Oil Spill

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Oil Spill

Post by Deep Knight »

The oil platform explosion and leak are big news, so of course it must somehow relate to NESARA and the millions of conspiracies to do naughty things. So, without further ado, let's see what's on Bellringer's site.

Patrick H. Bellringer

- From: GW

To: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 6:18 AM
Subject: Oil Rig Explosion??

Hello Patrick I hope you and Anne are doing good and that your health is good also. I just wanted to ask you if you think the oil rig was intentionally blown up by our evil government. Every time I hear something about it on the news I have a deep feeling it was a inside job to get attention on something else besides them and to also raise prices of oil and gas higher and to destroy the beautiful waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
Maybe I am wrong but the feeling won't go away. What is your take on this? Have you heard anything from Hatonn about it?

Thanks for all you and Anne do. I believe we are very close now for mother earth to roll over.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellrinr
DATE: April 30, 2010

Dear GW:

I refer you to the May 1, 2010 article by Sorcha Fall entitled "US Orders Blackout Over North Korean Torpedoing of Gulf of Mexico Oil Rig" for the answer to your question. We are posting this article on May l.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

And Sucha Fool, er, Sorcha Faal sez:

May 1, 2010
US Orders Blackout Over North Korean Torpedoing Of Gulf Of Mexico Oil Rig
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A grim report circulating in the Kremlin today written by Russia’s Northern Fleet is reporting that the United States has ordered a complete media blackout over North Korea’s torpedoing of the giant Deepwater Horizon oil platform owned by the World’s largest offshore drilling contractor Transocean that was built and financed by South Korea’s Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., that has caused great loss of life, untold billions in economic damage to the South Korean economy, and an environmental catastrophe to the United States.

Most important to understand about this latest attack by North Korea against its South Korean enemy is that under the existing “laws of war” it was a permissible action as they remain in a state of war against each other due to South Korea’s refusal to sign the 1953 Armistice ending the Korean War.

To the attack itself, these reports continue, the North Korean “cargo vessel” Dai Hong Dan believed to be staffed by 17th Sniper Corps “suicide” troops left Cuba’s Empresa Terminales Mambisas de La Habana (Port of Havana) on April 18th whereupon it “severely deviated” from its intended course for Venezuela’s Puerto Cabello bringing it to within 209 kilometers (130 miles) of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform which was located 80 kilometers (50 miles) off the coast of the US State of Louisiana where it launched an SSC Sang-o Class Mini Submarine (Yugo class) estimated to have an operational range of 321 kilometers (200 miles).

On the night of April 20th the North Korean Mini Submarine manned by these “suicidal” 17th Sniper Corps soldiers attacked the Deepwater Horizon with what are believed to be 2 incendiary torpedoes causing a massive explosion and resulting in 11 workers on this giant oil rig being killed outright. Barely 48 hours later, on April 22nd , this North Korean Mini Submarine committed its final atrocity by exploding itself directly beneath the Deepwater Horizon causing this $1 Billion oil rig to sink beneath the seas and marking 2010’s celebration of Earth Day with one of the largest environmental catastrophes our World has ever seen.

To the reason for North Korea attacking the Deepwater Horizon, these reports say, was to present US President Obama with an “impossible dilemma” prior to the opening of the United Nations Review Conference of the Parties to the Treat on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) set to begin May 3rd in New York.

This “impossible dilemma” facing Obama is indeed real as the decision he is faced with is either to allow the continuation of this massive oil leak catastrophe to continue for months, or immediately stop it by the only known and proven means possible, the detonation of a thermonuclear device.

Russian Navy atomic experts in these reports state that should Obama choose the “nuclear option” the most viable weapon at his disposal is the United States B83 (Mk-83) strategic thermonuclear bomb having a variable yield (Low Kiloton Range to 1,200 Kilotons) which with its 12 foot length and 18 inch diameter, and weighing just over 2,400 pounds, is readily able to be deployed and detonated by a remote controlled mini-sub.

Should Obama choose the “nuclear option” it appears that he would be supported by the International Court of Justice who on July 8, 1996 issued an advisory opinion on the use of nuclear weapons stating that they could not conclude definitively on these weapons use in “extreme circumstances” or “self defense”.

On the other hand, if Obama chooses the “nuclear option” it would leave the UN’s nuclear conference in shambles with every Nation in the World having oil rigs off their coasts demanding an equal right to atomic weapons to protect their environment from catastrophes too, including Iran.

To whatever decision Obama makes it remains a fact that with each passing hour this environmental catastrophe grows worse. And even though Obama has ordered military SWAT teams to protect other oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico from any further attack, and further ordered that all drilling in the Gulf of Mexico be immediately stopped, this massive oil spill has already reached the shores of America and with high waves and more bad weather forecast the likelihood of it being stopped from destroying thousands of miles of US coastland and wildlife appears unstoppable.

And not just to the environmental catastrophe that is unfolding the only devastation to be wrecked upon the United States and South Korea by this North Korean attack as the economic liabilities associated with this disaster are estimated by these Russian reports to be between $500 Billion to $1.5 Trillion, and which only a declaration of this disaster being an “act of war” would free some the World’s largest corporations from bankruptcy.

Important to note too in all of these events was that this was the second attack by North Korea on its South Korean enemy, and US ally, in a month as we had reported on in our March 28th report titled “Obama Orders ‘Immediate Stand-down’ After Deadly North Korean Attack” and which to date neither the Americans or South Korea have retaliated for and giving one senior North Korean party leader the courage to openly state that the North Korean military took “gratifying revenge” on South Korea.

And for those believing that things couldn’t get worse, they couldn’t be more mistaken as new reports coming from Japanese military sources are stating that North Korea is preparing for new launches of its 1,300 kilometer (807 miles) intermediate range ballistic “Rodong” missile which Russian Space Forces experts state is able to “deploy and detonate” an atomic electromagnetic pulse (EMP) device, and which if detonated high in the atmosphere could effectively destroy the American economy for years, if not decades, to come.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
"Follow the Money"

Re: Oil Spill

Post by ClemIsBack »

Everybody knows it was a fleet of Mexican nuclear subs that attacked that rig.

Re: Oil Spill

Post by bmielke »

ClemIsBack wrote:Everybody knows it was a fleet of Mexican nuclear subs that attacked that rig.


(Insert screaming mob running in all directions waving their arms in the air)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Oil Spill

Post by Cathulhu »

Having just reread "The Atrocity Archives" and "The Jennifer Morgue", I gotta go with it being the actions of The Deep Ones. If anyone here is familiar with Delta Green, give me a shout.
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Re: Oil Spill

Post by Deep Knight »

Cathulhu wrote:Having just reread "The Atrocity Archives" and "The Jennifer Morgue", I gotta go with it being the actions of The Deep Ones. If anyone here is familiar with Delta Green, give me a shout.
Never heard of 'em or it, but when I looked it up I found the books are "Lovecraftian spy thrillers involving a secret history of the 20th century." and that
Wikipedia wrote:Delta Green is a setting for the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game created by Adam Scott Glancy, Dennis Detwiller, and John Tynes of the Seattle gaming house Pagan Publishing.
Delta Green takes place in the mid-to-late 1990s. The game revolves around a fictitious secret organization called Delta Green (created by the U.S. Government following the covert raid on the town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts as alluded to in H.P. Lovecraft's The Shadow over Innsmouth) spearheaded by elements of the United States government. Its members are dedicated to combating the mind-rending horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. The organization works undercover by contacting and gathering members across the wide range of U.S. government agencies like the FBI, ATF, CDC, and DEA. It appears to have "gone rogue" somewhere between the 1960s and the 1980s following a disastrous operation in Cambodia and the "deal" struck by the Reagan administration with the "Greys" (actually a facade for Mi-go) via the offices of the Majestic-12 governmental UFO conspiracy group. The group was introduced in the seventh issue of The Unspeakable Oath, a Call of Cthulhu fanzine created by Pagan Publishing, in early 1993. Four years later, the Delta Green supplement appeared and spawned a number of its own supplements and novels.
The premise is frequently compared to The X-Files (although the original incarnation of Delta Green preceded The X-Files by almost a year), as both draw on federal alphabet soup folklore, UFO conspiracy theories and other modern legends.
I find all of this interesting because of its omni-conspiracy nature. The folks behind the NESARA scam (and their favorite sources) tend to conglomerate "out there" things they find on the internet into their own storyline. It's like they don't believe their big promises are big enough, so they keep adding onto them (not only $trillions-of-trillions in prosperity packages, but first contact with aliens too!).

Actually, come to think of it, I hope that Dove & Co. don't find out about this "role playing game," secret history books and apparently H.P. Lovecraft, or they might mine them for new ideas. Soon, Casper may be telling us about Delta Green gearing up to deliver the packies, but of course getting blocked by the Cthulhu Mythos.

P.S. Deep Knight is in no way associated with the Deep Ones, a "race of frog-like, ocean-dwelling creatures with an affinity for mating with humans" (even though Deep Knight is well known for his affinity for mating with hot female super-model humans, sometimes bedding trillions-of-trillions in a single night, while having first contact with aliens too!).
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Re: Oil Spill

Post by Deep Knight »

Speaking of big numbers, further on in the oil spill "updates" on Bellringer's site is the following.
The original estimate was about 5,000 gallons of oil a day spilling into the ocean. Now they're saying 200,000 gallons a day. That's over a million gallons of crude oil a week!
No, the source they quoted said:
5,000 barrels, or 210,000 gallons, a day
Which is because a barrel of oil is 42 gallons. Simple math, huh? But then, later in the same comment:
Now they've got a hole in the ocean floor, 5,000 feet down with a wrecked oil drilling rig sitting on top of is spewing 200,000 barrels of oil a day into the ocean.
In the space of a paragraph 200,000 gallons becomes 200,000 barrels, over 8 million gallons. This number, although not in the "update" is at one of the links, with lots of hyperbole about poisoning every square mile of ocean! Unfortunately for the Gulf coast, the actual article says that no one knows how much oil is coming out, but some estimates say it is "likely that the actual amount of the oil spill dwarfs the Coast Guard's figure of 5,000 barrels." Unfortunately the numbers just weren't big enough, so they took the biggest number there and used that.

By the way, Dove is a notorious size queen, her men have to have one with 40 zeros after it to get in her front door (and any man showing up at her trailer would have to be a zero, but that's another story).
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Re: Oil Spill

Post by Cathulhu »

I adored those novels, which are extremely funny, and in complete senility, gave one to a member of the Pagan Press group who happens to be my honorary daughter (I gave her away at her wedding). Adam Scott Glancy is my favorite lawyer-turned-author, and his birthday party I attended aeons ago at the Pagan house was a blast. The novelist, Charles Strout, gave a wonderful shout out about Delta Green, which is truly an amazing game, in his afterword. There is joy in the Pagan house because they were all flattered about it!

Being a lawyer himself, if Nesara starts mining Delta Green, I'll give Glancy a heads up. Don't like people messing with my friends, and these are friends. In the case of my daughter, who illustrated the book, well-loved friends.
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Re: Oil Spill

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Posts like these remind me of when the movie "Gone Baby Gone" was being filmed, down the street from where I live. They were filming the scene when the TV reporters were doing their stand-ups from the "scene of the crime"; and Ben Affleck was trying to get the scene looking just right. Some of the actors were holding up signs asking for the return of the missing girl; but someone was holding up a sign which was completely irrelevant to the issue of the kidnapping. She was there because, to paraphrase Affleck's comment, "some people will show up at anything to protest, even if the protest has nothing to do with the issue that THEY are protesting." Here, we have a case of someone who is so desperate to push their particular brand of idiocy that they will latch onto anything, and distort the facts as needed to make them fit their idiocy.
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Re: Oil Spill

Post by Cathulhu »

The near-infinite ability of the human mind to rationalize what it wants to believe over the obvious realities is constantly amazing to me. Look at David and Harv, 'nuff said.

There's an old psychotherapist saying--and I qualify as an old psychotherapist, having been a social worker in my misspent youth. (Specialized in working with first handicapped, then abused kids until I burned out.) Neurotics build castles in the sky. Psychotics move in. Psychiatrists charge rent.
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Re: Oil Spill

Post by Deep Knight »

Mitch Battros, one of Bellringer's only non-political contributor, puts his two cents in about the oil spill in the Gulf. If you don't know Mitch, he thinks he's a NASA-recognized geophysicist because they responded to a letter stating his "theory of earth changes" like he was a little kid they were trying to encourage in science.

Watch the New Madrid Fault - 'Fluid Displacement'

----- Original Message -----
From: bewildered@earthchangesmedia.com
To: bellringer@foulwinds100.com
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 12:14 AM
Subject: Watch the New Madrid Fault - 'Fluid Displacement'

Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media

The Midwest United States along with its East Coast is at high risk to earthquakes due to unsettled fault zones, as a result of 'Katrina'-like floods occurring in at least five states. Those areas at risk are Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana and Illinois. The Mississippi and other rivers across the upper Midwest have overrun their banks in recent days.

Note: 'Fluid Displacement' occurs in polarized ways. This is to say - when fluid is increased such as the record-breaking floods along the Mississippi river, pressure in "added" to tectonic plates causing them to shift. When fluid is removed or decreased - such as tons of oil leaving Earth's mantle due to a man-made bored hole, this reduces pressure on tectonic plates which also causing them to shift.

The New Madrid Fault is prone to mega-quakes. Earthquakes so large, it caused the Mississippi to run backwards ... that's right, the largest river in the United States ran backwards. The New Madrid zone had four of the largest North American earthquakes in recorded history, with moment magnitudes estimated to be as large as 8.0, all occurring within a three-month period between December 1811 and February 1812.

With fluid (oil) gushing out not far from the mouth of the Mississippi, and record floods occurring up-river along longitude meridians, has geologists pouring over possible seismic outcomes. No one knows for sure how this will unfold. As one geologist said when asked what might happen: "We don't know - it's never happened before."
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Re: Oil Spill

Post by Deep Knight »

More Bellringer Updates from the original post.

#5 (Reply)

Goldman Sachs Reveals it Shorted Gulf of Mexico

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) - In what is looming as another public relations predicament for Goldman Sachs, the banking giant admitted today that it made "a substantial financial bet against the Gulf of Mexico" one day before the sinking of an oil rig in that body of water.

The new revelations came to light after government investigators turned up new emails from Goldman employee Fabrice "Fabulous Fab" Tourre in which he bragged to a girlfriend that the firm was taking a "big short" position on the Gulf.

"One oil rig goes down and we're going to be rolling in dough," Mr. Tourre wrote in one email. "Suck it, fishies and birdies!"
The news about Goldman's bet against the Gulf comes on the heels of embarrassing revelations that the firm had taken a short position on Lindsay Lohan's acting career. More here.

#6 (Reply)
FROM: Benjamin Fulford
DATE: May 7, 2010
SUBJECT: Death Throes of the Beast

The death throes of the beast

The Satan worshipping gangsters who took over the United States government are getting increasingly desperate and dangerous. These people are guilty of mass murder and know their very lives will be forfeit if the general public finds out what they have been doing. The massive oil lead in the Gulf of Mexico is almost certainly an act of sabotage by these people i.e. the Bush Nazi Cabal.

The Office of Naval Intelligence information/disinformation site known as Sorcha Faal claims it was the North Koreans who attacked the oil platform. I personally confirmed this with a member of the Chinese security police who has direct access to the politburo. The fact that Obama immediately ordered special forces to the region is another indicator the explosion was the result of sabotage. That is one of the reasons Kim Jong Il was summoned to China immediately after the attack.

People in the West mostly do not realize this but it is common knowledge in Asian intelligence circles that the North Korean regime and the Nazi cabal often work in tandem. It was the Nazis who gave the North Koreans both their missile technology and their atomic weapons. The Nazi/CIA faction also helps the North Koreans sell amphetamines around Asia.

In this case, the oil well exploded shortly after Halliburton (CIA rogue faction) did work there. There was also a North Korean ship in the vicinity at the time.
The North Koreans are facing mass starvation (again) and are trying to negotiate a peace agreement so that is why they participated in this attack. The Nazi Cabal is simply threatening to do horrible things to the planet if the worldwide attack against them does not stop.

#7 (Reply)
----- Original Message ----
-From: JL
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 7:55 PM

I don't know if you know but the The Borowitz Report is just satire. I'm not saying its not possible Goldman could of had short calls on this event, but his website is just similar to the Onion.com


#8 (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: KH
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 8:48 PM


A. True Ott on Goldman Sachs and Oil Rig Demolition

Like I said previously, qui bono? Follow the money, greed, and the carnage! The oil cartel and the Bankers (wankers and bankers!) are the ones! Book-em, try-em, fry-em! Murder, conspiarcy, and environmental terrorism!

"A. True Ott, Ph.D. confirms that there were indeed numerous \"shorts\" placed on TransOcean stock just days before the \"problem\".

A. True Ott, Ph.D., wrote the following to me last night:

I have confirmed that there were indeed numerous \"shorts\" placed on TransOcean stock just days before the \"problem\". Was it Goldman Sachs? That is yet to be conclusively determined (there is indeed a SEC investigation ongoing) -- but labeling something as \"satire\" is a lawyer\'s shrewd trick to keep from being sued for slander -- even if it is all true. Moreover, there were massive shorts placed literally seconds after the news hit the airwaves.

Who would dare to quote the actual e-mails from \"Fabulous Fab\", unless the writer would post them as a \"satire\" - especially after what happened to the Wall Street Journal writers who dared expose the 9-11 short sales involving Goldman Sachs. (They were assigned to Afghanistan, and had fatal \"accidents\" there.)

Dr. Ott has subsequently confirmed from two sources that Goldman Sachs was indeed in on the shorts being placed on TransOcean stock. And he has confirmed that the comedian was aware of that as well."

Who is this "A. True Ott PhD?" His radio show's lead should give you a clue.
A.True Ott, excommunicated by the Mormon Church for his controversial research, says he experienced death threats trying to get at the truth behind deep-seeded corruption in U.S. government and LDS hierarchy. Satanic influences abound and corruption must stop in order to avert World War III, claims Ott in his upcoming book 'Free At Last.'
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Re: Oil Spill

Post by Cathulhu »

I can't read this thread without hearing the Kinks sing "Paranoia".
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
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Re: Oil Spill

Post by Dezcad »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Posts like these remind me of when the movie "Gone Baby Gone" was being filmed, down the street from where I live. They were filming the scene when the TV reporters were doing their stand-ups from the "scene of the crime"; and Ben Affleck was trying to get the scene looking just right. Some of the actors were holding up signs asking for the return of the missing girl; but someone was holding up a sign which was completely irrelevant to the issue of the kidnapping. She was there because, to paraphrase Affleck's comment, "some people will show up at anything to protest, even if the protest has nothing to do with the issue that THEY are protesting." Here, we have a case of someone who is so desperate to push their particular brand of idiocy that they will latch onto anything, and distort the facts as needed to make them fit their idiocy.
The best thing about "Gone Baby Gone" was that Ben wasn't in it. Casey was awesome.