Steffan M. Bertsch

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Steffan M. Bertsch

Post by LPC »

This is a weird one, so bear with me.

I ran across a reference to a lawyer named Steffan M. Bertsch challenging the authority of the IRS to levy on property, and decided to look into his background and history. Some of the stuff I found is some of the strangest s**t ever to have sunk to the bottom of the Internet.

He's what I found that seems reliable:

1. Bertsch was a lawyer in Washingon (state) in the 1990s. He's not listed in any lawyer listing I checked, and WA doesn't have it's attorney records on-line, but PACER reports that Bertsch did appear as counsel for a defendant in a minor criminal action in the Eastern District of Washington in 1996.

2. Bertsch is quoted in Joseph Banister's "report" that Banister presented to the IRS before being fired. There are lots of email messages, articles, and other stuff consistent with the idea that Bertsch and Banister knew each other and communicated (or collaborated) together for awhile. It appears that Bertsch was also mentioned in articles published in the newsletter for Save-A-Patriot.

3. Bertsch also reportedly wrote to the governor of WA, the AG, and other officials complaining about the activities of the IRS. Here is the text of a press release attributed to Bertsch:
An Everett attorney, Steffan M. Bertsch, has spent over eighteen months examining the Internal Revenue Code and its regulations and has concluded that there is no authority for the IRS to seize any personal or real property in Washington State for alleged income tax liabilities from most citizens. Bertsch charges that the agency has been seizing property for decades through numerous deceptions and strong-arm methods, and has conducted an ongoing fraud that nearly everyone in the state believes is legal. The state of affairs is this: The IRS is operating outside the law and has placed the citizens of Washington State under governmental anarchy. Beginning in March of 1996, Bertsch sought the aid of the Attorney General of Washington, Christine Gregoire, in exposing the fraud. Ms. Gregoire’s office researched the issue and attempted to defend the unlawful acts of the agency, but has been totally unable to rebut Bertsch’s charge of fraudulent conversion of property by the IRS. On May 1, 1996, Bertsch also sought the aid of Edward Shea, the president of the Washington State Bar Association, to expose the fraudulent activity of the IRS seizing property without lawful authority. To date, the Bar Association has remained silent, which, considering the gravity of the charges, is most troubling. However, since the bar association, with the entire legal braintrust of the state at its disposal has been unable to respond, it is reasonable to assume that the bar association cannot defend the charges against the IRS in Washington State made by Bertsch. In April of 1996, Bertsch began correspondence with Governor Lowrey in an effort to halt the illegal seizures by the IRS in Washington State. The governor responded that "Because the issue raised is a federal matter, it is out of my jurisdiction as governor." Governor Lowrey added that, "I hope your efforts to resolve this matter prove worthwhile." The fraud Bertsch charges is too severe for the Bar Association to acknowledge, too egregious for the Attorney General to defend it, and originates from too great a power for the governor to act upon it. The duty of exposing a systematic fraud that only Charles Ponzi could admire falls upon the media.
Okay, so what happened to Bertsch? There are no Tax Court records, or current bar listings, so where did he go and what did he do?

Unfortunately, it looks like Bertsch got progressively weirder after that, and apparently went bat-s**t crazy.

The first sign I've found is an article under Bertsch's name dated 8/14/1999 that defends Banister, and states in part:
As long as that evil essence dominates this planet and keeps things running, the IRS will remain afloat. Evil keeps the people ignorant and uninformed. It haunts the judges and lawyers with bribes, threats and other persuasive tactics. It controls the minds of the masses. It is the current ruler of this world.

Not Skinner's, not Banister's, not Becraft's, not Kidd's, not Kotmire's, not Schiff's, not Bertsch's, not anyone's arguments will defeat against the IRS until the evil essence is destroyed. That is the vision that soldiers of truth should keep ever emblazoned upon their minds--the destruction of the evil essence--which will in turn destroy all of the IRS fraud, and all other fraud for that matter, and you won't need anyone's arguments . . . because evil will simply no longer be, and the IRS can't survive without the evil essence supporting it.
In an article under Bertsch's name that seems to have been written in 1999, President Clinton is accused of starting tornadoes in the midwest. "Clinton has at his disposal a weapon called HAARP, which has the ability to send enormously powerful pulses and waves into the atmosphere, and therefore, Clinton can conduct weather control and create storms." But the really spooky parts are the bibilical references and the conclusion:
Despite the gravity of the carnage in the Midwest and the terror it has caused, those who understand the war of Good and Evil, those who realize that America has become the part of the First Beast of Daniel, those who have patiently awaited Divine Judgment, those who Love God, will see these storms as a sign of the Most Glorious of Times on this Planet if they look into their hearts. That message is within for those who are somewhat awakened to this time, and comprehend at some level what is happening. Those with eyes and ears might well discern it is time for all who Love the True God to come out of the Harlot, time to stop serving evil and money and fraud, Time to Rejoice because Liberation from Evil is at hand.
Other essays under the Bertsch name can be found here, all of which seem to have been written in the 1990s.

What happened after that?

There are an alarmingly large number of messages scattered about suggesting that Bertsch changed his name to Steffan Stanford, moved to Australia, became a barrister in Queensland, married a woman named Amitakh who was (or is) married to a "Dr." Joseph Chiappalone. He may have also started an animal refuge, but he went into the weirdness business full time.

The following is dated 2008, and appears under the name of Amitakh Stanford:
Greetings to all Tarra-ha-tikas (Light Workers)

I am an extraterrestrial being - code name - Amitakh. I came to the Earth as a "walk-in".

One of my main responsibilities has been to keep close tabs on an evil alien being - code name - Ikluk.

The ruling elite are intimidated by my writings. The beings of Darkness try all sorts of ways to link me with Ikluk, who has "re-incarnated" on Earth many times over millennia. He has taken on many identities, such as: Aaron (brother/cousin of Moses), John the Baptist, Kirok, King Arthur, Hitler and, in his current "incarnation", he has taken on a relatively insignificant body as a small-town medical doctor known as Joseph Chiappalone.

In order to attempt to discredit me, the ruling elite have deliberately tried to link me and my work with Ikluk on the internet via many ruling elite websites, which include search engines, bulletin boards, and other types of websites.

It is now time to make certain announcements:
Forget the announcements. You get the picture.

The most "complete" and somewhat objective compilation of this nonsense can be found here.

What I'm not sure about is whether all this nonsense is just the ravings of emotionally disturbed people using the Internet as a relatively harmless outlet for their schizophrenia, an inside joke/hoax that's just being perpetuated by some jerks who don't know when to quit, or some real cultists working themselves up to a Helter-Skelter ending.

But I think that it illustrates the very thin line between tax denial and full-fledged whacko-ville. An IRS agent (Banister) quotes this guy as an authority, and he and his wife are later writing about space aliens. Great authority.
Dan Evans
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Re: Steffan M. Bertsch

Post by The Observer »

The governor responded that "Because the issue raised is a federal matter, it is out of my jurisdiction as governor." Governor Lowrey added that, "I hope your efforts to resolve this matter prove worthwhile."
How hard was it for the governor to write that line without breaking out in hysterical laughter?
Okay, so what happened to Bertsch? There are no Tax Court records, or current bar listings, so where did he go and what did he do?
I was going to suggest the Washington Bar Association had him kidnapped and shipped out of the country just as a practical means to protecting their good name.
As long as that evil essence dominates this planet and keeps things running, the IRS will remain afloat. Evil keeps the people ignorant and uninformed. It haunts the judges and lawyers with bribes, threats and other persuasive tactics. It controls the minds of the masses. It is the current ruler of this world.
Ok, he has definitely gone too far - that is a direct quote from the opening paragraph of the Illuminati Procedures Manual. I can tolerate them trying to expose our secrets and ruining our conspiracies and stealing our coupons, but when they stoop to stealing our writings and try to pass it off as their own - the gloves are off.
In an article under Bertsch's name that seems to have been written in 1999, President Clinton is accused of starting tornadoes in the midwest. "Clinton has at his disposal a weapon called HAARP, which has the ability to send enormously powerful pulses and waves into the atmosphere, and therefore, Clinton can conduct weather control and create storms."
This was a topic thread here a number of years back - I just can't remember it being associated with any particular TP or that Clinton was particularly blamed for the tornadoes. I remember it as being a shadowy government unit that was doing this.
There are an alarmingly large number of messages scattered about suggesting that Bertsch changed his name to Steffan Stanford, moved to Australia, became a barrister in Queensland, married a woman named Amitakh who was (or is) married to a "Dr." Joseph Chiappalone. He may have also started an animal refuge, but he went into the weirdness business full time.
If it isn't true, it would be a good starting outline for a new reality series. Or at least a new NESARA topic.
But I think that it illustrates the very thin line between tax denial and full-fledged whacko-ville. An IRS agent (Banister) quotes this guy as an authority, and he and his wife are later writing about space aliens. Great authority.
Not totally unexpected. I recall Banister himself waxing religious in terms of justifying his position on the income tax, so he may have connected with Bertsch on that level and never bothered to check out what else Bertsch was smokin- er, writing.
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Re: Steffan M. Bertsch

Post by The Operative »

Bertsch wrote:Ms. Gregoire’s office researched the issue and attempted to defend the unlawful acts of the agency, but has been totally unable to rebut Bertsch’s charge of fraudulent conversion of property by the IRS.
Translation: Ms. Gregoire's office provided the correct legal basis for the levy and lien actions of the IRS and Bertsch rejected them because it didn't fit in with his delusions.
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Re: Steffan M. Bertsch

Post by notorial dissent »

All of which is just further proof of why TP's should not be allowed to watch bad science fiction movies, should really keep their tinfoil beanies on tighter, and really should be kept on their regular medication, or should at least have it adjusted regularly.
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Re: Steffan M. Bertsch

Post by The Dog »

I'm very concerned.

In Britain, not so many years ago we produced David Icke. Now it looks like the Australians might have gone one better.
Tax Man

Re: Steffan M. Bertsch

Post by Tax Man »

LPC wrote:This is a weird one, so bear with me.

I ran across a reference to a lawyer named Steffan M. Bertsch challenging the authority of the IRS to levy on property, and decided to look into his background and history. Some of the stuff I found is some of the strangest s**t ever to have sunk to the bottom of the Internet.

He's what I found that seems reliable:

In an article under Bertsch's name that seems to have been written in 1999, President Clinton is accused of starting tornadoes in the midwest. "Clinton has at his disposal a weapon called HAARP, which has the ability to send enormously powerful pulses and waves into the atmosphere, and therefore, Clinton can conduct weather control and create storms." But the really spooky parts are the bibilical references and the conclusion:
Despite the gravity of the carnage in the Midwest and the terror it has caused, those who understand the war of Good and Evil, those who realize that America has become the part of the First Beast of Daniel, those who have patiently awaited Divine Judgment, those who Love God, will see these storms as a sign of the Most Glorious of Times on this Planet if they look into their hearts. That message is within for those who are somewhat awakened to this time, and comprehend at some level what is happening. Those with eyes and ears might well discern it is time for all who Love the True God to come out of the Harlot, time to stop serving evil and money and fraud, Time to Rejoice because Liberation from Evil is at hand.
There certainly was a lot of blowing going around during Clinton's presidency but it wasn't in the midwest.
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Re: Steffan M. Bertsch

Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:I took three years of undergraduate physics at Berkeley and am the daughter of a nuclear physicist. That's gotta count for something, even if it doesn't do bupkis for cocktail party conversation.
You obviously have not heard of the aptly-named "Vinturi". It's a wine aerator which uses the venturi effect (formerly used in auto carburetors, or currently used in auto carburetors if you can find any). Why, you could be the center of attention by tracing the history of the venturi back to Bernoulli's principle and the equation of continuity. You could even explain how similar the aerator is to the de Laval nozzle used in every rocket engine.

You just don't go to the right cocktail parties. (Three semesters - not years, granted - of undergrad physics at Princeton. Bo knows parties.)
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Re: Steffan M. Bertsch

Post by Demosthenes »

Of course I don't go to the right parties. I live in DC.

Typical mingling conversation at a DC party.

Nice couple walks up, martinis in hand, and starts chitchatting.

Them: Hi, I'm Bob and this is my wife, Kate.

Me: Howdy. I'm JJ.

Them: What did you think of [insert most recent political event here]?

Me: What a stinkin' waste of money.

Them (having determined my political leanings): You work on the Hill, JJ?

Me: No, I'm a self-employed insurance analyst and I'm writing a book on right wing extremists.

Them (backing away slightly, since only Hill staffers are useful to them): Oh, that sounds interesting.

(Bob wanders off.)

Mary: Do you have kids?

Me: I have three cats...

Mary (looking desperate): What church do you belong to?

Me: What church? Seriously?

(Mary spies an old friend she hasn't seen in at least five minutes, and rushes off.)

Bottom line: at social events, people in DC are desperately searching for useful contacts, not friendship or interesting conversation.
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Re: Steffan M. Bertsch

Post by Prof »

Demo, in the 4 years I lived in DC (Upland Terrace, NW DC), I do not think I ever met anyone under any circumstances who did not go to great lengths to show me that he or she was more important than I was ( hyperbole, of course; I did know some nice folks).
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Re: Steffan M. Bertsch

Post by LPC »

CaptainKickback wrote:All of the HAARP and physics related stuff is now in Potpourri.

In two parts.

Because for the life of me I could not figure out how to get posts on multiple pages to all neatly transfer to a new topic together, and failing that how to get the new topics to merge.

I had (what I think was) a similar experience trying to spin off some Harvester thread drift. Fortunately, I was doing it at 6 am so no one noticed all the thrashing about as I created new threads, then merged them, then split them, etc.
Dan Evans
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Re: Steffan M. Bertsch

Post by Cathulhu »

LPC wrote:
CaptainKickback wrote:All of the HAARP and physics related stuff is now in Potpourri.

In two parts.

Because for the life of me I could not figure out how to get posts on multiple pages to all neatly transfer to a new topic together, and failing that how to get the new topics to merge.

I had (what I think was) a similar experience trying to spin off some Harvester thread drift. Fortunately, I was doing it at 6 am so no one noticed all the thrashing about as I created new threads, then merged them, then split them, etc.
I tend to be up in the wee hours; I'm allergic to opiates and I broke my back not long ago, which is why I ain't traveling for a while. But if I notice the threads dancing, I won't tell.
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