What are the chances???

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Re: What are the chances???

Post by LPC »

Harvester wrote:No Mister psychopathic liar Famspear, there are dozens of Supreme Court cases which support Hendrickson's premise.
Name one.
Harvester wrote:Several of them cited in Hendrickson's book.
Good, then it should be easy for you to find one and provide the name of it here.

Pick the best one. The one that you think provides the strongest support for Hendrickson's premise.
Harvester wrote:LPC, while I may live within the united States,
That's a startling admission right there.
Harvester wrote:I do not live in a United States condo, and therefore don't owe united States user/pool fees. And no one in my association has pool-related income.
It's your metaphor (or allegory). You don't like it any more?

Or do you really not understand the concept of a metaphor?

Just for the record, moron, what I wrote was "think of the United States as a condo association...." I never said that the United States *was* a condo association, and I never said that you lived in a condo that was literally owned by the United States government. Under those circumstances, for you to respond by saying that "while I may live within the united States, I do not live in a United States condo" is either amazingly stupid or incredibly dishonest, because you are either demonstrating that you don't understand how metaphors work (and so don't understand that you are contradicting yourself) or you demonstrating that you are willing to switch back and forth between the metaphorical and the literal as it suits your purposes, with no intent whatsoever to be honest or consistent in any way.

My guess is that it's a little bit of both. You're too stupid to understand the full meaning of what you write, and too intellectually dishonest to admit to the meanings you actually do understand.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
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Re: What are the chances???

Post by Famspear »

No, Harvester/Nationwide/johnthetaxist, Hendrickson has never cited any U.S. Supreme Court case, or any other federal court case, that supports his goofy arguments. Indeed, there are no such court cases.
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Re: What are the chances???

Post by Duke2Earl »

Harvester wrote:I legally pay no income tax
In short, unless your income is under the legal limits... you are wrong.... no matter what Hendrickson says.
My choice early in life was to either be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politican. And to tell the truth there's hardly any difference.

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Re: What are the chances???

Post by Number Six »

All it will take is a federal or state tax official to get interested in Harvester's case. What ever his occupation is (highwayman, brigand, blogger, nickel can collector?) is still subject to the law, maybe not the law that he recognizes, but the law that cops, homeland security, and the intelligence agencies enforce. They know where you are, sir. The unfiled taxes are increasing exponentially.
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Re: What are the chances???

Post by Famspear »

Harvester wrote:No Mister psychopathic liar Famspear....
Harvester, one of the characteristics of people like you that I have noticed over the years is that you like to throw out epithets -- without providing any evidence that the epithet really applies to the person you are attacking.

No, I am not a "liar." And you, Harvester, have never made any reasonable effort to identify any supposed "lie" I have told. You simply use terms like "liar" to express your frustration, your emotion. When you use epithets in this way, you show your impotence.

But you, Harvester, are a liar. And I will give an example.

In referring to Hendrickson's sentencing on Monday by a federal judge, you wrote:
The bankers pulled out all the stops to ensure a victory here, including:

1) buy off a federal judge (what do they go for these days?)
Your statement is not merely a statement of your opinion, Harvester. Further, you have absolutely no evidence that the judge in Hendrickson's case was "bought" by "bankers" or by anone else. You're just angry and frustrated because you don't like the result in this case. Therefore, your statement is a bald-faced lie, and you know you are lying. You are a liar, Harvester/Nationwide/johnthetaxist.

No, I am not "psychopathic." I don't know for sure whether you are or not, Harvester, so I'll reserve judgment on that point.

I do know that, based on your own admissions about your own behavior, you are a criminal, Harvester.

So, get something straight, jerk. Calling me names like "liar" gets you nowhere. If you're going to use an epithet like the terms "liar" or "psychopathic", then back up what you say.

I do not respect people like you, Harvester, because you don't back up what you say. You just say things because you're angry and emotional.

You've been called several times on this, Harvester. You have yet to come up with a case where the Supreme Court has ruled the way Hendrickson claims the Court ruled. You have yet to come up with one example where Dan Evans' Tax Protester FAQ is wrong. You have yet to come up with one example where I have told a lie.

You don't back up what you say. You, Harvester, are a phony.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: What are the chances???

Post by Harvester »

Nope, it's not my job to detail & expose every Quatloser lie. What an exhaustive never-ending task that'd be! As a servant of the Living God I do His will. It would appear that your lies, deceit and trickery has become so foul as to reach Our Father above and He's shutting it down. Has it ever occurred to you just what my purpose here may be? Is it possible that the purpose of my life may just be a warning to you? That the party is over. Repent, for the end is near. God's love is boundless - nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Put simply, the federal income tax is a limited excise tax on Congress' stuff. Use their stuff, pay their fee. But this benign excise has been manipulated by hucksters (Quatlosers) into a massive scam. And at last check (I'm sure there are more) sixty websites knew the federal income tax as represented by the IRS was a scam:

1. http://www.ados.net/~hughbank/INCOME/Income.html
2. http://www.afreecountry.com/tpcs/irs/income.php
3. http://americanglasnost.blogspot.com
4. http://www.apfn.org
5. http://www.article1-taxation.com
6. http://www.buildfreedom.com/fiscal/key_issues.html
7. http://www.citizensoftheamericanconstit ... sfraud.htm
8. http://www.commonlawvenue.net/main/Audio/SamKennedy.htm
9. http://www.constitutionalincome.com
10. http://www.defendindependence.org
11. http://www.devvy.com
12. http://famguardian.org/Subjects/Taxes/taxes.htm
13. http://www.freedomabovefortune.com
14. http://www.freedom-force.org/freedomcon ... =incometax
15. http://www.freedomtofascism.com
16. http://www.freedomsite.net/irs.htm
17. http://www.freeenterprisesociety.com
18. http://www.freewebtown.com/ronarl
19. http://home.hiwaay.net/~becraft
20. http://www.hobbleknot.com
21. http://howyoubecomeliable.com
22. http://www.hushmoney.org
23. http://www.irs-armory.com/read/wistleblowers.htm
24. http://irsterminator.com
25. http://www.irx-solutions.com
26. http://kylehuwer.wordpress.com
27. http://www.lawfulpath.com/ref/sw4qw
28. http://www.legalbears.com
29. http://www.livefreenow.org
30. http://www.losthorizons.com
31. http://www.mind-trek.com/practicl/tl16f.htm
32. http://www.myamericaagain.org
33. http://neithercorp.us/npress/?p=259
34. http://www.netscientia.com/Truth_IRS.html
35. http://www.nomoreserfs.com
36. http://nontaxpayer.org
37. http://www.notincome.com
38. http://www.originalintent.org
39. http://patriotnetwork.info
40. http://www.preferredservices.org/Noncon ... aking.html
41. http://restoretherepublic.com
42. http://www.sherrypeeljackson.com
43. http://www.simpleliberty.org/tait
44. http://www.slaveuprising.com
45. http://www.supremelaw.org/fedzone11
46. http://www.svpvril.com/irs_dm_bc.html
47. http://www.synapticsparks.info/tax/index.html
48. http://www.tax-freedom.com
49. http://www.taxhonestyprimer.blogspot.com
50. http://taxreturnteam.com
51. http://taxrevolt.us
52. http://the.americansbulletin.org
53. http://www.thelawthatneverwas.com
54. http://thematrixhasyou.org/no-tax.html
55. http://www.thepowerhour.com/news3/ohio_ag_no_ssn.htm
56. http://www.truthattack.org
57. http://unlearning.org
58. http://www.w3f.com/patriots/taxes.html
59. http://www.whatistaxed.com
60. http://yannone.blogspot.com/2009/03/non ... judge.html
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Re: What are the chances???

Post by Famspear »

Harvester wrote:Nope, it's not my job to detail & expose every Quatloser lie.
Translation: Harvester cannot identify any inaccuracies, so he caves in.
What an exhaustive never-ending task that'd be!
Translation: Harvester has been exhausted by seeing himself constantly and repeatedly shut down.
As a servant of the Living God I do His will.
Translation: Harvester has been exposed as a liar, and continues to spout pseudo-religious nonsense that no one is buying.
It would appear that your lies, deceit and trickery has become so foul as to reach Our Father above and He's shutting it down.
Translation: Harvester is delusional, and continues to pretend that he's representing the will of God.
Has it ever occurred to you just what my purpose here may be? Is it possible that the purpose of my life may just be a warning to you? That the party is over. Repent, for the end is near. God's love is boundless - nothing can separate us from the love of God.
Translation: Again, Harvester is a delusional tax cheat, and continues to spout pseudo-religious nonsense.
Put simply, the federal income tax is a limited excise tax on Congress' stuff. Use their stuff, pay their fee. But this benign excise has been manipulated by hucksters (Quatlosers) into a massive scam.
Translation: Put simply, Harvester has no answer except to re-spout the same old tax protester rhetoric.
And at last check (I'm sure there are more) sixty websites knew the federal income tax as represented by the IRS was a scam
Translation: Harvester is now reduced to adding links to more scam web sites -- as if he really believes we haven't seen it all before.

No, Harvester/Nationwide/johnthetaxist, you just can't get anything right. You predicted Peter Hendrickson would never be sentenced, but he was sentenced. You claimed to believe that some Wackadoos called the Guardians of the free Republics were going to save America, and it didn't happen. You just don't have any answers, Harvester. You're a liar and a tax cheat, and no one takes you seriously. Well, boo-hoo!
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Re: What are the chances???

Post by wserra »

Harvester wrote:And at last check (I'm sure there are more) sixty websites knew the federal income tax as represented by the IRS was a scam:
Only sixty? Google "cancer cures" - you get 3.6 million scams.

In the fraud business, you guys are pikers.
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Re: What are the chances???

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Harvester wrote:Nope, it's not my job to detail & expose every Quatloser lie.
All right then, Mushmouth. Try exposing ONE. Give us the name and citation of the court case involved, as well as the complete HOLDING in the case (not the explanatory dicta, which TDers love to take out of context). Give us the COMPLETE statute.

I'm not holding my breath, though. Based on the above response of yours, I think that you're too much of a coward to do this.
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Re: What are the chances???

Post by Nikki »

He's not a coward. He's a maroon.
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Re: What are the chances???

Post by BBFlatt »

He can't be both?
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Re: What are the chances???

Post by LOBO »

Harverster is just the crazy guy you see in comics holding a sign saying "THE END IS NEAR" and rambling nonsense while people who feel sorry for him give him spare change.

Except for the people feeling sorry for him part.
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Re: What are the chances???

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

BBFlatt wrote:He can't be both?
He IS both. He pulls the infamous VanPeltian routine of making a wild charge; and then when he's challenged for proof, he resorts to the "I don't have to prove anything to you" dodge. He could serve his cause SO well by taking the time to concentrate on at least the most significant Quatlooser assertions and destroying them with verifiable proof; but he lacks the guts to admit that he can't do that because the proof just doesn't exist.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: What are the chances???

Post by LPC »

Harvester wrote:Put simply, the federal income tax is a limited excise tax on Congress' stuff. Use their stuff, pay their fee.
Yes, that's part of Hendrickson's "federal privilege" bilge. And it's disproved by one the Supreme Court cases that Hendrickson cites and relies on, Flint v. Stone Tracy Co., 220 U.S. 107,154 (1911). (Hendrickson cites the case for the proposition that "the requirement to pay [excise] taxes depends on the exercise of privilege," which is somewhat distorted, out of context, and misleading, but let's skip that.)

So what was the "federal privilege" involved in Flint? The answer is: None.

The relevant issue in the case was described by the court in this way: "It is next contended that the attempted taxation is void because it levies a tax upon the exclusive right of a state to grant corporate franchises, because it taxes franchises which are the creation of the state in its sovereign right and authority."

That's right, there was NO "federal privilege." The tax was on corporations operating under *state* charters.

The court upheld the constitutionality of the tax because "“the revenues of the United States must be obtained in the same territory, from the same people, and excise taxes must be collected from the same activities, as are also reached by the states in order to support their local government.”

This is absolutely consistent with every other Supreme Court decision addressing the scope of federal taxes. For example, the Supreme Court declared that “The subject-matter of taxation open to the power of the Congress is as comprehensive as that open to the power of the states....” in Chas. C. Steward Machine Co. v. Davis, 301 U.S. 548, 581 (1937).

The federal government can tax anything and everything that a state can tax. (Neither can tax exports.) The idea that the Congressional power to tax is limited to "Congress's stuff" is a complete fabrication that has no support in the Constitution and no support in any decision of any federal court, any where, at any time.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Melted Rabbit

Re: What are the chances???

Post by Melted Rabbit »

Duke2Earl wrote:
Harvester wrote:I legally pay no income tax
In short, unless your income is under the legal limits... you are wrong.... no matter what Hendrickson says.
Not to support Harvester, but I don't even have to file income taxes. Granted I have no income, the $203 a month I receive from General Assistance is from the federal and state government and is not considered taxable income. The $203 isn't much to live on (there hasn't been a COLA on GA ever, so it is still at its 1994 level. I still get to pay sales tax and gas tax as appropriate.
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Re: What are the chances???

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Melted Rabbit wrote:Not to support Harvester, but I don't even have to file income taxes. Granted I have no income, the $203 a month I receive from General Assistance is from the federal and state government and is not considered taxable income. The $203 isn't much to live on (there hasn't been a COLA on GA ever, so it is still at its 1994 level. I still get to pay sales tax and gas tax as appropriate.
Hadn't you said you wrote a book? If so, then, if you get over $433 in a year in royalties, you owe self-employment taxes.

If you didn't write a book or get any income from it, please forgive me.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: What are the chances???

Post by cynicalflyer »

Harvester wrote: Has it ever occurred to you just what my purpose here may be? Is it possible that the purpose of my life may just be a warning to you?
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Re: What are the chances???

Post by Demosthenes »

Arthur Rubin wrote:
Melted Rabbit wrote:Not to support Harvester, but I don't even have to file income taxes. Granted I have no income, the $203 a month I receive from General Assistance is from the federal and state government and is not considered taxable income. The $203 isn't much to live on (there hasn't been a COLA on GA ever, so it is still at its 1994 level. I still get to pay sales tax and gas tax as appropriate.
Hadn't you said you wrote a book? If so, then, if you get over $433 in a year in royalties, you owe self-employment taxes.

If you didn't write a book or get any income from it, please forgive me.
Fuzzrabbit wrote a book...
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Re: What are the chances???

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Demosthenes wrote:Fuzzrabbit wrote a book...
All those rabbits look alike to me. :)
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: What are the chances???

Post by Gregg »

And at last check (I'm sure there are more) sixty websites knew the federal income tax as represented by the IRS was a scam:
If I can find 60 sites that support child porn, does that make it okay?
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