The Restore America Plan

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Brandybuck »

Omne wrote:A crucial point, it's like those who spend all day thinking about winning the lottery without actually buying a ticket.
One of these days I'll be walking down the street and there in the gutter will be the winning lotto ticket...

...and in the same dream Petey doesn't go to jail and Santa Claus delivers packies to all the good boys and girls.

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by bmielke »

Brandybuck wrote:
Omne wrote:A crucial point, it's like those who spend all day thinking about winning the lottery without actually buying a ticket.
One of these days I'll be walking down the street and there in the gutter will be the winning lotto ticket...

...and in the same dream Petey doesn't go to jail and Santa Claus delivers packies to all the good boys and girls.
I figure one of these days, I am going to land my dream job, I drive around all day, making stops here and there, dropping and picking stuff up and I get paid $100,000/year, and it is totally legal whatever I am moving around.
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Brandybuck wrote:
Omne wrote:A crucial point, it's like those who spend all day thinking about winning the lottery without actually buying a ticket.
One of these days I'll be walking down the street and there in the gutter will be the winning lotto ticket...

...and in the same dream Petey doesn't go to jail and Santa Claus delivers packies to all the good boys and girls.
... and then I wake up next to someone like Penélope Cruz or Drew Barrymore.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
... and then I wake up next to someone like Penélope Cruz or Drew Barrymore.
What's wrong with between...
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Mr. Mephistopheles wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:
... and then I wake up next to someone like Penélope Cruz or Drew Barrymore.
What's wrong with between...
I should only be so lucky....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »


First of all, on this particular forum "crazy" is a bar that's set really high. Compared to a NESARA promoter, people with unbelievable tax theories sound relatively sane.

Second, my tolerance of some pretty "out there" stuff is no excuse to get personal regarding off-topic items (e.g. "being randy").

Third, I kind of like this topic and would like getting back on it. The details of the plan don't matter to the NESARA folk, they just use its existence to back up their stories.

For example, the RAP RESTORE AMERICA PLAN and Nesara NEWS website tells us:

This blog is unique as it lists the latest Real -Time news as it is received. Many of the articles are submitted by the readers and are not verified or confirmed at posting. BOTH SIDES OF THE STORIES ARE BEING PRESENTED FOR YOUR REVIEW. Changes and modifications will occur as it happens. It is a Fast Moving News source - If you want slower/edited news, buy a magazine.

SHUTDOWN COMING in 5 days due to lack of support
This Blog may be shut down on Monday 5/10 due to lack of support.
Let's all make sure this site is in our thoughts and prayers. I will be thinking of them going to jail and praying for them not to get donations, of course, but they'll still be in my thoughts and prayers.
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Cathulhu »

I got into this blog hoping I'd get past a bad case of writer's block--and I keep seeing an editor read this stuff and start blue penciling like crazy. No, no! The plot's too stupid, where's suspension of disbelief? and a bunch of the crazier characters not only don't make sense, they never even attempt to! And they don't get any smarter, they never grow!

This would never sell.
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

Cathulhu wrote:This would never sell.
I dunno, it seems that every time I read a strange fantasy-based conspiracy theory on the web a couple of years later they come out with a movie based on it. I see Kathy Bates as Dove, Brad and Angelina as Rama and Tara, and Eric von Stroheim as Bellringer.
"Follow the Money"

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Brandybuck »

Deep Knight wrote:I dunno, it seems that every time I read a strange fantasy-based conspiracy theory on the web a couple of years later they come out with a movie based on it. I see Kathy Bates as Dove, Brad and Angelina as Rama and Tara, and Eric von Stroheim as Bellringer.
Throw in some chase scenes and explosions, and no one will notice the plot holes.

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Harvester »

Well there has been a little tiff or misunderstanding among the plan's leadership, perhaps the result of blackops by the TPTB (after all, they fund Quatloos to spread disinfo), but fear not Patriots, the Restore America Plan is alive and well; active in the background as we speak restoring the Republics!

If you go here and look at that Finality of Settlement Part II document, you'll begin to understand how we got into this sad state of affairs. And yep, it has everything to do with CENTRAL BANKING. Here's a tidbit from page 131:
Who is doing something about this scandalous state of affairs?

The people of America are. Like it or not, fifty grand juries of the people of America are active – one in each republic of America – formerly the incorporated “State of”. The “bonds” of the Governors have been arrested at the Depository Trust Corporation 50 – where all the trade in fraudulent tokens takes place. See the orders of the Grand Juries on page 658 et seq.

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by bmielke »

Harvester wrote:Well there has been a little tiff or misunderstanding among the plan's leadership, perhaps the result of blackops by the TPTB (after all, they fund Quatloos to spread disinfo), but fear not Patriots, the Restore America Plan is alive and well; active in the background as we speak restoring the Republics!

If you go here and look at that Finality of Settlement Part II document, you'll begin to understand how we got into this sad state of affairs. And yep, it has everything to do with CENTRAL BANKING. Here's a tidbit from page 131:
Who is doing something about this scandalous state of affairs?

The people of America are. Like it or not, fifty grand juries of the people of America are active – one in each republic of America – formerly the incorporated “State of”. The “bonds” of the Governors have been arrested at the Depository Trust Corporation 50 – where all the trade in fraudulent tokens takes place. See the orders of the Grand Juries on page 658 et seq.
Um...where to begin...

It's Friday, my boss is on vacation, a sixth grader just came and asked the paralegals how much math we do every day, I have 49 minutes before I can leave, and there are two other people left in the office...

So tiff?

One of your guys said the other guys just want to become the new "man", so instead of paying taxes to Washington and have them waste our money, we will pay it to some shadow group who is likely to use it to abolish the constitution.

So I don't think I can abide by that...

I don't like the Washington insider politics we have, I wish Bob Barr or Ron Paul was president, I wish taxes were at 12% across the board with no credits, no deductions, and no loopholes, but the shadow group of Grand Jurors surely won't stand for that.

So thanks for playing...

You should be on your way to the bar unless you lied and are not going,
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Cathulhu »

bmielke said:

"You should be on your way to the bar unless you lied and are not going,"

Of course he lied. Haven't caught him telling the truth yet.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by bmielke »

Cathulhu wrote:bmielke said:

"You should be on your way to the bar unless you lied and are not going,"

Of course he lied. Haven't caught him telling the truth yet.
Well bus fare is expensive, and he is likely on a "List" that keeps him from DC, plus Mother cou;dn't live without him for the weekend.

And it a long way from IL to DC, or even PA to DC, or where ever he lives, I am not sure we have ever gotten an answer that has remained the same for longer than two days.

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Nikki »

He heard who some of the surprise guests were going to be and chickened out.

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by bmielke »

Nikki wrote:He heard who some of the surprise guests were going to be and chickened out.
Maybe he just boycotted it because Hendrickson wasn't invited.
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

Bellringer posted this late (11:59 PM) yesterday the 26th, but dated it the 25th even though it was originally posted Saturday the 22nd. So, I guess "NOW!" isn't exactly "now," but in the world of NESARA, when has it ever been?

RESTORE AMERICA PLAN - What is Happening NOW! May 25, 2010
Restore America Plan - What is happening NOW!

< ... ening.html>

I have received several communications from RAP insiders. The consensus of these messages are as follows:

1) Very positive - GJ orders are being positioned for synchronous actions by the military this week.

2) Sovereignty of the America Republic has ALREADY BEEN SIGNED OFF and AGREED TO BY THE WORLD, especially China.

3) Announcements are imminent and will occur during the Prosperity packets distribution. The announcements will be shocking to many.

4) All the major Banking and Illuminati players have succumbed and already signed off.

5) The internal difficulties within the GJ are being addressed.

6) The secrecy mode of the RAP activities may be removed as the government officials removals become common knowledge in the mass media.

GOD Bless You And Yours,
GOD Bless America Again,
John MacHaffie

This generated 14 replies on the RAP-NESARA site:

Grandfatherjwv said...
I hope #4 is true, it sounds like a lie. Bankers and Illuminati give up? They must have been given something! Some kind of DEAL is problaby treason!
May 22, 2010 12:02 PM

Night Sky said...
Why has the website changed? It is only showing stories now instead of the usual comments windows?
May 22, 2010 12:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Thanks John!

May 22, 2010 12:55 PM

Anonymous said...
Please be real and right, please God. Prayers to all.
May 22, 2010 1:01 PM

Nancy Lazaryan said...
I certainly hope this is true.
Did some research of my own, trying to get info from my Governor's office and the FBI. (Prior to RAP I had several conversations with agents at the FBI about corruption in the state.) When I questioned them about RAP, they went silent.
The Gov.'s office refuses to answer my questions, requested under the state version of FOIA. Instead I was sent to the Capt. of the state patrol, who stated there is a current CRIMINAL investigation, and refused to give me any info. I asked for the complaint number on the criminal investigation and the name(s) of the investigators. No answer.
Then my Yahoo email account got hit with "worms". Every time I send an email message, it is sent "by code" to eight other addresses.
So, "something is up". What that something is, I have no idea.
I also find it very odd that the "de facto" government has been so "lacking" in handling the "oil spill". One might surmise many reasons for this.
HAARP and DARP have to be secured.
Whatever the outcome over the next week, people are going to need to pull together. I and many others are waiting and willing to help, we just need to know WHAT is going on.
We are at the point of critical mass.
May 22, 2010 1:06 PM

Anonymous said...
Geez on #4 . DId someone forget to tell Obama and the rest of our politicians about the bankers signing off. I wonder if the bankers told Cheney, "Sorry Dick, I can't give you the money today but check with us next week" Was Cheney the only guy the Bankers forget to tell Cheney.
May 22, 2010 1:13 PM

Anonymous said...
Maybe the Reserves are being mobilized to provide support when the announcements are made. Some people will surely lose it. I live in Colorado Springs and was up north near Denver this morning. Coming back, there was a convoy with jeeps on flatbeds heading north. Since we have Ft Carson Army base here, seeing a convoy on a Saturday isn't really questionable to me, but you never know.
May 22, 2010 2:44 PM

Anonymous said...
Well, at least it's nice to know that China approves of our Sovereignty, and the rest of the world, too!
Now, if we could just see a massive sweep of arrests...and no bail!
I'm hopeful, but at this point, I'll believe it when I see major arrests announced on the MSM.
May 22, 2010 3:02 PM

Grandfatherjwv said...
Nancy, how would I check for worms on my yahoo e-mail?
May 22, 2010 3:14 PM

Anonymous said...
Action is taking place be prepared. I dont know anything about the "packets" but I do know that everything is starting with the GJ.
May 22, 2010 6:35 PM

Nancy Lazaryan said...
How I discovered the worms is that I sent an email to someone that was NOT on my contact list, through my yahoo email account. I BCC some folks that WERE on my contact list.
After the email was sent, Yahoo brings up a page saying, basically, "do you want to add this person to your contact list".
Below that section of the page are the "other people on the contact list" that I had sent the email to. And on that list were EIGHT "coded entities". Definitely NOT from my Yahoo contacts. So I tried it again, and again. Last count I have TEN "coded entities" that my emails are being sent to.
So I set up a "secure" email account.
And guess what?
Most of my emails are NOT being delivered from the secure email site.
Fun and games, folks.
May 22, 2010 6:45 PM

Anonymous said...

Now, if we could just see a massive sweep of arrests...and no bail!

Now, if we could just see a massive sweep of arrests...and no bail!
Now, if we could just see a massive sweep of arrests...and no bail!
May 22, 2010 8:10 PM

asianunicorn said...
For those that want to see Paster David manning discussing his Grand Jury on Obama trial you can watch the video here...
This is sooo wonderful, now we just need to see those corruption personal being round up and arrested and see if their new club FEMA hotel are offering 1st class treatment.
May 26, 2010 6:16 AM

Anonymous said...
What is RAP and what is CJ. I am new to this website, not to the whole story.
May 26, 2010 10:27 AM

"RAP" of course is "Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis" (and you thought it was the "Reptilian Alliance Party") and CJ is "Caffeine Junkie." But since the original used "GJ" I went to look that up and found "Gastrojejunostomy," "GigaJoule," and "Grape Jelly," but nothing that makes sense in context. Any ideas?
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

Posted on the RAP-NESARA website early this morning.

Prosperity Packages --- WARNING - PACKET INFO
This blog will no longer be posting any packet received information.

The reason is it is too dangerous for the recipient. The bad guys Kill for this stuff.
We could not figure out any way without endangering the recipient.
I will be posting any confirmations of packets received without the details.


GOD Bless To You All,

John MacHaffie
Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:08 AM 0 comments

I agree. If you think you've received a packie with $billions in it, BE VERY CAREFUL since you obviously have lost contact with reality. I suggest Thorazine.
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by fortinbras »

This, of course, implies that some people have received NESARA money, without providing any identification of them.
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:This, of course, implies that some people have received NESARA money, without providing any identification of them.
The fact that you're not hearing about it means it must be happening! NESARA now!
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Cathulhu »

A great big ol' beater car passed me today, with a Nesara bumper sticker on it. After gasping for air in the cloud of exhaust from the obviously untuned engine, I was able to observe that it was driven by a large blonde lady with a cigarette and that the passenger, also smoking, wore a huge cowboy hat, possibly the largest one I'd ever seen. Maybe it was lined with tinfoil.

Sadly, traffic separated us before I could carry out further anthropological observations.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold