Genius at work?

Knight Templar of the Sacred Tax
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Re: Genius at work?

Post by Famspear »

CaptainKickback wrote:It also appears that Doreen has guzzled and swum in the Kool-aid and will continue "Pete's work" while he is in jail. Which then makes me wonder, how long before the IRS drops the million pound sh*thammer on her.
If the evil government does go after her, I hope -- only for the children's sake -- that the government waits until after Big Daddy is released from prison. If I recall correctly, they have a son and a daughter, and the son is still in grade school (I think).

Will Big Peter/Big Daddy/Know-It-All, the Fabulous Felon, the PontificatingPrisonBoundPeterMeister, change his ways after serving his latest sentence, and conform his behavior to that required by the internal revenue laws of the United States -- so as to avoid a third round of criminal charges, more convictions, and a third stint in Club Fed after he finishes the current prison sentence?

Or was that a silly question?
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: Genius at work?

Post by Nikki »

It's possible -- a stretch, but possible -- that his earnings were low enough to entitle him to a total refund of all withholdings.

HOWEVER -- if he filed an educated return, he might get a $5,000 bonus whereas if he had filed a norman return, he might have ended up in the black.

In any case, since he posted the amount of $1,249, it's entirely possible some low-level clerk at the IRS might decide to look at all rturns associated with that amount.
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Re: Genius at work?

Post by Dezcad »

Famspear wrote:
CaptainKickback wrote:It also appears that Doreen has guzzled and swum in the Kool-aid and will continue "Pete's work" while he is in jail. Which then makes me wonder, how long before the IRS drops the million pound sh*thammer on her.
If the evil government does go after her, I hope -- only for the children's sake -- that the government waits until after Big Daddy is released from prison. If I recall correctly, they have a son and a daughter, and the son is still in grade school (I think).

Will Big Peter/Big Daddy/Know-It-All, the Fabulous Felon, the PontificatingPrisonBoundPeterMeister, change his ways after serving his latest sentence, and conform his behavior to that required by the internal revenue laws of the United States -- so as to avoid a third round of criminal charges, more convictions, and a third stint in Club Fed after he finishes the current prison sentence?

Or was that a silly question?
Keep in mind that Doreen is a Defendant in the civil tax refund suit that is now under a possible contempt order. The Magistrate ruled on 4/16/2010, in part:
The Plaintiff has shown by clear and convincing evidence that the Defendants are in civil contempt of court. The Defendants have clearly expressed their intention to disregard this Court’s Amended Judgment and Order of Permanent Injunction of May 2, 2007, and have failed to provide any legitimate reasons for not filing amended tax returns for 2002 and 2003.

The purpose of civil contempt is compensatory and remedial, not punitive. In the Matter of Grand Jury Investigation, 748 F.Supp. 1188, 1199 (E.D. Mich. 1990). “The district court has inherent authority to fashion the remedy for contumacious conduct.” Liberte Capital Group, LLC v. Capwill, 462 F.3d 543, 557 (6th Cir. 2006). Daily fines or incarceration may be appropriate. United States v. Work Wear Corp., 602 F.2d 110, 115 (6th Cir. 1979) (“Civil contempt is meant to be remedial and to benefit the coercing the defendant to comply with the Court’s order vial a conditional fine or sentence...”).

(1) That Defendants bo ordered to appear before the Honorable Nancy G. Edmunds upon a day certain to be set by the Court, to show cause why they should not be adjudged in contempt by reason of the facts certified in this Report and Recommendation;
(2) That if, by the date of the show cause hearing, Defendants have not filed amended tax returns for the tax years 2002 and 2003, as ordered by this Court, they be found in contempt of court and subject to sanctions for civil contempt;
(3) That as part of these sanctions, the Court impose a conditional fine of $100.00 per day on each Defendant, until they comply with this Court’s order to file amended returns;
(4) That if the Defendants have not filed amended returns within 14 days of the imposition of per diem fines, they be ordered incarcerated until they comply with this Court’s Amended Judgment and Order of Permanent Injunction of May 2, 2007.

To which PH has filed:


stating, in part:
We object to Magistrate Whalen's report and recommendation in every
respect, and respectfully ask the Court to reject it and to deny Plaintiffs Motion, for the reasons
laid out in the accompanying brief.

1. There has never been a case or controversy to adjudicate, as Plaintiff agrees that we owe
it no tax.
2. Plaintiff invoked the Court's jurisdiction under false pretenses.
3. Plaintiff has never had standing to bring this suit, and thus, this Court has lacked
4. Plaintiff has never introduced any evidence in support of its claims; and the
"information return" hearsay upon which it relied is specifically declared by statute to be
insufficient to support findings and judgment in its favor.
5. By entertaining Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment before ruling on the various
Motions we flied in response to Plaintiff's Complaint, and then granting Plaintiff's Motion
and denying ours the same day, and without any hearing at any time, the Court violated
our right to due process of law.
6. Plaintiff failed to substantiate its assertion of jurisdiction pursuant to 26 USC 7401, and
the Court was therefore without jurisdiction.

This Motion seeks to Vacate the Judgment for which they are in Contempt even though that Judgment was affirmed on appeal to the 6th Cir and PH's petition for cert toh SCOTUS was denied.

It appears that both PH and Doreen could be held in civil contempt and incarcerated since it is clear that neither intend to comply.
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Re: Genius at work?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

It seems that Petey and Doreen care more about martyrdom than they do about their kids and families. Well -- bring it on. Let them stew in the Hotel Graybar for a while. They've been given every chance to avoid this fate; but since they seem to crave it so intensely I feel that it's time to satisfy their wish.

If they DO care more about their kids and family than they do about CtC idiocy -- they know what to do, and need only decide to do it.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Genius at work?

Post by LOBO »

Famspear wrote:
CaptainKickback wrote:It also appears that Doreen has guzzled and swum in the Kool-aid and will continue "Pete's work" while he is in jail. Which then makes me wonder, how long before the IRS drops the million pound sh*thammer on her

If the evil government does go after her, I hope -- only for the children's sake -- that the government waits until after Big Daddy is released from prison. If I recall correctly, they have a son and a daughter, and the son is still in grade school (I think).

Fifth from the bottom.

Seeing how they're handing the kool-aid down to their kids, locking them away at the same time might prevent them from further ruining their lives at such an early age.
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Re: Genius at work?

Post by LPC »

Dezcad wrote:It appears that both PH and Doreen could be held in civil contempt and incarcerated since it is clear that neither intend to comply.

The only question is for the district court judge: Are you going to let them get away with this cr*p.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.


Post by Harvester »

HA. Kid learns he's been victimized by a scam (misapplied income tax), asks for, and gets, his property back. And then y'all just laugh at him for moving off the plantation. Brilliant!

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Re: Genius at work?

Post by Famspear »

Harvester wrote:HA. Kid learns he's been victimized by a scam (misapplied income tax), asks for, and gets, his property back. And then y'all just laugh at him for moving off the plantation. Brilliant!

the sovereign people of America
Thank you for sharing that with us, Harvey.

Don't you have a nice coloring book, or something else you could be playing with?

"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet


Post by Harvester »

Oh, you're welcome anytime Famspaire. Mind telling us once again why we need to pay our labor to corrupt politicians and then used to bailout Wall Street banksters (and now Greece) in the absence of any statutes binding on we the sovereign people of America?

Anything else you'd like me to share?
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Re: Genius at work?

Post by Famspear »

Harvester wrote:Oh, you're welcome anytime Famspaire. Mind telling us once again why we need to pay our labor to corrupt politicians and then used to bailout Wall Street banksters (and now Greece) in the absence of any statutes binding on we the sovereign people of America?

Anything else you'd like me to share?
"pay our labor"?

"absence of any statutes"?

"we the sovereign people"?

Don't you have a nice video game you can play?

"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet
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Re: Genius at work?

Post by notorial dissent »

I really like the fantasy brief that they filed, and I mean pure fantasy, sort of wishing the whole trial away and walking away from it. It is just fantasy on their part though, and I would say that they definitely are on their way to a family contempt citation. Did they actually get a lawyer to file that, or did they do it themselves? I would think that any lawyer putting his name to that would be open to all kinds of sanctions.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Genius at work?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Famspear wrote:
Harvester wrote:Oh, you're welcome anytime Famspaire. Mind telling us once again why we need to pay our labor to corrupt politicians and then used to bailout Wall Street banksters (and now Greece) in the absence of any statutes binding on we the sovereign people of America?

Anything else you'd like me to share?
"pay our labor"?

"absence of any statutes"?

"we the sovereign people"?

Don't you have a nice video game you can play?

It's much more fun to sneak into the nurses' station and use their computer, and hope that they don't catch him, make him drink the Calming Kool-Aid and put him in the Time-Out Room, wearing the Special Jacket.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Harvester wrote:Oh, you're welcome anytime Famspaire. Mind telling us once again why we need to pay our labor to corrupt politicians and then used to bailout Wall Street banksters (and now Greece) in the absence of any statutes binding on we the sovereign people of America?

Anything else you'd like me to share?
The truth, if you're capable of it; but I'm not holding my breath.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Genius at work?

Post by Harvester »

hmm, interesting nurse fixation. Potta, the truth is out there, it's been broached here but receives an odd reception. Question you must ask, is Quatloos part of the controlled opposition, part of their plan to keep you an ignorant slave? If so, you may just have to get out more often.

We're a self-governing nation after all. Stand tall warriors! Keep the pressure on - cash in your retirement accounts and move out of Federal Reserve banks!
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Re: Genius at work?

Post by Dezcad »

notorial dissent wrote:I really like the fantasy brief that they filed, and I mean pure fantasy, sort of wishing the whole trial away and walking away from it. It is just fantasy on their part though, and I would say that they definitely are on their way to a family contempt citation. Did they actually get a lawyer to file that, or did they do it themselves? I would think that any lawyer putting his name to that would be open to all kinds of sanctions.
They filed everything themselves.

Re: Genius at work?

Post by silversopp »

Harvester wrote:Question you must ask, is Quatloos part of the controlled opposition, part of their plan to keep you an ignorant slave? If so, you may just have to get out more often.
How often do you think that Pete will get out? An hour of excercise each day.

If he was right, why is he in prison? If the folks here at Quatloos are wrong, why are they not in prison?
Keep the pressure on - cash in your retirement accounts and move out of Federal Reserve banks!
Not surprisingly, you're also an advocate of the "buy high, sell low" investment strategy. Cashing out your retirement accounts now, when the market just took a big dive, will cause you to lose a lot of money. Not to mention the potential penalty for early withdrawal.

Do you support yourself, or does someone else handle the bills for you?
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Re: Genius at work?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

[quote="Harvester"]hmm, interesting nurse fixation. Potta, the truth is out there, it's been broached here but receives an odd reception.

Yeah -- you're incapable of accepting it, and keep on wasting electrons with idiocies which have long since been discredited but which you find personally comforting.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Genius at work?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Whenever Harv and his ilk refer to themselves as "warriors", I can't help thinking of those old cartoons of a child, with his mother's saucepan on his head for a helmet, charging forth to do battle with a "sword", nailed together out of two wooden slats, in one hand. I'm also reminded of what Bill Mauldin referred to as "garritroopers". They were "too far forward to wear ties, and too far back to get shot" -- and content to stay that way; although they were certainly ready to refer to themselves as "combat troops" when the ladies were around.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Genius at work?

Post by Famspear »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Whenever Harv and his ilk refer to themselves as "warriors", I can't help thinking of those old cartoons of a child, with his mother's saucepan on his head for a helmet, charging forth to do battle with a "sword", nailed together out of two wooden slats, in one hand........
Yes, personally, I would feel embarrassed if I were to post -- even pseudonymously -- slogans like "stand tall warriors". Harvester apparently isn't self-aware enough to realize how silly his writing looks.

Many of the expressions of tax protesters (such as "patriot" and "sovereign individual" and "warrior" and "tax honesty") simply do not translate well, as normal people see Harvester and his ilk for what they are: criminals, con artists, scammers, and in large measure mentally disturbed to one degree or another. The use of these terms by tax protesters -- as a way of describing themselves -- comes off as comical and ridiculous -- rather like the way the participants in the Chinese Boxer Rebellion referred to themselves as the "Righteous Fists of Harmony" or the "Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists", or the "Fists of Righteous Harmony".

EDIT: Come to think of it, the comparison to the Chinese Boxer Rebellion participants is appropriate when thinking of the tax protesters, as members of both groups suffered from delusions. According to Wikipedia:
The Boxers believed that they could, through training, diet, martial arts, and prayer, perform extraordinary feats, such as flight and could become immune to swords and bullets. Further, they popularly claimed that millions of "spirit soldiers," would descend from the heavens and assist them in purifying China from foreign influences....
We see a lot of this kind of nonsense from Harvester. Recall his postings back in March about the "Guardians of the Free Republics" or whatever it was called (these were the people who, Harvester supposedly believed, were going to "take back" the country, or whatever, etc.). Harvester has this tendency to copy and paste any loony goof ball thing he sees on the internet. It's a bit hard to tell, sometimes, whether he really believes what he is writing (or copying and pasting) or, whether he is simply a troll.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: Genius at work?

Post by Harvester »

Ha! At least I'm fighting FOR something. For liberty, for the rule-of-law. For the restoration of our great nation in the face of all the Fabian/NWO/bankster Illuminati elite who've been quietly taking it over. Yet all you've got is ridicule and "if you don't consider your paycheck as income you're GOING TO JAIL!" I'm sorry y'all don't realize you're slaves. I'm telling ya, you can move off the plantation, keep your money, and not even be noticed by the IRS. I know, because I've done it.

oh yeah, since Fambozo likes it so much, STAND TALL WARRIORS! We're winning!