Obama vs. The Queen

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Obama vs. The Queen

Post by Deep Knight »


The explosive situation in D.C. has EXPLODED this afternoon causing still another delivery delay.

Much of what "WE think we know" will not be mentioned in tonight's update pending further confirmation which WE are working hard to obtain. So for now lets observe together the following spectacular development which has been confirmed.

Last night WE mentioned that things happen hourly not weekly and this is a great example. Suddenly HER LADYSHIP THE QUEEN is engaged in a "to the death struggle" with Obama and it is a 'take no prisoners' situation.

Above and beyond the usual 'rats in the sack' chewing on each other as often reported here and elsewhere, her Ladyship has learned that vast quantities of Documents bearing her forged signature have been in play since the Bush Senior Administration with a huge increase in such frauds under Obama. Her reaction to this today and the subsequent 'knife fight' with Obama which is still underway goes something like this;

When the U.S. was Incorporated in 1861 by Lincoln (when the South walked out leaving The Congress without a quorum), it was apparently The Queen of that era who financed the North in the war. Her Ladyship claims, and insist she has the Documents to back up her claims, that she owns the Corporation of Washington D.C. either from day one or as a result of subsequent financial defaults, WE are unsure which and it really does not matter. She says she owns the ten square mile area we know as Washington D.C. and all in it AND she has today ordered Obama and all D.C. politicians to vacate her property immediately. WE hear lots of folks in D.C. including Congress People are in shock tonight.

Remember the teachings of "S" who said, as best as I can recall, that the original 70 year "Bankruptcy of Nations Contract entered into by Lincoln was renewed for another 70 years by FDR expiring in 2003 with a five year extension to 2008 OR the original date was measured from 1938 when the Supreme Court finally codified into law what FDR had done five years earlier. Then WE ,"S" and others wrote extensively about this during the 2008/2009 time frame with a 'bottom line' position from us that Bush Junior tried, unsucessfully, to put our country into still another 70 year Bankruptcy in '08 but was not allowed to do so by the creditors. WE are now hearing, and today's activities may have something to do with it, that all the attendant Documents were "buried" beyond anyone's reach. They 'overlooked' her Ladyships copy. All of the pertinent historical documents have now been sequestered, buried in such a way as to require codes to access them in the National Archives. You may recall our previous updates reporting our conversations with Switzerland and the trip over there to try and obtain a copy of their copies signed by Roosevelt. WE struck out and now find these "Lockdowns" still going on in modern day America. These matters, considered historical before now, appear to be pivotal in the unfolding situation.

And so, tonight's message is Big Big Fight, Obama and the Queen with Obama and all D.C. Politicians ordered out immediately by her Ladyship.

Other matters, equally interesting, will have to wait for confirmations tomorrow.

casper 4-28-10 #2

Word on the street in gyms all over the east side is that The Queen will take out Obama with one of her trademark roundhouse kicks. And people wonder why nobody has ever met her in the ring!
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Re: Obama vs. The Queen

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

What the f*ck was that?
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit
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Re: Obama vs. The Queen

Post by fortinbras »

Are we still taking Casper seriously??

Does anyone?
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Re: Obama vs. The Queen

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:Are we still taking Casper seriously??
Why would anyone not take Casper seriously. After all, his statement that people who "invested" in scams that claimed insanely high yields will be getting $billions in the mail is nothing if not reasonable. And how could he have told us about pending deliveries so many times if they weren't true? I mean, it's not his fault he's wrong all the time, it's Bush's and Obama's - if there's someone we shouldn't take seriously it's them!
fortinbras wrote:Does anyone?
Trillions of people read Casper daily, and even if only 1% take him seriously, that's still 10s of billions. Since there's fewer people on earth than this, EVERYONE must take him seriously! You can't argue with facts!
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Re: Obama vs. The Queen

Post by texino »

The Queen is referred to as Your Majesty or Her Majesty not "Her Lady Ship" or Your Royal Highness. Casper may be running around with a different crowd of queens.
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Re: Obama vs. The Queen

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:The Queen is referred to as Your Majesty or Her Majesty not "Her Lady Ship" or Your Royal Highness. Casper may be running around with a different crowd of queens.
Yes, this is true when you're talking about HUMAN queens, but remember that Elizabeth (El-Lizard-Birth) is REPTILIAN. I believe there are many proper titles and addresses, including "Her Lizardship," "Your Reptilian Highness," "Lizard-in-Chief," and "Your Dinojesty." As for Casper running around with a different crowd of queens, don't let Wendy know or there will be an even bigger battle at his house than that in DC!

But, no matter what you call her (I prefer "Liz the Whiz") it seems that she's once again failed all those people out there waiting for their $billions.


For 24 hours it briefly appeared her Ladyship might have 'found religion', but to tell you the truth WE would not allow 'each other' to fall for it even when she arrived today supposedly to follow through on those items contained in last nights update. She was also supposedly scattering her own 'delivery personnel' around the country to overcome the UPS problem. WE have to great a history with her treachery and her deceit over to many years. WE reported but we stayed vigilant.

As is her history it was all smoke and mirrors. She was not here to fumigate D.C. or to overcome UPS. She was here for deal making with Bush Senior and to provide cover for additional trade attempts which she was trying to slip through. All were caught and blocked. She has been personally involved in the sabotage of deliveries the last few days.

Upon arrival she was to provide to US and to certain 'reporters' copies of all the historical paperwork discussed last night. Her failure to do so confirmed our suspicions and the non-existent carrier personnel removed all doubt. She failed in all aspects of her mission and is on her way home now with, as WE hear it, her tail between her legs.

Reporters, now alert to all the goings on reported here, have been trying without success to access the Archives which has peaked their interest even more.

The Nations are furious with all this deception and gamesmanship. Everyone is thoroughly disgusted with her Ladyships performance.

Current news says deliveries 'back on go' for tomorrow, Announcements including Constitution to be made and the Fumigation and flushing of all of D.C. to take place without her Ladyships assistance.

casper 4-29-10 #3
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Re: Obama vs. The Queen

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

They pull the packies in, they send the packies out....
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