Liberty Dollar Update

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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

Nikki wrote:One of the LEAST nasty things llamas do is spit.

If someone decides to sneak around back to check the package, they will discover MUCH more nasty things can happen.
That explains why you got banned from the zoo.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Imalawman »

webhick wrote:
Nikki wrote:One of the LEAST nasty things llamas do is spit.

If someone decides to sneak around back to check the package, they will discover MUCH more nasty things can happen.
That explains why you got banned from the zoo.
My brother in law had a summer job (for two summers) in high school helping to train show llamas. No, really, he did. He hates llamas to this day.

I meant disrespect to Tony (I forgot his name, truth be told) However, we don't know its gender and Tony had a good run. Maybe its time for a new llama?

Sadly, as inane as this thread has become, its much more intelligent and meaningful than VonNutHouse's ramblings.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by The Operative »

Imalawman wrote:I meant disrespect to Tony
I am sure that Tony is not amused that you actually meant it. 8)
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Famspear »

Imalawman wrote:......we don't know its gender and Tony had a good run. Maybe its time for a new llama?
If you think of retiring the llama,
You could cause great unhappiness -- drama!
Oh, he's done a good job!
Don't go making him sob!
We don't need all that worry and trauma!
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Brandybuck »

CaptainKickback wrote:Or is his name Tony and he runs a successful boot've heard of Tony Llamas Boots haven't you?
Used to own a pair. But now that I've moved to the SF Bay Area, I stopped wearing boots. Just way too many chaps wearers to be comfortable wearing boots.
Evil Squirrel Overlord
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

Let's make a new gold llama to worship as out new God.
Warning: Pastor Mike kinda makes a case for the Golden Llama whose name must not be spoken: Tny th Wdr Llm
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit

It's a meltdown, all right

Post by LDE »

Moneywatch, 19 May 2010 wrote:The CPI showed a slight decrease for April, and over the last year the core CPI number was only up 0.9%, which is the slowest rate since 1966.
Bloomberg, 21 May 2010 wrote:Crude oil for July delivery dropped 76 cents to settle at $70.04 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The July contract has fallen for nine consecutive days, losing 13 percent since May 10. Prices slipped 7.1 percent this week.
FXstreet, 19 May 2010 wrote:Gold extended its decline below $1,200 and fell to $1,186 reaching the lowest price in a week. The ounce at the moment trades at $1,190/oz, almost $50 below the price it had at the begging [sic] of the week.
Silver Coins Today, 21 May 2010 wrote:Silver prices were brutalized during the third week of May, tumbling with other precious metals with stiff selling the order of the day for much of the week.
Silver's fall was less severe as compared to other industrial used metals, like platinum and palladium. But its drop was deep nevertheless. ...
New York silver for July delivery closed to $17.651 an ounce, plunging $1.574 or 8.2% for the week. Prices stabilized a bit on Friday, with the metal pulling back just 6.4 cents.
Wall Street Journal, 21 May 2010 wrote:The 30-year bond's yield briefly dipped below 4%, the first time the yield breached that level since October.
Hyperinflation? Maybe not so soon.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

May 2010 Vol. 12 No. 05
Do You Still Have Liberty Dollars? If you don't want to lose your money, please take immediate action.
Table of Contents: Please add interlinks…
1. Please send a Letter - TODAY.
2. As for my Case
3. $1 Tea Party Dollar
4. $25 Silver Ron Paul Dollar!!!
5. Thanks for the Support
6. Donations for Kevin
7. National Debt Explodes to $13 TRILLION
8. Liberty Gold Card Receives Patent!
9. Real Estate Humor & "The National Juggernaut"
My Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!
1. Please send a Letter - You help is urgently needed.
A few mornings ago I received a call from a close friend and Liberty Dollar supporter. I was surprised by the call as I had reached out to this individual several times, without a reply. Naturally, I had taken his no reply personally and felt abandoned. But that was not the case. He called to ask me why he should write to Kevin Innes' Federal Defender, Claire Rauscher, as I requested in my previous Liberty Dollar News. Here is the answer and an urgent cry for you to write a letter on the First Anniversary of the Liberty Dollar Four arrest.
Shortly after the raid, Assistant US Attorney Thomas R. Ascik notified my civil attorney that he was moving quickly to forfeit "his" seizure for immediate liquidation at auction. In other words 'steal your property'!! He mistakenly thought that this was just another federal raid and was simply doing his 'job.' Of course, he did not realize his error without some help. That help came when thousands of Liberty Dollar supporters answered my call for action and wrote to him as 'interested parties' barring him from liquidating their property and requiring him to keep them informed of any action. And it worked! Ascik quickly responded and stated that NO action would take place until all interested parties were informed before any court action regarding their property. You WON!
Immediate similar action is needed AGAIN. It has been a year since Kevin Innes, Sarah Bledsoe, Rachelle Moseley and Bernard von NotHaus were arrested. And again, if you don't want the **** government to steal your property, this is an urgent and critical call to write to Claire Rauscher.
If you are holding any Liberty Dollars in metal, paper or digital form, you should immediately write to Claire Rauscher, who is Kevin's defense attorney and as head of the Federal Defenders office, appoints all the CJA attorneys for the other co-defendants.
Doesn't it just seem reasonable that something should have happened about your property and our case in a year? Yes! But very little has happened. In fact the only thing of note was my recent visit to review the confiscated physical files a month ago. And that was after months and months of pushing my non-defense attorney, Deke Falls, for some resemblance of action. It seems that if the defense attorneys were serious about defending the Liberty Dollar Four they would have contested the search and seizure, or had an evidentiary hearing or more than a dozen other motions in a case such as this.
The bottom line is that NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN WITHOUT YOU TAKING ACTION. Rauscher, as head of the Federal Pretenders Office assigned herself to represent Kevin Innes. Now, while I have no idea what has transpired between Kevin and his attorney, I suspect that Rauscher is nothing more than a front for the DOJ and has tried to convince Kevin to cop a plea so the government can win.
The ugly truth is that the court appointed attorney's true function is to bully their clients into copping a plea. How else does the government "win" 95% of their cases by plea? As the prosecution attorneys cannot talk to defendants it is the Federal Defender's job to talk the defendants into copping a plea!
I know this because, my POS court appointed, do-nothing, non-defense attorney, Deke Falls, tried to brainwash me into copping a plea. At one time, he got so frustrated that he even yelled at me that I was "GUILTY!!!" because I would not agree that I was guilty. And that is by the very person who was suppose to defend me!
Just think about the largely black, uneducated, alienated, indigent defendants sitting in a rat infested county jail and the only person who is advising them are Federal Pretenders who sell them down the river and into prison. Why does the United States have the largest prison population in the world? Because of the stinking "legal system" of Federal Pretenders and court appointed CJA attorneys.
Now, while I cannot speak of Kevin's case, I can speak of what has happened with my case. A year of nothing! It is self evident that the government's game plan is to sweat a plea out of Kevin. The government has no case and they know it. And if none of the Liberty Dollar Four cop a plea, the government will lose and you will get your property back. Rauscher needs to hear that from YOU and a lot of othere people.
Please dash off a quick letter to Ms. Rauscher and demand action with the Liberty Dollar case. It need not be long. The shear volume of letters is what counts. YOUR LETTER COUNTS! Please don't let the government prolong the imprisonment of Kevin and your money any longer. Please write to Rauscher and urge her to defend Kevin as she is has sworn to do:
Ms. Claire Rauscher
Federal Defenders Office
129 West Trade St.
Suite 300
Charlotte NC 28202
And if you don't have time to protect your money for 44 cents, please email her: and BCC me at
Thank you for your immediate action.
2. As for my Case
While I am not aware of my co-defendant's case, I can speak of my case. But just consider the government's own statistics, 95% of the Federal Pretenders "clients" cop a plea. 95% plea guilty! Simply amazing odds!
After almost a year of non-action, I fired my court appointed attorney, Deke Falls and then sued him! Of course, all this played out in court. So, Claire Rauscher, as head of the Federal Pretenders office in Charlotte, had to appoint a new attorney for me because my case is way to complex and difficult for any prose representation. This lead to a telephone call between Rauscher and myself. WOW!!! That was quite a call because I promptly told her exactly what I thought of "her" legal system that forces unsuspecting defendants to cop a plea an astonishing 95% of the time! I don't think she liked that call.
But without Falls to represent me, Rauscher still had to find an attorney to represent me and she did her job. She talked James (Jim) P. McLoughlin, an old friend, into taking my case and saving her a lot of grief. So I got a call from McLoughlin who is senior partner with Moore & Van Allen, one if not the largest, law firms in Charlotte. The firm has over 300 attorneys so it would employ over 1000 people! This is a BIG firm with deep pockets. So you might think it would be a great firm to represent me and save the Liberty Dollar. Right? Wrong!
First Jim expressed that he was very leery of representing anyone who had sued his attorney. Then he confirmed that he was an old friend of Rauscher and Deke Falls. Priana all swim together. Finally, if became obvious that Jim was willing to take the case as a favor for Rauscher who is an old friend if I would drop my suit against another old friend, Deke Falls. Nice eh? And if that was not telling enough, I discovered that while Jim had been an attorney for over 25 years, he had tried less than two dozen criminal cases and had only ONE acquittal! Well that is like asking a doctor, who only had one patience who survived, to save me. First, I did not think I should be intimidated as a requirement for counsel. Second, Jim appeared to be much friendlier to the do-nothing non-defense co-counsels that defending me. As this was a setup for me to lose, I told Jim, no thanks.
But Rauscher, as head of the Federal Pretenders office, still had her job to find an attorney for me, which she did. I was just informed that I have been assigned to Aaron E. Michel, Attorney at Law, 3736 Surry Ridge Court, Charlotte, NC 28210-6921. I will give Mr. Michel every opportunity to prove or disprove himself regarding my case and withhold my opinion. You can google his name for more info.
3. $1 Tea Party Dollar
I understand that a new copper $1 Tea Party Dollar is in the works by Joshua Deatherage. I don't know the particulars, but I did license my Tea Party artwork to Joshua. Please email Joshua for more info at:
4. $25 Silver Ron Paul Dollar!!!
Recently I was commissioned to design a new half ounce silver Ron Paul Dollar with a MSRP of $25. If this "Paul Dollar" issue is like the other Ron Paul Dollars, this could be a very hot collectible. For more info please contact one of the three distributors found at
5. Thanks for the $upport
Thank you for supporting Kevin Innes, the only co-defendant of the Liberty Dollar Four who is still in jail. Kevin has been able to maintain his inter-strength and vegetarian diet thanks to your donations.
6. Donation for Kevin
Please send a letter of support directly to Kevin:
William K. Innes
2351 Morganton Blvd. SW
Lenoir, NC 28645
And if you would be so kind, please send a few dollars to Kevin c/o his wife who opened a special account for Kevin. Please let him know that you appreciate his dedication to the values that the Liberty Dollar represents. Please send your letter and money to:
Julia Gaunt
16 Norman Austin Dr.
Asheville, NC 28804
Thanks again for all your support.
7. National Debt Explodes to $13 TRILLION
Don't look now but the US dollar is accelerating into a black hole. And if we are to learn anything from history, it is that the hyperinflation of a fiat currency always ends in a dictatorship. Please take action to protect your family, money and sense of value before it is too late. More info on the National Debt Clock at
8. Liberty Gold Card Receives Patent!
I am pleased to inform you that Liberty Gold Card, the world's first payment card system that transacts in gold and silver, has received their patent. If you are a qualified investor and want to be apart of this exciting project, please contact Al Wagner, CEO for Liberty Gold International, a New Zealand corporation via:
9. Real Estate Humor & "The National Juggernaut"
Hitler had his problems too. Click HERE for a short video.
Click HERE for "The National Juggernaut" A cartoon that seemed far-fetched in 1948.
Closing Remarks:
There you have it! Your quick action is urgently needed. A quick letter to Claire Rauscher would make a world of difference and speed the recovery of your money.
Guess what? The Department of Justice does not care about right or wrong. The truth means nothing. The rule of law means nothing. They lie at will. The government does not care about you, me or the law. Your life, my life means nothing! They only care about winning. Nothing else matters. The title of Michael Jackson's theme song was right on: "They don't care about us."
Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.
Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!
Bernard von NotHaus
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

Von NotHaus indicates that he has a court-appointed defense attorney, which means that he MUST have qualified as poor in the judge's opinion. Since Von NotHaus is complaining about this attorney it would appear that he can't, or won't, spend the money on a private attorney of his own choosing. So after about 20 years of handling gold and silver, and calling him an economist, Von NotHaus turns out to be broke.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Demosthenes wrote:
May 2010 Vol. 12 No. 05

8. Liberty Gold Card Receives Patent!
I am pleased to inform you that Liberty Gold Card, the world's first payment card system that transacts in gold and silver, has received their patent. If you are a qualified investor and want to be apart of this exciting project, please contact Al Wagner, CEO for Liberty Gold International, a New Zealand corporation via:
A Google® search for "Liberty Gold Card" & Patent finds two copies of this (probably three when Google® indexes this thread), and one note on the Trademark registration for "Liberty Gold Card", issued to "Liberty Payment Systems, LLC", which is probably not associated with vonNuthouse.

[edited to note that Google is a registered trademark]
Last edited by Arthur Rubin on Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

fortinbras wrote: So after about 20 years of handling gold and silver, and calling him an economist, Von NotHaus turns out to be broke.

The only verifiable fact is that von Nuthouse is a liar and conartist, and always has been, so this should be no shock to anyone. The fact that he is complaining should be no big surprise either.

I hate to tell them, but you don't don't patent something like a card, you trademark it, and even that is nothing great.

I have to feel a great deal of sympathy for his attorney, he has a real fool for a client who will probably make things as difficult as possible.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

This was listed in my todo list as "Master Toker speaks again. Tear him a new one." Rise, slightly old thread, RISE!
A few mornings ago I received a call from a close friend and Liberty Dollar supporter. I was surprised by the call as I had reached out to this individual several times, without a reply.
If that's your idea of a close friend and LD supporter, then I guess all your exes are close friends and LD supporters. How do you define a person who slaps you with a restraining order? Spouse and LD investor? Does that come with a badge or something?
Naturally, I had taken his no reply personally and felt abandoned.
That's what happens when you're needy. Boys don't like that.
But that was not the case. He called to ask me why he should write to Kevin Innes' Federal Defender, Claire Rauscher, as I requested in my previous Liberty Dollar News.
I'm betting he said something like, "Why the hell should I write to the illegal immigrant's lawyer?"
I feel like making a point here. I'm not sure what it is, so bear with me. So, let's say I don't have room for my couch in my apartment. And let's say my friend needs a couch. So, being a money grubbing bitch, I decide to rent my couch to my friend. And let's say that somewhere down the line, law enforcement found out that my friend was a big-time cocaine dealer, there was a raid, the cops found obscene amounts of cocaine in the cushions of my rented couch and confiscated it as evidence. At this point, I'll probably never see that couch again and even if I did, there'd probably be stray humans obsessed with huffing the upholstery. Would I harass the attorney representing one of my friend's co-conspirators? No, I'd be suing my friend for the depreciated value of the couch and any unpaid rental fees up to the date the couch became government property.

So maybe I just made my point. Your supporters should be suing you. After all, you assured them it was all legal and and even stated in at least one place on your site that their assets could not be taken if the government tried to shut you down because of the way they were being stored (Or something. I don't remember details. Details are someone else's problem). You were wrong. The liability should be on you.
The ugly truth is that the court appointed attorney's true function is to bully their clients into copping a plea. How else does the government "win" 95% of their cases by plea? As the prosecution attorneys cannot talk to defendants it is the Federal Defender's job to talk the defendants into copping a plea!
Not quite. The court appointed attorney's true function is to help you decide the best course of action. It's pretty good odds that if those people didn't plead out they would have been found guilty and their lives would have sucked worse.
I know this because, my POS court appointed, do-nothing, non-defense attorney, Deke Falls, tried to brainwash me into copping a plea. At one time, he got so frustrated that he even yelled at me that I was "GUILTY!!!" because I would not agree that I was guilty. And that is by the very person who was suppose to defend me!
You read it here, folks. Not only is Toking Bernie's brain resistant to a good scrubbing, he even admits that his own attorney thinks he's guilty. Wait, make that past tense since Bernie fired him. Deke, I feel bad for you. Partly because your name sounds like you had a lot of trip-fall accidents when you were younger, but mostly because Bernie must have eaten your entire stash of emergency munchies when you weren't looking. We all know that nothing beats browsing PACER while eating Puffcorn. NOTHING. You've been wronged and I DEMAND JUSTICE!
Just think about the largely black, uneducated, alienated, indigent defendants sitting in a rat infested county jail and the only person who is advising them are Federal Pretenders who sell them down the river and into prison.
I think that sounded more racist than you intended.
Why does the United States have the largest prison population in the world?
Because the criminals here are more stupid than the criminals in other countries?
Because of the stinking "legal system" of Federal Pretenders and court appointed CJA attorneys.
Nope. Fairly certain it's because our criminals are dumb enough to get caught. Repeatedly.
And if none of the Liberty Dollar Four cop a plea, the government will lose and you will get your property back.
Keep believing that.
Please dash off a quick letter to Ms. Rauscher and demand action with the Liberty Dollar case. It need not be long. The shear volume of letters is what counts. YOUR LETTER COUNTS! Please don't let the government prolong the imprisonment of Kevin and your money any longer. Please write to Rauscher and urge her to defend Kevin as she is has sworn to do
Wait. I'm confused. You've been talking all this time about writing to her to complain about how it's been a year and said that she's in charge of assigning all the attorneys to the defendants and now you're saying that we need to tell her to do her job in defending Kevin. What is up with your obsession with freeing Kevin? Are you dating or something?
And if you don't have time to protect your money for 44 cents
Honey, I know you're a "monetary architect" and all, but the phrase "time is money" is not meant to be taken literally. If I don't have time to protect my money, then it's time I don't have, not $0.44.
While I am not aware of my co-defendant's case, I can speak of my case. But just consider the government's own statistics, 95% of the Federal Pretenders "clients" cop a plea. 95% plea guilty! Simply amazing odds!
I like how you start the paragraph by implying that you're going to talk about your own case and then proceed to use the next three sentences to say nothing about your case. Have another hit, Bernie. You remind me of a community service kid we had a few months ago who had to serve like eighty hours. All he had to do was open his mouth and speak and we had him pegged as getting busted for pot. He would start one thought, meander off in another direction and, well... it pretty much ended there.
After almost a year of non-action, I fired my court appointed attorney, Deke Falls and then sued him!
I suggest to Deke that he countersue for the stolen Doritos, Kit Kat bars, Skittles, and that Puffcorn. Emotional distress should be factored in as well. I mean, do you know how horrible it is to do lawyering without sugar? DO YOU KNOW?! I don't. I'm not a lawyer, but I'm sure it's really bad. Like banned by the Geneva convention bad.
[...Blah, blah blah said Bernie...]This lead to a telephone call between Rauscher and myself. WOW!!! That was quite a call because I promptly told her exactly what I thought of "her" legal system that forces unsuspecting defendants to cop a plea an astonishing 95% of the time! I don't think she liked that call.
Probably because you made her miss lunch.
But without Falls to represent me, Rauscher still had to find an attorney to represent me and she did her job. She talked James (Jim) P. McLoughlin, an old friend, into taking my case and saving her a lot of grief. So I got a call from McLoughlin who is senior partner with Moore & Van Allen, one if not the largest, law firms in Charlotte. The firm has over 300 attorneys so it would employ over 1000 people!
Correct me if I'm wrong. But that would mean that about 2/3 of the firm aren't lawyers. That kind of means that there's like a paralegal and a secretary for every lawyer in the firm. Cushy gig. I wonder if the firm knows that if you cross-breed the paralegal and the secretary you end up with someone who can do legal research AND answer the phone. I probably totally misclassified what a paralegal does. And I can't bring myself to care right now.
First Jim expressed that he was very leery of representing anyone who had sued his attorney.
Here we go. Bad analogy time. If you beat someone over the head with a baseball bat, you can't expect anyone to feel okay about dealing with you when you insist on carrying the blood stained bat with you everywhere you go.
And if that was not telling enough, I discovered that while Jim had been an attorney for over 25 years, he had tried less than two dozen criminal cases and had only ONE acquittal!
Sounds like he makes it habit of taking on cases like yours.
Second, Jim appeared to be much friendlier to the do-nothing non-defense co-counsels that defending me.
Act like an ass, get treated like an ass.
But Rauscher, as head of the Federal Pretenders office, still had her job to find an attorney for me, which she did. I was just informed that I have been assigned to Aaron E. Michel
Aaron, put all the snacks you hold dear in the nearest locking drawer. Do not leave Bernie alone with it.
I understand that a new copper $1 Tea Party Dollar is in the works by Joshua Deatherage. I don't know the particulars, but I did license my Tea Party artwork to Joshua.
Thank you for supporting Kevin Innes, the only co-defendant of the Liberty Dollar Four who is still in jail.
Mostly because he could run back home to Canada and then we have to go through the hassle of getting him back to face the music.
Kevin has been able to maintain his inter-strength and vegetarian diet thanks to your donations.
Yes, Americans, hate the illegals, but send money so this one can maintain his vegetarian diet in prison! The prison which you pay for! Up with America! And Illegal Canadians!
And if you would be so kind, please send a few dollars to Kevin c/o his wife who opened a special account for Kevin.
The commissary account. So he can buy cigarettes to stop himself from becoming American by Injection.
Don't look now but the US dollar is accelerating into a black hole.
Um, I didn't think there was a feasible way to slow down as you enter a black hole. I was under the impression that accelerating is the only option. Otherwise, you just blow the engines and then what are you going to use to outrun the abominable meerkats on the other side? HUH? You don't have an answer for that because you haven't really thought this through.
I am pleased to inform you that Liberty Gold Card, the world's first payment card system that transacts in gold and silver, has received their patent.
Oooh! Future charges! You always keep things interesting.
Hitler had his problems too.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

Since this Liberty Gold Card is issued in New Zealand, it may well be that their use of the word "patent" is different from the American usage. New Zealand also has a very complicated arrangement about extradition and the recognition of US court decisions.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by wserra »

webhick wrote:
After almost a year of non-action, I fired my court appointed attorney, Deke Falls and then sued him!
I don't read von Nuthouse rodomontades, so I missed this the first time around. I do read webhick, though, so I caught it this time. The moron began a civil suit when he had a pending indictment?

Now here's an opportunity. Were I his former lawyer, I would answer and notice him for a deposition immediately. If he takes the Fifth, I go to the court, arguing that he waived the privilege by bringing suit. The judge might well make him choose between a dismissal and foregoing his claim of privilege. If he doesn't take the Fifth, I do a 500-page depo, every word of which would potentially be admissible against him in the criminal case.

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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by LPC »

notorial dissent wrote:I hate to tell them, but you don't don't patent something like a card, you trademark it, and even that is nothing great.
U.S. patent law allows for patents on "business methods," with the result that patents have been issued for (among other things) tax strategies. See, for example, United States Patent Application 20100125536, titled "Techniques for Illustrating and Analyzing College Savings Plans."

So it's possible that a novel way of linking a credit card to precious metals might qualify for a U.S. patent.
Dan Evans
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by ASITStands »

Liberty Dollar News wrote:8. Liberty Gold Card Receives Patent!
I am pleased to inform you that Liberty Gold Card, the world's first payment card system that transacts in gold and silver, has received their patent. If you are a qualified investor and want to be apart of this exciting project, please contact Al Wagner, CEO for Liberty Gold International, a New Zealand corporation via:
That's the same e-mail as the Al Wagner that worked with Patrick Lynch.

He disappeared for a few years after testifying in a case about the individual master file. He worked with Lynch for awhile but maintained such a low profile he was never very visible.

This is really the first I've noticed his name surfacing in any tax movement case.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

wserra wrote:Now here's an opportunity. Were I his former lawyer, I would answer and notice him for a deposition immediately. If he takes the Fifth, I go to the court, arguing that he waived the privilege by bringing suit. The judge might well make him choose between a dismissal and foregoing his claim of privilege. If he doesn't take the Fifth, I do a 500-page depo, every word of which would potentially be admissible against him in the criminal case.
That would be so awesome, I'd be tempted to print it all out and read it in the tub.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by grixit »

Just remember what your mother told you. If you must have your "personal time" in the tub, please lock the door and turn the tap on high.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by bmielke »

webhick wrote:
But without Falls to represent me, Rauscher still had to find an attorney to represent me and she did her job. She talked James (Jim) P. McLoughlin, an old friend, into taking my case and saving her a lot of grief. So I got a call from McLoughlin who is senior partner with Moore & Van Allen, one if not the largest, law firms in Charlotte. The firm has over 300 attorneys so it would employ over 1000 people!
Correct me if I'm wrong. But that would mean that about 2/3 of the firm aren't lawyers. That kind of means that there's like a paralegal and a secretary for every lawyer in the firm. Cushy gig. I wonder if the firm knows that if you cross-breed the paralegal and the secretary you end up with someone who can do legal research AND answer the phone. I probably totally misclassified what a paralegal does. And I can't bring myself to care right now.
I answer the phone, and the door, and talk to clients, and handle administrative hearings (Well I can, but I haven't had to yet), I draft stuff, then I revise the stuff I drafted, then I revise it fifteen more times to move one comma here and one there, and I wonder how this effects what I wrote, really I'm like a glorified secretary.

But as for a law firm having a lot more staff then lawyers this is very common. For example debt collection firms, might have 15 lawyers and 200 staff people who floor manage the cases. Foreclosure firms work the same way. There are two things a paralegal can't do, represent in court and give legal advice. We are a lot cheaper then attorneys, and we are more independent then secretaries.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

bmielke wrote:
webhick wrote:
But without Falls to represent me, Rauscher still had to find an attorney to represent me and she did her job. She talked James (Jim) P. McLoughlin, an old friend, into taking my case and saving her a lot of grief. So I got a call from McLoughlin who is senior partner with Moore & Van Allen, one if not the largest, law firms in Charlotte. The firm has over 300 attorneys so it would employ over 1000 people!
Correct me if I'm wrong. But that would mean that about 2/3 of the firm aren't lawyers. That kind of means that there's like a paralegal and a secretary for every lawyer in the firm. Cushy gig. I wonder if the firm knows that if you cross-breed the paralegal and the secretary you end up with someone who can do legal research AND answer the phone. I probably totally misclassified what a paralegal does. And I can't bring myself to care right now.
I answer the phone, and the door, and talk to clients, and handle administrative hearings (Well I can, but I haven't had to yet), I draft stuff, then I revise the stuff I drafted, then I revise it fifteen more times to move one comma here and one there, and I wonder how this effects what I wrote, really I'm like a glorified secretary.

But as for a law firm having a lot more staff then lawyers this is very common. For example debt collection firms, might have 15 lawyers and 200 staff people who floor manage the cases. Foreclosure firms work the same way. There are two things a paralegal can't do, represent in court and give legal advice. We are a lot cheaper then attorneys, and we are more independent then secretaries.
Thanks for the clarification. I had no real idea about the composition of law firms (or what paralegals typically do), just thought it was funny that he assumes that 300 lawyers automatically equates to 1000 employees. I looked up the firm just now, and it says that they have 300 legal professionals, not necessarily lawyers. I also went looking for employment stats and it looks like they've got 575 employees - a little over half of what Bernie assumed.
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