Mystery of the Week....

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Re: Mystery of the Week....

Post by . »

Lambkin wrote:Maybe being locked in a box with little air for extended periods has something to do with his idiocy
I doubt it, he seems to be a natural-born idiot.

Funny that a blowhard "expert" on tax law like ScrubVet could have screwed up so royally. After all, he's the final word and authority on everything, right?
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Re: Mystery of the Week....

Post by Thule »

Gregg wrote:Well, I found one thread that it looks like bubblehead didn't have much to do with choosing BOA, although I am astounded and the number of "regular" posters over there I noticed who have been banned, and I only when back to speech, Stalin style
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Re: Mystery of the Week....

Post by Omne »

Lambkin wrote:
CaptainKickback wrote:I'd bet real money SubVet was a malingerer, goldbricker, sea lawyer and the closest he got to the silent service was serving on a sub tender.
There are fools in every branch of the service, just like anywhere else in life,
Very true, I was a Nuke in the Navy and we had our share of rather twitchy people, even though we were allegedly pretty well screened before we finished the program and got assigned. I wouldn't be at all surprised if a few of them ended up protesters.

Re: Mystery of the Week....

Post by Brandybuck »

Lambkin wrote:How do you expect a modern capitalist company to behave?
While I do have some sympathy for this argument, the problem with BoA and Citi is that they were butting up to the head of the line. My own bank said "no" to the handout, and was told by the gub'ment they had to take it anyway.