Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

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Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by wserra »

David has filed two more - well, things - in the same docket as his now-dismissed non-action to enforce a non-lien. As usual, the bulk of each filing consists of more copies of - well, things - he previously filed.

The earlier is a second "writ of coram vobis", something which no longer exists in federal courts and did not apply to David's situation when it did. The later appears to be a request that Colorado Chief Judge Wiley Y. Daniel "review" Judge Blackburn's decision showing him the door. Yes, that's the same Judge Daniel who showed David the door in one of his earlier efforts at a lawsuit. I'm not sure why David believed that, even if there was a procedure for the Chief Judge to review another judge's order, Daniel would be inclined to do anything. Consistent with the merits of the filings, Blackburn made the following docket entry (not even accompanied by an order): "ORDER denying 32 Motion for Review by Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 4/20/10". Sooner or later, Blackburn is also likely to do the same as Daniel did in the earlier case - direct the clerk not to accept any more filings.

A request to my Quatloosian colleagues: Please do not engage in a flame war with David, even if he starts it (which he frequently does not). I am linking to this stuff for one reason only - more people read this board than post to it. I think it useful that those folks (some of whom appear to believe that David possesses wisdom) see that he is keeping his 0-for-everything string intact. It was my idea originally to have all of his filings in one thread, but the flame wars prevent that. I may yet collect them and lock the thread to accomplish that. If anyone wishes to contribute legal observations, feel free. But please do not turn this thread into yet another one about mothers, motor scooters and Jesus. IOW, no Hank Williams songs.
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Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by The Observer »

Then I think you should lock this thread now and not have anyone be able to post to it, including David. Likely as not, David is going to want to post to this thread in order to explain/defend/justify his filings and we know how much that is going to be worth. And I think it is unfair to give David a soapbox where he cannot be challenged.

So do us all a favor, delete my post, lock this thread and keep it for an archive of David's funny filings. David can start another thread to start his apologia.
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Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by bmielke »

FWIW I agree with Observer
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Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by wserra »

The Observer wrote:And I think it is unfair to give David a soapbox where he cannot be challenged.
I certainly agree with that. But there is a difference between challenging what he says and ad hominem attacks, even if the latter are both true and arguably deserved. C'mon, guys, take a look at the last few Van Pelt threads. You'll see what I mean.

Still, I retract what was only a request to begin with. My "Van Pelt" file box contains over thirty files. One day I'll take a couple of hours and pull them together.
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Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

UGA Lawdog wrote:
wserra wrote:A request to my Quatloosian colleagues: Please do not engage in a flame war with David, even if he starts it (which he frequently does not).
Aw, come on, Wesley. Why do you want to take all the fun out of life? Don't be such a noodge. 8)
The thing is that making fun of David is like making fun of the "funny" kid walking around the village green -- it gets to a point where it just isn't sporting anymore. Let David post, if he must; but don't give him the respect that a response will give him, unless he shows that he's willing to listen to, and respond directly to, what you have to say to him. He's yet to do that, so we can all save ourselves lots of aggravation by not rising to his bait.
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Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by The Observer »

wserra wrote:I certainly agree with that. But there is a difference between challenging what he says and ad hominem attacks, even if the latter are both true and arguably deserved. C'mon, guys, take a look at the last few Van Pelt threads. You'll see what I mean.
No argument there, Wes. I have commented on the baiting of David from afar where it seemed the posters were intent on getting David back here just for the purpose of stoning him. And I don't see the need for name-calling and the like during the course of challenging David's nonsense.

But the situation, such as it is, seems to be like the guy who installs a brand new plate glass window in a derelict building in the worst section of town, piles a bunch of rocks next to it and then tells the gathering crowd, "I'd really appreciate it if nobody broke my window when I turn my back and leave."

There's gotta be a better way.
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Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by The Observer »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Let David post, if he must; but don't give him the respect that a response will give him, unless he shows that he's willing to listen to, and respond directly to, what you have to say to him.
The problem is that David is not just posting nonsense that is patently clear to your average readed as being worthless. Even if we see if for the gibberish that it is, the hoi polloi are at risk of actually thinking that there is such a thing as "remedy." This is why people over at Sui think that David is some kind of legal eagle instead of beagle. I am not going to ignore David's postings here and let them go unchallenged. I am just not going to resort to calling SFBFKADMVP or worse while I'm doing it.
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Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by Lambkin »

Having a closed sticky thread which is only updated by Wes sounds fine to me. Call it a blog. I'd read it.

You are probably tired of hearing me say that I don't think David posting here has any value for him or anyone else, and poking a blind dog with a stick is not sporting either.

Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by bmielke »

Lambkin wrote:Having a closed sticky thread which is only updated by Wes sounds fine to me. Call it a blog. I'd read it.

You are probably tired of hearing me say that I don't think David posting here has any value for him or anyone else, and poking a blind dog with a stick is not sporting either.
The only value I see, and I could be very wrong about this, is that david seems to be the originator, or popularizer of a lot of this soverign BS. If I am right about that observation it well worth responding to his stuff.

A couple of weeks ago I was going to suggest we should have a thread started with true and verified facts about David Merrill Van Pelt. When I first started lurking here and read some of his stuff I thought it was BS, however I wanted to get to know more about him. He is not an easy person to find things on. If we had a dossier on him complete with his life story (as far as the Soverign/TP/Sui stuff goes) it would make it much easier for people to understand where he is coming from when they read a post.

While suing Jesus and the IMF are funny, and elder abuse is sad, bringing it up everytime he posts is beating a dead horse, but it needs to be brought up to show what kind of a man he is.

Those are my thought for what their worth.
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Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:Let David post, if he must; but don't give him the respect that a response will give him, unless he shows that he's willing to listen to, and respond directly to, what you have to say to him.
The problem is that David is not just posting nonsense that is patently clear to your average readed as being worthless. Even if we see if for the gibberish that it is, the hoi polloi are at risk of actually thinking that there is such a thing as "remedy." This is why people over at Sui think that David is some kind of legal eagle instead of beagle. I am not going to ignore David's postings here and let them go unchallenged. I am just not going to resort to calling SFBFKADMVP or worse while I'm doing it.
All true; but the way I see it, anyone who is dumb enough to swallow what David is pushing, and keep on falling for it on an ongoing basis, is likely to have a mind as closed as his is. Think of Lyndon LaRouche, and you'll have a good comparison. LaRouche was a master at spouting BS that seemed very erudite and very well-documented; but eventually most people wised up to him, and the only people who stuck with him were people who... shall we say, had a 10-watt bulb in a 100-watt fixture. The idiots on Sui (at least, the ones who stick around for a while) and who advocate Sui-style positions, are so convinced of the rectitude of their arguments that NOTHING will change their mind, not even the clearest of facts.

It's the same with David. Think of this: would you want to drive from Boston to Washington with ANYONE who thought that David's arguments had any validity?
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by bmielke »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Think of this: would you want to drive from Boston to Washington with ANYONE who thought that David's arguments had any validity?
If I was driving them to get the help they needed, I would do it in a heart beat, but if they were not a very close friend or family I had better be getting paid.

Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by silversopp »

I'm not sure there is a desire to use kid gloves when dealing with David. It's one thing for us, as the enemy, to say that David is 0-for-everything in his legal battles and another thing to document his history. The legal battles he has lost can never be repeated enough times, as that shows David has a long history of being wrong. It's not that he's simply wrong this time, but he's been wrong for well over a decade. Likewise, I think documenting his personal life does have value in a "scared straight" sort of way. Losing one's career, residence, and family relationships are a very real result of the TP/Sovereign way of life. If one person was ready to swallow that BS but decides not to when they find out that the source of the information is a crazy homeless man, then we have done our job.

I have a feeling that when he is active on these forums, he's telling his followers about his "victories" over here. Is there an increase of hits from non-members when he's busy on Quatloos?

Pete and Schiff had a long history of failure, and I believe it helps to bring up the mail bombing and the previous convictions of these gurus.

Perhaps a single thread documenting his failures would be useful to direct new people to when they first come in contact with David.
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Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by Joe Dirt »

David is doing exactly as you suggest above, in his "other place". Pontificating about his flawed notion of remedy, cackling the cracked logic of exchange for lawful money and passing noxious gases in the general direction of logic. I regret that I lack the in depth experience in dealing with this quarter-wit to assist in developing his "BIO".

As an aside, I have recently started reading in the NESARA threads and all I can say is wow, just wow. I have yet to sort out the characters and players on that stage. I think that a "sticky" in that section would be of great help to new readers there too.

Quatloos is a great knowledge resource for me, particularly the Evans FAQ. In the past several years I have succeeded in the rescue of a few almost TPs and one driving using a "constitutional" license while on a DWI suspension.... The "TPs" are on long-term payment arrangements and the driver has a limited driving privilege for work. Small wins indeed, but at least problems solved in a way to avoid life changing trouble.
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Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by The Observer »

silversopp wrote:I'm not sure there is a desire to use kid gloves when dealing with David. It's one thing for us, as the enemy, to say that David is 0-for-everything in his legal battles and another thing to document his history.
I only focus on David's win-loss record here when he shows up as a quick and short method to counter his silly claims of "success." He doesn't like that being mentioned since he has no obvious and actual way to claim victory ("if you won that case, David, then why did you not get the $20 million?"); he also has to spend more time on Sui and other places defending his position. Over time, David realizes that he is wasting time and emotion by visiting here.

While we can spend inordinate amounts of time pulling David's lame theories apart bit by bit, it is that environment that actually nurtures him and allows him to pontificate about nothing. The devil is in the details and David clearly doesn't mind diving into the trivial as long as it avoids the end result. David knows that his "suitors" are only motivated by one thing: that they escape having to pay money to a government. If he lets them get to the end game before they financially and emotionally invest in it, they are going to see that his theories don't work and they will no longer listen to him. So he goes to great pains to throw massive amounts of pseudo-historical and pseudo-legal information at them, prattles on about alleged corruption and conspiracy in the government and court system, and brays about his and other "suitor" victories without providing any detail.
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Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by wserra »

. . . and David has filed three more, well, things in the CO civil docket.

Item 34 is a note from David's process service to the clerk to the effect that David was "rejecting" something they sent him in an envelope that was "improperly sealed". The item in the envelope appears to be the docket order denying his attempt to "appeal" the dismissal of his non-case to the Chief Judge, mailed to David because he has no email address (parties are typically notified of federal ECF filings by email).

Item 36 is a transcript of David declining the services of a public defender. It is unclear why David believes that it matters.

Item 37 is a hoot. David "instructs" the clerk to resend the contents of the "improperly sealed" envelope, even though he already has it.

As soon as someone notices and cares, the clerk will receive a real instruction: don't accept any further filings.
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Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by Nikki »

It appears that David's "case" and "judgement" remain open on Planet Merrill, even though they have been dismissed and closed here on Colorado, planet Earth.

David stubbornly refuses to accept that the rules of the Colorado courts apply to him and he consistently attempts to apply his 'remedy' and process of 'refusal for cause' in accordance with his self-determined legal system.
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Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Nikki wrote:It appears that David's "case" and "judgement" remain open on Planet Merrill, even though they have been dismissed and closed here on Colorado, planet Earth.

David stubbornly refuses to accept that the rules of the Colorado courts apply to him and he consistently attempts to apply his 'remedy' and process of 'refusal for cause' in accordance with his self-determined legal system.
It must be fun to watch what happens when the people in the Clerk's office see Van Pelt heading into the building, and see how many people suddenly realize that they have an urgent appointment somewhere else.
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Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by Nikki »

David is over 50 yers old.

He has nothing -- absolutely nothing -- to show for those years on this planet.

He is scrabbling to accomplish something -- anything -- to prevent his obituary from only listing the date of death and location of interment.

David has serious mental problems which prevent him from functioning properly in general society.

All of the above wouldn't be a problem for anyone but him and his family except for the fact that he continues to post his inane legal theories all over the Internet, has people actually accepting them and acting on them*, and charges people for his version of 'remedy'.

If anyone reading this is considering a financial transaction with David regarding his legal expertise, I strongly suggest that you look back at David's record in the legal system. To date, he has at least five losses (some involving jail time), no wins, and one rain-out since his mother refused to press charges against him for elder abuse.

* Several of David's acolytes on Sooey have indicated they intend to file Merrill-educated tax returns next year.
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Re: Latest DMVP Filings Re: "Lien"

Post by Thule »

This is quite good;

"THE DEFENDANT: Well, is there a nonstatuatory abatement for misnomer in your file?"

"THE COURT: You know what, I don't have any idea what you're talking about"

Magic Word Fail....
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