap Hendrickson puts on his website, and he found a lawyer to sign it?
Cedrone/Hendrickson wrote:First and foremost, Mr. Hendrickson asserts there exists no tax loss because he received no earnings from the conduct of federally excised taxable activities, regardless of whether sourced from Personnel Management, Inc. or elsewhere.
If this were a civil case, Cedrone would be sanctioned for this kind of crap.

I think that, taken as a whole, this memorandum is more likely to anger the judge and reinforce the need for an upward departure than produce any positive result.
Dan Evans
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by Dr. Caligari »

I think that, taken as a whole, this memorandum is more likely to anger the judge and reinforce the need for an upward departure than produce any positive result.
I agree 100%. He as much as says he is going to continue filing "CTC-educated" returns and encouraging others to do so.
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by Demosthenes »

LPC wrote:I think that, taken as a whole, this memorandum is more likely to anger the judge and reinforce the need for an upward departure than produce any positive result.
I agree 100% which is why I think it's a fabulous memo.
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by LPC »

Another gem from Hendrickson's memorandum:
Hendrickson/Cedrone wrote:The concept of tax loss, at least as applied in this case, requires a determination of subjective intent not addressed by the jury. Since Mr. Hendrickson sincerely believes that his remuneration does not constitute wages, he did not intend to cause a tax loss. Instead, Mr. Hendrickson simply filed personal income returns (Forms-1040) and Forms-4852 to reflect his view that the remuneration paid to him by Personnel Management, Inc. (which Personnel Management, Inc. declared to be wages) does not constitute income subject to tax.

In light of this, there is no tax loss at issue in this case.
This argument is incomprehensible to me. The jury looked at Hendrickson's subjective intent and found beyond a reasonable doubt that he willfully filed tax returns that were knowingly false, so there was a determination of subjective intent by the jury. Are they arguing that the jury was wrong? Or are they arguing that it's necessary to show that Hendrickson specifically intended to cause a "tax loss" that means something different from what everyone else thinks "tax loss" means?

Going back to the first page of the memorandum:
Hendrickson/Cedrone wrote:As the Court knows, through post-verdict motions, Mr. Hendrickson takes umbrage with the jury's verdict and the manner in which the case was submitted to the jury. Mr. Hendrickson will not use this Sentencing Memorandum as a vehicle to reiterate/regurgitate his arguments concerning the invalidity of the conviction.
And yet that's exactly what the memorandum does. It simply repeats over and over again that (a) Hendrickson was right in believing that he didn't receive "wages" and (b) even if he was wrong, it was an honest mistake because he had a good faith belief and the jury was wrong to convict him. So the memorandum is dishonest right from the beginning.

I hope that the judge takes umbrage with this kind of dishonesty and acts on his umbrage.
Dan Evans
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by LPC »

Famspear wrote:
1. The Government will no doubt label Mr. Hendrickson's persistence concerning his innocence as recalcitrance. Undersigned counsel, however, sees it as refreshing and honest resolve to principle.

(bolding added).

Perhaps a minor point, but the last sentence borders on an inappropriate expression of the personal opinion of legal counsel -- in my personal opinion. In a matter before a court, I consider it inappropriate for an officer of the court to express his or her own personal opinion to the court, to the jury, etc., about the merits of the case.
I'm really more bothered by the misrepresentations of law and fact in the memo than in the relatively minor expression of a personal opinion.

Also, the comment seems like less of a personal endorsement than a suggestion of another possible point of view, which is certainly acceptable.

And it's addressed to the court and not a jury, which I think makes a difference.

All things considered, that particular footnote is probably one of the least objectionable things about the memo.
Dan Evans
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by Gregg »

copies of correspondence from several lawyers and accountants
Let me guess..

Orly Taitz and Sherry Peel Jackson?
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by Dr. Caligari »

I would love to read the transcript of the sentencing. I'll bet it's going to be a doozy.
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by wserra »

Exhibit K to the govt sentencing memo is a Hendrickson flyer that I don't remember having seen before. It is Pete's inimitable take on Judge Edmonds' order that the Hendricksons stop breaking the law, and the Sixth Circuit's affirmance of that order.

Judge Rosen is really going to like this one. I don't think Pete could do any more to himself if he dropped trow and mooned the Court on Monday.

I predict an upward departure. Sixty months.
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by Demosthenes »

wserra wrote:Exhibit K to the govt sentencing memo is a Hendrickson flyer that I don't remember having seen before.
The cartoon has been a regular fixture on Pete's newsletter.
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

LPC wrote:...
If this were a civil case, Cedrone would be sanctioned for this kind of crap.
Agreed. But I'm not sure he can't be. He's willfully thumbing his nose at not only the jury's decision but putting his client at risk of an upward departure. It's the "let's see if I can really piss off the Judge" ploy. I don't think I've heard of a case where that makes an appeal go any easier.
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by LPC »

Hendrickson also took time out of his busy schedule to post a "mid-edition" update to his newsletter on April 16.

He might be hauled away in handcuffs on April 19, but at least his web pages will be up to date.

And he's going to do down swinging. Down, for sure, but still swinging.
Dan Evans
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by Imalawman »

LPC wrote:Hendrickson also took time out of his busy schedule to post a "mid-edition" update to his newsletter on April 16.

He might be hauled away in handcuffs on April 19, but at least his web pages will be up to date.

And he's going to do down swinging. Down, for sure, but still swinging.
That's for sure - he's not backing off at all. This makes me think he's in denial about the amount of hard jail time he's facing. I think Pete's got an extraordinary ego and inferiority complex. I think mentally, he's probably not able to accept the fact that he's wrong. I predict a mental breakdown before he ever admits that he was wrong about his interpretation. The more he suffers, the more he will be convinced he's right.
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Imalawman wrote:
LPC wrote:Hendrickson also took time out of his busy schedule to post a "mid-edition" update to his newsletter on April 16.

He might be hauled away in handcuffs on April 19, but at least his web pages will be up to date.

And he's going to do down swinging. Down, for sure, but still swinging.
That's for sure - he's not backing off at all. This makes me think he's in denial about the amount of hard jail time he's facing. I think Pete's got an extraordinary ego and inferiority complex. I think mentally, he's probably not able to accept the fact that he's wrong. I predict a mental breakdown before he ever admits that he was wrong about his interpretation. The more he suffers, the more he will be convinced he's right.
He almost HAS to have a mental breakdown if he realizes that he's been pushing a colossal pile of bovine fertilizer on us for all these years. If I ever found out that I were so spectacularly, colossally, and publicly wrong, for so many years, about points of law which are so correctly understood by the vast majority of people, I'd have a mental breakdown, myself.
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by bmielke »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:He almost HAS to have a mental breakdown if he realizes that he's been pushing a colossal pile of bovine fertilizer on us for all these years. If I ever found out that I were so spectacularly, colossally, and publicly wrong, for so many years, about points of law which are so correctly understood by the vast majority of people, I'd have a mental breakdown, myself.
I have been living with the assumption that he had a mental breakdown to begin with. First he attempts to bomb a post office, then he spends sometime in the grey bar hotel, comes out rights a book that is apparently believable and at the same time crazy. Then he gets sued a bunch of times and goes through a second criminal trial. Most normal folks would have realized they were wrong after the first civil suit.
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by LPC »

bmielke wrote:Most normal folks would have realized they were wrong after the first civil suit.
And there ain't no education in the second kick of a mule.
Dan Evans
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by Harvester »

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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Harvester... here's something your mother should have taught you at a tender age: Just because it's written in a book does not make it true.
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

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CrackHead wrote:Pete is right. You are wrong.
PH is a twice-convicted federal felon. He's lost every single federal court action he's ever been involved in, civil and criminal, at trial and at every appellate level. There is a 99.9999999% chance that he will continue to do so. What does that make you?
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by LPC »

Harvester wrote:Pete is right. You are wrong.
Prove it. Just you saying so doesn't make it true. Provide objective, verifiable evidence that Pete is right.
And Pete saying he is right doesn't make him right either.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Pete's Sentencing Memorandum

Post by Nikki »

The only way Pete will be "right" is if he dies before exhausting his appeals.