This Allegedly is "IT"

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by Deep Knight »


"Heads Up" for Tuesday.
We are back on track for "GO".
Remember--the cards in the Freedom packs are encrypted/damaged/tampered with.
Info will be provided how to do "damage control" on the cards.
Take a deep breath--this allegedly is "IT" with announcements to follow A.S.A.P.

---Wendy 9:57 PM EDT May 31st, 2010

That's right, we here at Quatloos are about to be proven wrong when each of you get $billions in the mail! Sorry. Please post your "I told you so" stories about getting your packies devliered on this thread, especially the personal intimate ones!
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Re: This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Ohgoshgollygeewhizwow -- this really is IT? Just like the last hundred times, I'm sure. They pull the packies in, they send the packies out....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by Thule »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:They pull the packies in, they send the packies out....
But when will they shake them all about?
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Re: This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Thule wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:They pull the packies in, they send the packies out....
But when will they shake them all about?
They do that when they do the hocus-pocus and they hear old Casper shout, "that's what it's all about."
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by Deep Knight »

Today for sure! And if not today, then by the 15th, for even more sure!

This is for the latest news on the RAP Programs on the net including sources and ref.inks. Blog is also including Nesara. These programs are GOD inspired global programs whereas the meek will inherit the earth. We are the White Knights restoring the world. The Davidic Kingdom is at hand. The evil ones day of rule is over. The control of the money is about to be given to God's anointed. GOD Bless You and Yours

This blog is unique as it lists the latest Real -Time news as it is received. Many of the articles are submitted by the readers and are not verified or confirmed at posting. BOTH SIDES OF THE STORIES ARE BEING PRESENTED FOR YOUR REVIEW. Changes and modifications will occur as it happens. It is a Fast Moving News source . 1620+ Posts -- CHECK OUT THE NEW TOOL

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Prosperity Packages --- Your LORD's message per this June
Word of The Lord for June 2010

by Phyllis Ford

This is a new season that I am preparing for my people, for it is a season of light and enlightenment. For I will unveil and uncover so many things that have not been clear and even those things that have been hidden that I am bringing to light. With this light will come my guidance and wisdom, so that you will know what to do and how to go about doing it, says the Lord.

For in one moment you will see confusion and say, “How will the work of the Lord be established in the midst of this trouble,” and in that moment I will bring solutions. I will bring remedy, and you will see change, transformation by my own hand, says the Lord. I will bring order out of chaos, and I will manifest my light in the midst of the darkness. And all will know that the hand of the Lord has come upon the situation for good and for my glory. So look to me; keep your eyes on me, not man, for the solutions. For in the preparing of my kingdom and the establishing of my work, all things will come forth as I have planned.

So wait before me, my people, as the circumstances around you begin to shift, change, and transform. For I am ordering a time of completion; and out of that which seems insignificant, I will bring forth greatness. And know that before all things began, the greatness was always established, but now it shall come forth and bring with it remedy. For I am ordering this time to yield forth my harvest, and my people shall recover, and victory shall be established.

So, praise me. Worship me. And it will strengthen you from the weariness of the day and get you ready to receive my light and glory.

I will order a shifting of key individuals into key areas to war, and to win, and to breakdown strongholds that have been in certain regions for a long time. And I will lift up some out of places of obscurity and put them in strong places of leadership. And in this changing of the guard, I will establish the new in fresh new ways and uproot old hindrances.

There will be other leadership established that will prove to be worst than the previous ones, but of those regions I will raise up Esthers and Mordecais to remove those evil leaders, and my people shall raise up and fight and live again with a new strength and a new integrity, says the Lord.

I will uncover the works of Jezebelic systems in government influencing other nations and even uncover the back door deals within the judicial systems and I will overturn, overturn, overturn, says the Lord.

And I say to my people in leadership in the house of the Lord, “Cleanse thy hands and cleanse thy ways, for my judgment is now moving upon you; and I shall establish righteousness in this hour, For you will no longer be able to continue in your iniquity, for your works will be uncovered and tried in the fire. And the kingdom of God will be rent from your hands because of your disobedience; for my truth shall be ordered and those who have deceived many for their own selfish rewards shall be removed.”

So I speak to my army of warriors and say---say on, pray on, and position yourselves. Because your prayers are building, healing, and repairing those who have suffered from the hands of the unrighteous, and it is creating new paths by which my people may go and know and grow.
So watch how quickly things will happen now; for there is a mighty acceleration that will bring forth things quickly and suddenly between now and the 15th of June ---- You will know the work of the Lord is being established in this hour, says the Lord.

So be encouraged, those of you that have walked in my precepts and followed in my word, for I am maturing you, nurturing you, and even defining you. So that you carry my deliverance and power not only for yourselves, but so that you may impart that same life to others as needed. I am saying to you, “Stand upon Holy Ground, and I will reveal my even greater truths --- so that you and those around may awaken and thrive in my light.”

For even as evil ones have moved forward to bring forth their plans, know that I am preparing you to discern their every move and even see their hiding places. For there are terrorist cells that are planning to implement new plots, but I will have people in place to watch in prayer and prevail in prayer, so that they may sound the alarm and much will be averted at this time.

Know that the travail that has come upon this nation is sure, but I am shielding and protecting (even strengthening) the hearts of my people, so they may be ready in times of upheaval. And they will prepare places of refuge and release compassion to those who have been caught in the midst of harm. There will be a distribution of resources and streams of finances, so that my work will not be hindered but under gird by my own hand. All that the month of May held back in the area of finances will be shaken out in the month of June.

So, remember my words---my covenant that I have brought forth and ratified by my blood---it shall be established, and it shall not be delayed.

So, fight through; press through; move forth with all you have, and don’t quit—you are so close to breakthrough.

So, stay on the path; for it is leading you forward to victory!!!

And as you humble yourself before me---you will receive promotion, and grace. In your need for understanding, you will have wisdom; and in your despair you will find peace and joy in my presence. For I will cover you and protect you---as you walk upon the path that I have provided for you---with new raiment, says the Lord.

~ Carpenters Touch Ministries ~
Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:55 AM
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Re: This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by Deep Knight »


This is for the latest news on the RAP Programs on the net including sources and ref.inks. Blog is also including Nesara. These programs are GOD inspired global programs whereas the meek will inherit the earth. We are the White Knights restoring the world. The Davidic Kingdom is at hand. The evil ones day of rule is over. The control of the money is about to be given to God's anointed. GOD Bless You and Yours.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Prosperity Packages --- Update 6-2-10

From 4 Insiders (2 still waiting)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:31 AM


Anonymous said...

Deliveries this week? Uhm. Now its all programs this week? Uhm. Boy, this just gets better everyday. Not!
June 2, 2010 5:51 AM

Anonymous said...

which programs? how many, what are they called? i only know nesera.. thanks for this good news John.
June 2, 2010 5:56 AM

John MacHaffie said...

All I was told that ALL programs are being delivered. I am not privy to which ones.

Nesara is not a prosperity fund. Freedom, Omega and Destiny are.
June 2, 2010 6:01 AM


can you explan What Freedom, Omega and Destiny are.
June 2, 2010 6:29 AM

Anonymous said...

Have there been any "confirmation of packets been delivered"? If not then this is just more of the same "hurry up and wait" stuff like I went through in the Army. I guess the price of admission is patience.
June 2, 2010 6:31 AM

John MacHaffie said...

As already posted on this blog.

My insiders relayed to me that Omega Packets have been delivered to the West Coast. The congregations of 3 churches all rec'd packets.
June 2, 2010 6:37 AM

Any of you "congregations of 3 churches" out there please leave a message telling us the details on my well-known secret line.
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Re: This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by texino »

I remember that packs were supposed to have been delivered in Orange County, CA and a trial of the NESARA money system and some mortgage forgiveness were to be carried out, that was around 10 or so years ago, when everyone was playing fast and loose with announcement dates and Dove was letting it be known that if anyone messed with her, she had the power to stop your dough. Another thing that was convenient were the attacks of 9/11/01 because Alan Greenspan was going to announce the whole NESARA deal from the WTC at 9:30. Of course there was nothing on the news that said "Fed Chairman to make important statement!" And so it goes. I guess I'll just wait for "It" all over again.
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Re: This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by ClemIsBack »

THIS IS IT .. but just in case it isn't .. PowerBall is up to $260,000,000
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Re: This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

ClemIsBack wrote:THIS IS IT .. but just in case it isn't .. PowerBall is up to $260,000,000
I prefer the odds on Powerball. I'm much more likely to become filthy rich, that way.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by Deep Knight »

John MacHaffie of RAP - NESARA posted this on his site, but for some strange reason this and Casper/Wendy's most recent stuff is off Bellringer's Foulwinds site. Sensitivity to giving more-or-less firm dates?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Casper 6-2-10 Report from "WE"

Report from "WE":

The packs have been "residing" at the Pentagon for the past 2 days while "Obama and The Band of Clowns" attempted to Trade the funds AGAIN. This was done utilizing MULTIPLE banks--and discovered.
The "China Man" was working with Obama and had moved the money to secret accounts under the direction of Obama. The funds have all been recovered and positioned back to where the money is supposed to be.
(Remember..the money is locked down--this is Digital Money Movement--not actual paper money moving.)
The "China Man" is now on his way home to China---to face what ever. He was "recalled".
(WENDY SAYS: I seem to recall Hara-kiri is an option they can and do exercise.)(Harakiri (or hara-kiri ) most often refers to a form of seppuku (or ritual suicide)

Again, the Freedom participants are being warned DO NOT USE ANY CARDS IN THE PACKS.

(IF you go abroad and to the bank--have the bank replace each card with a new card while you are the current answer to the question of WHAT TO DO WITH THE TAMPERED WITH CARDS.)
There is no certainty regarding the condition of the cards in other programs.
This certainty is only for the FREEDOM packs/cards.
"WE" are looking for delivery to happen at any time. Possibly this afternoon/evening.
Eyes Open.

--Wendy for "WE" 06-02-2010

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:15 PM 0 comments

Hari-kari or seppuku is Japanese, not Chinese. Then again, if someone of the mental capacity of Casper gets mixed up about this, they no doubt get mixed up themselves sometime and commit ritual suicide by mistake, so it could be true...
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Re: This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by Deep Knight »

ClemIsBack wrote:THIS IS IT .. but just in case it isn't .. PowerBall is up to $260,000,000
NESARA is just like Powerball at $260,000,000, only everybody wins, even if they haven't entered! NESARA Now! Or at least by the end of the week!
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Re: This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:
Hari-kari or seppuku is Japanese, not Chinese. Then again, if someone of the mental capacity of Casper gets mixed up about this, they no doubt get mixed up themselves sometime and commit ritual suicide by mistake, so it could be true...
Hey -- they've been fact-free, all along, so why mess things up now by getting something accurate?
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by ClemIsBack »

I was talking to some guy named FRANKENZAPPA last night and he said everything is a GO for deliveries sooooooon.

He is probably sitting alongside Casper in that bar in OshKosh.
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Re: This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by LaVidaRoja »

I think you left a google of oooo's out of sooooooooooooooooooooooooooon
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Re: This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by co-shoot »

Howdy Buckeroos....THIS IS IT.... HUH??

I sure hope... but ...wasn't it 'IT' when the Commander, who's family had him committed and for what ... talking to god ....well maybe for him that was gods will...
HAHHAHHA...these dudes need bucked off....if you get my drift.
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Re: This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by texino »

Hey CO-Shoot! How's things going down on the ranch? Glad to see that you are still in the mix.

Take care, Texino
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Re: This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by co-shoot »

HOEWOE... BIG TEXINO...STILL IN THE KNOW?? There is no working or devising in the

Life has many bridges to build and cross and sitting in a chair will surely make one a cripple so i just keep moving ...onward threw the fog as grandpaw would say lol.

Oh yes i still in the mix....sorta keeps me jumping...had to shoot a rattle snake the other day...its that time of the year.

Tex for keeping me among the living really did ..and i thank you....someday i hope if you ever need me i can be there for you..just call me in the usual manner...

bye for now and thanks!!!
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Re: This Allegedly is "IT"

Post by co-shoot »


So keep holdin' on

You've got your disappointments and sorrows
You ought to share the weight of that load with me
Then you will find that the light of tomorrow
It brings a new life for your eyes to see
There's a light at the end of this tunnel
For you, for you
Shinin' bright at the end of this tunnel
For you, for you
So keep holdin' on
Keep holding on
Keep holding on, now.

You've got your disappointments and sorrows
But I'm gonna try and give a little hope to you

Greetings and Salutations;

Oh yea, any body who read my last newsletter, could see, Poof was about to dust up out of here. Believe it or not even the big investors and attorneys were on the same page and they did react and met with the only people who could answer their questions about 'why not', for last week. They are not naive enough to be looking at the president or the shrubs, clinton, or any of them. They know where the power is and that's where they went to get their answers. Not that they were happy with all this wait but at least they got comprehensive answers to their questions.

They added more money and it took longer then what they had estimated. This money was added that had been stolen or stashed away for one reason or another, this came because those above the whole thing wanted it done, so it was. This is a house cleaning covering a few centuries so some strange stuff comes up once it was realized, the game ends now. If it wasn't handled now, that stuff would fade into the matrix they created, never to be addressed, again. Some really smart people are addressing all kinds of stuff about the state of the world and they are using words like, 'if'...thus and so isn't done, it'll be a bloody mess out here. Translate that as 'global depression'. The folks with the real juice saw that as completely unnecessary just because a few didn't want to share the bounty with the populace. This brought on the 'smack down' never to be forgotten. Remember, debt is debt, it can't be monetized in the new system it is only 'air'.

Technologies that had been hidden away for a long time are about to be released, as this takes place and the funds needed to get the stuff up and running publicly, are in place. The tech to clean the gulf and other water ways in the world are ready to go to work. People will be amazed. Matter of fact, there will be many big O's in the middle of people's faces as everything starts materializing for common use. The medical world will be transformed for a living component, rather than based on death. I include the entire global banking system. I see the email out here about bank closings, uh, what if you can flip these banks over night? A box cutter to pull off the shrink wrap on the currency sitting in vaults, load the drawers for the next day, and 5 minutes to change a chip in the atms, to recognize the new currency. It only took one chip to change the entire us and canadian banking system! No worries about those last century undersea cables the bad
guys had a habit a of cutting anymore.

This is not our parents' banking system anymore. We've crossed the bridge into the 21st century and now we walk thru the doorway...deliveries. BTW, they have eliminated much stress for receivers by bolting them directly into a trust so that takes you out of the whole 'what to do' once access has started. Much info has been given as to how far they have gone to protect you from yourself. Any questions, just ask your banker, he's a got something on him to not even want to try something. He will follow protocols because he'd be broke if he didn't and who wants to explain that to the family.

Volumes of info will be released to the people of the world. The announcements only start here, then go around the world and they'll last a bit because it will take a moment for everyone's grey matter to grasp the changes. Freedom requires letting go of one's control issues. If you can't give the next person the same freedom you want for yourself, you'll have a problem with this new world. So practice turning loose now otherwise those issues are going to keep confronting you. 'Treat your neighbor even, as you want to be treated'. It is true, this will go to the heart of the human condition. Yet, this is a revolution of global proportions, which is why it seems like it has taken forever to get here. Think about tho, it has taken them less time to reset the situation than it took folks to create the mess. Got to get an appreciation of history to fully understand that and for starters one can go back to the time of the medicis or 1066 in britain. Who owes
who and for how long? The issue of the proper bloodline of the british isles looms big in all of this. I dare to say, things will be a bit confusing there, as it is in the us, when this starts. Some folks have spent their lives believing things that have no roots in the facts, thanks to the soothe sayers, they've trusted. Now they are trying to dump jefferson, susan b anthony, and others out of the history books???!!! Have you lost your minds??? Who are they going to say wrote the declaration of independence...moses?

Yes, I'm leaving the states, I've got work to do that requires I go elsewhere, so no matter what tweaks they've done for everyone, that has never changed. It will not matter where you go anymore because it will be the same all around the world. I will only say, watching out for the sharks will be more present in the us than other places, with the less than nice guys leading because soooo much has been confiscated from them. I don't expect to be saying one more word, as the rubber has already started hitting the road, with the shock absorbers funded and in place. One last remark, the president laid out some things at carnegie mellon(and who was andrew carnegie?) the other day and said it again, the tax payer will not be tagged with this change, why has NO media person asked the follow up question; 'so then mr president, where are you getting the money from to do all this?' They were too concerned about whether he was devoid of emotions or not. Hey Jr
dropped a tear for everyone and what did that get you? Better have a tech head in there right now than somebody blowing smoke and being all touchy feely. Reagan was an actor, clinton felt your pain, and junior was protecting america even as he handed everything over to the bankers and the oil magnates, just as his daddy and cheney wanted.

Read your instructions and don't try to outsmart yourself, that bridge has been taken out. You will not be allowed to go back to the past, nor should you. Big Hugs to all of you, you've survived to the end.
I will be reaching the rest of you as quickly as possible, before I depart, that have requested a consultation, donations needed and accepted at account

Love and Kisses,
