Filing Bogus Liens = Jail Time

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Filing Bogus Liens = Jail Time

Post by GlimDropper »

OK, more jail time as the case may be:

Freeman Daniel Petersen sentenced in retaliation case

Filing bogus liens from prison against federal judges cost Montana Freeman Daniel E. Petersen more time in federal prison.

U.S. District Judge Donovan Frank in Minneapolis sentenced Petersen on Tuesday to seven and one-half years under a 2008 law that makes it a felony to retaliate against any government officer by filing false liens.

Petersen’s prosecution was the first of its kind nationwide, Minnesota U.S. Attorney B. Todd Jones said in a statement.

“Over the years, Petersen and his accomplices have repeatedly broken the law in an effort to enrich themselves. Those who have tried to stop them, including members of law enforcement and the judiciary, have been singled out for retaliation,’’ Jones said.
So,...this means he'll file even more liens against still more Judges? That's what a real Free Man on the Land (in a cell) would do. Oh, and sue the newspaper for copyright infringement, $10,000 (in gold) for each time they used his name.

Maritime liens never fail :brickwall:
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Re: Filing Bogus Liens = Jail Time

Post by wserra »

The jury got the case at 3:35 on the fourth day of trial. They returned a verdict of guilty on all counts at 5:00. In the interim, they sent this note, one of the funniest I've seen in a while. It amounts to, "Judge, please tell us again why we're here? At least let us do the obvious, so we can go home."

Following the sentence, Petersen has continued to file "bills" to the court for his "false arrest". They look quite similar to what Van Pelt filed against the Colorado state judges. Some people don't learn.

Finally, about ten days ago, Petersen filed a "24-hour offer of immunity": he will generously forget about the billions he is owed so long as the Court releases him within 24 hours.

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Re: Filing Bogus Liens = Jail Time

Post by fortinbras »

Not to worry. Since Petersen is so fastidious about the use of his name, he'll be known by a number for the next 15 years.

Re: Filing Bogus Liens = Jail Time

Post by bmielke »

fortinbras wrote:Not to worry. Since Petersen is so fastidious about the use of his name, he'll be known by a number for the next 15 years.
BOP should copyright his number so that everytime he sends or recieves mail he has to "pay" for the use of his number.
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Re: Filing Bogus Liens = Jail Time

Post by The Observer »

CaptainKickback wrote:
fortinbras wrote:Not to worry. Since Petersen is so fastidious about the use of his name, he'll be known by a number for the next 15 years.
I thought he would get a new name to use, like "Fresh Meat" or "Fish."
Actually, Famspear's nickname for Hendrickson ("Blowhard") should be appropriate for prison - although it will take on a new meaning there.
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Re: Filing Bogus Liens = Jail Time

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

You just have to wonder how many people are engaged in the fantasy and how many opportunities arise to lure others into it - especially those who are in some kind of trouble either financially or criminally.

I have seen gibberish very similar to that contained in the "24 Hour Offer of Immunity" and in particular:
In the interest of fair play, or in the event that your actions and/or inaction is do [sic] to a mistake on your part, ...
The author of the document is one James McBride, who was convicted some years back of, among other things, filing involuntary bankruptcy against an IRS agent involved in collecting taxes from his girlfriend. Not to mention doing the same thing to her two defense attorneys and filing a bogus lien on the property of the judge involved.

His case is littered with gibberish filings that the court finally ordered the clerk to stop accepting.

He's currently in custody after having his supervised release revoked. :roll:
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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