The Restore America Plan

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

You might have thought it an April Fools joke when some fools sent demands to state governors at the beginning of last month.
Friday, Apr 2, 2010 15:03 ET
Who are the Guardians of the Free Republics?
By Mike Madden

WASHINGTON -- Any minute now, all 50 governors should begin implementing a plan to eliminate mortgages, waive auto registration requirements, abolish the IRS, and generally restore the proper constitutional order circa December 1860. Either that, or resign.

That's the gist of the demand letters sent to statehouses around the country this week -- which have gotten the FBI extremely interested -- by a group calling itself "Guardians of the Free Republics." Either governors agree to go along with the group's "Restore America Plan," or the group's "de jure grand juries" will remove them from office. Authorities say they don't anticipate any danger from the actual group's threats, but worry that the declarations against all the governors could provoke someone else to react violently.

The Restore America Plan, as laid out online, basically involves dismantling most of the federal government. The "territorial jurisdiction United States Federal Corporation, posing as the de jure United States of America," for instance, would be "terminated." So would marriage licenses, which the group says give too much power to courts that aren't established properly under the Constitution, and birth certificates. (Don't worry, though; according to one like-minded Web site, "Social Security payments will not be interrupted.")

The Guardians of the Free Republics philosophy, basically, is a jumble of paranoia about the government, about banks, about corporations. (Which probably means that Fox News will be calling them leftists soon.) Above all else, though, courts come in for special scorn.

With restoration of the de jure judicial institutions in Phase 2, we are also enacting the: Bill of Rights of Law to prevent once and for all the "legal" franchise perversions of law into at-law, territorial, admiralty/military aberrations.
There will be no such entity as a non-Article III court, even when administering the admiralty law venue for genuine issues of the high seas and international commerce.

That particular bit of rambling shows where the Guardians are coming from. For years, the truly paranoid have distinguished themselves from ordinary skeptics of government power by insisting that the flags on display in courtrooms somehow prove that something weird is going on there. And they base it all on admiralty law. The decorative gold fringe many flags sport, apparently, indicates that the courtroom is under martial law. Military flags, see, are required to have gold trim. At some point, someone decided that meant any flags with gold trim are, therefore, military flags. Which makes courts military courts (which is why federal judges are appointed by the president, instead of elected directly). By misreading some obscure portion of international admiralty law, the people behind this theory have deduced that any room with a military flag flying is subject only to military law. "When you enter a courtroom displaying a gold or yellow fringed flag, you have just entered into a foreign country, and you better have your passport with you, because you may not be coming back to the land of the free for a long time," one Web site dedicated to the notion declares.

Federal courts receive a constant, low-level barrage of filings insisting that they're entirely illegitimate because of the flag, and also because the people they're trying to prosecute or sue are "sovereign citzens," or "flesh and blood people," and therefore not subject to the courts' laws. That theory is rooted in the far-right Posse Comitatus movement; essentially, adherents think the government came up with some way during the Civil War and Reconstruction to deprive citizens of the rights they were supposed to have. Before the 14th Amendment was passed, no one was a citizen of the U.S., but rather of whatever state they lived in, according to the theory. Which is the way it's supposed to be. By returning to the way things were before then, you can reclaim your proper rights from the government that's usurped them.

Of course, it doesn't take a lot of digging to see a certain problematic racial angle to all of that, especially when those theories lead to demands that the governors act against the federal government while the first black president is in office. Indeed, groups that track extremists note that some adherents of the "sovereign citizenship" doctrine claim blacks are only 14th Amendment citizens, not sovereign ones. (Though, recently, despite the theory's origins in right-wing white groups, some black defendants have started using it in federal drug and murder cases.) Which is one reason why authorities took the demand letters seriously when they started arriving in the last few days.

But don't worry; the best part of the Restore America Plan is that most people will be able to enjoy the benefits of a restored America without having to do anything at all to bring it about. "With thousands of you consumed with vision and hope, most of those who have contacted us thus far WILL NOT NEED TO TAKE FURTHER ACTION AT THIS TIME," the Guardians Web site declares. "You can literally sit back and await the changes that are coming, and be ready if we should contact you." Chances are, you literally can't. It's the best conspiracy theory of them all -- one that takes care of itself.
Well, it wasn't and two things happened: 1) No governors resigned, and 2) a bunch of NESARA believers latched onto this. ... -must.html

News updates status per the Restore American Plan (RAP)
similar to the Nesara Program

4/19/10 --- More updated info
4/16/10 --- Rap - Running Deep & Silent Now. May may be a busy month.
4/16/10 --- Keith's Trust - beware, do not go to Vegas.
4/14/10 --- Tim Turner's Audio Update 8:00 pm EST
4/13/10 --- Keith's Trust Plan possible scam.
4/12/10 --- Keith's Trust Plan being queried.
4/11/10 --- Rap Audio Updates - Phase II - Military has been served manifesto and accepted.
4/9/10 --- Tim Turner Audio update
Trust according to Keith has been established.
RAP Update Has Been Posted DONE DEAL!
4/7/10 --- Unoffical Guess Estimate 36 states changed
4/6/10 --- Insider Update posted
4/5/10 --- No News
4/4/10 --- Sam Kennedy Radio transmission - all is proceeding as planned
4/3/10 --- Sam Kennedy Update
4/3/10 --- Full Declaration posted on this blog.
4/2/10 --- Confirmations of governors' deliveries are coming in.
4/1/10 --- Declaration of Orders have been served to all 50-governors
4/1/10 --- Joint Chiefs & Supreme Court justices to be served with declaration of orders.
4/1/10 --- Unconfirmed Rumor - 33 of 36 governors have signed on.
3/31/10 --- State Capitals advised to secure themselves against parties serving papers.
3/31/10 --- Military was moving. Was doing the deliveries of the prosperity packs. Pulled back by Military Top Brass.
3/30/10 --- Sam Kennedy provided update - DONE!
3/29/10 --- Nothing has been reported in the news.
3/29/10 --- Benjamin Fulford states military takeover back to the constitution to start this week. More detailed info on weekly report per paid subscribers.
3/29/10 --- Chris Story says it is crap

DAILY STATUS OF PACKETS - Day by Day Accounting
Per Casper - Freedom Packets - 1st to go
Per Poofness - Humanitarian Packets - The Bulk Balance
Per Chris Story & Heneghan - Settlements Packets from WWII
Per Fulford - says Casper is an agent for Cheney!

4/29/10 --- Casper - Deliveries & Announcements Tomorrow!
4/28/10 --- Casper - Packs still out and Deliveries expected today.
4/27/10 --- Casper - Deliveries Tomorrow
4/26/10 --- Casper - Deliveries on the move. Blocked by WC and Obama. In UPS, Wash DC.
4/20/10 --- Casper - Back in the Supreme Court. World Court is corrupt too!
4/19/10 --- Casper - Deliveries for this evening -- UPS REFUSE TO DELIVER! World Court threatened to padlock Atlanta UPS headquarters.
Deliveries Tomorrow Morning!
4/18/10 --- Casper - Scalia plans to open packs!
4/17/10 --- Casper - Supreme Court Judge's computer attempted & failed to access accounts. Judicial Hero Anthony Scalia did it!
4/16/10 --- Casper - Hold Fast, all is being dealt with, severely.
4/15/10 --- Casper - Good Guys allow packs to return back to Wash DC. Are they compromised too?
4/15/10 --- Casper - Packies out again for delivery.
4/14/10 --- Casper - Deliveries will be today.
4/13/10 --- Casper - World Court blocking and doing trades.
4/12/10 --- No News
4/11/10 --- No News
4/10/10 --- Casper - Packs back to the Supreme Court.
4/9/10 --- Casper - Packs held in Fort Benning by our corrupt military.
4/8/10 --- Casper - Supreme Court ordered UPS to deliver by 7:00 pm this evening. Deliveries did not happen. Supreme court is in meeting to determine what to do. Judge Roberts is on the bribe list.
4/7/10 --- Casper - Packets taken from carriers and back in Supreme Court again!
4/6/10 --- Casper - Court & China now blocking.
4/5/10 --- No News
4/4/10 --- No News
4/3/10 --- Casper -- Queen is blocking delivery to do a trade using Barclays Bank.
4/2/10 --- Casper -- Deliveries ordered tonight.
4/2/10 --- Casper -- Packs are at the airport again.
4/1/10 --- Casper -- "The time table will be at our discretion"
3/31/10 --- Casper -- Packs back to Pentagon, Top Brass ARE CORRUPT TOO!
3/31/10 --- Wendy - Military delivery in the MORNING TODAY!

There's a lot here, especially on Nesara-friendly message boards, in fact so much it couldn't possibly all be included here, but I will end with this one note from GodLikeProductions

Baffled King
Sovereign Bee
User ID: 313641
United States
4/10/2010 2:04 PM

Re: Governors of all 50 states...
While I do so hope the rap is true, I am nervous. We ahve very little time left before the whole country will be given away.

I have read every thread. First we were told the weirdo site nesara had nothing to do with this movement and now nesara is the main site for all info, sheeeesh!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 669382
You are only nervous and suspicious because you haven't done enough research yet to KNOW. As long as it is still a matter of 'belief', you are always going to be either programmed or suspicious. The folks behind this, KNOW. We each must come to KNOW on our own volition. Nobody can convince anybody of anything.

Secondly, the NESARA folks are all addicts. They have sat around for 20 years and juiced on the adrenalin from the idea that they were going to be rich. It is very like those who spend all day every day thinking about winning the lottery. It IS an addiction.

And if you notice the response of the one who owns the NESARA site, you will see how we are being used to enable his addiction. He makes half statements to try to garner the excitement energy off of us, but doesn't tell us enough to know what is going on.

He is trying to 'piggy back' NESARA onto RAP because it FEEDS HIS ADDICTION.

You are correct, it would be very good if he would just stop. We are far better served getting the info on our own from Tim Turner, Sam Kennedy (who is on RBN on sunday evening for two hours) or those de jure jurors who do stop by from time to time.
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Deep Knight
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

The person most behind the link between RAP and NESARA is John MacHaffie who's quoted below.

RAP RESTORE AMERICA PLAN and Nesara NEWS; the "Casper" Updates
by PJ April 30, 2010 12:42

This has to do with the "Casper" updates: DIRECT LINK FOR THE CASPER UPDATE ARCHIVE , found @: . PJ
Thursday, April 8, 2010
What is this nonsense all about?

What is this nonsense all about?
I receive so many inquiries about packets and lists, etc --- figure one message would be better than pushing the ‘send’ button multiple times.
The Packets
This refers to the prosperity funds distribution which has been set up years ago. The funds are being sent primarily to sign up participants who have invested their own funds for a greater future world. Those who receive these founders agree to lend to others that are in need. Therefore they are labeled as LENDERS. Correction - see addenum
There are numerous programs involved and according to some, distribution will be to all the programs lenders at the same time. The initial setup was for the 1st program group called the “Freedom Group” must be distributed first before the others. These are the packets being blocked by this and former administrations. Due to this ongoing blockage it was decided to forego this requirement and to allow all packets go out at the same time.
Each packet is supposed to contain a non disclosure agreement, instructions for banking and disbursement and a bank card for access to your account.
Some messengers talk about packets movements and blockages, some say no movement has ever occurred and others say all that is needed is a phone call to the bank to pick up the pack. There are disputes about all this as it has not happened yet.
Is it Real?
Yes and I personally been contacted by a number of participants in a number of programs. We know nothing until the ND Non Disclosure period is over. Catch my drift!
But no one is allowed to take a picture nor provide detail until the ND period is over.
This country and world is going through a financial meltdown. These funds distributed by the Lenders will be to finance a return to prosperity with a solid “Gold Backed” Currency. The people will finance themselves back to prosperity. There will be a New Stable Treasury Bank.
How Much?
The range mentioned in each packet has been anywhere from 5 figure amounts or up in dollar equivalent.
Correction - see addenum
Why the Blockage?
The present and past administration plus foreign administrations have been using the packages as collateral for financial trading. The longer they hold them – more money they make.
What are the Lists?
In the blockage, hundreds of high level officials worldwide have been bribed and there funds placed in offshore accounts. These accounts have been discovered, accounts seized and recovered. The lists refer to the names of the officials on “I have been bribed” lists. They are all subject to arrest and they do not want these lists released for obvious reasons.
2000 years of corrupt rule are up and it is time for the Blessed Millennium to start. This is the start!
GOD BLESS You And Yours
Disclaimer – this is based on information which may need polishing, I am not perfect! --- additional clarification may be required by readers and participants. Your input and corrections are appreciated

Addenum submitted by a reader

In the major large programs the money submitted to join ($10Omega), ($300 Farm Claims) was an administrative fee for the people involved and doing the work to get paid. Most of the funds are coming from children of the Illuminati, that were put into trades, because they did not like where they saw where their parents were taking the world. The Farm Claims are just that and claims against the government for frauds that have been perpetrated upon the people. WE ARE NOT LENDERS, so we are just recipients. We are to donate money to others, by way of a donation list, not lend. We are required to submit at least 200 names, addresses, and phone numbers to the funding banks at the time of our appointment.We are to give funds away and also do humanitarian good works with the funds too, so WE ARE NOT LENDERS. We are not lending the money to others expecting repayment. Some of the programs we had to write up humanitarian projects that we would do with the funds. In many, if not all the programs, the recipients are to receive much more than you stated because the people on the donation lists will receive around midway between $100,000 to $1M. The only lending to be done is the gold certificates we are to receive to the funding banks for at least 10 years that will be for the backing of that bank and the new currency. Hope this helps your understanding.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:09 PM
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Gregg »

The "territorial jurisdiction United States Federal Corporation, posing as the de jure United States of America," for instance, would be "terminated." So would marriage licenses, which the group says give too much power to courts that aren't established properly under the Constitution, and birth certificates.
Well this plan is doomed, Orly Taitz would never have agreed to that part.
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:
The "territorial jurisdiction United States Federal Corporation, posing as the de jure United States of America," for instance, would be "terminated." So would marriage licenses, which the group says give too much power to courts that aren't established properly under the Constitution, and birth certificates.
Well this plan is doomed, Orly Taitz would never have agreed to that part.
Good catch, but you’re not the first. In fact, I saw comments about this birth certificate portion on a couple of forums threads, one which was answered by Mr. MacHaffie (but I couldn’t find it when I just went looking). The basic gist of it was, “what about Obama’s birth certificate then?” with the response, “Presidential candidates will still have to prove their place of birth.” Exactly how they are supposed to do this when the government can’t keeps such records will no doubt be a challenge.

No doubt this is one of those “things the government shouldn’t do” the people behind this had on some list that predated our new President. They may not have liked this sort of government record then, but with the birther thing, the flag’s been wrapped around it now! Expect to see this part slowly disappear in the future (if, indeed, this particular bit of insanity has a future).

It reminds me of the shooting community’s response to the Glock pistol. At first there was nothing but derision, after all we’re talking about a “plastic gun” here. However, once the government started to have hearings about them and whether they could be snuck through metal detectors (of course they can’t, only some parts are plastic) they were suddenly adopted wholesale by certain American shooters. In fact, shooting magazines which once mocked them put the Glock on their front cover and they couldn’t keep them stocked in gun stores.
"Follow the Money"

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Harvester »

Deep Knight wrote:The basic gist of it was, “what about Obama’s birth certificate then?” with the response, “Presidential candidates will still have to prove their place of birth.” Exactly how they are supposed to do this when the government can’t keep such records will no doubt be a challenge.

In their defense, I don't think it's the keeping of records per se that's the problem. It's that the license /birth certificate creates a hidden or invisible contract with the government, bringing the free sovereign American into government jurisdiction; subjecting or entering him/her into equity contract, which they otherwise would not be subject to under common law.
Deep Knight wrote:
It reminds me of the shooting community’s response to the Glock pistol. At first there was nothing but derision, after all we’re talking about a “plastic gun” here. However, once the government started to have hearings about them and whether they could be snuck through metal detectors (of course they can’t, only some parts are plastic) they were suddenly adopted wholesale by certain American shooters. In fact, shooting magazines which once mocked them put the Glock on their front cover and they couldn’t keep them stocked in gun stores.
So . . . can we expect the Quatlosers to jump on the sovereign bandwagon soon? "Oh, all that Fed, IRS, birth cert. trading stuff? Yeah, we knew all along it was a deceptive scam; just going along for the ride. It's all voluntary, nobody had to sign up for that ...."

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Brandybuck »

Harvester wrote:In their defense, I don't think it's the keeping of records per se that's the problem. It's that the license /birth certificate creates a hidden or invisible contract with the government...
Do you even know what the word "contract" means?

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Harvester »

perhaps you would prefer ".. creates a hidden or invisible contract with the United States, a federal corporation."

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Nikki »

What we would prefer is that you turn off your internet and spend a few hours with a legitimate textbook of American government.

If you can't do that, at least stop smacking yourself with the stupid stick.
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

Harvester wrote: In their defense, I don't think it's the keeping of records per se that's the problem. It's that the license /birth certificate creates a hidden or invisible contract with the government, bringing the free sovereign American into government jurisdiction; subjecting or entering him/her into equity contract, which they otherwise would not be subject to under common law.
Bingo. The one I hear most commonly is getting a Social Security card, and that this somehow makes them able to take out a loan with you as collateral and print money out of nothing making you a lifelong slave. At least that's the short version.

Reminds me of this person on a local militia-friendly talk radio program who was giving advice for being stopped by the police. His legal theory was that once you answered even the simplest question from the police, or showed them your license (which he didn't believe you needed) you were entering into a contractual obligation to answer all of their questions and they could arrest you - BUT - if you always answered their questions with questions they would tire and have to let you go BY COMMON LAW. "Could I see your license please sir?" "What statute gives you the right to require I provide you with this license you refer to?" I have a 7-year old nephew who sometimes repeats everything you say, which becomes annoying really fast. I expect that answering each question with questions like these would do the same almost as quickly. Not the wisest thing to do to someone who has the power to throw you in the slammer.

Harvester wrote: So . . . can we expect the Quatlosers to jump on the sovereign bandwagon soon? "Oh, all that Fed, IRS, birth cert. trading stuff? Yeah, we knew all along it was a deceptive scam; just going along for the ride. It's all voluntary, nobody had to sign up for that ...."
All the thousands of people here at Quatloos (not just Quatlosers, our diet club) have known the validity of common law and the Sovereignty movement for years, we just choose to deny it for money. And believe me when the New World Order decides to bribe you, you get bribed really well. All those international bankers, don't cha know.

Taxes? Voluntary. Don't have to pay 'em if you don't want to, simple as that. Birth Certificate? We have if from Dove that Obama was cloned from some Egyptian Pharaoh by big-headed aliens and Kayaking Bowling Zionists that his birth certificate was "planted" by "Farmer John" in the "Garden." As for prosperity deliveries, they're as real as the rest, only who's side should you be on in this struggle? The guys who have been failing to get them delivered, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day for years or the guys thwarting them? We decided to back the winners, and so far it's paid off!

By the way, did you get all of that because I knew about shooting? Used to reload quite a bit when I lived in a rural area and had to defend the ranch from those UFO cattle mutilators.
"Follow the Money"

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Brandybuck »

Harvester wrote:perhaps you would prefer ".. creates a hidden or invisible contract with the United States, a federal corporation."
A contract is an agreement between two parties. Other stuff as well, such as assent and consideration, but it's still an agreement. You can ONLY agree to something voluntarily. Coerced contracts are invalid. And you cannnot possibly enter into an agreement without knowing about it. Secret contracts are so stupid the concept doesn't even make sense.
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Brandybuck wrote:
Harvester wrote:perhaps you would prefer ".. creates a hidden or invisible contract with the United States, a federal corporation."
A contract is an agreement between two parties. Other stuff as well, such as assent and consideration, but it's still an agreement. You can ONLY agree to something voluntarily. Coerced contracts are invalid. And you cannnot possibly enter into an agreement without knowing about it. Secret contracts are so stupid the concept doesn't even make sense.
Maybe what he has in mind (twisted as it is) is something like what happens when you cash that "no obligation" check for $100 which arrives in the mail, and you overlook the fact that, per the fine print on the check, you have just signed up for an overpriced cell phone plan -- which you have to cancel, if you so desire, within 24 hours after cashing the check, by calling a telephone number which is always busy.

Whatever his intent, he's still completely full of equine-generated fertilizer. Like all idiots of his stripe, he spends his time in a desperate search for out-of-context quotes from court decisions, laws and regulations in attempt to justify his passionately-desired conclusions about income taxation. I hope he likes it at the Hotel Graybar, when he is escorted there to accept his certain and eventual reservation.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Nikki »

Harvester is attempting to wrap his mind around the concept of implicit social contracts.

However, since he doesn't understand the term and relies strictly on Internet-based sovereignoramuses and paranoid conspitacy mongers for all his research, he has managed to find yet another double-secret probation concept which slips perfectly into his world view.
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

Brandybuck wrote:
Harvester wrote:perhaps you would prefer ".. creates a hidden or invisible contract with the United States, a federal corporation."
A contract is an agreement between two parties. Other stuff as well, such as assent and consideration, but it's still an agreement. You can ONLY agree to something voluntarily. Coerced contracts are invalid. And you cannnot possibly enter into an agreement without knowing about it. Secret contracts are so stupid the concept doesn't even make sense.
Yes, the idea of a secret contract SEEMS to violate the nature of a contract, which is why the Secret Contract Law was put into place back in the 1840s. I would tell you the bill's number and it's actual date, but the Secret Law Law says that they get to hide this information because it's secret. It also self-references itself, so it's secret too.

Look, if it wasn't for secret contracts, nothing would ever get done. You think that those tomatoes you planted in the garden are growing on their own? Nope, it's because you have a secret contract with the Federal Tomato Administration which you entered into by buying the seeds in the first place! Then, when the sh*t hits the fan, people who have been enjoying their home gardens will be the first sent to the FEMA camps where the NWO will collect its pound of flesh for each pound of tomatoes grown. The same is true for growing sweet corn, trick-or-treating on Halloween, fishing (both regular and fly), and peeing in the woods. The later has bears all over the Western US literally working 9 out of 10 hours for the Illuminati!

The only way to avoid secret contracts is to do nothing, not even breath! Just by reading this posting you're secretly contractually obligated to give internal organs to Quatloos bigwigs whenever they demand it (and many of our higher-ups need new livers really bad). Of course, very soon NESARA will be announced and all secret laws will be null and void (even the NESARA law itself)!
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »


From: Milson Macleod
To: "Nesara International"
Date: Saturday, March 27, 2010, 10:44 PM

Hello folks,

Wednesday, I had the extreme pleasure, along with regan dwayne, of signing an order to the men and women who occupy the office of Governor of each of the incorporated States of the United States Federal Corporation, and a second order to the armed forces of the United States of America, restoring lawful governance of, by and for the sovereign People. What a tremendous pleasure to finally be in position to take back our country. The deed is done.

Yesterday, a day that will live in history, all such office holders were served with a warrant arresting their bonds, thus the de facto office of Governor has been re-absorbed into its de jure counterpart as an operation of law, and the occupants thereof are operating under the provisional de jure bond of the sovereign People. Most of the governors have been alerted to expect service.

Also yesterday, the armed force were served notice of the return of lawful sovereign (“civilian”) authority. And that the People have assembled as fifty well-regulated militias and reinhabited de jure grand juries in all American republics. As of Monday, the presumption of authority by private corporate actors impersonating public officials under color of law is pre-empted by lawful “civilian” authority, effectively ending the era of illicit corporations posing as legitimate governments. Finally, the children are free.

Upon delivery, all parties will have been informed that the sovereign People have EXPRESSLY accepted their respective state constitutions and the Constitution for the United States of America, circa 1787, as BINDING CONTRACTS upon them. They will be under orders to end state-sponsored terrorism against members of the sovereign People. They will be required to provide sovereign ID and passports. The governors have mere days to subscribe the new oath of office. They have been assured that the People do not intend to trespass on the rights of others to elect subject-class citizenship, thus ensuring a peaceful and non-violent transition. Our military public servants have been instructed to extend every reasonable effort to encourage repentance and forgiveness.

In light of concerns by the members of the De jure Grand Juries, and after discussions with some of the Elders, Tom assumed the role of lead contact for the armed forces and I had the honor of assuming the role of lead contact for the governors, Secretaries of State and Attorneys general for all of the republics. These were natural positions for both of us, and for which the Lord has groomed us with the richness of our lives’ experiences.

Rest assured, that when I am contacted by our public servants, I will undertake all necessary measures to ensure they comply with the People’s orders AS I WROTE THEM, not some backroom political perversion thereof, to cease the bogus prosecutions, provide sovereign ID and passports (beginning with the jurors whose information I have in my possession), adjust the crime databases to reflect sovereign immunity for those jurors, and assist me in emptying the prisons of political prisoners beginning with the families and friends of those jurors, and those “convicted” of tax-related “crimes.” It will be my highest duty to work closely with the Attorneys General to establish the criteria for assembling the lists of political prisoners per the orders. There will be no lawyerly dancing on these matters.

Folks, you have no idea the amount of work and devotion that was expended on behalf of your freedom this week, from preparing the final polished Declaration at this end, to regan’s soup-to-nuts handling of the monumental task of uniform, timely, professional presentment. While many still harbor fear for having signed the declaration of freedom, I personally view this as the most important signature of my life, fulfillment of prophesy. Had it been possible, I would have handed the document to each and every actor personally, looked him in the eyes and said, “Congratulations, welcome back to the brotherhood of man. You have three days to take the oath of office.”

Einstein observed that all great revolutions began as a single thought in the mind of an individual. He knew the capacity of men to manifest the word of the Lord, especially in America, a land founded by men of revolutionary spirit. This week the People, at the eleventh hour, on the brink of world chaos and destruction, have expanded Louis McFadden’s challenge into the last, best and only hope for freedom for all the world’s children from economic genocide. All we did was weave together the trail of great men of history, the cravings of the slaves in their filthy huts as they hugged their children, the desire in each of you to ensure your children are secure from the solicitations of pagan money predators, into a shining tapestry of liberty to stand until man no longer walks the earth. That is the importance of our mission.

I invite America to join me this Sunday night for an important discussion of events to come on TAKE NO PRISONERS on the Republic Broadcasting Network (8 PM, Sunday, March 28). There is much speculation about what to expect in the next few weeks, grand jury duties, the Constitution, and Phase II. We will also be joined by a very special guest.

In light of security breaches surrounding the Declaration, Phase II is securely locked away until the day of presentment. However, I can tell you that your first reading of it will be as shocking and pleasurable as was the Declaration. TOP to bottom OVERHAUL - all behind the scenes of course. I will have more to say on the broadcast.

At the request of a number of jurors, grand jury procedure will receive special attention during the broadcast. The amount of perilous misinformation seems to be increasing daily such that jurors are likely to find themselves in serious jeopardy if they don;t remain true to the Plan, in my opinion as author of the Declaration. As many of you understand better than some of your leaders, YOU DID NOT JOIN THE GRAND JURIES TO BECOME LAWYERS AND CONSTITUTIONAL EXPERTS. That’s the sort of chasing-your- tail diversion U.S. Inc. has been using against you for years to distract you from the Lord and the enjoyment of life. Aren't you tired of becoming jailhouse lawyers? Be very careful about getting addicted at the expense of your families. Let the law serve you for a change, as it was intended.

YOU DID NOT JOIN THE GUARDIANS TO LEARN CORPORATE STATUTES, RULES OF EVIDENCE, GRAND JURY PROCEDURES and all the other false idols which exist to block your remedy and divert you to worshipping earthly kings.
The LAST place we would look for insight into a true grand jury is the incorporated de facto bar association mafia counsel masquerading as a grand jury for the purpose of stealing you blind. Why would we ever wish to emulate those monstrosities?

WE DO NOT WISH TO EMULATE DE FACTO GRAND JURIES OR COUNTY WE DO NOT WISH TO EMULATE DE FACTO GRAND JURIES OR COUNTY ASSEMBLIES. I will discuss this topic in detail on the broadcast. Jurors will want to listen carefully. It is my goal to ensure that every one of you enjoys your remedy and also remains safe. THE KEY IS TO UNLEARN THE BRAINWASHING, RATHER THAN RELEARN IT. That has always been our goal from the day I put pen to paper.

JURORS MUST AVOID GETTING SEDUCED BY PROCESS AND BECOMING THE VERY BEAST THEY HAVE GROWN TO DESPISE. While I can't possibly bring you up to speed on our months of private negotiations and discussions, I
can tell you with certainty that the founding Elders did NOT intend to create a permanent fourth branch of government. To think otherwise is to not yet understand the Plan. The Declaration was written on two levels. Now would be a good time to really give it a read from a broader perspective.

Folks, the Constitution is but a tool to secure the allegiance of the sleeping masses to the restoration of God’s law on this earth. Sadly, hundreds of millions of people need such idols as the source of their rights. You may wish to review the Jan 31, Feb 7, and Feb 14 broadcasts of TAKE NO PRISONERS for further insight into the philosophy and rationale of the Plan.
____________ ____
Finally, as you may have heard I have been invited by host and network owner, John Stadtmiller, to appear as a guest Monday night on THE NATIONAL INTEL REPORT on the Republic Broadcasting Network. I have since been informed that we will be joined by Ralph Winterrowd, another RBN radio host, who believes The Restore America Plan “has a very odious smell of betrayal.” I look forward to meeting Ralph first hand and entertaining his expressed belief that the people should take their evidence to the “sitting (de facto) Grand Juries” so that Mom and Pop can be awakened from their stupor and indict their public officials. I invite everyone to tune in and call in as we debate remedy through illicit corporations versus remedy through the sovereign People, the latter already underway. And best of all, the program is being held on G-Day, the very day that the sovereign People arrest the bonds of the fifty de facto Governors and end the era of corporate governance in favor of the de jure republic.

TAKE NO PRISONERS can be heard on FM and shortwave stations around the world, and on the internet via Shoutcast or directly through the network website at:

Folks, would you kindly CIRCULATE THIS EMAIL FAR AND WIDE.
Thank you, in advance.
Blessings and peace to you all,

Sam Kennedy
"Follow the Money"
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Omne »

It is very like those who spend all day every day thinking about winning the lottery.

A crucial point, it's like those who spend all day thinking about winning the lottery without actually buying a ticket.

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Harvester »

Brandybuck wrote:A contract is an agreement between two parties. Other stuff as well, such as assent and consideration, but it's still an agreement. You can ONLY agree to something voluntarily. Coerced contracts are invalid.
Brandybuck wrote:And you cannot possibly enter into an agreement without knowing about it.
Careful now. People often sign lengthy documents without reading or understanding what's in them. But of course they should have known, disclosure was offered, they voluntarily signed them, and generally, the courts will uphold these signed agreements, whether the signatory knows what he/she is signing or not.

Now, some have alleged that when opening a bank account the account holder agrees to being a "US PERSON" upon signing the signature card. And that a statutory "U.S. Person" (which United States? the federal zone US?) is subject to a host of regulations the freeman is not, including Title 26. And if true, that is somewhat deceptive.

George Mercier's Invisible Contracts

Now if possessing a Social Security card/number is a contract, that contract should be void. Generally, these #s are issued at birth or before the signer has reached the age of majority. And the signer can't be expected to know what they're signing. No knowledge, no consent. Void ab initio

Now, before you (or Famspire) say "what? no court has ever held that any of these things create a contract, invisible or otherwise" I will say that's right. Apparently, the courts are in on this deception, and to mention them would be to admit to the hidden contract, revealing it. And that would mark the beginning of the end of that scam.
This also suggests a possible defense strategy - to keep the burden of proof on the plaintiff, the plaintiff who's suggesting the defendant is in equity contract relationship with the plaintiff, but has provided no evidence of the contract. As for myself, I stay away from the courtroom zoo; too much shenanigans.

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Nikki »

It's surprising that he has enough functional brain cells to operate a computer and type messages on an Internet forum but not enough to formulate a coherent paragraph.

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by bmielke »

Harvester wrote:Nikki, you know I love you but, what bothers you more . . . that I keep posting here, or that I make you randy? :mrgreen:
Harvey this is the second post you made with innuendo in it, do we need to hose you down? I have a firehose and am not afraid to use it.
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Harvester, you really ought to stop sneaking into the nurses' station and using their computer to surf the Net. If they catch you, they'll make you drink the Magic Punch and spend time in the Time Out Room, all tied up so you won't get any boo-boos.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by bmielke »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Harvester, you really ought to stop sneaking into the nurses' station and using their computer to surf the Net. If they catch you, they'll make you drink the Magic Punch and spend time in the Time Out Room, all tied up so you won't get any boo-boos.
I wish they would lock him up in MCI Bridgewater or the equivalent in his state. PA has a nice Facility in the middle of the mountains, I recall him mentioning PA once or twice. Tennessee Has three not so nice facities in the Grand Divisions. Anywhere would be better treatment then he is currently recieving.